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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 252 KB, 1080x1080, 327157871_467268685606330_414407657862492340_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53432961 No.53432961 [Reply] [Original]

Why would he do this if he didn't need the money now? I'm sure he could have easily made 1B off the rights to his music over the rest of his life.

>> No.53433006

he can probably make 200 million off of one or two advertisement deals

>> No.53433013

seems like a good deal for him, since he didn't write it anyways, and it only qualifies as music in the loosest sense of the word
and ever since the vax paralyzed his face, it's not like he can perform anyways

>> No.53433023

look at the dude you just posted and think to yourself, 'would I expect a boy that looks like this to make in intelligent and informed decision?'

>> No.53433025

He knew (((they))) were gonna cancel him 20 years from now and steal everything from him. Better secure and invest what he has now. He probably bought BTC

>> No.53433035

nah, doubled down on bored apes

>> No.53433037

Probably forced, you don’t really get to make decisions if you are a goy and Jews want something from you, if you refuse you usually end up dead somewhere

>> No.53433060

probably realizes he'll be dead in 20 years from a drug overdose, so better to cash in on it today.
>get rich and famous being a cute pretty good boy
>crush legendary amounts of teenage pussy
>rebel against your own success
>chose to be a drug addicted retard covered in tattoos for... [low IQ reasons]

>> No.53433072

what the hell is in his armpit

>> No.53433102

It's a radio transmitter.

>> No.53433203

He is the great Pit Nipples

>> No.53433225

Sounds overvalued to me, doubt people will be listening to his stuff much in 20 years desu. Takes 1 million streams on spotify to make 4,000 dollars btw. .. so 500,000 would be 2000 dollars, times 100 0 is 2 million, so times 100,000 is 200 million, so he would have to get 100,000 times 1 million or 1 trillion streams to make this money, before tax, off spotify.. now obviously there's club and radio licensing etc.. but still yeah he is not getting a trillion streams in his lifetime.

>> No.53433262

He's probably losing his hair


>> No.53433280

>Why would he do this
You think he'll have thousands of adoring teen fans when he's 40, vax-maxed and looks like shit? The music is gift wrapping for the product, and the product will ripen and rot very soon, if not already

>> No.53433288

I don't think he's that stupid

>> No.53433321

Based schizo

>> No.53433339

Sold the rights to his songs so the buyer gets all the royalties or what? Or does it mean he sold his CD collection?

>> No.53433346

he's set for life with $200 million anyway

>> No.53433355

even someone like elvis presley is a bit of a literal who these days when most of his fans have died out

>> No.53433358

Who the fuck thinks his music catalog is worth $200M? He's not The Beatles or Michael Jackson. Nobody will be listening to his shit 10 years from now. Nobody listens to it now.

>> No.53433419

He is sick, some muscle sickness or something, probably cant perform.in the future

>> No.53433420

the female race thinks hes attractive

>> No.53433442

> Takes 1 million streams on spotify to make 4,000 dollars
in 20 years that will be $40,000 (inflation)

so yeah the numbers get abit more logical :) oh and dont forget in 20 years they can sell the rights to get even more profit back

>> No.53433452

Oh come on, you saying you don't have Justin Bieber's Greatest Hits on your CD multichanger? I don't believe you

>> No.53433462

the $200M can be invested to keep up with inflation or beat it

>> No.53433465

So he's got maybe another 5 years of pussy left before they latch onto some other twink. That's not worth $200M.

>> No.53433483

it has been invested... in biebers catalogue lmao

do the math, it already pays like 5% a year (justin earns $80mil a year, EASILY $10mil of that is his catalogue)

>> No.53433491

and maybe music in general will lose value as has been the trend, most people don't buy albums at full retail price, there will be more competition with streaming services, piracy might become more mainstream with decentralized services that can't be shoah'd, there will be more people figuring out how to make music and there will be AI generated music etc

>> No.53433553

His music is perfect for licensing its good background normie shit, advertisers will to use it.

>> No.53433607

Music as a medium is dying. Contemporary music is not part of popular culture. Most people listen to shit made a decade or more ago. 10 years from now music will be a fringe interest, like modern art. There will be a few aficianados, but the rest of the world will be busy fucking VR sexbots or whatever.

>> No.53433660
File: 595 KB, 924x552, vax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the vax doing this job

>> No.53433665

I know I must have heard his music somewhere, in the background, but I cant think of a single song. Great sale by him IMO

>> No.53433678

damn this nigga inspecting every inch of this guy's bod lol, you lookin to hook up with him homey?

>> No.53433701


>> No.53433706

if he ever needed more money he could just fuck mackenzie bezos and leech off her. he's alright.

>> No.53433709

He's raising money to buy uranium equities.

>> No.53433722

It's Justin Fucking Bieber, not real estate.
As has been stated, the longevity of this aural trash is debatable, at best.

>> No.53433753


>> No.53433861

>It's Justin Fucking Bieber, not real estate.
blue chip music will be the next big gold rush, like NY real estate in the 80's

>> No.53434003

He wasn't a bad hockey player, either, Now he'll be playing it on his Nintendo DS

>> No.53434039

bieber hands typed this post

>> No.53434045

A timeless classic. This song will never grow old.

>> No.53434053

happening to Crowder now

>> No.53434154

Probably because he don't even like his old songs anymore. Now selling it he doesn't have to sing they anymore on shows, right?

>> No.53434238

Looks like some kind of weird pimple.

>> No.53434282

Looks like a thumb wtf

>> No.53434294

Retard speak.

>> No.53434299

no one will be listening to justin bieber in 20 years, 100% guaranteed. This was the play.

Honestly whoever bought that made a horrible financial decision.

>> No.53434329

Because its literally synthesized, computer shit. It isnt even music. Most of the pop music now is a bunch of third worlder bongo bongo shit ooga booga. Pop music died 10 years ago.

>> No.53434340

>since he didn't write it anyways
He wrote a lot more than you think. Most later hits he had a part in. He can sing, write and play.

>> No.53434430

What coins/stocks do you hold so that I know to avoid them

>> No.53434567

holy fuck thats bad.

>> No.53434589

There's totally some weird shit in his right armpit. Is there any link to what it could be?

>> No.53435443

ok, whatever you say Justin

>> No.53435575

Even if that's true, what are you going to buy with a billion that you can't buy with 200M?

>> No.53435782

>He can sing, write and play.
only according to 15 yo roasties full of hpv

>> No.53435938

He will be dead in 2 from the vax, it already fucked him up.

>> No.53435984
File: 3.73 MB, 400x400, 1674361813762553.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

journals is a solid pop album you pleb

>> No.53436027

Even if he wasn't famous all he'd have to do is flash his bank statements and he'd have supermodels fighting to toss his post-muddy shits salad. Even with a half paralyzed face he'll still crush 20 year old puss for an eternity.

>> No.53436056

When was the last time you heard "Baby"? It was one of the biggest songs of his early career.

>> No.53436066


>> No.53436401

>Why would he do this if he didn't need the money now? I'm sure he could have easily made 1B off the rights to his music over the rest of his life.
if you knew whats going on in the markets you would know 2023 is the year to invest, to plant the seed, if this mother fucker is smart and has a good investment firm working with him, he can easily set is whole family up for generations, 200 millions is already a huge sum, but investing it is smarter than holding rights to music that's already out of fashion, who the fuck listens to his shitty songs?

>> No.53436717
File: 19 KB, 500x500, 1665962310047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is famous, it's not like he won't keep getting paid, unlike us who have to beg for even a sliver of what he has.
at least I would like to be slightly rich with some dextools token, I need something in my life, mainly money and a hoe

>> No.53436839

..is this American math?

>> No.53436867

Do have any idea how much fking money that is

>> No.53437422

he needs the money now because he cancelled his last tour so he probably owes a lot of money

>> No.53437575

this is why. had a friend that violated his NDA to tell me he saw him at a high-end rehab facility in vail, colorado currently. he is probably a fucking mess right now and his handlers told him to cash out or did it on his behalf

>> No.53437600

Negro, he bought the top of the ape mania. He’s that stupid

>> No.53437633

That's what he looks like now? I wonder how all the underage thots feel who liked him 13 years ago. Or do women actually think this trashy look is somehiw appealing to them. Why in the fuck is this guy even still arround?

>> No.53437786

Third nipple.
The mammary gland line goes from the armpit, across the chest, then down the stomach.
anglos see it as a curse, jews as a blessing.

>> No.53437801

He's famous rich and not fat and not old, he's probably still drowning in pussy anon

>> No.53437812

good god, how can people tolerate this many tattoos?

>> No.53437819

He could throw that 200m into 30 year bonds and make millions per year tax free and risk free, never have to worry about money or working ever again.

>> No.53437837

Yea, they also gave him lyme disease which is a chronic disease and a bioweapon that went out of control once too many ticks went into the wild. The first case was recorded in 1975

>> No.53437845

maybe he thinks his music is shit and is sick of performing it. now he has an excuse to retire and stop trying. i'd do the same if i was famous. make my first $10 mil then fuck off.

>> No.53437869

>lyme disease
Perhaps the first detailed description of what is now known as Lyme disease appeared in the writings of John Walker after a visit to the island of Jura (Deer Island) off the west coast of Scotland in 1764.[261]

>> No.53437892

women don't actually care what you look like, just how much attention you get from society
i knew a guy in high school, girls completely ignored him, then he was in a pimple/cyst popping youtube video that got over a million views, and girls became super interested in him

>> No.53437907

that's disgusting

>> No.53437923
File: 387 KB, 750x721, 1674613911114074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think I haven't heard a single Justin Bieber song in my entire life.

t. European

>> No.53437955

t. zoomer

>> No.53437957
File: 351 KB, 700x1057, E91B1895-C4AB-40B7-8CE0-946984CC8325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lyme disease was first described in 1977 following investigation of a cluster of arthritis cases among children living near Lyme, Connecticut (1). Further study indicated that arthritis was a late manifestation of a multisystem, tick-transmitted disease

>> No.53437981


>> No.53437983


his manager is literally scooter braun.

the same dude who fucked over taylor swift.

the same dude kanye refered to when he was talking about going death con on jewish people

dude is probably a sociopath ngl he is bad news

>> No.53437992

He's going all in on ETH.

>> No.53438021

Probably a tax move

>> No.53438068
File: 84 KB, 1600x900, bieber-final-3260323445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't get it up anymore on stage.
Dab on jabbed.

>> No.53438072

I literally desire no attention from society. Be rich and anonymous not poor and famous. Have women really that horrible taste? If I was a fag I'd prefer a laid back rich guy rather than a fucking celeb. I don't get deepfakes either. These people just disgust me.

>> No.53438229
File: 553 KB, 2628x1515, 166FA88F-43E8-4E7D-9E81-564DBAB04FFE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What has been debunked? Lyme disease randomly appeared in the 70s (cold war) near the national Plum Island Animal Disease Center. What a crazy coincidence. I bet there are ((studies)) that claim its been around for 10,000+ years but it somehow emerged during that specific time in that specific area. Man, what a crazy world.

>> No.53438305
File: 309 KB, 1080x1243, image_2023-01-25_235601981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fave Justin song bros?

I like his new one.

>> No.53438338

>Bell's palsy
I had this when I was 16 well before this scamdemic and all you retard schizo tourists who need to go back.

>> No.53438353

it's more like a 200mil one lump sum deal vs a 1b over 30 years

>> No.53438372

>Deforest all of New England and kill everything ticks normally habitate
>Reversal over a century of time
>Lyme magically comes back

>> No.53438418

if you had this when you were 16 then all of it must be false, makes perfect logical sense (kys)

>> No.53438425

Now he could put a couple mil into etfs Justin is high IQ.

Seriously 200 mil is enough for multiple generations to live on literally no one needs a billion

>> No.53438440


He committed his life to Christ. I don't think he cares that much how many more millions he makes.

Past $100 million the only point is to flex on the rest of the human race and to have the Yacht that is bigger than the next rich guy. Based Beiber realized all that stuff is meaningless

>> No.53438628

What do you mean with come back. It wasnt a known disease before. It wasnt classified. It did not exist.

Cases in 1988 - 50,000
Cases in 2018 - 500,000

This is in all of the USA. It was first concentrated on some smaller area and then spread broader spaces. What kind of disease just randomly starts regressing and concentrating to one place in prticular, then finally gets classified for the first time to then expand to bigger areas again. It obviously originated in that space during that time.
If Covid cases went down, cases wouldnt just concentrate in Wuhan again. Why do I even need to say this

>> No.53438638

artists are good with drugs and other degen shit not money

>> No.53438714

but a good example of someone that got all his money stolen from him

>> No.53438792
File: 790 KB, 2000x1331, image_2023-01-26_004334390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why people are acting like this 200 mill is all he had.

He made money from his music before he bought tons of real assets with that money like houses and cars too.

>> No.53438929

is your face still fucked Justin? actually curious

>> No.53438969

>I'm sure he could have easily made 1B off the rights to his music over the rest of his life.

someone doesn't understand time value of money

>> No.53438986

because he's fit, rich, and famous? are you seriously asking this?
even if he was only one of those three things he'd be doing great.

>> No.53439004

He's married to a hot chick too so why would he give a shit?

>> No.53439039
File: 95 KB, 864x735, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53439062

>Tfw Beiber is the whale pumping the crypto market

>> No.53439069

that's something in his pocket dumbass

>> No.53439087

He can't perform after the clotshot. Basically taking severance pay before retiring.

>> No.53439105

same as michael
sony is still phony

>> No.53439161

get real, something that big wouldn't fit in a pocket

>> No.53439408

There's a way that he can repair the paralysis naturally, but don't tell him kek

>> No.53439427

idiot he doesn't have a cartoonishly big mandingo schlong
his genitals are in the middle with the dick pointing in the opposite direction and then there's a small object in his pocket that you think is his dick head
take your meds insufferable qanon /pol/ schizo

>> No.53439468

a lot of them latched on to shawn mendes, harry styles from direction, I haven't followed pop culture shit especially music, so I don't know who the next teen heartthrob is, os it there even one

>> No.53439577

Your math is wrong. It would only take 50 billion streams to make 200 million. 2e8/(4000/1e6)

>> No.53439662

Because he’s about to die from the clot shot and he knows it. Might as well live like a king in the few short months he has left

>> No.53439672

this nigga spent a looong time lookin at dat dick

>> No.53439679

just an average size bwc probably can't even fit inside that asian woman but she probably tried

>> No.53439713

>4chan still seething about justin beiber 15 years later
some things never change

>> No.53439721

the vax is probably going to kill him soon, sad.

>> No.53439750


>> No.53439842

Yes, a boner

>> No.53440765

look at the creases around the "shaft", the shaft would be too thin, they're just creases in the fabric of his pants, you're just imagining the dick like with the glowing pizzagate tier nonsense about michelle obama being a man

>> No.53440776

Get another jab.

>> No.53442303

you had the jab then also remember?

>> No.53442317

haha no but seriously what the fuck is it guys

>> No.53442331

>posts what a boner looks like
>describes exactly whats in image
>goes off tangent to talk about CP and BBC
Its a throbbed uncircumcised white cock and there's nothing you can do about it kike

>> No.53442346

a wart, i have one too

>> No.53442356

Looks pretty mole-y but probably a skin tag

>> No.53442357

Looks like a wart that's been partially singed off.

>> No.53442375

> 1 million streams on spotify to make 4,000 dollars btw. .. so 500,000
these are the people that give you financial advice on this board

>> No.53442403

So you sold the rights to your music and now you're on biz to play shitcoin roulette with the money?

>> No.53442406

He’s yolo’ing into SHIB

>> No.53442432


>> No.53442450


>> No.53442532


>> No.53442541

I meant to reply to you for my video above
>it isn’t just women who start paying attention. Men respect you too.

>> No.53442586

he needs to pay those expensive medical bills after his vaxxie escapade
also nobody listens to this faggot, those teen girls grew up now and the new zoomies listen to whoever the latest gayboy is

>> No.53442882

ayo hol up justin bieber superbowl?

>> No.53442933
File: 759 KB, 780x738, jolsson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Springsteen sold his music catalog for $500 Million
> Bob Dillon sold his music catalog for $250 Million
artists have starting realizing that their music is not universal or eternal. it pretty much dies within a few generations.

>> No.53442952

He received a double dose of the clot shot so some Jew could rip him off. Yep, sounds fair.

>> No.53443022
File: 15 KB, 476x356, 3892-stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck it's just how the hair is curled looking like there is something there that isn't

>> No.53443061

Does this nigger have a third nipple in his armpit? wtf

>> No.53443148
File: 22 KB, 500x332, daniel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what wet armpit hair looks like on people with straight blond hair. Exposed a lot of.....people with this one, haven't you?.

>> No.53443158

why do subhuman NPC goyim pay for music?
it's literally free on youtube

>> No.53443180

You are truly the dumbest. Kek.
>mamory line
I know you were raised on corn syrup formula, but you gotta do better

>> No.53443354

>Dylan sells his catalog for $250m
>Bieber sells his for $200m
Relatively seen, it's probably a great deal for his shit. That or Bob got fucked over Big Time. I know which is liable to still be earning 50 years from now.

>> No.53443773

2 weeks

>> No.53443819

i'm a 38 years old western yuropoor and i've never heard a justin bieber song in my life
unless you count random meme parodies on the internet
too many of you kids choose to base your existence around goyslop then cope by reacting angrily whenever someone points out they don't live the same way

>> No.53444513

Do you think this guy has had a single independant tought in his head in the past 20 years?

>> No.53445319

this website is goyslop. you're just absurdly out of touch with the world around you. to be a well-rounded businessperson you should have basic knowledge of various topics and have common sense.

>> No.53445368

are you a NEET who gets autismbux? then you don't even realize how sad and limited your existence is.

>> No.53445810


>> No.53445882

He probably pays 20 mil in taxes a year
Thats not a lot of money depending on how much property he owns

>> No.53445895

probably plans to suicide

>> No.53445926

you think he worries about money or taxes NOW?!? you stupid idiot that game ENDS once you make it

>> No.53445963
File: 402 KB, 2400x1350, apu_apustaja_kym.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine politely asking and then paying George Soros to let you sing baby baby baby for whatever fans you have left

>> No.53445995

You can literally add 1 word to a song and receive writing credit. It's music industry jewry. Why don't you take a look how many """songwriters""" have contributed to any hit song over the past two decades.

>> No.53446005

literal brainlet cope.

>> No.53446162

specialists are just king wagies. to be a business owner you should be learned about many different topics that you can draw from directly or indirectly (by analogy, by a certain way of thinking etc) to help succeed with your business.

>> No.53446239

like book smart vs street smart. for example a chess nerd, unless they're god tier like magnus carlsen so that they can monetize their chess game then they won't get very far with a business. for example a computer programmer, almost all of the opportunity is gone to make a software business by yourself, but if you have some programming knowledge it helps you think in terms of algorithms to optimize the logistics for your business, you have a better intuition for search engine optimization etc.

>> No.53446314


>> No.53446540

go back to /tg/

>> No.53447054


>> No.53447117

he's washed up and his ip is quickly depreciating in perceived value
all his fans are grown up now
this is a stop loss

>> No.53447934

Smart move, considering I've never heard even one of his songs.

>> No.53448151

If I just cashed out 200M. First, I would go crazy with 1M and invest the rest into VOO.
In 2022 V00 paid out $5.95 a share in dividends. It is running about $370 a share. There could be better indexes but. 199M into VOO would give me 3.2M a year. And that is all dividends. If he can't live on 3m a year fuck him.

>> No.53448417

did he write baby? that was the one that made him famous.

>> No.53448542


>> No.53448607

>somebody bought his music for 200 million currency when I can download it for 0 currency

>> No.53448634
File: 8 KB, 168x300, 100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL at anyone thinking he made it, 200M is practicaly nothing, barely middle class lifestyle for a few decades then will have to work again if he wants a decent retirement.

>> No.53448689

>Or do women actually think this trashy look is somehiw appealing to them. Why in the fuck is this guy even still arround?
Jfl of course they do
Being HTN and looking like this makes your SMV rise through the roof

>> No.53448701

kek, yeah this is one of the best trades of all time on his part

>> No.53448782
File: 76 KB, 736x399, EVG8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>200M is practicaly nothing, barely middle class lifestyle for a few decades

I give that 200 mill 5 years tops.

>> No.53448835

>tries to be taken seriously
>posts midwit youtube video essay