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53445614 No.53445614 [Reply] [Original]

>about to graduate with my masters in computer science
>no girl has snatched me up for marriage yet
It's over, isn't it? I did everything to be attractive to girls, got the /fit/ physique, tried to socialize, about to get my education and start a career. I thought a girl would see my worth and want to be my girlfriend but I guess not.

>> No.53445638

Sounds like an effeminate man who expects pussy and a gold star sticker for being Lee certified good boy.

>> No.53445647

Maybe you are too serious or boring.

>> No.53445669

>no girl has snatched me up for marriage yet

Your passive attitude of waiting for a girl to “snatch you up” is why you are single. It is also why you make gay Wojak bait threads.

>> No.53445674

>about to graduate.

So you've been focused on school. Chill out and relax. You have plenty of time kiddo.

>> No.53445683

You don't initiate conversation right? that's the killer.

>> No.53445710

Do you actually have an interesting personality too..? Sounds like you should have just sold coke or gotten into mma or something instead just being a good boy waiting for head pats

>> No.53445731

Do something crazy. Women like the pirate and vampire according to Jordan Peterson

>> No.53445750

buy a BMW with your job you are sure to get some puss.

>> No.53445785

Just chill the fuck out. focus on something else and it will come. Don't be a cuck. research crypto, buy bit, get some hobbies. It will come, what the fuck is wrong with /biz/tards.

>> No.53445807

20s is not the time to panic about anything but you should be taking steps to resolve whatever thing it is that's bothering you.

>> No.53445814
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Sounds like me when I was younger. Let me guess: raised by feminists, grew up surrounded by feminazi women? Have no clue whatsoever about what women are, what they want, what to be?

The good news is this: you're better off. It's all one big scam and the lord has blessed you by keeping it away from you. All I'm saying for now. Questions? Just ask.

>> No.53445852

>Just chill the fuck out. focus on something else and it will come
haha naw, no way, >>53445614
what you're doing hasn't worked so far.
you could listen to him and give up, or you can try harder.
best suggestion, start taking kratom.
you'll still be cognitive but euphoric and down for anything.
that'll get you chicks, you know, as long as you talk to every hot woman you see.
the kratom will make you impervious to rejection.
so get high and get out there and get rejected 50+ times and then finally get laid and then some time later get a girlfriend.
but you gotta start now, you're 27.
gonna be alot less women you come into contact with after college.
so you better hurry.

>> No.53445856

Yeah research crypto lol. That will surely get you more certified good boy points. That's obviously the missing ingredient here

>> No.53445865

Have you tried having a personality that includes being approachable, safe to be around, funny, and empathetic?
In a world where women can make their own money you either evolve or fuck off into obscurity with the rest of the unfuckables.

>> No.53445876

No wait! It's drugs! Drugs are the answer!

What a pathetic group of people lol

You want real advice faggot op? The guys talking about mma and you being a bitch are right. Get out there and do rugged shit. Build a personality because right now you sound like a fluffy man faggot

>> No.53445890

rich people are usually unlikable. awful personalities full of hate

>> No.53445897

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.53445906

>being approachable
What does this mean? No girl has ever approached me in my entire life.

>> No.53445935

Learn to be comfortable and open with who you are and remember how to genuinely smile. Be welcoming of other perspectives and understand that we all lived different lives which lead to different outcomes in thoughts about the world.

>> No.53445964

So gay but true. Women never gave me attention until I forced myself to reach out to them and speak to them in a language they can understand.

>> No.53445986

>genuinely smile
I am 23 and am about to get braces because my teeth are misaligned. How am I supposed to smile at girls as an adult who has metal in his mouth?

>> No.53446001
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>girls need to ask me out

>> No.53446010

Smiling is more about the eyes than your teeth. Not going to lie, it is a handicap, but if you frame your time in braces as practice you'll have the skill and the teeth when the metal comes off.

>> No.53446038

you don't need those archaic dental procedures anymore anon
stop falling for jewish tricks and demand better dental care

>> No.53446043

You're doing it wrong idiot.
When you're 32 or 33 find a 21-24 year old and make her belly plump with your seed.

>> No.53446059

yes, unironically, drugs are the answer.
>do rugged shit
you mean overcompensate for your masculinity?
now that's what I call, shit advice.

>> No.53446060

Nah dont worry lad, you'll get a 32 yo with 2 kids when you've bought a house and saved up a lot of money so you can travel together and build your(her) dream home!

>> No.53446104
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>about to graduate with my masters in computer science
>no girl has snatched me up for marriage yet
Great work so far anon. Now the next step is to go actually talk to a woman you brainlet

>> No.53446172

you have to actually talk to girls in order for them to like you

>> No.53446209

i get a lot of chicks from tinder but not a single one wants to stay with me more than 3 months except obvious goldiggers

Im 30, fit and 400k networth in the balkans

my networth they dont know about it because i live normally tho

>> No.53446233

Be attractive.
Don't be unattractive.

>> No.53446288

>In a world where women can make their own money

How do we revoke this law so society can heal itself?

>> No.53446389


well you doofus certainly fell for the ol bait once again. how many times do you 4th world IQ rejects have to fall for the same ploy before you go oh yeah ive seen this before. amazes me how many stupid absolute dunderheads come to this board and post their sub 95 IQ posts

>> No.53446395
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>changing the difficulty rather than rising to the challenge
>current year men

>> No.53446430

>bro just be better
>civilization collapses due to sub-1 birth rate
>lmao they deserve it they weren't good enough

>> No.53446451

Come to /fit/ brother, we will show you the way.

>> No.53446456

Why in gods name would you get a masters in CS?

>> No.53446470

>about to start my career
This is why.

I'm 24 and I'm working as an application engineer already. I don't even have a BS in CS, just an AS. I make just under six figures and have a promotion lined up in about 7 months where I'll get over six figs.
School isn't cool man. It's nice for bragging and nepotism, but otherwise it's a scam. I promise I know just as much about CS as you, if not more - and I am almost exclusively self-taught. Ill stress this wouldn't work for most fields, but CS is just logic at it's core. Once you know calc 3 and linear algebra, nothing is stopping you from going all the way down the CS tree.

>> No.53446474

Welcome to reality, cupcake.

>> No.53446476

>no girl has snatched me up

this is where you're still fucking up

>> No.53446480

this, everything else is pretty much cope
if you want easy mode, just go get a girl from latam or SEA

>> No.53446481

>He thinks women will pursue him

Buddy, the job of the male is to pursue the female, that is the way of nature.

Beta energy.

>> No.53446507


You gotta make a move and not be afraid of being turned down, or coming off as awkward. It's easier said than done of course.

>> No.53446520

>You gotta make a move
How do you make a move?

>> No.53446527

You wouldn't get it.

>> No.53446559

That’s weird. In my experience, nothing makes pussy wetter than computer science degrees.

>> No.53446582

Zoomers are pathetic. At least millennials took oxycodone.

>> No.53446595

manlet cope, women always pick me up first
>t. Chad

>> No.53446612

should have dropped out at 22, and work some job with low inhibition lightskins, arabs or mexicans your age, no need for prison

knowledge of girls would have rubbed on you, game is the 2nd part

white autistic males are truly the bottom of society, there isnt a geographic with lower quality of life

>> No.53446623

masters in comp sci is a meme dude. what a waste of money. nobody cares if you have a masters they just want good coders. You could have spent 2 years at FAANG instead and made $500k+. people are so bad at life it's unreal.

>> No.53446624

Anyone who self-identifies as a chad, is a faggot. Simple as.

>> No.53446809
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im fat, socially awkward, and did my masters in music
>had 3 gfs, one easily 9.5/10
ready to change majors and live like a pauper?

>> No.53446847

Fit is all people just like him lol

>> No.53446848

9.5/10 in Bongland yeah

>> No.53446862

80% of men struggle with women

>> No.53446885

Get a remote job and move outside of the anglosphere retard. American/beadyeyed women being terrible isn’t a meme.

>> No.53446891

80% of men in history haven't had any kids... Seems to be a correlation here

>> No.53447254

Can't believe there's only two posts itt with the answer. Women NEVER ask men out. You're at an age now where being educated, having a career, being social, and being fit is all you need for most women but they will NEVER ask you out. If you're waiting for someone to "snatch you up" it's not going to happen.

>> No.53447351

How come you faggots can say something positive for once

>> No.53447387
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You don't get it do you? Once u get the girl u will wish that u were left alone with your thoughts at least for 5 minutes. Duality of a man.

>> No.53447408

can confirm. finally have nice girlfriend that is a good woman. Suddenly I don't care anymore about girls.

>> No.53447476
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>you mean overcompensate for your masculinity?
>now that's what I call, shit advice

>> No.53447529
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dubs confirmed this as best answer, I have looked through my small town (20 students per class) yearbooks 5 years before and after I graduated and the correlation was crystal clear. For males if you are tall and attractive, you have women and/ or children even if you are a druggie. If you are tall or attractive then you get mediocre/ toxic women. If you are neither you get nothing unless extremely successful, then you can get gold diggers looking for betabux.

The Disney princess bullshit is not a lie, it is only true when a women is in her teens and inexperienced. Once her first dick leaves her, even if he was way out of her league, she is ruined as wife material and she responds better to pissed off drug dealers then white knight betas.

I found all this shit out the hard way because I delayed sexual gratification to focus on success until I made it and then went looking for a date. My personal favorite are the overprotectve fathers that scare away quality men like me while young Chad gets to pump and dump them with no consequences.

>> No.53447556

I’m 35 and so many single women are like this, it’s disgusting. I’m divorced now from a woman who didn’t care and have been pretty happier now. If I get real lonely it just takes a few minutes to be reminded how women are, looking for a wallet.
I’d rather stay single than demean myself with someone else’s spawn.

>> No.53447786

just date 18 year olds. If you make 60k a year you're rich to them

>> No.53447923

But eventually they turn 24. Then what?