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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53433249 No.53433249 [Reply] [Original]

I'm bullish today because Eich's Twitter page isn't 100% antivax shit where he pretends he can understand a paper written by someone with a PhD and 40 years experience in the field of virology.

Anyway, the only hope for BAT is that it becomes part of a general trend in the next bull market. The "utility" trend -- which was actually a 2017 thing that needs to be repeated now for our benefit.

>> No.53433421
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I'm bullish because vaxxies will all die off, and purebloods (BAT owners) will rise up to take over the world.
Be Brave™, be Based™.

>> No.53433512

Can't wait for a Polymarket market that covers that.

>> No.53433531
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I’m bullish for both the reason you mentioned. Burn in hell vaxxies.

>> No.53433639

Where's the proof that god exists? Can I read a research paper that proves it? More proof behind mRNA vaccines.

Brendan has a weak mind. He believes all that Jesus crap.

>> No.53433835

Don’t mind me, just lurking for the thots.

>> No.53433873 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 1280x1266, Abigail_Shapiro_bCNH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brendan has a weak mind. He believes all that Jesus crap.

>> No.53434036
File: 182 KB, 1280x1266, Abigail_Shapiro_bCNH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brendan has a weak mind. He believes all that Jesus crap.

>> No.53434362

We had some spicy ones yesterday

>> No.53434392
File: 648 KB, 1731x1220, 1654087417572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did they say anything about the roadmap?

>> No.53434914

Brendan still needs a few more weeks to pray about it. He's thinking about decentralizing the prayer group and posting on chain PoP (Proof of Prayer).

>> No.53435365

Not every religious person is an overzealous nutbag. Sometimes it’s about spirituality and right of passage. He seems like a principled Christian man. Do you have a spiritual connection with your creator(s)? You weren’t gaslit to believe your life has no meaning and you’re here by accident we’re you?

>> No.53435433

he believes in the religion of science. yes goyim, the entire universe was a size of an atom where no time existed, and then the BIG BANG happened out of nowhere. just let the "scientists" have this ONE free miracle and then they can explain how everything since then is all natural and based on laws.

>> No.53435729
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I am so excited for you guys.

>> No.53436094

All Christians believe in Noah’s Ark, the largest act of genocide in our time (if it happened, and it didn’t). That makes them nutcases.

Eich probably has a dead parent, relative, or child he is desperate to see again. That is really the only reason people believe. It’s not from a position of logic or knowing anything about the universe.

>> No.53436109

the stories in the bible are obviously allegories you fucking retard

>> No.53436138

Who created god? Oh, we can’t ask that question? Lol.

Some things aren’t known but it’s pointless to make shit up.

Brave needs a new CEO. Revenues are not growing. BAT buys are down YoY.

>> No.53436155

Tell that to cuckservatives like Eich. Genocide — a great yarn!

>> No.53436230

>Brave needs a new CEO
yeah we can both agree on that.

>> No.53436593

Why is shilling not allowed on /biz/ but these obviously inorganic boomer bat astroturf threads allowed?

>> No.53436656
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>All Christians believe in Noah’s Ark
Overbroad. I know of few Christians who "believe" in Noah's Ark's literal blow-by-blow truth. They may "believe" in what the story speaks about righteousness, God's wrath, etc.

>Eich probably has a dead parent, relative, or child he is desperate to see again.
>That is really the only reason people believe.
Again, overbroad and overly reductive. Who the fuck doesn't have a dead parent, friend, relative or child he wishes to see again? Nevertheless, there are other reasons people believe - an inability or unwillingness to accept that our life is as pointless as it seems being one of them. This kind of statement reveals more about the person making the accusation, and their own personal experience with being "let down" by the "almighty friend in the sky," than it does about the target of the criticism.

>Who created god? Oh, we can’t ask that question? Lol.
You can certainly ask that question. However, it presupposes that God (who ostensibly created all of existence) was himself created. This implicates metaphysical questions, better answered by Descartes and Plato if you want non-Christian answers. But if you reject the usefulness of philosophical pursuit, as you seem to reject theological, I'm not sure you'll be satisfied with them.

>Some things aren’t known but it’s pointless to make shit up.
Agreed. But what is simply "made up" versus what is the fruit of unexplained encounters with what "isn't known"? But again, if you reject the usefulness of philosophical pursuit, as you seem to reject theological, I don't know what to say except, at some point, scientific, sensory-based reasoning will eventually hit a brick wall of despair and non-answer. At that point, you make your own decision about whether its appropriate to look further, or just give up.

Love ya, Turtleman. Just find your points here rather simplistic and antagonistic.

>> No.53436710

pump when?

>> No.53436753

I wouldn't call them simplistic. Some of my points are used by Chomsky.

I agree that there is a limit to understanding. There are limitations to the human brain as well.

>> No.53436909

Simplistic is the wrong word. My apologies. Agreed that there are severe limitations on human understanding, whether by evolution, design, or alien influence.

>> No.53437239

>obviously inorganic
You mean /biz/ isn't simply a town hall for shilling your crypto of choice ad nauseum? Certainly seems like that's what it is.

>> No.53437316

This is a site where religious conservatives fap to pics of big titty bitches.

Respect the big.

>> No.53437359 [DELETED] 
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>> No.53437361

My view is simplistic. I look at something like fruits. Apples, pears, bananas, mangos, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, cantaloupe, cherries, rhubarb, avocados, grapes, etc etc. All these delightful and nutritious fruits. There’s no way in mind that shit happened by accident.
To me, Christianity is like a brotherhood that appeals to the goodness that’s inside all of us. Yes it’s obviously flawed and corrupted, but the principles have made it possible for our species thrive for thousands of years and I will not shit on anyone’s beliefs if it makes them a better person.

Spirituality is something personal to each individual, attainable thru prayer and meditation. You should try it sometime turtles. Take a break from the ket and start with something simple like “please god”. I think eventually you’ll find that he is listening and with you, especially when you need him the most.

Now I’m not sure if the mRNA was intended to permanently alter your god given genetic sequence and destroy the Christ consciousness that exists inside you, but I do suspect it was. However, I don’t believe any man can take control of your soul without your consent, so there’s also a good chance you’ll be ok and the Holy Spirit will protect you from evil.

>> No.53437607

I don't see evolution as an accident but very purposeful. The evolutionary pressures are so strong. I've been playing around with a simulator. It's pretty cool.


It's so interesting that the interpretation of new technology by religious folks is negative. I guess the god of the old testament is some goddamn geezer that would never sanction cutting edge shit like mRNA lol. Even though many scientists believe in the same god you do.

God: Take your horse paste and stop looking a fuckin horse cocks! Take your essential oils! Stop with the GMO's!

>> No.53437654

Also, mRNA treatments are being developed for cancer. Moderna has a pipeline. If you get cancer you WILL take this therapy. Trust me.

Or you'll die prematurely like Steve Jobs. He did the horse paste for cancer (fruits and vegetables?). Didn't work out so well.

>> No.53437705

Someone should hire Suhana Khan to wear Brave gear.

>> No.53437935

for the love of fuck where is the roadmap, what have they been doing the last... fucking 6 years

>> No.53437980

Uh, let me clue you in:

* Setup independent Covid research team
* Review current and past vax literature
* Advocate for dying in a timely manner

This is important work.

"I couldn't have done it without you." -- Brendan Eich, Lead Virologist at Brave Software.

>> No.53438588

Looks like BAT is heading back up over .30 this week. If they drop a quality roadmap we could 1x pretty fast

>> No.53438705

Wake me up when BAT is over $1 again.

>> No.53439217
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it's wild that the janny specifically lurks BAT threads

>> No.53439369

Jannies fuck with these threads because you guys constantly break the rules.

>> No.53439460

6k BAT bags, what am i in for?

>> No.53439661
File: 171 KB, 828x828, A89279ED-9E34-4C6B-A80F-A227522326E4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

240K EOY. It’s time and Brave is completely aware it’s time.

>> No.53439673
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>you guys constantly break the rules

are you trolling me right now or are you seriously just a huge faggot

>> No.53439999

>If they drop a quality roadmap we could 1x pretty fast
Paused my VPN so I could tell you that I audibly kekked at this. And yes, I will get a minimum of 10k steps in fyi, you fat fucking piece of shit. I'm going for a run right now, in the below freezing weather.

>> No.53440052 [DELETED] 

This is so weird. I got banned within 60 seconds of posting this and had to turn off my WiFi and open a private tab to (hopefully) post this. Can't even blame that one of Parker. I think the sites just gay, anyways copy and paste my original message -> >>53439999
Forgot pic related. Figured I should make another post and include it since I did get quads and all. First post in a bat thread in ~9 months. Quads. And I own at least 12x more bat than the biggest "whale" faggot who ever dares show his face in these faggot threads anymore. Kys niggers. Holocaust fake.

>> No.53440106
File: 179 KB, 1079x726, Screenshot_20230125_203803_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck all of you. I'm glad I didn't post what I wanted to just now.

>> No.53440311


>> No.53440383

>I'm going for a run right now, in the below freezing weather.
>nigger jogs in chilly weather and thinks he’s hard
I think I’ll just lay around and eat cheese till I squat 405lbs in the AM but have fun jogging snowflake

>> No.53440469

more bullish on matic since polygon is working with the biggest companies in the world and massive brands, bringing millions of new users to the industry

>> No.53440645
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wtfwt batbros

when $1?

>> No.53440684
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No pussy you can't just lift. Wait til you hit 30 and spent your entire days only lifting. You need to work out your cardiovascular system. Run every day. Sauna. Cold plunge. I lift heavy 2 days on 1 day off but that's not good enough unless you wanna turn into a faggot. Snow sleet or shine, run.

>> No.53441725

Yes you're right, Brave needs a more diverse and company focused CEO.

>> No.53441743

Exceedingly based take sir.

>> No.53441747

BAT dependent on Gemini
Gemini got turbo scammed for nearly 1 bil

>> No.53442572

> There are limitations to the human brain as well.

Have you seen the size of Eichs fucking head??!?!

>> No.53443238

Silbert scammed

>> No.53443411

Wait till you hit 35 and you’ve been slamming your feet on hard concrete for years. Jogging is for fags. The only way I run is HIIT sprints on grass, with dynamic stretches beforehand. Even most niggers can’t catch me on foot.

>> No.53443756

I’m running on a treadmill now but soon I’ll be running outside again. Best setup is having a treadmill in your house.

>> No.53443888

>New WiFi at the breakfast counter
I don’t think you understand turtle man. You’ve been away from the states for a long time. I’m a fucking snownigger. I’m built for sprinting across the arctic plains. I don’t jog. Jogging is for white people with no god given athletic ability.

>> No.53444895

I have no athletic ability. I run for the challenge and the feels.

>> No.53445777

Yea it’s a good challenge but long steady state cardio could be the cause of your low T

>> No.53445808

Why so bullish on something so inflationary? BIT is deflationary anon.

>> No.53445853
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>haven't been paid in months
>turn off ads and complain
>they tell me gemini isn't set up for deposit so they can't do whatever needs to be done
>check gemini
>only same day transfers allowed
>check my bank
>costs 30 bucks to do a same day transfer
So your coin isn't just a worthless waste of time that made a man named (((Eich))) rich, it's also fucking gay and retarded.

>> No.53446322

Eich gets a salary. He is probably already rich.

You’re talking about wire transfers costing $30?

>> No.53446419

I'm talking about my bank charging 30 bucks for a same day wire transfer and Gemini not 'verifying' my account without it. Like I'm spending 30 bucks to earn 15 bucks of BAT.

>> No.53446446

Probably. I expected my total T to drop because of the cardio but I’m it is actually okay and my free T is really low (which is what your study looks at).

The medical guidance on this is that free T isn’t considered if total T is normal. My doc sent me the docs.

Anyway, if you have good T but low free T you’re kind of fucked from a medical perspective. I’m going to increase protein and vegetables (magnesium) + zinc. Getting on TRT would be so dumb at this stage.

>> No.53446525

That sucks. For BAT to catch on Brave needs pay with BAT or easy withdrawal into one of the cash apps.

But first, we don’t have enough advertisers. Last year they said they were working with a channel partner to buy search inventory. They are probably running into problems because tracking is the industry standard.

>> No.53446791

>Getting on TRT would be so dumb at this stage.
TRT is retarded. You’re dependent on a chemical made in China that can be taken away at point and leave you helpless.

>> No.53447038

Have any recent community calls talked about brave search ad partners? Brave needs a real advertising deal.

>> No.53447145

i never had to do that for gemini

>> No.53447434

When this piece of fucking shit passes $1 again it better never drop below that or I’m suing BAT for selling me an unregistered security

>> No.53447452

Biggest mistake was making the calls every week instead of every two weeks. I used to be a regular participant when the calls first launched, but now they're just not worth the time.

>brave store will be ready two weeks from now, I swear!
>let's talk about afrodao
>ummm...uhh....yeah...um......search ads are, um, going, ummm uhh, ummm, yeah....search ads, um, going...uh, so far, ummm, well.

Very rarely does anything of substance get discussed on those calls anymore.

>> No.53448447

>ummm...uhh....yeah...um......search ads are, um, going, ummm uhh, ummm, yeah....search ads, um, going...uh, so far, ummm, well.
that guy actually quit. pretty bullish. i can spot a slacking dead weight nigger from miles away.

>> No.53448505

>absolute soibois trying to tell others about test levels and training methods
Post body. A bicep. A lat spread. Anything. I’m supposed to believe you chuds are in any decent shape, let alone telling people to not do TRT.
I bet none of you faggots follow through

>> No.53448523

tripfags never have anything good to say

>> No.53448526

Post body.

>> No.53449629
File: 75 KB, 630x499, 7001F4B6-CBD3-4D0B-9A14-89671C789B17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the summer. I’m currently bulking. Not bad for over 40 and no TRT

>> No.53450107

I stand corrected. That is pretty elite for a 40+ Natty.

>> No.53450634

The trick is getting morning sunlight on your ball sack

>> No.53451818

I hope they never bring India back online. It’s not like they have any money spend. I haven’t looked at the token distribution, but believe me it’s only a matter of time before MATIC gets rugged

>> No.53452641

Jesus. I guess all the testosterone talk means we have confirmed trannies in this thread.

Bearish for BAT.

>> No.53452686

There is a reason it’s called the TRANSparency page.

>> No.53452702
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>> No.53452865
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Roadmap was supposed to drop this week right? I want in on this keyword staking so I can farm for my clients. Getting them to the top of Social Media related trends for Brave Search could be huge.

Hey BAP <3!


>> No.53452892

I’d rather have real B cups than these ridiculous looking sandbags

>> No.53452922
File: 280 KB, 1165x1961, 404gainznotfound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m supposed to believe you chuds are in any decent shape
I was in decent shape ;_; Just got back to training earlier this week after busting up my ribs from a rock climbing accident.

Pic rel is about 1.5 months out from training, right before the World Cup finals. Pretty much smooth and deflated as all fuck.
404 gains not found
Smooth as fuck

Pretty much had to start over this week. Not bad for an early 30s walled thot, but I have a long way to go before I get back to my prime thiccness.

Mirin obliques.

>> No.53452939

thats a man

>> No.53452945

>Mirin obliques.
Should we fuck?

>> No.53452963
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I know :)

>Should we fuck?
You can have a firm handshake at the yacht party. Maybe a hug if you're not a creeper.

>> No.53453019

>You can have a firm handshake
I don’t shake hands with women. We don’t have to fuck but you should make sure you bring plenty of whores or I might end up accidentally backing you into a corner of the yacht that you can’t escape.

>> No.53453056

>I don’t shake hands with women
dude, its a man

>> No.53453190 [DELETED] 
File: 2.86 MB, 640x1136, 136985188_1852900428200732_8926661574523384385_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I might end up accidentally backing you into a corner of the yacht that you can’t escape.
Don't tease me with a good time. You can pick which limb you want me to snap.
>Bring plenty of whores
I'll have a 2:1 ratio of influencers to BATLads if needed. No need to worry about that, lad.

>> No.53453307

No man walking this earth has hips like that.
You have a banging figure. 10/10 genetics

>> No.53453354

I don’t think it’s a guy, but her taste in women comes off like an old Betamax porn collector

>> No.53453412
File: 95 KB, 242x338, BAT soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic Ass Token
"That's a man"

>> No.53453441

I'm holding BAT long term.

BAT reaching $1.5 by 2026 is a real possibility.

>> No.53453508

I have no expectations anymore. I've reached bagholder Nirvana. BAT can go to 4 cents or $40 and I will probably continue to hold and buy more.

>I know how pathetic this sounds because I know for a fact there are Cardano, GameStop, XRP etc. brainwashed holders who feel the exact same way I do but I sincerely believe BAT is different from almost all of the rest of the shitcoins

>> No.53454235

>I sincerely believe BAT is different
i used to think so too. roadmap sucks im swapping all of it for different coins.

>> No.53454245

and by the way, its not really a roadmap but rather a "state of the bat" post for the year. they might not even really introduce anything new. it might be just a total cope essay about how great bat has been (even though we all know its bullshit)

>> No.53454352

>it might be just a total cope essay about how great bat has been (even though we all know its bullshit)
They better not

>> No.53454369
File: 10 KB, 176x176, __AMLnZu8HsdKnPwMjpP9kRdU9LqXAOa40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you be surprised?

>> No.53454612
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>> No.53454967
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woo buddy

>> No.53455021

you disgust me