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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53446367 No.53446367 [Reply] [Original]

Can’t be moved

When will you Niggas learn


>> No.53446378

It's a BSC coin and it's going to rug.

>> No.53446490 [DELETED] 

Rug risk isn’t even anyones concern anymore. Will they achieve the rank of 8th lowest market cap for any oracle network? If yes then collect 15x

>> No.53446502


>> No.53446548 [DELETED] 

why is this the only project that's a bannable offense? just a pure mention of the name can grant you a 3 day ban lol

>> No.53446711

Makes you wonder why /biz/ jannies are so fucking poor. They’re financially illiterate and can’t tell a scam from a genuine bull market play. They’ll be apologizing by May when KENSHl is the 4th most used oracle in the space valued 8800% higher

>> No.53446738

Keep seething faggot

>> No.53446757 [DELETED] 

there are plenty of tokens that are banned and for alot of good reasons and sometimes bs reasons

>> No.53446788
File: 849 KB, 929x1348, 665CC097-D29F-4EE3-A67D-93C652DD24D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re really fading this chart. How could anyone think pajeets have this much pull and influence to send this to Valhalla on peak volume. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, /biz/ is insane.

>> No.53446859 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 400x400, FFDA143C-480F-4D6E-B43F-CB08667B906A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i normally lurk here and just buy but i can’t understand why jannies r going on offense against this coin?
>mfw they’ve been called

>> No.53446899
File: 91 KB, 1200x800, 1674694628626060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a giant liquidity fee and a tax function in the smart contract. It has been bleeding market cap. Since last night. I really looked into their site and the project and I liked it but after that no thank you.

>> No.53447023


What does this mean

Does that mean I can’t sell without paying a 50% fee?

>> No.53447032

because you pajeet nigger shills keep flooding the board? pretty simple nigger.

>> No.53447050

The tax has been removed, wtf are you talking about? Quit making shit up faggot

>> No.53447052

ofc u can sell the fee was disabled - hence the pumping
the retard above u just hates winning

>> No.53447075

>pajeet can just turn on and off a 50% sell fee in the smart contract
very good buy sers!

>> No.53447200

>working github
>BSC scam

pick one and only one

>> No.53447241

it was voted on by the community at inception as way to “encourage long term investment”. The CEO unilaterally removed all taxes this month after realizing it was ruining the coins perception and ability to get CEX listings. The biggest problem with KENSHl is there lack of knowledge about crypto culture and marketing. Their products are endorsed by some of the best devs in the space but their idea of marketing is one tweet a month about progress and a quiet polite community. Go to the website, read the docs, buy a bag for the long term.

>> No.53447266

>voted on by the community
okay pajeet shill. totally organic with all of the 1pbtid defense force shills itt lmao.

>> No.53447300



found your problem, only pieces of shit use this chain. There are countless oracle plays just like this one that vcs will not touch with a 10 foot pole. Good luck scamming on biz though.

>> No.53447347

remember the berry shills lol

>> No.53447491

I fucking hated the tax and it was retarded but if you even just glance at twitter you’ll see these mfs have been getting recognized by every new hype evm chain and silently developing while the price stagnated, clearly not a rug or a scam just a misguided effort by a team without a CMO. DYOR don’t cope