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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 161 KB, 900x1600, 39B1DAEA-515E-4B60-B0C0-42A4CD6EDACF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53413370 No.53413370 [Reply] [Original]

Financially fucking Trannies is the best move you can do. You save money on condoms, don't have to buy tampons and can nut inside without the chance of them ever getting pregnant.

Why havent you started banging beautiful transwomen yet? Too insecure?

pic related: Trans chick i dug out

>> No.53413381

You can also just fuck other guys and stop pretending your aren't a fag

>> No.53413395

Have fun with your HIV retard.

>> No.53413396

How do you deal with shit in your urethus from rawdogging anal in the ass?

>> No.53413398

i cant imagine someone being so desperate for sex that they would fuck a tranny but here it is

>> No.53413400
File: 644 KB, 1170x2074, ABADB5BB-0407-45DF-9009-599EB569A2C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys don't have wonderful NASA pussies built by all the collection of thousands of years of human knowledge.

oh they are also self lubricating now and changed their gender legally to female on their passport and all important documents

what other shitty takes ya got slim?

>> No.53413420

Literally a man

>> No.53413421
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bang ones with pussies. Imagine the tightness of a brand new self lubricating pussy with low miles.

They are also horny as much as men are and down for anal if that's what you're into.

I honestly banged probably 10+ transgender people, trans women preop, transwomen postop, and transmen (with working woman born pussies) and its honestly amazing. All of them have been extremely submissive open minded sex fiends

>> No.53413425
File: 67 KB, 1125x604, Ines-Rau-and-Kylian-Mbappe-e1664452304390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mbappe - most expensive and promising soccer player fucks a troon

>> No.53413429

because I'm not gay

>> No.53413432

I've lurked enough /jazz/ generals on tv to know better

>> No.53413433

i've fucked around 65-70 people (dont keep exact count), and honestly postop transwomen are my favorite & the best ro chill with. Low mantience, actually funny & same sense of humor as one of your best friends, except its a hot woman you can nut in and not get pregnant.

unironically the only non no-coiner out of everyone i fucked was a trans chick, while most birth women hate anything crypto

>> No.53413435

>banging a post OP tranny

So you're sticking your dick into others man open flesh wound? Ok Schlomo.

Sage and fuck the kikes

>> No.53413442

Keanu Reeves fucks a trans too. You think its cause they cant bang normal roasties?? No its cause trans chicks are the best and actually stay in tip top shape at all times and dont turn into any obese disgusting slobs like many women do

>> No.53413458

their mouth, brand new designer tight NASA pussy, and mouths. Usually creampie too. Feels gr8 bro

>> No.53413471

I reported this thread
JANNY if you see it and do nothing it confirms you're a TRANNY

>> No.53413474

>can nut inside
Inside what? An fungating artificial hole created by penile inversion?

Enjoy your fungal and viral infections.

>> No.53413487

they douche and clean regular. Dont believe the psy-ops ((they)) want you to believe.

They just want a higher wave slave population to exploit & not rich happy childless sex gods

you'll never be cooler than Keanu Reeves , he is richer than you, more handsome than you, could beat your ass, fucked more woman, and dates a trans chick

>> No.53413502

And you will NEVER be a woman.


>> No.53413515

the classic freudian projection of someone who is attracted to and wants to bang transwomen but instead lies to themselves everyday.

never change /biz/

>> No.53413533

Enjoy your axe wound, you abomination.

>> No.53413535

do you consider yourself gay or bi or straight or something else?

>> No.53413541

Real game is:
Have money and status.
Young woman flock you.
You fuck as many as you want and nut wherever you want
Find an unspoiled tradwife and breed as many children as possible
Raise them close to nature and homeschool them
Ban on all kike psyop like Netflix, social media etc.

Fucking a tranny is disgusting. You fell for the ultimate jewish trickery and got totally degraded losing your humanity to chase vanity and fried your brain on short dopamine boosts

>> No.53413558
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>> No.53413569

I consider myself pansexual but im only attracted to femininity & androgyny. So I bang women, passable transwomen & usually non-binanry birth chicks who are kinda androgynous (think ellen page before the transition)

honestly most of this board probably seen trans chicks in the wild & thought they were hot without having any idea. When done right they just look like regular hot women. Not all of them are linebackers with wigs out

last chick i dated (trans postop) would get hit on CONSTANTLY when out in public & we'd joke about it when back at home

>> No.53413579

Holy cope faggot. resort to trannies because real women don't fuck you? disgusting faggot

>> No.53413598

ive fucked over 50 regular women and around 10 trannies

whys keanu reeves fuck a trannie? think its cause he cant get women?

you're an insecure retard anon

>> No.53413603

I like when vagina doesn't smell like intestinal secretions anon

>> No.53413610

old women women my age are so mean and nasty that fucking trannies is better
women expect you to get shot in the head over a religion, you should kill as many womem as possible in minecraft

>> No.53413618

trans women douche and clean daily. you're believing jewish psy-ops so you can birth more wagecucks and be forever broke

>> No.53413627

Imagine hanging with your best mate but they are a super hot chick that you can nut in while taking a break from watching StarWars episode 1

this is life when u stop being insecure & get tranny pilled

>> No.53413644

ok so you are into men and women but without a cock pretty much?
>honestly most of this board probably seen trans chicks in the wild & thought they were hot without having any idea.
"passable" trannies might be that in a perfectly taken and edited picture but i highly doubt that any straight man would mistake a tranny for a biological woman. i just dont personally understand how people can be sexually attracted to the same gender no matter how feminine they look. i guess i would prefer having kids one day and that requires a biological woman. yeah lol maybe im the one getting kiked here but if that is what the kikes wanted i would have to agree with the kikes on this one.
like now im genuinely curious what a homo or bisexual thinks about life in general? like do you think there is anything more to life than hedonism or something like that? is life all about cooming as much as possible in as many holes no matter what kind to you?

>> No.53413675

ive watched countless men of all varieties try to hit on 5ft 6 post op beautiful long haired transchicks i was with. I REAL LIFE. not everything takes place on the internet or social media anon. The fact you talk about having children and instantly try to replace real life encounters and experiences with the internet is sad anon.

how are you ever gonna meet someone when your brain instantly thinks real life means "edited internet photos"

i also never want kids, i rather have money & freedom and travel

>> No.53413684

This is a propaganda thread to persuade you anons to fuck trannies. Only low IQs will actively listen to this garbage. Let me guess, you need someone to tell you who you should fuck.

>> No.53413701

im attracted to women and people that look like & pass as women. this includes voice, height, body shape. Im secure with my sexuality and life to not be worried about the rest.

when someone starts transitioning super early they are usually more fem than most obese entitled ham slobs that walk around in pajamas all day and are considered american woman.

I also still fuck birth women, just prefer trans chicks cause they are less needy, less high maintenance, funnier and honestly just better to hang out with

>> No.53413720

all religion is gay
if you think otherwise you're just a selective reader

>> No.53413726
File: 804 KB, 1170x1541, 258675B7-912B-4B98-9730-091BCFF1606C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you would never be able to tell there was a hot man made Elon Musk NASA pussy under there

>> No.53413839

Literally dudeface lmao

OP just kys already. You will NEVER be a woman

>> No.53413892

You do you bro. Personally I don't like shit on my dick/bedsheets or the inevitable psycho tranny drama.

T. Been there done that

>> No.53413902

>Im secure with my sexuality
>op + 15 pbtid
Topkek. You're looking for validation, which means you are definitely not secure. If you were secure you wouldn't be seeking approval.

>> No.53413916

Because we are not homosexual like you

>> No.53413917

>i consider myself a made up term
if you fuck men, you're gay simple as, eating vegetables doesn't make you a vegetarian while sometimes eating meat you fucking faggot

>> No.53413924

Probably he's a obese balding troon who is all alone

Even kikes dont try that much pushing schlomoganda

>> No.53414029

Seems like the most likely thing that's happening in this thread

>> No.53414160

the only kike propaganda in this thread is to increase breeding numbers so ((THEY)) can have more wage cuckies to exploit, keeping you forever broke raising their cattle for them. Who else would breed the next round of workers making $35k a year? Thats a good goyim

>> No.53414172

I dont fuck men, i fuck people with pussies recognized by the government as women

who do you fuck anon?? Fleshlights don't count as people

>> No.53414199
File: 2.27 MB, 1170x2532, 43D7CA28-F347-4A2D-A5ED-32ADC11EE1F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tranny body appreciation. Feels good to save $$

pic related: another old hookup

>> No.53414263

I'll see you in a /pol/ worm-purge thread in six months. Fucking faggot.

>> No.53414313
File: 435 KB, 444x250, lies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a psyop that got me long ago
this is how I got herpes on my genitals

there is no point of sex with condom and these males larping as a woman carry most of the sexual diseases out there
don't even need to post any data just search for hiv and trans and you will be chocked how this crap still is legal
idk why are they doing it again but clearly something is coming I bet its vaxx related so be extra vigilant fellas

>> No.53414314

nah i got quite the succulent rod, you should see it sometime anon

>> No.53414366

Nobody cares you walking AIDS load shitfucking faggot

>> No.53414381


>> No.53414389

why all the hate? just tryna to turn your non-pussy getting broke life into that of a rich NASA neo-pussy sex god

>> No.53414392

/biz/ ran off autists and accepted faggots like OP
you get what you fucking deserve.

>> No.53414411

You deserve what you tolerate. The fetish of homosexuality should be stamped out asap.

>> No.53414438

Yeah you've sure solved the no pussy problem by going prison gay you adult virgin

>> No.53414457

literally nutted in 2 different women and 1 tranny since the year began tho... also been DCA-ing the whole time

>> No.53414517
File: 1.67 MB, 554x984, musclegirl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean GRIDS

vidrel: a roided up girl is effortlessly more feminine than any troon.
behold the power of xx

>> No.53414538
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>> No.53414540
File: 442 KB, 1170x669, 55D1E9EC-C482-43AE-B9F3-4FC9851245C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here: naw thats a man. WOULD NOT hit

>> No.53414541


Holy fucking dude faces, Batman

>> No.53414549
File: 136 KB, 1080x1165, lebron goatness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why Americans never respected soccer as a sport. Imagine if Bron, Brady, Tiger Woods or MJ23 were out here fucking trannies in public. In the case of Tiger you'd have old white men literally tossing thousand dollar golf clubs in the trash.

>> No.53414919

Good advice, WAGMI

>> No.53414998

where do you find them to fuck? I'm not going to the gay bar or some shit

>> No.53415037

>trans chick
It’s not a chick, it’s a man. You fucked a man’s ass while you both pretended he’s a woman.
The reason I don’t do this is because I’m not a mentally ill faggot

>> No.53415050

>looks like a grenade went off in their crotch
>constantly leaking pus
>"brand new self lubed pussy, anon"

I shiggiddy guys..

>> No.53415100

I prefer to nut in real vaginas and make offspring. Birth women as you call it are to retarded to understand what crypto even is let alone hate it

>> No.53415217

Why would a woman do this to themselves??? Its not attractive

>> No.53415285
File: 307 KB, 1200x1753, 047cbcbc-9b95-4707-9380-b707a1cdc731-03_AP_WorldPride_NYC_2019_Opening_Ceremony-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes, OP.

You should suck some beautiful black tranny cock. It's an explosive combination of power and femininity. Let yourself be overwhelmed.

>> No.53416750