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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53455449 No.53455449 [Reply] [Original]

So what the fuck happened to this shit?

>> No.53455456

lol. lmao.

>> No.53455460


>> No.53455472

It because a government approved coin, so a bit like fiat where you need permission to use it

>> No.53455480

damn autocorrect

>> No.53455488

Ffuck you monero fags
Your bullshit narratives are easy to spot

>> No.53455521

Basically this

>> No.53455544

This was supposed to be the next big thing and suddenly not an ounce of news. Why the fuck did I lock my ETH for this shit? Am I gonna be fucked once ETH reaches ATH and I can't fucking take profits? How the fuck does Skellyman benefit from this?

>> No.53456017 [DELETED] 

>once ETH reaches ATH
..anon, I...

>> No.53456040



>> No.53456045

>Why the fuck did I lock my ETH
>once ETH reaches ATH
..anon, I...

>> No.53456051

The fuck is this shit?

>> No.53456067

Copium for retards that don't know why it gongos

>> No.53456112

ETH being deflationary is about as credible as the Fed tightening.

They will do it for as long as it suits them then print to infinity.

>> No.53456154

Imagine wanting kids like vitalik to larp as the federal reserve with your life savings. ETHfags have gone full schizo.

>> No.53456209

Basically they realized this shit will not scale or work long term and the code base is too fucked up
So they pivoted to prioritizing a burn mechanism to try and pump it as long as they can as much as they can before it's ultimately replaced by an actual usable DLT like AVAX or HBAR

>> No.53456274

So why the fuck coonbase and niggernance still holding people's ETH hostage?

>> No.53456290

Wait until first quarter 2018 when Casper is released

>> No.53456294

It’s ethereum holding it hostage dummy

>> No.53456313

it turned out to be fake and gay. many such cases.

>> No.53456513

What the other guy said
If you staked your ETH you're at the mercy of Ethereum being far enough in their development to unlock your tokens
And surprise surprise they are behind schedule like they are always because ETH is a dumpsterfire

>> No.53456603

every single one of your posts contains profanities.
people like you are not welcome here.

>> No.53456651

You traded a liquid commodity for an illiquid one based off what an autistic pedo said.

lmao have you considered diversifying into NFTs

>> No.53456655

The only way you're getting that ETH back is with a fork and new developer team.

>> No.53456659

ETH isn't a commodity

>> No.53456660

good point I misspoke

>> No.53456664

do NOT lose faith ETH bros ETH Haiti is just around the corner! The ETH foundation have finalized their mandatory implementation of the pride flag and pronouns!
EIP-666 deletes wrongthink from the blockchain just as Orwell intended!

Chuds BTFO

>> No.53456671

Eth is a shitcoin. Are you even surprised?

>> No.53456686
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Do you guys remember using this when etherdelta was around?
Transactions were fractions of pennies
I really thought ETH was going to be the next Wall Street
Now BSC stole the casino and ETH is a dead coin
Nobody saw that coming

>> No.53456707
File: 257 KB, 807x544, gupta-censorship-ethereum-gab-nazi-communists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EIP-666 deletes wrongthink from the blockchain just as Orwell intended!

>> No.53456714

Greedy and complacent, trying to pump their heavy bags instead of making a useful product. It's really not surprising at all

>> No.53456745

You can wrap your staked eth with our wrapbuckscoin(tm)[r] that earns 90% credcash yield!

>> No.53457170


>> No.53457197

>I can’t sell my ETH
>how does the guy holding a bunch of ETH to sell benefit from this
Anon I…

>> No.53457322

it's not about permission in this case because there is competition in the scene. if bnb, avax, or whatever didnt exist then they would put more and more tyrannical restrictions since they don't have to worry about customers going elsewhere

>> No.53457345

>Why the fuck did I lock my ETH for this shit?
that never happened, avax roaches like you are way too poor too afford 32ETH. now go seethe somewhere else that everyone ignores your shitcoin.

>> No.53457389

Eth is a security and vitalik is the ceo.

>> No.53457399

>cant sell staked ETH
this is the perfect situation. I see no problem here. ETH is sound money.

At ETH Haiti I plan on discussing our communist goals moving forward I hope you will be there comrades

>> No.53457993
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>> No.53458442

6/10 bait made me chuckle

>> No.53458511

>doesn't reduce fees
>doesn't increase throughput
>doesn't speed up 14 minute finality


>> No.53459297

Ethereum stopped being innovative in 2018, They're so satiated that their current plan is basically letting 3rd parties scale their technical debt loaded chain with muh L2s, Solution that'll be applicable to every other L1 out there. And their utterly biased community eat everything the foundation is pushing and stink the crypto community like no other, If you disagree or add to anything to current ETH subhumans narratives you'll get mass cancelled by pseuds, pseuds that have too much power they shouldn't, It's grim situation at the moment

>> No.53459414

Ethereum is still number 2 by marketcap and always will be. Bitcoin and Ethereum are only coins that will ever matter. If you dont own 32eth by now you are just poorfag who missed out. Go chase those alt shitcoins. ETH AND BTC ALREADY WON!

>> No.53459452
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>> No.53460184


>> No.53460200

Memes aside, whatever happened to that commie bastard?

>> No.53460252

any illusions i had about ETH disappeared instantly after interacting with ETH Foundation-connected people IRL. the most insufferable, unethical, covert narcissistic people i've ever met, completely unwilling to admit anything wrong with their shitty spaghetti code chain run by Wall Street mafia and depending on SEC corruption to hold on to its position as top dog
Fuck Joe Lubin

>> No.53460352
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might be released as soon as two weeks after John Cena's heel turn.

>> No.53461331

It's literally how it feels. Not a drop of news regarding progress. It's like we're all just expected to forget about it.

>> No.53462177

Money skelly really fucked all of us

>> No.53462265

The planet is safe from the noxious fumes of NVIDIA miners

>> No.53462804

Some normalfags who locked down $100k at $4k eth might make it by accident if it's unlocked when Eth is 100k in 2040.

>> No.53463487

Ethereum is my favorite bank-issued unregistered security

>> No.53464074

Centralized POS. They can’t unlock funds because it will then dump and the devs aren’t done milking it. Just wait until Vitalik ‘dies suddenly’. Don’t buy projects that rely on a person.

>> No.53465252

I don't give a damn about shits I'm focused on my identity plug on-chain with self custody a lot easier for retards

>> No.53465301

It all started when they went POS. They've been total shit.

>> No.53466148


>> No.53466175

I'm trying to decide between spending my bonus from work on ETH or ORE

>> No.53466186
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based reddit shooer

>> No.53466212

Yes it is. It's a digital commodity, which really means a new type of financial asset that has value in a similar way to commodities.

>> No.53466296

Everyone moved their goalposts because they said PoS would never happen, and it did, so they need to say it'll never do XYZ until it eventually does XYZ. Their ghostchains they have bags on get like 4 transactions a week on them so they need to fud against ETH to feel better.

All the volume is on ETH because it's the best L1.

>> No.53466830

This blows anon. More reasons why decentralization should be focused on and save users all the stress. I have been doing research there and in web3 as I see platforms that provide decentralized communication taking a major leg up

>> No.53466857

too many people were bitching about their eth being locked, so eth devs decided to prioritize unlocking. so instead of getting a massive scalability upgrade (eip 4844) in march we'll be getting it in september

>> No.53467471

Ethereum is an unregistered security

>> No.53467635

The federal reserve is a private org, full of Jew larpers

>> No.53467641


>> No.53467662

Wtf I'm unironically an ETH minimalist now

>> No.53467676

Pulsechain beat it to market so it literally became token not needed