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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 30 KB, 300x300, BCC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5343389 No.5343389 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5343507
File: 166 KB, 1245x529, Turk and Roger Ver-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5343894
File: 22 KB, 988x769, BCH-BTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The value of BCH/BTC tanks
>We did it reddit!

You're retarded. All Bitcoin Cash did was scare investors out of crypto entirely. The value of BCH/BTC is actually dropping.

>> No.5343925

well done BCH, scared all the normies away on your faggot fucking insider crypto autism war

>> No.5343990

roger looks whiter than 95% of americans

>> No.5344011

Quitter here

BTC really SHOULD die and BCH should replace it

>> No.5344020

There aren't any white Americans though

>> No.5344048

Wait, we actually care about normies?

>> No.5344056

Yes, I'm sure cryptocurrency will stand much taller if you cut off its legs.

>> No.5344077

Are you stupid? Of course we should. Their money is as good as anyone else's.

>> No.5344083

When are you faggots going to start blaming CME? Even your fag overlord richard heart is blaming them.

>> No.5344168

That's half of it. But it would be a lot easier to resist them tanking the value if a huge chunk of the value wasn't just split off into BCH.

>> No.5344190

It would be a lot easier to tank the value if it was all concentrated in one piece of shit

>> No.5344265

That's not how it works. Real currencies are relatively stable (compared to crypto) because they have so much value in them. Right now crypto has small (relatively) market caps scattered among a few major coins. The market caps a large relative to a regular person, but they're small enough that individual major investors can still manipulate them.

>> No.5344448

white america is just a phrase. it never was.

>> No.5344475

Don't compare speculative gambling cryptos to real world currencies. Bitcoin isn't even a currency it's "gold".

>> No.5344484

what happened anyway? did roger ver collude with jihan in some evil BCH heist ?

>> No.5344507

Just sold my shit off @ 2400$ dollars. Fuck it I'll take a 25% loss. You faggots can hodl till your grave.

>> No.5344574

You can actually buy stuff with Bitcoin. I used to do it all the time. At until cashfags started attacking it[0] to drive up the price of fees. You can't really buy anything with gold and dividing it into denominations is a pain in the ass.

[0] https://twitter.com/sbetamc/status/943433491097714688

>> No.5344578

You didn't buy BZC yet anon? Kek

>> No.5344591

Welcome to the club. Make sure to declare your loss on your Form 8949 to get some of your taxes back from the Jews.

>> No.5344615
File: 36 KB, 252x306, 1504649352810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buys ATH and salty at others. will /biz/ ever change?

>> No.5344624


>do we care about making money?

No, being members of a secret clubhouse is much better.

>> No.5344706

I blame myself for buying into Bitcoin Trash, a scam coin I had avoided for so long. But then I saw normies pump this shit when Bitcoin crashed the other day, and I figured they literally couldn't be so retarded as to suddenly decide that's not worth doing anymore. I underestimated them and that's my bad. I only put like 15% of my folio into this and only took 25% loss so it's actually nothing.

>> No.5344788


BCash needs to die.

>> No.5344849

All that link showed was someone making transactions. You realize Bitcoin transactions can be analyzed so if you find a spam transaction you can literally trace it back to specific individuals. There is no spam, you people are just retards who don't actually use the coin. If there was spam then you would be doing blockchain analysis and identifying the individuals spamming the network.

>> No.5344882

>All that link showed was someone making transactions.
That is nowhere near a normal amount of transactions.

>If there was spam then you would be doing blockchain analysis and identifying the individuals spamming the network.
And do what about it?

>> No.5344895

>buy at ath
>sell at loss after 3 hours

lol lov u biz

>> No.5344899

>no matter how much BTC drops BCH always manage to drop a lot more
you guys are funny

>> No.5344920

great. bought 3 BCH just now.

>> No.5344932

>That is nowhere near a normal amount of transactions.
It is depending on who is doing it. If you would do blockchain analysis then we could determine if it were normal. But without knowing who is doing it you literally don't know anything. Also the fact that it doesn't list any addresses means it is as likely to be complete bullshit as it is to be a real transaction that occurred. Again if you fags would actually do blockchain analysis we would have absolute proof.

>And do what about it?
Have actual proof of malicious network spamming rather than making up bullshit to cover up for the fact that your coin is fucking dogshit.

>> No.5344948

Fuck this drama nonsense. By the time the market recovers a bit I'm gonna move all my stack to ETH.

>> No.5344952

No way, after the value of BCH/BTC doubled it experienced a 10% pullback. Who would've guessed?

>> No.5344956

Well, I care about my money

>> No.5344965

Good for me, Roger ver is our guy scaring normies away <3

>> No.5344976

Giving too much credit there

>> No.5344977
File: 42 KB, 856x504, aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a visual. Please tell me how this chart is an indication of the value dropping.

>> No.5345015

There are zero exchanges that exchange off of BCH, but lots of them trading in BTC. Literally Dogecoin is more legitimate there because at least Cryptopia will let you trade in that.

That is BCH/USD, not BCH/BTC. The value of BCH is dropping relative to BTC.

>> No.5345059

BCH/BTC is the yellow line dumbass. It has a chart in BTC/USD in green. The market cap is in blue. Now look at the chart again and realize your stupidity is equally spread among the rest of the BTC hodlers. Enjoy the flippening you mentally retarded fuck.

>> No.5345087

>all these salty core bagholders

Are you blind? Do you hate money?
BCH will take over. Its the obvious choice for an easy 3x in Q1 2018

>> No.5345099
File: 48 KB, 1309x512, BCH-BTC2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This chart might be easier for you to understand, since you're clearly retarded. 24 hours ago BCH was worth 0.2137 BTC. It is now worth 0.1748 BTC. BCH is losing value respective to BTC.

>> No.5345134

I had it from being on the same chain as my btc. I never raised the stake due to thinking Roger Ver and Jihan Wu are untrustworthy and counterproductive figures in this all. I kept it to hedge my bets and think it will retain value but it's just toxic from the get go. I'd prefer another coin to succeed simple to JUST bch and BTC for a change

>> No.5345138

Again, the price of BCH/BTC just doubled from a week ago. You think that it dropping to .17 means it is crashing when that is still a 70% increase from last week. I don't know what drugs you take to distance yourself from reality, but damn they must be good.

>> No.5345144

that short term shit is irrelevant.

Even the slowest of normies now realizes that BTC is a slow overprized shitcoin that doesnt do anything but reduce your stack with every transfer.

2018 alts will reign and BCH will eat most of BTCs marketcap.

>> No.5345153

Cashies are as deluded and obnoxious as Trumpfags.

>> No.5345162

Don't be crazy. Why eth ? There are better options?

>> No.5345170

>hurrdurr he wuz felon n sheeeit

Are you here to make money or post reddit tier ad-hominems?

>> No.5345208

If you think that it's going to stop decreasing in value you're sorely mistaken. The bubble that just popped is just like in 2013. Crypto is going to bleed for months. BTC will come back on top because with all the people leaving it the transaction backlog will disappear. Eventually Lightning will be released and BTC will rebound with instant and private transactions with zero fees. That will be what puts the final nail in BCH.

>> No.5345285

I'm still minted cunt, settle down. I still have real estate, cash, stocks , industrial equipment and a lot of BTC and BCH . i can not like these individuals for personal reasons . You wouldn't choose to do business with everybody necessarily. If you were in business with yourself and not some NEET or wageslave you would understand how important it is to pick the people you work with carefully .

>> No.5345301

all i see is bcashies getting pumped and dumped on again

>> No.5345332

Reminder that Roger Ver endorsed MtGox as it was burning down.

Anyone that listens to a word that retarded con artist says deserves everything that comes of it.

>> No.5345343

>reddit tier ad-hominems?
>Not giving your money to criminals is reddit.
The damage control is real.

>> No.5345365

>pretending Roger made BCH

who gives a shit about Roger?

>> No.5345397


Trump did win, right?

>> No.5345404

Roger is the face of Bitcoin Cash. His followers unironically call him "Bitcoin Jesus" and he was one of the major pushers for BCH to fork.

>> No.5345476

lol what.

>> No.5345483

Pyrrhic victory, so yes Bcash may win, it will just take the rest of crypto down with it.

>> No.5345613
File: 2.01 MB, 400x300, 1463969736535.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sent bcc to gdax
>they disable trading
>can't even withdraw it now

>> No.5345676


>Friday: Who gives a shit about Roger?

Never change /biz/.

>> No.5345728

cant u send back to coinbase?

>> No.5345793

No. There's no Deposit or Withdraw buttons.

>> No.5345819


>> No.5346446

coinbase disabled trading? >>5345728

>> No.5346785

meanwhile someone is actually trying this "spam attack" with massive 80kb transactions on the bitcoin cash chain (and guess what, it has zero effect on fees)

>> No.5346877

deluded corecuck

>> No.5347390

Is there any point me holding this?

I'm getting nervous.

>> No.5347530
File: 54 KB, 490x532, bitrash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5347559

it stay higher each time

>> No.5347653

Just wait until the coinbase fags can sell and withdraw

>> No.5348099


Mate, a bunch of normies just watched CNN, invested $100, were told to put it on a wallet and then just watched their $100 turn into $75... Oh, and it took half the day to fucking transfer.

You think BCH is going to kill crypto?

Bro, the BTC is a slow expensive piece of shit that is using more fucking energy than entire fucking countries.

The only thing killing crypto is Bitcoin Core and their refusal to adjust the block size. They agreed to raise the blocks to 2MB and then fucked over everyone. By doing so the fees and transaction times have gotten completely out of hand and it's at the point where some people don't even have enough BTC in their wallet to spend since the fees are so bad.

THEY are to blame. No one else.

>> No.5348200

Are you fucking retarded?

>Be bcash
>Altcoin, forked of bitcoin
>Bitcoin crash
>Bcash valued in bitcoin
>Trying to slay bitcoin also devalues bcash

how fucking stupid can roger be?

>> No.5348239

>"WE DID IT!!!"
>BCH down 40%
Hahahahaha you fucking cash cucks are hilarious
C O P E.

>> No.5348306

>I wanna suck chinese miners cock.

>> No.5348360

Yea too much credit for BCH.

>> No.5348412

it's gonna moon before btc does
screencap this

>> No.5348433
File: 27 KB, 260x162, jihan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will not stop until Bcore reaches zero.

Prepare to die.

>> No.5348523
File: 15 KB, 242x201, seems-legit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but Bcash is tanking

>> No.5348582

just shows how spiteful and retarded bcash cucks are

>> No.5348821

Do you think operation dragon slayer can still succeed. I think this was a test run - but it didn't seem to work out as intended. Not sure if they'll conclude that it's not worth it when euro markets are opened