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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53438015 No.53438015 [Reply] [Original]

I am moving from one apartment to another pretty soon (already approved and ready to move into the new one) and I'm thinking about just leaving, not paying the break lease, and not paying rent for the old apartment. I understand this is nig behavior, but I have already made it and I really don't care about an eviction on my record because the next apartment I rent will be the last one, and I'll only be there for a couple years tops. After that I plan on either moving into one of the homes I own outright, or buying a new home outright. Are there any pitfalls (aside from moral) if I do this?

>> No.53438254

>I understand this is nig behavior
And yet you're doing it. Maybe move to a bigger shithole so you fit in better.

>> No.53438788

I get it done to me by tenants periodically. It's not rare. It won't even surprise the landlord I bet. This apt is one out of about 500.

>> No.53438856
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>because the next apartment I rent will be the last one
no, it won't be.

>> No.53438944

im buying a home soon. i plan on stiffing my big jewish landlord for the last 6 months of rent. go ahead and sue me. i'll cause $100k of property damage that can't be traced back to me.

>> No.53438979

>missed rent
these sound like retard issues

>> No.53438993
File: 131 KB, 281x415, Screenshot from 2023-01-25 19-00-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own 29 units outright. Worst case scenario I just move into one of those. I'm only in an apartment right now because those ones are undergoing renovation. I won't have size or budget issues with this apartment because it is a 5bd 2.5ba with a 2 car garage and 3200 sqft for 1950/mo.

>> No.53439016

Renting is not credit you retard. It's a debit.

>> No.53439043
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>stiffing my big jewish landlord for the last 6 months of rent
>buying a home soon
the retard level here is strong. If you actually were on a contract to buy a home or even trying to get pre approval, you would know, that "stiffing" your "landlord" for 6 months would get you reported to a credit agency, which, would fuck you with the underwriter.
>inb4 ahahahah I'm paying cash from my massive short on BTC or >insert shitcoin here<

>> No.53439053

Good luck buying a home after being convicted of criminal damage.

>> No.53439055
File: 136 KB, 500x442, larping-a-practice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you only own 29 units and you're still renting? kek, sorry for you loss poor. I have 360 units and own my own country. what's holding you back?

>> No.53439080

The level of retardation of young people these days...

>> No.53439089

The last apartment I had only wanted a $100 deposit when I moved in. Cleaned it up fairly well before I left, then those assholes told me I owed them $1500 for cleaning.
>ok so take it out of the deposit, that’s what’s it’s for right?
>your deposit was only $100, it doesn’t cover it
>ok and that’s my fault? Fuck yourself

They reported it on my credit, so I reported them to the credit bureau for fraud.

>> No.53439090
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probably fetal alcohol syndrome

>> No.53439201
File: 166 KB, 425x414, Screenshot from 2023-01-25 19-16-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tard. It still affects your credit score. The only reason this is a question for me is because I view my credit score as a real life high score along with net worth. That and leveraging other people's money is a very valuable asset.
Some people buy outright.
>On biz
>Convinces himself no one has 7 figs

>> No.53439301

want to file charges? i have the names of your children and the address of the hebrew school they attend. your move.

>> No.53439315
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>29 units
>7 "figs"
>comes to /biz for advice on how to break a lease
go back

>> No.53439376
File: 444 KB, 544x513, IMG_0532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, by the looks of the photos that catch your eye, you're a raging homo.

>> No.53439411
File: 154 KB, 281x420, Screenshot from 2023-01-25 19-38-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of seethe in this lmao
yes and I'm a pedophile too

>> No.53439438

Cool lie

>> No.53439451

Funnily I had a score of 750 and when Covid hit I loaded all my cards up, got a huge expensive truck, and a loan or two.

Havent payed a dime back minus the truck payment and my score is like. I am able to get some decent loans as Im basically a nigger on paper.

>> No.53439488

tempting - i have about 90k of credit card range i could rack up (i have 0 debt right now) - could walk away from it and just dunk my credit rating and restart.. it feels like a cheatcode but i'm too much of a scared bitch to try

>> No.53439491

the pitfalls is them suing you and getting a judgement for damages. the consequence of not paying debt isn't just a hit to your credit. but they can sue you to get it and typically they get extra for having to sue (like 3x damages). most of the time they don't bother because the person can't pay. but if they know you can pay they probably would if its a decent amount of money. so w/e you do, make it seem like you are poor and can't pay.

>> No.53439570

LARP or your parents own them not you sonny.

>> No.53439590
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confirmed larp

>> No.53439761
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First helpful reply. Thanks. Wasn't really planning on doing this anyway because the risk outweighs the reward for me, just wanted to discuss it as a possibility.
Idk what's unrealistic about 7 figs split between 29 units. Assuming I have 2 million that's an average cost of about 67k per unit. Or you think I specifically can't have over a million because I like cute little girly boys or something?

>> No.53440099
File: 246 KB, 588x682, aintnobussing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zoomer larpers