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53453488 No.53453488 [Reply] [Original]

I do the same.

>> No.53453493

Same. Fuck employers. Jew bastards, the lot of them.

>> No.53453525

Never understood why this wasn't a normal part of applying

>> No.53453553

It should be mandatory. I work for money, not because i have a slave fetish.

>> No.53453554

You'll do it for free.

>> No.53453574

makes sense, who the fuck is interested in going through 3-4 rounds of interviews only to find out that you'll be doing more work than your current job for less pay?

>> No.53453593

Good. While they're at it can they stop asking for cover letters, now that chatgpt exists?

>> No.53453605

If it doesn't list wage its a poorfag shithole

>> No.53453616

Can they also stop giving dirty looks when your reasoning to apply is making money?

>oh no no anon that is not what we are looking for.. we want someone who is passionate and is trying to make a career out of this opportunity!

fuck you cunt, you are in the business to make money but somehow I can't do the same?

>> No.53453620

Keep this plebbit shit out of here

>> No.53453647

>we want someone who is passionate and is trying to make a career out of this opportunity!

It's fun because you hear this bullshit literally for any kind of work. What kind of career am i supposed to make out of a blue collar job? Gimme the money, you dumb whore.

>> No.53453652

I will not apply for the job unless pussy is available

>> No.53453665

No feeling better in the world than refusing job offers and hanging up after laughing at recruiters. Set these fuckers straight or we will never get proper pay. Never accept a job where you are paid less than you are worth. These greedy cunts need us more than we need them

>> No.53453685

Cock suckers raise their price every year to make up for inflation.
Business goes down-they lay off workers ASAP
Not making a profit-they close the doors

>but no one wants to work hurr durr

>> No.53453687

>our employees are enthusiastic self-starters, and can earn realistically an uncapped salary of $200k+! (after split) send us both a cover letter expressing your interest and your resume today!

>> No.53453739

>apply for job with salary of $75k
>go to “interview”
>placed in a room with other people to hear a sales pitch about selling medical coverage to business
I review bombed the shit out of them with several accounts and they are still seething for me to remove the reviews

>> No.53453927


>> No.53453972

It seems to be a shibboleth, if you don't know you're supposed to say you're "passionate" or "excited" or whatever then you're not "in".

>> No.53453989

this might be the only time I have ever heard of anything based coming from zoomers.

>> No.53454044

Also it probably makes them fear that you will leave as soon as more money comes around, while they hope to get you in a position where the other offers you get aren't enough to overcome the inertia against changing jobs.

>> No.53454059

>sweetie the salary is negotiable, what are your expectations?

>> No.53454138
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>gen z won't accept your offer of exchanging money for labour when you won't tell them how much money you're offering to exchange for labour

>> No.53454160

I do the same thing, fuck employers that don't list salary or pay

t. gen x

>> No.53454165
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>Compensation: Competitive

>> No.53454190

fucking BASED. I've done this on indeed as well. Fuck those cunts.

>> No.53454206
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That's because zoom zooms have little to no experience in anything. Pay is usually based on experience

>> No.53454240

How do you get experience without getting experience idiot?

>> No.53454260
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Because they want to pay you the less possible amount of money, that's why they ask questions like "how much would you like to get paid?". And that's why you should ask for at least 25% more of what you really want to earn.

>> No.53454274

are you only here for the money?

>> No.53454275

Yeah, i agree. Why dont they hire me without a CV?

>> No.53454478
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He doesn't know. Typical zoom zoom

>> No.53454508

I always joke about this and use the scene from Lilo and Stitch as reference where Nani is trying to get a job and she keeps bullshitting about why she is passionate about each specific job all day. Jesus christ, who the fuck wants a job because they love helping customers with their faggy problems lmao.

>> No.53454548

I've literally always said the reason I go to work is to make money to do the things I actually want to do. The saving grace is I also take a lot of pride in my work, and I don't want anyone to think I'm lazy. So I'll bust my ass at exactly the thing I was hired to do, for exactly the amount of time I am being paid to do it. You get nothing more and nothing less out of me.

At this point in history, that makes me more desirable than the vast, vast majority of people I apply against.

>> No.53454568

same, based.
I wont even apply if it says "applications of women and minorities are also welcomed" or similar bs.
That shit is literal racism, so if you want them just say it outright.

>> No.53454621

I've seen some jobs post a pay range "based on experience." At least this gives you an idea of whether or not it's worth it to even try

>> No.53454754

I accepted a job for $50K and went to $80K salary within 2 years. If they don't increase my salary to $90K this year I'll quit.

"Loyalty" is dead. Pay me.

>> No.53454790

I was looking for jobs once and one of the postings didn't even have the shift hours

I asked the recruiter and she said I'd have to apply first and someone from the company would let me know....

>> No.53455434

Mandated by law in the shiteastern european hole I live at

>> No.53456887

They do this because EXISTING employees of the company will also look at these jobs listings.

>> No.53456902

The hero we need.

>> No.53456930


>> No.53456936

Fuck you are dumb. You work and gain experience, thus you are then experienced and get increases in wages.

>> No.53456958

Okay, and . . . ?

>> No.53456972

I've once faxbombed a company with pictures of bicycles because the fuckers threw out or had my bike taken by the cops because I placed my bike wrong when I was in a hurry to catch a train.

>> No.53456981

Fucking based
If you don't list your salary then you are not going to pay a good salary

>> No.53457002

Yeah but this marks you as a willing slave. They force you to say you love working and don't care about money, it's a shit test to make sure they only hire grovelers and sycophants who will never question them. HR only cares about keeping costs down, until the company goes under from cuts and incompetence.

>> No.53457009

Opposite actually. I got more pay going for a job that didn't advertise the salary...

>> No.53457033
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>mfw "competitive" pay

>> No.53457046

>I work for money, not because i have a slave fetish.
It's funny that they always ask you why you want to join their company during the job interviews and you have to make up a bunch of excuses about how you love that company, you wanted to contribute and grow with them, etc

>> No.53457049

>You should be a miserably poor fuck in your peak years because uh....you just need to ok? That 70 year old boomer millionaire who refuses to retire needs more money than you!

>> No.53457050

They don't want some idiot they duped into working for little money into asking for more money.

>> No.53457051

Good. Not clearly displaying wage or salary should be illegal. Fuck off with "competitive".

>> No.53457059

That's only what boomers say because they have an unwritten agreement to only help each other, people younger than them should be their slaves. This wouldn't work if they didn't all hold the line. You notice they're never paid based on performance.
In my area my father made 47k in 1995 as an entry level assistant restaurant manager. That same job at that same chain restaurant paid my friend 35k and also included extra janitorial and kitchen duties that was done by others back then. We are basically slowly becoming a middle eastern country of slaves and masters.

>> No.53457069

It's their form of mentally buck breaking you. They don't see you as a human being.

>> No.53457093

That's not typical though.

>> No.53457099

I don't get why they are all so obsessed with experience when most of the times people can learn how to do the job in 1 week of onboarding

>> No.53457104

That means you were underpaid in your previous job

>> No.53457109

Oldest millennials are 40 years old, the vast majority are poor and have much lower pay than their parents did. It's over the carrot is on a string stop jumping.

>> No.53457126

so why is not duping anyone not an option?

>> No.53457128

It's simple, that makes sure the oldest in a company will always have the upper hand. Making your energetic subordinates do all the work while you keep the money. Every time the economy has ever crashed the cause was greed at the top.

>> No.53457157

Yes you should because your lack of experience is almost worthless.

>> No.53457159

Because owners of companies are usually sociopaths, they hire other sociopaths to manage the dupes and keep them full of lies and duped. If you want to not see the owner for a month or two ask him for a small raise. My last job they told me they expected me to stay for less money only offering 5% raise, they said 70-72 and 78 were in the same basic pay range. They think they are very smart and you are very stupid because they surround themselves with yes men.

>> No.53457165

No it means my last job was a shitty larger company, American, and the new one is European and I have more experience. A lack of salary advertisement means you can negotiate. If you suck at negotiation, you will find this un-salaried job unappealing.

>> No.53457187

kek I always love seeing these. If its so competitive, why not list it?

>> No.53457193

There's never been a correlation tested in most careers beyond 2 years. Most older people do the same job but sloppier except in highly technical and evolving fields. My friends dad is an air traffic controller, he got promoted after failing to learn the new computer system. Old people make all the rules, enjoy.

>> No.53457213

just name every position differently even if the job is the same.
> bob gets more cause he's a ninja senior anal-twisting engineer unicorn.

>> No.53457226

>Applying for jobs
I can't even imagine working for someone else when learning is free

>> No.53457437

You do it for free, or suck boomers cock.

>> No.53457463

I respect Genz but I as a Millenial hsve been doing the same. These HR fucks waste so much time string you along and at the end they tell you in the final round of candidates if you want the job you will have to work for xxx amount which is below typical yearly earnings.
Fuck these scamming genx and boomer fucks. Wish the vaxx killed them all off.

>> No.53457526

>be me
>never applied for a jerb in my life
>come here to indulge in the feeling of righteous contempt
these employers deserve to be spat upon

>> No.53457782

Ironically it's how they justify their own position at the company, "by lowering overhead". Stings a bit more when you realize the massive HR Salaries could go to workers.

>> No.53457896

>apply for position
>have 7 yoe in said position
>HR decides to shit test you anyway
>"umm well that's great and all but the breadth of this field is too wide for me to take your experience into consideration"
they'll try to nickel and dime you every time because HR are mostly clueless ass kissers and their managers set retarded KPIs that encourage endless jewing of candidates

>> No.53457967

Sam was onto something

>> No.53458004
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>> No.53458489

You can lie though. Ofc you're going to leave when a good enough offer comes along.

>> No.53458539

Devil's advocate: they're trying to gauge if you have actually thought about the future and if this job is part of a career plan.

>> No.53458600

I was making $4 an hour more than one of my co workers in the same job. They were making him do twice as much as i was doing while i wasn't doing shit kek i felt really bad for him but i kept my mouth shut because he was like a few years younger than me and he needs to learn how shitty the world is.

>> No.53458899

anyone reading this might think its funny but i did a 3.5 hour interview for a extremely senior role and basically rebuilt their system in an afternoon. they were about to suck my dick.

they tried to low ball me (salary was 80-120 quid and they offered 80). complete waste of my time. they didnt even offer an explaination. employers are complete retards nowadays. sign of the times unfortunately.

so dont take shit from these people, i really tried hard on this interview and they appeared really into me until the "negotiation" which they showed their true colours. its all fake dont take their shit.

>> No.53458950

last year i applied to a senior accountant role with palo alto networks. two HR phone conversations, an excel skills test zoom call with a manager, and then 5 more interviews with other managers. i cancelled the rest of the process immediately after the 1st of 5 "other interviews." the HR guy was shocked.

>> No.53459127

Thats crazy. I had two, one with HR and one with the team i would be joining.

Im curious. Did you tell rhem why and what was rheir reaction?

>> No.53459397

you should be thankful, usually it's the other way around
if you stick around long enough at your job and you're not promoted (say junior to associate etc) then you'll likely earn less than newer arrivals
you should be reviewing your position and salary off glassdoor or similar websites every year anyway and gauge accordingly

>> No.53459446

i told them it wasn't a "good fit" and left it at that. the interview process was a fucking joke but what really pushed me over the edge was the chink wageslave accounting director talking about how many hours she works and expects us all to work, like working until 11 PM or midnight during month end close. i work on the east coast so it would have meant working until 3 AM my time zone.

i ended up finding a better job that only put me through an HR phone screen and 3 interviews. my hours are comfy and i make a tolerable salary. but it took me 6 months of applying and interviewing to find this job. it's hell out there.

>> No.53459736

>but it took me 6 months of applying and interviewing to find this job. it's hell out there.
fucking christ why the fuck is this still the case
I had to look for work after covid and it took me around 8 months of back and forth and HR screening (they talked to all 3 of my references) and I still went through 4 rounds with several teams + director and CEO
and then 3 more weeks until I got the actual offer and they still jewed me hard on my base salary (competitive is literally meaningless)
I was practically forced to take it so they didn't gape my ass over muh employment gap if I broke a year's time even though I was doing genuine freelance consulting for friends and acquaintances (close to no pay mind you but jfc give a nigger a break)

>> No.53459747


>> No.53459780

what's funny is that i got off easy with palo alto networks. i later read glassdoor reviews and saw some VP level guy bitching about being blue balled and dick teased to a ridiculous extent, like flying him out to their HQ in california several times before ghosting him.

modern life truly is hell.

>> No.53459822
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>> No.53459869

>like flying him out to their HQ in california several times before ghosting him.
lmfao how is this not fucking illegal
there should be some kind of hiring commitment clause that stipulates payment for wasted time for bullshit like this
a guy I knew went through a similar thing at my current place except he actually had an overseas offer he was mulling, it paid more and had way more benefits and they kept teasing him until the other offer fell through before they informed him that he wasn't a right fit
I personally went to HR to see what kind of shit they were pulling and they insist it was an "automated error" (one that apparently waited long enough to completely fuck him over)
shit's brutal

>> No.53459907

It's called lying. Or doing internships whilst studying, like you're supposed to.

>> No.53459930

>I personally went to HR to see what kind of shit they were pulling and they insist it was an "automated error" (one that apparently waited long enough to completely fuck him over)

i almost fell through the cracks due to a recruiting roastie error at my current role.
>told who i would be interviewing with, 3 people total
>recruiter roastie forgets to schedule me with 1 person
>tell roastie
>roastie cancels ALL the interviews
>forgets to reschedule
>email roastie
>no response
>email roastie again
>no response
>email roastie's supervisor
>finally get rescheduled like a week later

also saw it happen when interviewing candidates to fill a position on my team
>recruiting roastie goes MIA when we ask her to set up interviews with candidates
>turns out her firm (they're contract workers) shut off her fucking email for some reason

>> No.53459985

the entire corporate system is built on exploiting inefficiencies and that includes the most inefficient market of all: labor

>> No.53460040

the thing is, with quant/trading firms at least, is that they will regularly pull the aforementioned bullshit spiel to snub competition with good talent
I still don't quite get the reasoning behind it but headhunters will blue ball you out of sheer spite for other corporate subhumans

>> No.53460050

Google did that shit. Contact me through LinkedIn saying it's fully remote. Get on call, it's now hybrid and would I be willing to move to the Bay area and do like 5 interviews? Fuck no. That 30k salary bump won't make up for losing remote and increasing my cost of living by 500k a year for the same quality of life.

I'm also not flying anywhere "to interview" and stopped doing those stupid "homework" assignments. That's what my portfolio is for, zoom calls and if you want to know my thought process then ask me during the interview.

>> No.53460105
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I dont think it should be mandatory as I have a slave fetish unlike this anon. I like to wagie and convert my little rewards to link. I like to imagine female employees of chainlink labs abusing me and more link I own more stronger the fetish becomes.

>> No.53460168

>say yes
>be investment banker
>they actually think it's a quality
>300k starting

>> No.53460187

>masochist with a slave fetish
>stinky linky
No surprises there. I bet you'll enjoy the pod and the bugs too.

Try not to get too hot and bothered when Monero-chan walks all over you.

>> No.53460209

oh yeah, they tried pulling that shit on me >>53458950 too.

>> No.53460567

Yeah I also got a few offers in CA and I straight up told them unless you plan on paying me well into 6 figures then we can just stop this interview here and now.
The one place I actually really kinda liked the sound of it too, but they literally had zero positions anywhere else. I told them id work in all 49 other states except California for that pay, I tried to push them in a different direction, but they said they are really desperate for their CA office. I told them I'm sorry but I can't work for that low of salary in that state. Id take that salary in any other state though.

>> No.53461074

Holy shit this is EXACTLY what has happened to me on a number of occasions.

>> No.53461329

yeah it's insane how much power they have despite being unable to perform the most basic of office tasks. i wouldn't be surprised if many of them met the criteria for high functioning mental retardation.

another story, i once got an invitation to phone screen for another accounting job at a massive law firm or some shit like that. i responded to the roastie with several dates and times that work for me. no response, waited 2 days, emailed again. no response. waited 3 more days. emailed again. waited a few more days, emailed again on the following week. i assumed they ghosted me so i deleted all the emails out of disgust.

like 2 weeks later this dumb whore emails me back, apologizing profusely. apparently she was 1) on vacation for multiple weeks and 2) never put up an "out of office" auto response, when her entire job is nothing but communicating with external parties who can't view her outlook calendar.

many such cases when dealing with these brain dead 85 IQ retard whores.

>> No.53461662

if they got nothing to do and nobody to hire i could see "lets pretend we hire to occupy candidates for competition" being the best move they could make. Even if you apply multiple spots a bunch of retard tilting you will have you perform worse elsewhere.

>> No.53462132

>young goy is rebelling