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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 85 KB, 912x713, TROON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53436512 No.53436512 [Reply] [Original]

What are the financial implications of Troons analyzing markets?

>> No.53436531

literally based investing
think about it
She can never be wrong about the market because overwise the market would be transphobic. very bullish

>> No.53436977

They all look the same. There's gotta be some tranny clone room somewhere.

>> No.53437003

low t causes the chud phenotype

>> No.53437428

>mentally challenged
lets see how they fair against The Swam

>> No.53437442

I own nothing but I am not happy. It is not happening yet.

>> No.53437466

wtf lads.... is that actually and unironically a woman?

>> No.53437482

trannies are always wrong, just look at Lyn Alden

>> No.53437652

>Be misogynistic media conglomerate
>Forced to hire token female financial spokesperson
>Literal nails on a chalkboard every time she speaks
>See woke movement defends troons
>Fire actual woman
>Hire male troon
>Let “her” analyze financial scenarios
>Make reporter make joke to troon
>”Whoever said women don’t know finance has never met you, haha!”
>Reporter laughs
>Troon laughs
>Women seethe as they feign smiles and clap forcibly

It’s so good bros. That’s some goddamn 4D chess. You want more women in male positions? Just even it out with male troons. Then they have to pretend it’s not male dominated.

>> No.53437784
File: 109 KB, 741x921, 1667558419357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate trannies who don't even make an effort, it's insulting.

>> No.53438127


>> No.53438218

There's only so much effort you can make at age 60 with a big skull.
Comparing her to a cutie in her 20s is retarded.
Retards in their 20s who don't shave however, fuck em.

>> No.53438236

How have they not made an effort?
You expect them to get face sugery or something? There is not much more they can do.

>> No.53438251

What a gorgeous, intelligent woman

>> No.53438652
File: 7 KB, 219x219, F88E8679-E01B-4695-BC07-4D66E040E1C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Results may vary

>> No.53438662
File: 90 KB, 717x495, 1669285174518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to >>>/pol/

>> No.53438670

To be fair, real women don’t know anything about finances

>> No.53438789

Maybe have the wig cover your bald head at least.

>> No.53438906

They like to kill themselves, speed running the jump out of a 20 story office building window.

>> No.53438981

this is the only woman i trust its economic views

>> No.53439575

Well if this classy woman is a man consider me a faggot. I would kiss and make sweet love to this man

>> No.53439591

Just proof that the best woman for the job is a man.

>> No.53439598


>> No.53439638

Kek yea same goes for sports. It’s fucking hilarious seeing men who identify as women dominate in womens college sports. “B-but I thought women were the same as men…oh noooo” fucking kek. The women can’t do shit about it because they are supposed to be woke and pro-trannyfags. Fucking trannies HEEMING roasties is the best part of clown world. Karma is a bitch and women had it coming to them for trying to be better than men with all the perks of being treated as a woman

>> No.53439666


>> No.53439682



>> No.53439699

From a workplace hostility perspective, how can my employer require me to say things that I know are not true? Like if I'm supposed to refer to Jared as a woman, when I know he's just a man in a dress, how is it that an employer can require me to say or think something false?

>> No.53439773

Because the US Government / Military backs them up on it.

>> No.53439810

employees enter a cnc relationship with their employers
you're like the fucking beaten woman

>> No.53439846

That’s because she’s a man

>> No.53439925

same reason they can force you to "acknowledge" sodomy as an immutable characteristic, instead of a behavior associated with various paraphilias and tendencies.

this bit of trickery allows any attack on the concept (promoting and idealizing sodomy as a human rights issue) to be taken personally by the sodomite without them ever asking if they should change their unhealthy behavior. it also allows heterosexuals to engage in sodomy without even having the vocabulary to question it beyond "its hot".

they're also trying this now with every other sexual paraphilia because they're fundamentally anti-natalists set on depopulation. if this makes sense to you, please remember it and keep it in the back of your mind moving forward.

>> No.53440122

The homosexuals I never had an issue with because their lives are largely private. If someone says "Hello, I am gay," it's simply a factual statement. Their gayness kind of has nothing to do with typical work 99% of the time. I don't believe it's an immutable characteristic but I also don't find it anymore consequential than someone who says "I like baseball." It only affects me if I choose to feel something about it or if they're being weirdly overt about their sexual preferences, which would also be inappropriate for heterosexual coworkers.

The transgender situation is different because it doesn't work unless I also participate in the other person's fantasy. I have to use incorrect pronouns and refer to them as an incorrect gender. I have to essentially lie to them, myself, and others to maintain this charade.

>> No.53440150


When you hit random in the cyberpunk 2077 character creation screen

>> No.53440203

accepting the category "gay" as a trait of someone that they cannot ever change inevitably leads to your children being forcibly converted by the state into trannies because their teacher indoctrinated them.

it might be hard to see if this is your first time hearing this angle, but it's the only logically consistent one.

to be consistent though, we also have to treat "heterosexual" sodomy as a sin. many people aren't willing to do that, so they just accept the category of sexual orientation to separate them from the more committed sodomites. these are all things I imagine everyone can intuit, but the language and cultural tropes we're offered lead us astray and prevent us from being consistent and coherent about it. we simply lost the language to discuss it this way over time because we strayed from God.

tl;dr us muthafuckas need Jesus

>> No.53440278

She is the best of both worlds. She is the future.

>> No.53440301

>It looks like my portfolio is down 42% -- ACK

>> No.53440336
File: 55 KB, 821x1024, alex jones everything will be ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it triggers chuds, who then post more on 4chan and drive up the site's ad revenue

>> No.53440381

I just accept that if someone is gay then so be it. Maybe it can change, maybe not, I don't tremendously care because I'm not gay. I don't have to participate in being gay. But a transgender person is different. It's a form of coercion where you are forced to say 2+2=5. A tranny on an island is nobody. They NEED another mind to submit to their fantasy.

>> No.53440486

Right, and you're going to be even more upset when they force you to let pedophiles, sorry, Minor Attracted Persons teach your children in school.

The entire game these demons play is "im not touching you im not touching you" over and over to get away with whatever social project they want to get away with, and they count on people being too distracted or demoralized to parse what they're doing.

You can choose to remain ignorant of the dynamic at play or you can work to break free from it. It's in everyone's interest that we start paying attention to these things and being more vigilant about them. You're cutting off the heads of the hydra instead of using a poison arrow, you simply can't win from your frame. Today it's trannies, tomorrow it's bestiality (probably literally tomorrow), and can we really say dead bodies without consciousness have any dignity? How can we deny the civil rights of necrophiliacs?

>> No.53441114

I’m so tired of troons man

>> No.53441328
File: 219 KB, 483x470, 6f3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies don't actually exist IRL, they are purely a figment of media. Turn off your screens and the troon question is solved.

>> No.53441406

biz is just intimidated that this beautiful woman had a better career and more fulfilling life they could ever dream of

>> No.53441424

axe and rope stocks up 42% overnight