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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53422220 No.53422220 [Reply] [Original]

ATH volume
ATH holders
ATH twitter hype
ATH telegram hype

Will /biz/ miss the next leg?

>> No.53422244

The question isn't if it will brake ATH, it's how high will it go after breaking it

>> No.53422249

not buying your bags

>> No.53422285

>literally who coin
Kys Rakesh

>> No.53422301


>> No.53422315
File: 51 KB, 1480x253, kenshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont fuck me anon, 50% of my babydoge died for this

>> No.53422328

ATH mc?

>> No.53422388

SERS will 1 milions tocans enoguh for needfuls

>> No.53422459

1.45 million cap

>> No.53422668

/biz/ will fomo at 5 mil

>> No.53422702

I bought purely based on the rage I'm seeing right now across biz toward this shitcoin, KEK.

>> No.53422745

always do the opposite of this board

>> No.53422747

Just bought from pancake swap. Why havent I received it yet?

>> No.53422844

You don’t know how to use a dex?

>> No.53422872

another ponzi scheme?
No thanks

>> No.53422953

Looks like we just broke it.

>> No.53422955

Thanks to whoever shilled this earlier, I bought a few hours ago.

>> No.53423205

It’s blockchain middleware that’s been integrated into every major EVM

>> No.53423250

So we're going to 100M mc?

>> No.53423397

more like 10b

>> No.53423485

feel this also bought earlier today and enjoying the gains
fading this board never felt so good

>> No.53423502

You WILL get dumped on for buying the top of a run this fast

>> No.53423559

Sorry, new to buying absolute shit tier shitcoins but I got it. Never added the token

>> No.53423593

1.6 million cap now, wish I had more

>> No.53423602

I have made about 20%, I love buying random shitcoin. free money

>> No.53423856


Best advice right here. If I would have followed that advice I’d be a multimillionaire

>> No.53424254

Too late to buy?

>> No.53424356
File: 135 KB, 1054x627, image-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats the AVAX chart before it went crazy

>> No.53424373

Racism will never allow /biz/ to win

>> No.53424669

the leg down?

>> No.53425139

Ok buddy

>> No.53425178

Racism is my super power and has made me 6 million dollars

>> No.53425322

Yo, let's keep it real. BTC took a major hit, losing over 80% of its value. But when it makes a small comeback, like a 15% pump, biz and CT get all hyped and acts all optimistic. But as a true player, I know the real deal is when BTC hits 40k. That's when the Altcoins come back to life, and my NFTs and tokens like Evmos, Ride and VRA start pamping their asses, reaching close to 70% of their ATHs.

>> No.53425457

I don't think that applies to coins with this low mcap. These can fly whenever

>> No.53425791

this thing looks ready to cream man I think ur off base

>> No.53426366
File: 4 KB, 225x225, 1674168022455022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rolling for cream

>> No.53426445


>> No.53426517


>> No.53426653
File: 169 KB, 1534x820, Screen Shot 2023-01-24 at 23.36.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're going for top 10 right?

>> No.53426691 [DELETED] 

I still have my bag that I bought back in June. Here's a question to all the people Kenshi pays to shill its token - why do you fags pick the worst times in the market to start shilling? Every thread was about Kenshi in June for a period of like 2 weeks and then radio silence now I can't scroll through a single page without seeing it shilled

>> No.53426716

then you should be happy you held since it broke ATH?
Stop bitching

>> No.53426754 [DELETED] 

if digits
Kenshi going to $1b mc by May 2023

>> No.53428406

let me get that for you

>> No.53428419
File: 222 KB, 1012x800, jeetsplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kill yourselves you fucking jeets

Literally textbook BNB dog coin scam rugpull

>> No.53428481

you're an idiot. binance listing is near certain. why do you think they removed the tax

>> No.53428512

Lmfao. Classic biz. This shit will be at 50m mc before you can blink and then I'm sure that's when you'll fomo in. Sad!

>> No.53428519

>binance listing soon!!!!

saying that without backing it up is a nice red flag

>> No.53428522 [DELETED] 
File: 3.20 MB, 640x410, Kenbooba.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up 4x on my original $KENSHI buy
This is why I set it and forget it.
See yall in 6 more months!

>> No.53428550

Reminds me of rloop kek

>> No.53428665

what was your buy out of curiosity? i bought 2.5k roughly a day or so ago and up 3k already, hope it goes 100x like other oracles

>> No.53428697

Pouya removed the tax because we kept bugging him about it, that's it. No other reason. There will be no cex listings in the forseeable future, because cex listings are fucking gay. It's going to at least 20m, assuming the overall market doesn't shit itself.

>> No.53428712

of course there will be a binance listing are you fucking tarded? this is a core BSC defi infra

>> No.53428720

its amazing how rude are these jeets, even in case a coin looks well just seen these pajeets put a red flag

>> No.53428732

That's because I don't want you retards buying in so low. I want you to wait on the sidelines for now, and buy at 20m mcap so I can exit with minimal pi.

>> No.53428924

I put 3000 into this
It's now 170000

>> No.53430127

> function setInvestPercentage(uint8 percentage) external onlyOwner {
require(percentage <= 100);
_investPercentage = percentage;
emit InvestmentPercentageChanged(percentage);

fucking kek
the owner can rug you anytime
maybe he won't and you'll make a profithahahahaha learn2code niggers
you deserve to suffer

>> No.53430506

cope more nigger, the more a coin gets fudded by you indians the more bullish i get

>> No.53430674


> down 40% in an hour

it's over. Thanks for playing!

>> No.53430765

>Went from 400K to 2 million in 4 days. /biz/ missed the entire run up.
>More volume than the entire history of the chart and green on the daily.

it’s over pack it up guys.

>> No.53430849
File: 546 KB, 3440x1440, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate you retards like you wouldn't fucking believe. I hope none of you buys, I hope you rope after it goes over 10m mcap, and I hope to hear your reeing all the way over here, from whatever third world shithole you're in. Biz is the most cancerous piece of shit board on this entire cancerous piece of shit site, and none of you niggers deserve to make it.

>> No.53430879

And right on cue, 5k and 10k buys. Eat dick, you fucking jeet faggots, you will never be a woman, and you will never make money.

>> No.53431053
File: 565 KB, 3440x1440, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were saying? You retarded fucking bizlet?

Now if you will excuse me, I need to finish this magma chamber while you seethe.

>> No.53431104

500k volume? Nice job ranjeets

>> No.53431220

2.5 million was the answer

>> No.53431240

It's literally about to break 2.5m again.

You know what, I'm out of here, you fucks just bring my mood down with how utterly retarded you are when I should be celebrating

>> No.53431465

What, nothing to say? No snarky comments? No witty quips? Thought not, you dumb fucking faggots.

>> No.53431496

This seems like te only play right now, so a lot of biz seems to be in it. Eh. I got a bag. Other things will go up here in a few. Get some cheap D0b0 if you don’t have some , it’s taking off soon.

>> No.53431606

kek what a rugged bitch

>> No.53431675

I'm literally riding a 70k+ bag, risk free, after already taking out like 10k profit. Ranjeet, you're just bad at life.

>> No.53431744


>> No.53431880

kek faggot

>> No.53431933
File: 41 KB, 541x533, 1662734277750289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just added more because we are going to 10MM next faggots

>> No.53431942

What's driving the recent pump?

>> No.53431968

That all you got? Weak. No wonder you're poor

>> No.53431992

>they removed the tax
They didn't remove the tax. They disabled it, and only in some types of transactions. It can be re-enabled later down the line.
No legit project ever had a transaction tax btw.

>> No.53432092

>9 Posts by this ID
>Broken english
>Typical nigger aggressiveness
Now thats a true Paki/Indian/Somalian posting. Hard to tell the difference since they all look and sound the same.

>> No.53432101

What the fuck do I buy anon. I don’t know what’s a pump or dump anymore.

>> No.53432141

you got banned for not filling out a captcha

>> No.53432365

>broken english

You truly are the most retarded of jeet niggers. It is my fervent hope that you will forever remain as you are, poor, angry, seething, and hopeless.

>> No.53432392

Ok Ranjeet

>> No.53432402

Dog coin? Have you looked into the expertise of the team? If your reading comprehension was above a 2nd grade level you would see that your post makes zero sense

>> No.53432487

Nice one, Jamal

>> No.53432649

Jeets be winning today

>> No.53433447

Racism separates the poor from the rich

>> No.53433918

is Pooya the Emin of oracles?

>> No.53434164

Looks like it. The chart looks just like AVAX did during its first pump and thr board is using the same shitty fud and missing out

>> No.53434407

Never compare AVAX to your bscuck scam

>> No.53434586

You were probably one of those faggots that was fudding AVAX until after the pump

>> No.53434729

I have 14,000 staked AVAX. $3 ACB. You poop in the streets.

>> No.53434780

Wen $1b mc ser ?

>> No.53434852

fml u retards fudded and I didn’t buy
I hate the faggots on this board I fucking wish I had bought fuck every last one of u FUDDERS

>> No.53434937

>he didn’t buy
>he never buys
>he never makes money
There is a lesson in here

>> No.53434940


>> No.53434983

"you miss 100% of the shitcoins you don't buy" - Wayne Bogtsky

>> No.53435018

he was #1 for a reason

>> No.53435101

there's still time tho

>> No.53435162

First I want to say I already bought, but my question is: what is the token used for within their ecosystem? what would justify this having a 50 to 100M marketcap for instance?

>> No.53435280

You mean the ironic, sarcastic fudding? Sheesh, learn to read between the lines bro. lmao

>> No.53435411

unlike LINK, they actually have paying customers that pay in KENSH! tokens

>> No.53435554

Bull flag forming!!!!!!!

5 mil possible today?

>> No.53435584
File: 204 KB, 1111x747, q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pump and dump

>> No.53435672

It is creaming

>> No.53436105

Maybe not today but soon

>> No.53436163
