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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53409616 No.53409616 [Reply] [Original]

Fantom or AVAX?

>> No.53409631

she really hit the wall

>> No.53409646


>> No.53409658

Sell the news, but the rumor. Tomorrow is everyone's last day to sell their FTM positions.

>> No.53410050

>FTM is slightly more explosive, both to the downside/upside
>Avalanche is the better project, There's no denying that. It doesn't matter tho
>Fantom reach is Solana at maximum, Avalanche reach is Ethereum. The chances of Fantom reaching Solana market dominance is higher i would guess
>Overall FTM is the most underpriced among the centralised "plug n play" type of chains while Avalanche is the most underpriced among the big boys (Bitcoin-Ethereum-BSC). Both great value at the moment, Could outperform the market by x10 and still won't reach similar clown level of overvaluation as current Solana/BSC/DOGE

>> No.53410090

yes, she.

>> No.53410224

>underestimating andre/scholz

>> No.53410292

Velodrome Finance

This shits going to be like 4 dollars and soon.

>> No.53410298


>> No.53410323

I like both, but Avalanche is vastly superior in terms of tech. Fantom has the advantage of almost all supply being on the market though, also the small mcap.

>> No.53410345

What's the make it stack of ftm?

>> No.53410546
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Go on then, explain how AVAX is “vastly” superior.

>> No.53410719
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I still would I don’t care bros, I still would.

>> No.53412161

>can scale
>solved the trilemma
>will be used to tokenize all the assets in the world
>John Wu as President
>IC3 connections
>actually works
>is permissionless
>"Blockchain as a Service"

for some reason many bagholders of other shirchains just cant figure this out.

>> No.53412177
File: 176 KB, 1124x1123, B0BCB5AC-26A2-4D4B-8278-3B16D6B24392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you’re choosing between a smelly hot crap and a runny watery crap
all when you can be choosing gold

>> No.53412217

One is doomed because Andres name is remotely attached to it, the other ruined its reputation during the bear because the roach wasn't able to attack competition from the shadows

>> No.53412218
File: 1.40 MB, 896x1344, avaxxx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVAX, of course.

>> No.53412257

ftm if you like money
avax if you like "tech"

>> No.53412344

what happens then

>> No.53412487
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>> No.53412553

AVAX because it's not a stolen tech. Also, the founder doesn't dump on holders and quit to crash the price so that he can 'come back' to PnD all over again.

>> No.53412631

What we’ve had
And what we’ve lost

>> No.53412656

still irks me that Andre did this. Scammers be scammin.

>> No.53412688

Avax 100%

>> No.53412906

Ser my hand smelly too, smeared some matic now it's clean haha

>> No.53413071
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>pic rel
Average AVAX enjoyer

>> No.53413124

Avax always

>> No.53413163
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how the fuck do people still simping for this rugpuller?

>> No.53413279

>People made a lot with Yearn.
>Andre called YFI, a coin he created himself, ponzi.
>/biz/ declared him based.
>Twitter started copying /biz/ memes after LINK pump in 2020 so they started worshipping Andre like /biz/ did.
>Most of /biz/ has moved on but Twitter didn't keep up with /biz/ memes.

>> No.53413322

Retard will always be confused, why Phantom or Avax when you've got DiD protocol to consider.

>> No.53413333

Sounds like a plan... Fuck off dude

>> No.53413336

AVAX and RAIL... Best combo

>> No.53413350

No retard, it’s a MTFTM, the parents crossdressed their son

>> No.53413358

Bruce Jenner and Tattoo

>> No.53413491

AVAX is reddit tier. Second only to matic

>> No.53413507

avax is fucking dead. complete graveyard.

>> No.53413755

Salvage yourself from shame with XMR, RAIL, SCRT and AZERO.

>> No.53413756

Fantom is centralised and its consensus does not allow for that to change

case closed.

>> No.53413768

A good plan will include privacy, anything less is a failure pajeet.

>> No.53413769

doesn't the FVM fix that and also isn't it mainly because of the high validator cost?

>> No.53414064

Most normies will always prefer a blockchain with optimized identity and asset management.

>> No.53414136

I love scams and I'll invest in it the more

>> No.53414156

He is a developer genius. He's behind what is now Chainlink automation.

>> No.53414169

If you like insanely inflationary tokenomics then avax

If you like money then FTM

>> No.53414200


>> No.53414213

>avax is not stolen tech
>it's literally an eth fork
avax roaches are subhumans

>> No.53414352

She will never be a man

>> No.53414387
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Avax cos it's offering something unique instead of those copycats!
just like Ride that has the tech to integrate the metaverse into moving vehicles
but for the quick money, I'd go with ftm and gala.

>> No.53414488


>> No.53414588

They are about the same honestly but I only on FTM

>> No.53414652

Literal genius with mental health issues. Makes for good entertainment and price action

>> No.53415028

There is no FVM and there are no validators. After all these years there are no validators. Why do you think that is?

>> No.53415039

Jokes on you faggot, almost no one on reddit knows or even ever heard of Avalanche

>> No.53415061

Apparently that conference is tomorrow. Note that everyone knew that there will be this conference (already in december) so they bought beforehand to sell the news. This is the most common trade in crypto. Check LINK, ETH etc. You can even check what happened during last FTM conference. If I recall it crashed over 50%.

>> No.53415628
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Kek, confirmed for retard..this is Avax' current and future activity. It's revolutionary.

>> No.53416693

Is there any chance that AVAX will dip below $18, or is this the moment to buy?

>> No.53416734
File: 24 KB, 400x400, zkevm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither. Ethereum and Polygon for scaling. no other L1 will survive.

>> No.53416831

Fantom FTM

>> No.53416984

>eth fork
stfu nigger, it's an entirely new consensus layer. It's not limited to EVM, in fact, right now, 2 of the 3 main chains are running their own custom VMs and also subnets can run whatever the fuck VM you want. Devs already released dev kits for Rust and Golang VMs. only reason EVM is popular is because so many devs are familiar with it and there is a lot of infrastructure built around it.

Avalanche is not a VM, it's is a super fast hyper scaling consensus layer that can run all VMs, and run better than whatever shitty legacy consensus layer it's running on right now. by switching they will gain faster and absolute finality, better decentralization, no MEV. that's why all other chains will kneel and become subnets.

>> No.53417166

>entire turd of a chain is secured by a 5/8 multi-sig, 4 of which are owned by Polyjeet foundation
>centralized validator set with lowest nakamoto coefficient of ~2. another vulnerability
>120 block reorgs, needs 372 blocks to get a risk-free confirmation (20 minutes lmao) compared to FTM and AVAX single block confirmation (1-2 seconds)
>paid-for globohomo partnerships based entirely around selling company branded NFTs to retard consoomers. also they don't even partner with the companies directly, they partner with a third party marketing company that gets the IP lease from said globohomo company. smart to keep a degree of separation from the scammy street shitter chain in case it rugpulls (which it will).
>bought 12 half-baked projects, hasn't finished a single one. probably spent dev money on hiring hordes of jeets, like you. you faggot street shitter.
and all of this is """secured""" by ETH, another centralized OFAC-compliant globohomo-compromised spaghetti-code nigger-faggot-chain. AND it's not secured at all since it's just a sidechain and not even a real L2 like ARBI, OP, zkSnarkshit, etc. kys jeet, I hope your entire village starves

>> No.53417214

Fantom easy. No bonus blocks, no double mint, no double spend. Scales horizontally and vertically with FVM. Better tokenomics. I mean wtf.

>> No.53417646

it can even dip below 10-11 USD before it actually starts to get better again