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File: 128 KB, 880x473, 181-1815455_post-suicide-pepe-clipart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53412997 No.53412997 [Reply] [Original]

>practice son wants me to pay for his college

>> No.53413011

>practice op wants dommy janny to torture him and spit in his mouth

>> No.53413039

I literally have practice son lmao. First marriage with a pretty rubbish girl then am in a better marriage now.

>> No.53413234

Fuck you

>> No.53413312
File: 104 KB, 593x936, 1642587012686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw doctors told me I was having a son but a few months later they said it would actually be a practice baby

>> No.53414182

Kek, does anyone else remember carrying around those practice babies made out of sugar in sex ex class?

>> No.53414201

yes, was disgusting when one of those popped out of my wife's vagina

>> No.53415397

You americans disgust me. We never had sex ed here in Mexico and we do pretty fine. You eventually learn through trial and error anyway. The less you mention sex to the kids, the less they think of it. Imagine living in a sex obsessed culture like usa

>> No.53415494

You raise people who skin faces for demons in the cartel. A significant number of your population are terrible

>> No.53415517

that video is a classic sir its like fine art

>> No.53416516

>practice grand son wants me to buy him ice cream
its over, cant take this/

>> No.53416524

>forgot the practice wife's anniversary again

>> No.53416532

>we do pretty fine

>> No.53416544

mfw i have one too and refuse to marry

>> No.53416559

>practice dad is shitposting again

>> No.53416585

>the cardano cryptkeeper knows me on a first name basis now
It's over

>> No.53416587

[Practice son detected]

>> No.53416640

It's true that America can be described as "sex-obsessed", but there is a difference between doing a lot of sex and constantly focusing your mind on sex. It's not sex-obsessed in the way in which we think that the 60s happened, with actual sex, but rather a constant obsessing over, talking about, politicizing, watching, shaming for, legislating over, publishing about, sex - but not doing it. So it's sex-obsessed in that sense, but increasingly sex-less, and the combination leads to people becoming far more neurotic than if they were just sex-less (but not obsessed over it).

>> No.53416699

>about time for a sexual great reset.

>> No.53416751

It's not about sex itself. There is range of amount of sex that humans would naturally have. The issue is the difference between what you have and what you want - the "gap of suffering". You are influenced to want as much as possible, but this increases neuroticism, which decreases the propensity to have sex, so the gap widens in a self-reinforcing loop until, in the limit, all you think about is sex, and what you'll never get is sex.
In such a world, everyone would be sitting at home, alone, thinking about sex all the time. You know.

>> No.53417065

I think pornography normalization is to blame here.

>> No.53417090

Lmao, Is your dad preferring his new son over his old one?

>> No.53417103
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>sex obsessed culture like usa
They are obsessed with sex because they dont get none.

>> No.53417109

Just say the Jews, it’s faster and more comprehensive.

>> No.53417116
File: 129 KB, 962x1308, 3BB6B4F200000578-0-image-a-22_1483101155805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You raise people who skin faces for demons in the cartel.
Yeah? And? You lost your fangs, boyo.

>> No.53417139

It's a self-reinforcing system, you can't really assign blame to a single factor: sexlessness drives pornography usage, pornography usage drives sexlessness. The real issue isn't a single factor in isolation, but the system of factors which behaves this way. The factors have a different, non-symmetric influence on each other, though, i.e. an increase in sex is much more likely to drive pornography usage down than a decrease is pornography usage is likely to drive up sex. The decrease in sex is a more "sticky" adaptive behavior, and once that adaptation has occurred, you can't simply "un-adapt" it. The psychological changes that beget it have already occurred.

>> No.53417140
File: 125 KB, 1024x1011, WW2 before and after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but rather a constant obsessing over, talking about, politicizing, watching, shaming for, legislating over, publishing about, sex - but not doing it.
Spot on.
I miss Canada, I used to fuck girls where ever and whenever, sometimes at work, in parks, at bars, behind dumpsters and in alley ways.
Mutts dont get the sex.

>> No.53417151

Good, I hope more of you stay back then.

>> No.53417155
File: 958 KB, 1599x1544, 1617150542250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was in Canada me and da girls would watch hard core porn while smoking weed.
You dont do the sex because you're weird as fuck.

>> No.53417171
File: 526 KB, 720x705, 1563054613437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's our land anyway, white boy.

>> No.53417270

>and once that adaptation has occurred, you can't simply "un-adapt"
I "un-adapted" porn and my life is much better. Yes it's hard but it can be done.

>> No.53417343

The adaptation is sexlessness. You know these types: they're the ones who want you to sign written contracts for sex. Stress is a signal that you should conserve resources, and both getting to the point of sex, and then caring for the children from sex, requires a lot of resources, so the mind has evolved to shut it off. We come up with all sorts of after-the-fact rationalizations ("sex is inherently violent", "it was consent but not the right kind of consent", "I don't need whores, I have vidya", "foids are naturally evil", etc.) for the psychological mechanism which we don't see.

>> No.53417365

> practice grandma wants to be cremated instead of buried
I'll practice ignoring her texts until she listens to reason.

>> No.53417476
File: 94 KB, 640x480, Ecp00065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a seriously interesting take, what a rare sighting in Current Era Biz. do you think vasectomies, or maybe tube-tying, will become more prevalent? Or will people refuse to acknowledge the actual problem and just further isolate themselves to Binge Watch away their sex drives?

>> No.53417726

Thanks, anon.
>do you think vasectomies, or maybe tube-tying, will become more prevalent?
I would guess that they will. We already have all sorts of procedures to, in effect, delay sex (at least in its "full" form, i.e. sex and having children): freezing eggs, contraceptive patches for men, and all the rest.
>Or will people refuse to acknowledge the actual problem and just further isolate themselves to Binge Watch away their sex drives?
They have been refusing to acknowledge the problem for decades. Your own biases function like blinders: you don't know you have them on, because their whole point is to make things invisible to you. The sexlessness just feels right "deep down", so people don't question - they just question everything else related to it, like what the "correct" sex is, what the "good" sex is, etc., as listed above, but not that they, for some reason, feel this immense concern about sex. You can ask those questions, of course, but you don't ask what drives you to consider these questions (with such obsessiveness).
Since sex is how the species perpetuates, not having it is not optional. This is an adaptation for famines, not for working 50 years at a job at 7% yearly inflation (pre-2020). Society is already collapsing under the strain of the previously unthinkable scenario of no children being born amid material abundance for, depending on location, 120-40 years. It won't lead to the extinction of the species, just the system that influences us this way, though at immense cost. To be clear, I'm not saying that sexlessness is the only issue or the one that's driving everything else; a whole system of factors is driving itself to ruin in combination. Though, since sex drives demographics, it is a pretty big factor on which national economies and politics pivot. The people in charge have no solution and resort to either ignoring the issue or childish pleas like Abe's "have sex" and Italy's "fertility day".