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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 118 KB, 1072x760, gas fees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53434149 No.53434149 [Reply] [Original]

they're literally doing the best job out there

>> No.53434171

/biz doesnt hate polygon
paid turkfags, turbokikes, and cardanocucks are the ones that hate on it
the average bizfag either likes polygon or doesnt really care about it

>> No.53434260

they're hated BECAUSE they do such a good job

>> No.53434298

why the fuck are BNB fees so high

>> No.53434354

>$0 gas fees
Uh what? I don’t like Matic because my trx fail all the fucking time. Annoying as shit. Also I don’t like eth or Indians, so why would I like a combo of the two

>> No.53434396

i was thinking the same. its the go to chain for shitcoins, shouldnt it have the cheapest fees?

>> No.53434432

they dont really mean $0 gas fees. they just dont want to include decimals
>my trx fail all the fucking time
literally just got done buying an NFT from there. you sure you're not doing something wrong anon
what are you seeing exactly on the platform?

>> No.53434441

the gas spikes are gay. just do all your harvests on a sunday morning

>> No.53434444
File: 177 KB, 927x795, 1435f8b6-399c-462c-tca4-d818dd84bd39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we rise

>> No.53434457


>> No.53434461

polygon made an update and solved this issue, avalanche still hasnt

>> No.53434462
File: 167 KB, 680x566, 1671033619208053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> /biz doesnt hate Polygon, its paid haters
Cope harder anon, everyone knows Polygon is a fag chain
> VC chain, took more VC money than even Solana
> Centralized chain, takes 5 multisig signers to change anything
> Larps as an Ethereum project, isnt
> Pays for "Partnerships" with that VC money
> Tx fail constantly, chain is trash
> Deep reorgs every day, the chain is trash
> Pajeet shillers are insufferable
> Fakes network activity with bots

Have you ever noticed that every partner that works with Polygon never turns into anything tangible? Almost like they are paid deals for PR and the reality is that its just trash.

>> No.53434474

>> VC chain, took more VC money than even Solana
give actual proof for that you nigger slave faggot

>> No.53434511

>be me
>buy polygon pre 0.14
>learn hindu to laugh in jeet
>हहह, हिहि

>> No.53434533

>>VC chain, took more VC money than even Solana
you have no proof of that
>>Centralized chain, takes 5 multisig signers to change anything
supernets are a thing. look them up retard
>>Larps as an Ethereum project, isnt
they're the only chain with a zkEVM. even gas is paid in ETH which isnt the case in most "L2s
>>Pays for "Partnerships" with that VC money
again, show actual real proof
>>Tx fail constantly, chain is trash
then explain the millions of daily transcations. you're such a retard
youre samefagging (>>53434432) if anything
>>Deep reorgs every day, the chain is trash
new updated solved this. time to get new FUD faggot
>>Pajeet shillers are insufferable
still made more money that you kek
>>Fakes network activity with bots
$1.17 billion in DeFi TVL
dApps like Gains Network see hundreds of millions of dollars in trades on a daily basis (and this is just one app)
explain how you can bot that faggot

>> No.53434571
File: 113 KB, 1124x568, vitalk:polygon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> Larps as an Ethereum project, isnt
Vitalik himself approves of it. Who the fuck are you to say otherwise? (pic related)

>> No.53434979

wtf is that y axis