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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 83 KB, 882x489, Fm5ZSGMakAAxeUY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53418868 No.53418868 [Reply] [Original]

I'm. So. Excited. For. You. Guys.

For the uninitiated, Lobes has been talking about Google attempting to avoid an antitrust suit by seeking testimony from Brave for the past year. Looks like it's finally bearing fruit.


WSJ article doesn't discuss any ad model alternatives. Everyone who frequents BAT threads already knows of at least one. We are still fucking early, bros. Combined with new roadmap (which better be good) and rumors of Keyword Staking. Bros... I think I feel it finally happening.

Community call at 2 PM, PST today. Usual place:

>> No.53418896
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He-who-shall-not-be-named can fuck off by the way.

>> No.53419242

Based and BAT pilled

>> No.53419587

How is Brave staying afloat? Is Brave Talk and VPN really pulling in that much cash? Or did they secretly take some VC money?

>> No.53419835

I imagine they’ve got lots of money and have been acting broke and being cautious for years. Plus they can finally tell India to fuck off now.

>> No.53419870

The WSJ article you posted is behind a paywall. Be nice if I could use my BAT tokens to pay for it

>> No.53420502

When is the roadmap? Also where is the fucking THOTS

>> No.53420558
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Allegedly this week. Someone will ask on the community call
Would be great. I remember when that was first floated as a BAT use case. Seems stupidly obvious, though getting idiots like the WSJ to play ball sounds like it would be a problem.
I think they stay afloat because of your methane emissions.

>> No.53420594

Fuck off with this jewish cunt

>> No.53420637

Good. This shit better look good or I’m dumping most of my 150k stack.

>> No.53420742
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Inject the BAT hopium straight into my veins. My body is ready.

>> No.53420774

>getting idiots like the WSJ to play ball sounds like it would be a problem.
It’s actually an easy problem to fix with BAT if these media outlets would accept micropayments per article instead of a monthly subscription.

>> No.53420776



>> No.53421017

I appreciate that I haven't been banned from the community call -- yet.

>> No.53421066

Crazy how much FUD we had to deal with last year.

>> No.53421167

Da fuck does clean copy has to do with the price of BAT?

>> No.53421459

Cleans the price. Removes the decimal.

>> No.53421743 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 737x1024, 1632171234910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You new here? Fuck off yourself, nigger. I'll post Khazar milkers in these threads until the day BAT moons or you stop being a faggot. Whichever comes first.
Yeah I miss TP
>if these media outlets would accept micropayments
That's the rub. Greedy media jews trying to waste time going after a whole loaf of bread when they really need to stockpile breadcrumbs to keep from starving
Well, fart when Lobes comes on and see what happens. I'm curious

>> No.53421863

I don't have anything ready. I ate a ton of junk food over the weekend and I'm just trying to feel normal again.

>> No.53421872

you got that link to the meeting my nigger

>> No.53421975

no, i'm keeping it from you because ur racist.

>> No.53422006
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Ask and ye shall receive. Though I put it in OP

>> No.53422177

They are dumping their BAT bags on retail while making empty 'soon' promises and straight up ignoring any criticism. Living in California is not cheap, someone has to pay for that.

>> No.53422368

how am I racist? im bipoc. i can say whatever words i want ya cracka ass cracka. only you are a slave to your language. the white man has freed me to say nigger all i want

>> No.53422468

i'm not giving you reparations.

>> No.53422677


>> No.53422711

thru the power vested in me by barack obama, justin trudeau and the world economic forum you will pay the fuck up whiteboi or your bank accounts will be frozen and siezed

>> No.53422821

alright fine. but first you gotta get vaxxed. they always say minorities got screwed by covid more than anyone else. so this is a form of social justice.

>> No.53422891

Missed it. Did *anything* happen? Roadmap?

>> No.53422892

i aint taking no white mans vaxx. you crackas already gave my uncle syphilis with your little tuskegee experiments you was runnin

>> No.53423270 [DELETED] 
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I miss you too, lad! Always happy to catch you. How's life been? How did the call go?

Nice to see you around too, Turtlelad.

Heard a few things about the roadmap, and I'm pretty hype. Seems like they're picking up slack on their SM, too. Engagement is looking much better. Still a long ass way to go.

>> No.53423332
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You rang?

Pretty sure WSJ had a few campaigns on Brave 2019-2020. I wouldn't think it would be impossible to work out a deal with them to accept BAT. It could be a nice funnel for both parties if Brave had any idea on how to innovate their ad deals. Having a nice WSJ tab ad + pop up about how they accept BAT for a subscription would be huge for everyone involved.

>> No.53423520

based coomers

>> No.53423564

Yo yo yo. How's life?


>> No.53423632

Never stop thot posting. I’m gonna COOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM

>> No.53423640
File: 182 KB, 1280x1266, Abigail_Shapiro_bCNH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's my gal. Been shit without you around here. Didn't have a chance to listen to the call. Waiting for BasedBravePoster to put it up. Good to see you though.
I remember those. In theory, I agree with you - shouldn't be a big deal. This team is slow as molasses though, and legacy media is truly slow to adapt. We can hope. WSJ managed to drive some significant DDG browser adoption based off one or two stupid articles about a year or so ago. Can't find them now. My boomer father in law downloaded it based on it being mentioned in "The Journal" alone. Cringeworthy but true. Brave needs to get some more boomer exposure.

Thanks for the thots. Grade A quality per usual.

>> No.53423833 [DELETED] 
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Glad you like the content!

Busy as hell lately, but can't complain. How's it hanging? Did you ever get the gut issues figured out?
Coming up.

Can't stop, won't stop!

I've legit missed you too much kek <3! Fully agreed on the boomer demographic. They could use the zoomer demographic as well. I really hope they keep picking up the slack on Social Media. There's so many little things they can do to get momentum.
>Grade A quality
That's what I like to hear. I'm always trying to find better content for you lads. .

Sent you the bit of BAT I had on this laptop too. Wasn't much, but I wanted to give you something (Aside from thots) for holding the fort down.

>> No.53423929

Yeah, that's fine but now I've moved on to other problems. I've got low T. Been hitting the ketamine pretty hard lately but going to pause that for a month or so and see if that is part of the problem.

When are we getting a fucking channel partner for search? Ugh.

>> No.53424007

I like to have me a white bitch like this if the coast is clear. As the cliché goes they do let ya pimp, whereas a black bitch gonna make ya pimp. She’s gonna have one of those snapdragon ass mowfs. Wanna loud talk, out talk, wrong talk a pimp, whereas a peckerwood just gonna be meek. A pimp can pimp with his hands in pockets. Ain’t never have to raise your hands. Just up out ya mowf and the bitch gonna come thru the door with it.

>> No.53424146
File: 875 KB, 600x1031, A93A855E-5F5C-4029-B60D-F67FCEFCB882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that bush

>> No.53424158

Did the call happen or what? Are people not talking about it because it was a nothingburger?

>> No.53424173

Everyone is too busy cooming

>> No.53424192

I love the bush. Particularly a nice fire bush.

>> No.53424242

Amen brother

>> No.53424296

anyone here uses brave browser? can't seem to do shit, every site which has a google sign on seems broken

>> No.53424314

Checked. Agreed on the need to shill to the Zoomer demo too. Hopefully they figure it out.

And you are too kind TP. I'll return the favor in kind. Love ya

>> No.53424353
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Hope its just the Special K, lad. Can't lads raise their test levels naturally with vitamins/minerals? Zinc, D3, stuff like that. I know TRT is a thing but I dont know what side effects there are. Hope you don't need it though.

Working on that sauce for you in a min. If I get j@n'd, I'll make sure I get it to you ASAP.

You have a nice way with words, Deshaun.

>DK img
Its such a shit meme, but I'm ded.

>every site which has a google sign on seems broken
Can you elaborate?

>I'll return the favor in kind
No need! Wasn't much, but I'll be sure to tip you from one of my PCs with a nice browser stack. I love you too <3 you and Turtles have thot requests for life so let me know what you want to see at anytime!

>> No.53424430

Thanks. I'm thinking about doing clomid so I don't have to fuck around with injections or creams. I thought about doing supplements and vitamins but I feel like dog shit and I don't want to wait. I'm moving to high altitude in a month and if I don't get this resolved I'm gonna be crippled.

Was anything good on the community call? I'm so bored with the format.

>> No.53424570

Lift some heavy shit, increase your saturated fat and red meat intake and stop drinking and eating out of plastic containers.

>> No.53424704

BAT bros are we in the eternal crab?

>> No.53424726

2023 looking like year of the crab

>> No.53425441

This thread is coomer heaven.

>> No.53425481

roadmap this week or not? you fucking coomers are ridiculous.

>> No.53425492

go get some pussy you fucking losers. women are literally DYING for cock nowadays. every guy is literally a tranny faggot beta male.

somebody tell me about the fucking roadmap.

>> No.53425559 [DELETED] 
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ok but the only thing that pisses me off more than the coomer faggots is parkers nigger ass deleting our shit. kill yourself you pedophile NIGGER.

>> No.53425645

Didn’t read;just coomed

>> No.53425694
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is the roadmap coming this week or not

>> No.53425759
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its coming.....soon

>> No.53425826

>somebody tell me about the fucking roadmap.
It’s cooming

>> No.53425891
File: 70 KB, 866x735, 80099478-BE1B-4679-8835-D8DFBB303D72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This week

>> No.53426103 [DELETED] 
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imagine being the faggotnigger janny who comes to these threads every week and deletes them after touching he/their/it's disgusting little tranny dick. What a fucking freak!

>> No.53426185

I’m reloading when it dumps back under .20

>> No.53426221

>thots get deleted
>ded thread

>> No.53427081

Typical. Fuck you Parker