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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53409312 No.53409312 [Reply] [Original]

I was going to buy RLC at a dollar and you fucking assholes convinced me to buy LINK instead. You said iExec was
>Dead french coin
>Digital Dogshit
>Vaporware with no users

I have lost out on tens of thousands of dollars. Is this shit just going to keep going up?

>> No.53409336

7 users

>> No.53409445

>7 billion losers

>> No.53409458

Still under $2. But won't be for long.

>> No.53409490

Can you please NOT buy so the price can go up?

>> No.53409496

It was obvious to me there were no actual pajeets shilling this. It was a reverse fud play and a decent one at that. I bought a nice stack at .85

>> No.53409507

youre telling me that was a lie? moonie moons doesn't post here anymore?

>> No.53409588

quit larping
nobody is that retarded

>> No.53409645

You can still buy in, it's going to $1500 by EOY.

>> No.53409661

This. There’s no need to larp as jeets anymore. RLC is clearly a bear market gainer. It has real world utility and the supply is low enough for biz to control the majority of the supply. Just buy and fucking diamondhand this shit

>> No.53409685
File: 170 KB, 621x386, iexec india.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesnt look like a lie to me

>> No.53409694

It's only gone from 97p to £1.41. Hardly a massive return. If you'd put £1,000 in (which is the most you'd have spent, be honest) you'd have made £453 profit.

>> No.53409712

I was the guy posting that I had 10k to spend on either RLC or LINK.

>> No.53409715

Is there any chance for this to go to $3.50 in the next month?

>> No.53409748

So £4.5k. Hardly 'tens of thousands'
Anyway cheer up, you can still buy HBAR cheap.

>> No.53409757

That's only a 2x from here so yes.

>> No.53409821

I dunno man, wouldn't that would make the MC like 130b

>> No.53409826

Did you happen to see the max supply on LINK when you were evaluating the two? We’re you aware of the sergey betray? The tonkenomics of RLC are much better than LINK

>> No.53409841

>begging for attention by using a popular scam's name
>outperformed by btc
yep, that's some digital dogshit right there

>> No.53409890

I don't know if this twitter handle is a meme or serious but who cares?
People are fudding by acting like pajeets. Get over it.

maybe go 50:50 whatever
If you're not larping you're really not made for this.

>> No.53409924 [DELETED] 

don’t keep listening to retards just buy Kenshi right now and you’ll get the same gains you would have gotten

>> No.53411019 [DELETED] 

what's Kenshi?

>> No.53411080

10T circ supply vs 80M circ supply LOL LMAO EVEN

>> No.53411091

im late to RLC dude, it's fucking over

>> No.53411114

Barely begun. It's still below $2, you fool. But not for long.

>> No.53411123
File: 1.15 MB, 1286x1070, holup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were 3 posts earlier I'd give you the time of day

>> No.53411147

Imagine not going all in on this knowledge alone

>> No.53411182 [DELETED] 

Don't look at the supply, look at the marketcap. $100 worth of Kenshi will buy more % of the supply than $100 of RLC

>> No.53411237

ur late its over its over 100M marketcap you can no longer make it with 24$ pajeet

>> No.53411258

yea cause k3nshi is an influencer scam with zero real world use

>> No.53411292

I bought at 0.86 and sold due to mental retardation, but made it back in at 1.18. Become an oiler now or be laughed at for months to come instead of whining about a few thousand dollars.

>> No.53411402

How many crypto projects are there that aren't scams in the end? I can probably count them on 1 hand.
This is all a game of chicken... get in, make some money, and get out before the project collapses. Rinse and repeat

>> No.53411803

5t was burned
You damn stinky pajeet back to the designated shitting street

>> No.53411829

Oh, ok, so 5T circ supply vs 80M circ supply, LOL, LMAO EVEN

>> No.53412126

Theres more ways to make it than that faggot

>> No.53412532

We warned you. Not our fault you trusted SirGAY. Just sell them and buy RLC, still under $2 and pumping steadily even in bear market. When the bullrun comes it's easy $30.

>> No.53413283

Stop stressing yourself dickhead, dyor on ORE and be happy.

>> No.53413810

XMR, YLA, RAIL, OGN and DOGE isn't over

>> No.53414502

Next time follow your heart and you'll be good, so far I've been playing around with Ride, price is good now, you can always DCA .. that works best in the long time.

>> No.53416321


>> No.53416329


>> No.53416826


>> No.53416960

they're growing too fast, not sure if Gilles can handle this

>> No.53418068

Why do you think he's gonna hore 300 people and open offices?
The trannies ain't fucking themselves.
(Actually, they are but you know what I mean.)

>> No.53418081


>> No.53418762

Can any frogs translate recent French interview Gilles had on binance?

>> No.53418818

He said AI is the most important invention ever and RLC is going to 1500 EOY

>> No.53419221

Lol thanks

>> No.53419281

Really? I think he said he’s going to have le tranee’ surprise for the evening

>> No.53419674

Unironically not before it moons…wouldn’t you think? When I read that they have plans to expand to 400 employees in the mid term… I was thinking wow amazing… but then thought hmmm… that sucks so it probably won’t go to $1,000 until 2027 or something.

But then I was thinking… wouldn’t it really have to moon to pretty much like 500$-$1000 or something like that in order to attract the attention of legit devs wanting to be apart of a team/coin that’s going to make such a substantial difference in the world? Why would anyone want to work for current shitcoin sitting at $1.50?

So they must have everything in place for the coin to skyrocket… then attract and easily be able to pay all those devs with their war chest of which they sold nothing when it hit 20$

>> No.53419833

catch 22 why should it moon if they have no devs?

>> No.53419854

you're probably overthinking this.
$1000 in 2027 wouldn't be bad in my eyes. I could retire forever in 4 years. where do I sign?

>then attract and easily be able to pay all those devs with their war chest of which they sold nothing when it hit 20$
They also have a fuckload of ETH. I think Blair said they don't want to sell because of taxes. Otherwise, there would be more and higher developer rewards.

>> No.53419970

are they hiring? what do they pay their devs? needs to be min 150k to get good devs, plus inflation

>> No.53420094

It's going up whether they hire 500 devs or 1 dev.

>> No.53420145

Maybe they’ve accomplished 25% that they want to accomplish as a small team…infrastructure is in place etc… once you hit 26% the flood gates opens… coin goes to 400$. It’s the new kid on the block. Amazing devs who don’t even know this shitcoin exists right now and look into it OMG JPEG… and now they want to be apart of it. Now they got their devs and they can push to accomplish 100% of what they have planned.

>> No.53420200

That's what I think.

Gilles would have less to do and a lot more time fucking his trannies. Imagine how great it would be

>> No.53420211

what is the tranny fud?

>> No.53420214

I’m just saying for holders like us who’ve held since 2017-18… of course if you told me it would be 100$ in 2027 I’d be stoked but it’s still another 4 years of waiting. 2027 could easily be 2031… and it’s 8 years.

My point is… it would seem to me it would moon before they got significant talent to want to come on board. Especially since they need to pay these people

>> No.53420264

***$1,000 I mean

>> No.53420292

where tf do i buy that shit

>> No.53420325


>> No.53420334

Oh no no sir

Check archives

Apparantly, it started in 2019 kek

>> No.53420357

It's actually bullish if you think about it
... long and hard enough

>> No.53420372

Coinbase and take it off

>> No.53420936


>> No.53420967 [DELETED] 

U missed it anon… but don’t miss KENSHI or you’ll actually want to neck
I almost missed it desu but bought in yesterday despite the FUD

>> No.53420987 [DELETED] 

Mot seeing Kenshi on coinbase

>> No.53421025

Fuck off fiverr pajeets

>> No.53421423

so where is it then?

>> No.53421647

Your scam will never be on Coinbase

>> No.53422147


>> No.53423136

is that unphotoshopped? wtf

>> No.53424347

They're French, after all

>> No.53424355

But we love him.

>> No.53424389

what do RLC do about discrete token DIST have better oracles via zero layer than RLC can ever make? we have Oracle ready for block chain data today

>> No.53424560


>> No.53424733

RLC lmao centralized sidechain
6 years, ZERO (0) users
Nobody cares
DIST is new. You gotta buy new things.
They have better privacy and all.
Fast as hell, almost feeless.

>> No.53424756

This the DIST community manager enraged in TG trying to do damage control

>> No.53424812

RLC sidechain (Bellecour) is feeless, retard

>> No.53424828

I’m absolutely stunned discreet is paying for fiver street shitters to promote their token still

>> No.53424834

And centralized af can you read?
lmao good luck with your old ponzi
DIST is a hidden gem

>> No.53424871

>centralized af
There are plans to decentralize it retard. Stay poor pajeet, make your own thread for your shitcoin next time

>> No.53424873

Imagine shilling this hard for a shitcoin that's been in presale for years and is perpetually two weeks away from it's main net launch. Zero price action at all. What the fuck are you faggots even shilling other than the opportunity to get dumped on— assuming your shitcoin ever launches—by anyone who bought the earliest presale price? The definition of an absolute shitcoin. RLC mogs you and will continue to mog you throughout this year and beyond.

>> No.53424893


>> No.53424919

stay poor

>> No.53424922

>Zero price action at all
Literally the most price action for months

>> No.53424948

Was referring to dist and all these retards shilling it.

>> No.53424987

Oh I read it wrong, I see now

>> No.53425031

>Plans to decentralize it
lmao two more weeks

>> No.53425306

Thanks RLC bro, what an assist.

>> No.53425579

Next time don't flaunt around these token threads that keeps repeating on biz especially Lunc, and it's cohorts some are shit. But then Sylo is below one dollar, fucking cheap with lotta growth potential, DeFi feats too; so just stop crying over spilled milk and DYOR.

>> No.53425604

Raj, what the absolute hell is this clusterfuck of a comment even trying to say? KEK.

>> No.53425701

hes trying to get us to part ways with our investment in RLC, hmm i wonder why?

>> No.53425876

You brain filled with thick cum that makes you unable to decipher words,huh?

>> No.53425894

Y'all believe in placing all your funds in one basket right?
If it's cool with you then do it but >>53425579 I prefer diversification of my funds.

>> No.53426066

All in, pussy

>> No.53427752

All in it to win it

>> No.53427824

Diversification is very much needed. Better to stake or metastaking our tokens to generate some passive income.
In this way I keep myself aflot.

>> No.53427923
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Happens when you keep listening to shills. Do your research and make your own decisions. Platforms that support crypto payments are still under the radar. Start from there.

>> No.53427939

Knowing when exit is important. Legit projects are also there if you take time to look. I don't have any reasons to doubt CryptoXpress. In fact, their payment gateway and staking rewards give me just what I need.

>> No.53429152

Never understood why discreet is even bothering to promote here after being a known scam

>> No.53429300

Digital dogshit

>> No.53429774


>> No.53429935

Where’s the bottom frenchy?

>> No.53430240


>> No.53432351


>> No.53433049

Right now

>> No.53433235

go all in right now

>> No.53434744

I bought this at $1 and sold at $2.

...in 2017

>> No.53435421

>I sold Amazon in 1999