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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 481 KB, 4096x2560, 20230125_123855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53441137 No.53441137 [Reply] [Original]

Coinmetro thread?

>> No.53441160
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remember to dance with extra rizz during todays shift, baggies

>> No.53441250
File: 327 KB, 1152x1837, 20230125_123816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream today about Thanos trying to bridge kda to BNB Chain. She was right next to me and looked like a goth girl with really short hair.

>> No.53441373

LAMOOOO, trannies? Hello? Are you okay? Did you do the needful and buy lcx? Its still not in the past, you can dump your dogshit coin and buyed lcx.

>> No.53441436

when will kevin admit that making an exchange that doesn't make money off of their users losing money doesn't work? crypto is a zero sum game and if no one is losing then no one is winning either

>> No.53441451

They were very profitable when volumes were up. Clearly it works.

>> No.53442437

it works if you steal the funds of your token holders when times get tough

>> No.53442681

explain in detail what stealing funds of a token can look like if it's not possible to sell it, and also how it relates to the post you are replying to.

>> No.53442797
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>> No.53442833
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There is an Ethereum 2. Did you guys know that?

>> No.53442851

Why is absolutely nothing being released? Are they going to go silent then release a ton of new features in the next bear again?

>> No.53442936

No, they are slow rugging

>> No.53443136

So glad I dumped most of my XCM on uni and went in big on LCX. I can't believe Monty is actually delivering whilst Kevin is rugging

>> No.53443464
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My THT is underwater. I want my $30 profit back.

>> No.53443532
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>> No.53443556
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I'm in it for the tech. Not selling.

>> No.53443732
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>> No.53443760
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Wallah! And just like that Bitcoin will never again be under 23000!

>> No.53443768

Same here soon as I saw we weren't pumping with the rest of the market. 50/50 into LCX and QNT

>> No.53443843
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>> No.53443948

Why would you hold a meme coin? Pump would be telegraphed if it were to happen, THT is narrative only, no substance
Based WEF illuminati initiate. YGMI

>> No.53444074

>Market showing signs of life again
>Coinmetro average volume 1/10th of what it was two years ago
>Current plan to rectify things is to update the website and KYC
So bullish. I'm struggling with the urge to sell all my LCX for XCM

>> No.53444775

why doesnt kevin realize he needs an office in a normal country to look legitimate?
what customer does he think will invest in a exchange with nothing to offer but poorly written articles and emails coverd in emotes?

>> No.53445008

coinmetro is in a time loop
every year they just update the website and do kyc
literally every single year
next year if the exchange doesn't shut down they'll be updating the website and kyc I guarantee it
they haven't even listed any new 'gems' in months so they can't even push that whole 'gem exchange' meme anymore

no gems, no IEOs, no STOs, no TRAMs, no volume
all they've got are staking options but they don't even have eth staking which is mind boggling because so many other exchanges jumped on that immediately

>> No.53445101

>time loop
>but they don't even have eth staking which is mind boggling
Actually really surprising. I understand you can't unstake it yet which sucks, but still really weird.

>> No.53445165

I take it back again

>> No.53445340
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Wallah, and just like that Bitcoin will never be under 23000 again!

>> No.53445595
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>> No.53445645

The trannies cope seethe and dialate, they just ignore all the lcx posts to cope.

>> No.53445676

I filter out all your IDs because you're one annoying retard.

>> No.53445968
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>> No.53446000
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>> No.53446040
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>> No.53446076
File: 621 KB, 900x501, safebooru_4047962_cad09b4f7784d17ba19b9227d2c69880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it back again

>> No.53446151

This crabbing needs to end, I want Bitcoin to shoot to 30k so I can dump my QRDO at 40-60c and buy back in for 10c in 2024.

>> No.53446262
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>> No.53446317

The crabmetro is feasting on margin fees.

>> No.53447061

Coinmetro has lost any ability to push it's boundaries whatsoever. The team will keep on fucking around in their UI tweak safe space and the exchange will slowly dwindle to zero volume.

And yeah, not prioritising ETH staking and new listings is inexcusable. Luckily innovators like Monty Metzger still exist in crypto

>> No.53447604

Exactly! That Monty guy is really going to brong us to the promised land.

>> No.53448975
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Depleting *ø****' collateral by crabbing along before delivering the inevitable liquidation scam wick.

>> No.53449083
File: 794 KB, 1776x2485, This is BL (not yuri) - in a manga, no problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /g/, anyone know a good fanless low-energy ARM laptop for Linux? Asahi Linux still has no gpu or speaker support for the M1's, I don't want to wait anymore to get rid of this spyware OS. I just learned I can sell my almost 3 years old M1 used for almost as much as I bought it for. Want to replace it for free.

That's weird, I was in the middle of typing on the wrong board.
My prediction was crab pump crab pump crab pump to induce fomo for maximum exit liquidity at 30k+ by making normalfags think it will repeat 2019 and go to 14k/50k within 1-2 months at the same time as their shorts get liquidated they buy more or long to recoup their losses from their attempt to recoup losses from buying the top.
So far it is still looking like we're on track for >>53433333 Q1.

>> No.53449145
File: 189 KB, 1000x1303, shimata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the wrong 33333...

>> No.53449400

I don't like the art style.
When you want to watch nicely drawn anime you almost always end up with Shoujo, I assumed that by extension Yuri would be attractive to the eye.
Maybe it's just this artist or me.
Does it look to you like the artist thinks xhe has to legitimise their categorisation choice?
I think it's very brave of the artist to experiment like this and the artist deserves our support.

You fell for the Macbook Air meme?
For me, it's Galaxy Book 2.

>> No.53449446
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>> No.53449821
File: 420 KB, 1536x2048, FF8S-1gWYAgkzpC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone recommend me a good anime for a anime newfag. Also: Redpill me on ALBT

>> No.53449910

Tram is moved to q3 now. Just kill me

>> No.53449918
File: 284 KB, 320x180, e7badf13b579f42e510ca4b34e686306a109804e_00.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kodomo no Jikan, Prisma Ilya, Wataten.
>I don't want to wait anymore to get rid of this spyware OS.
I find I need to use a laptop with no privacy 90% of the time and the M1 macs are the most pleasant to use for casual web browsing. Linux will never be as good as Apple on Arm. Deal with it.

>> No.53449985
File: 856 KB, 2464x1723, benchodsisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like the art style.
I think it's fine. It was a oneshot, saved it for the text to the left.
>When you want to watch nicely drawn anime you almost always end up with Shoujo, I assumed that by extension Yuri would be attractive to the eye.
Looks fine by me. I don't consider crossdressing anime yuri unless it's a genderbender anyways. Most yuri isn't drawn like Shoujo het romance with super girly artstyles, but there are some that are. Can't remember their names though.
I think these are cute stories.
Mochi Au Lait stories I like a lot and don't mind the artstyle, but doesn't look like most manga. https://mangadex.org/title/4faf397e-65c7-4163-9c1d-74c1e63067ce/mochi-au-lait-s-short-oneshot-collection
>Does it look to you like the artist thinks xhe has to legitimise their categorisation choice?
I think xhe was very afraid her yuri fans might be upset that she drew something with boys and didn't want them to think she was abandoning them.

>You fell for the Macbook Air meme?
The M1 never gets hot and uses almost no power. I like not having fans, made my mom stop complaining about having the laptop in my bed 24/7 because "this one can't get hot so its fine".
>For me, it's Galaxy Book 2
Hows the temps on 100% CPU usage? GNU/Linux drivers?

Anime is wide and far. You need to share some of your tastes if you don't want to jump into random stuff. I recommend Boku No Pico for beginners though, only 3 episodes and comfy.

>I find I need to use a laptop with no privacy 90% of the time and the M1 macs are the most pleasant to use for casual web browsing
I'm weird and do weird stuff on the internet. It's a bit embarassing if someone is logging it.
The laptop IS comfy, I just wish I could use Linux and steam+proton.

>> No.53450030
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>Boku No Pico
fuck you for letting me google that

>> No.53450096

>I'm weird and do weird stuff on the internet. It's a bit embarassing if someone is logging it.
There are far worse entities than Apple spying on you and Apple only give information to the US government. I really don't care if the CEO of Apple knows how many loli doujins are on my laptop.
Have you considered an x86 laptop? There is a tradeoff you need to decide between.

>> No.53450234
File: 25 KB, 347x377, 274128199_140542178440358_7520330534988953079_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant believe this still works in 2023

>> No.53450274
File: 2.25 MB, 2894x4093, 95fc3eabf877a5c6007d4c3005e6da0f5f2c2446185693e4ef6790ed8200b318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in my day when search engines weren't corporatized you just typed anime ep 1 and clicked the first link. You would have watched it like every other kid.
/qa/ lost.

>There are far worse entities than Apple spying on you and Apple only give information to the US government
US government is part of the information sharing ring with our government.
>Have you considered an x86 laptop? There is a tradeoff you need to decide between.
What for?

>> No.53450308

>I really don't care if the CEO of Apple knows how many loli doujins are on my laptop.
That's illegal in my country. I don't have anything like that saved on my machines, but I always worry that every time I see illegal spam on imageboards that the machine will log it, send it to government and have me arrested for things I haven't done. AI will only make things like this more likely where you eventually become afraid to even visit anything other than a .gov site.

>> No.53450516
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It's a good thing this was just Binance responding to a generic tweet and getting a response back and not McDonalds responding to a Binance tweet. I was getting worried I might be getting liquidated very soon...

>> No.53450525

I'm not going to get into manga, I can't even finish 2 series per season as is, although some of those look like they have a nice art style.

Fans make noise under load, for me the the choice was to get a good weight / performance ratio.
As you know I'm also an Asian male (Filipino) so I can't carry around bulky laptops for longer amounts of time because I lack the physical strength.
Only driver I had to manually install/fix was the audio.
The keyboard backlighting cannot be switched on or off, it's in the default mode which is it lights up when it notices it's dark, for me that's not really an issue.

>> No.53450583

>US government is part of the information sharing ring with our government.
No other country cares. I am not even defending Apple. I hate their privacy policy I just understand that outside of the US lawmakers don't care about this stuff.
>What for?
>every time I see illegal spam on imageboards that the machine will log it
How? Apple scan the hashes of local files on your computer looking for matches with cp. They don't have an ai that records your screen and scans for images that could be considered nefarious like you seem to think. They can't see if you browse CP on a browser. At least not right now. I am going to keep posting it.
There is zero chance you are not using an iPhone or Android device who log you much harder than MacOs.

>> No.53450705
File: 453 KB, 752x641, safebooru_1375562_91d6b4c444c81969dcb27753349a812b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fans make noise under load
No can do.
>As you know I'm also an Asian male (Filipino) so I can't carry around bulky laptops for longer amounts of time because I lack the physical strength.
Are you a cute 150cm shorty?
>Only driver I had to manually install/fix was the audio.
Not a big deal if it's easily fixed from the work of someone else. Problem with Asahi for M1 is I would reverse engineer the chips and write the code myself. I can't do that.

>They don't have an ai that records your screen and scans for images that could be considered nefarious like you seem to think.
I meant that they will likely get an AI in the future. I am aware it's only hashes right now.
>They can't see if you browse CP on a browser. At least not right now. I am going to keep posting it.
I've heard a rumor they also scan files in the cache or memory. I have no way to verify either, but it would be easy for them to do so. Especially when we consider that the 8gb macbook is constantly using 2gb swap memory and molesting the internal SSD whose swap partition may or may not be readable by their scanner.
>There is zero chance you are not using an iPhone or Android device who log you much harder than MacOs.
I don't usually use my phone to browse weird sites so I have less to worry about on those. Arguably it's better to have a private desktop+laptop than only a desktop.

>> No.53451270
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Kind of insane how you're willing to give such a company your money, even if you're not going to use their software.


>> No.53451356
File: 3.68 MB, 5352x1900, 73608a3a705b3dde2978158a6b9dc7b6240fe785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I paid for the M1 only.
>Herro der, and welcome to my channel. ^-^
Good song.

>> No.53451503

You fucking niggers dont even talk about coinmetro in the coinmetro thread. Mabey the jannies should do thier job and sweep this shit over to /a/.

>> No.53451597

Stop off topic posting

>> No.53451608

You built your own laptop?

>reads channel descriptions

>> No.53451723
File: 2.40 MB, 3963x5864, cda59dbf8a139fd6b795b957e25c51d4ad40d424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't make meta posts anon, racism outside of /b/ is also against the rules.

>You built your own laptop?
No, I mean I was primarily interested in the M1 and overall just a sturdy-ish laptop other than the sucky keyboard.
>>reads channel descriptions
I had to. I mean it had 200 views! Kawaii-o nightcore poster!
Accidentally got (and ignored) someone's dox (full name+email) a month or two back on kmoe because of it.

>> No.53451755

THT sisters we're going parabolic!

>> No.53452022
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Which means you also bought their software and gave them money to keep their evil practices going.

>> No.53452031

would be nice, but these are jannies doing the bagholding ITT. at least we get to laugh at them while their XCM bags rapidly approach zero

>> No.53452040
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It was my first time trying to own a macbook.
I am confident that this time Bitcoin will never be under 23000 again!

>> No.53452107
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I'm out of bear pictures, here's a raccoon.

>> No.53452109
File: 144 KB, 1125x1191, A0D9C62B-33EC-471B-9E09-633C738940D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Coinmetro, XCM is going to zero
ByBit is forever, BIT will giga pump

>> No.53452136
File: 49 KB, 606x580, safebooru_2871327_23332277def55a88e8f5b7cb2c72af03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a ton to pick from suddenly.

>> No.53452193

I take it back.
Why won't it just accept and support 23k properly without these wicks...

>> No.53452229

When will XCM give governance votes on Kevin's AMA's?

>> No.53452382
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Don't give up, ganbate!

>> No.53452502

Holy fuck, 5.2k volume in the last 24 hours. Im fucking dying.

>> No.53452517

kek thats a REALLY good day for xcm trannies

>> No.53452695

They really are mentally ill, they dont even talk anout xcm, they just sit around having their gay tranny therapy sessions while the coin does nothing because its shit.

>> No.53452703 [DELETED] 
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I just bought a guitar, will the gf ship with it or do I get it later?

>> No.53452743
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>*ø**** has given up
>ALBT pumping
Benchods win again.

>> No.53452749

We will see it breaking 30k soon. Next big resistance.
I hope so

>> No.53452798

I just spent 2 hours crying because I didn't know where my cat was after I let her out for an extended period after moving. She just got back in. Thanks for always being here for me anon.

Hanging on by a thread, 23025!

Will you hold or sell if BTC breaks 33k Q1?

>> No.53452813
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It's 23005 now. The 1 minute chart is really intense!

>> No.53452901

Oh no, what happened?
You should put her on a leash and go with her for walkies.

>> No.53452954
File: 449 KB, 1504x2160, nagataro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh no, what happened?
I let her out since she's been a lot more interested in going outside lately than the first weeks where she was too afraid of hearing the neighbours to leave my side for a minute (cute).
>You should put her on a leash and go with her for walkies.
I did every now and then, but she was always too afraid to go anywhere and would mostly just hide on my shoulders. Figured the leash which she hadn't used since she was a kitten might make her feel more insecure so I went for a couple short trips outside recently where I could barely get here to even dare walk out the door for a minute or two before running back inside. This time I let her go outside alone for a bit and she was just gone for a really long time.
I only intended to share it with >>53452695 my therapist however.

It's over. Bears won. I'm going to capitulate at a massive loss. How am I going to pay for all of this new stuff? I am an idiot.

>> No.53454769
