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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 207 KB, 1552x1218, BIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53408609 No.53408609 [Reply] [Original]

there are still people who ignored my advice and these are the same people that STILL wont buy once they see this thread

makes me utterly sad

>> No.53408625

why should i buy if it already pumped?

>> No.53408649

i'll bet my entire net worth that you were also one of those guys that said "why should i buy if it dumped" only 2 months ago

People like you will never win. People like you never take risk and will thus never see any progression on their life

>> No.53408656

chill out OP it was just a question kek
ill go buy some right now lol

>> No.53408682

you did the right thing anon

>> No.53408717

am i really FOMOing into this shitcoin right now?

>> No.53408731
File: 356 KB, 1370x1058, treasury.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol ok

>> No.53408804

Buy the top, sell the bottom. Well done, /biz/.

>> No.53409251

why do they have so much ETH?

>> No.53409278

except that this isnt the top
i unironically bought Bit tokens a while back just for the shits and laughs thinking this was the top in hopes of posting a screenshot of when it dumps

But now im kinda pissed at myself for thinking it was the top when it really wasnt

>> No.53409298

its a relatively safe asset to keep around and has the potential to become the top currency in the upcoming years as more and more networks and organizations build use cases on top of it

>> No.53409316

>ETH will flip BTC
time to take your meds anon
>use cases
my fucking ass

>> No.53409347

there are literally blue chip universties like MIT, Harvard, and Oxford working with BitDAO to creat Web3 an blockchain courses
This is all made possible by Ethereum. Yes, it does have use cases you dumb fuck

>> No.53409367
File: 87 KB, 1125x1180, i boughted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53409379
File: 238 KB, 1051x1345, HODL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think of the new mushroom meme?

>> No.53409385

What do they even do?
All of their websites are just filled with bullshit BUILDOR RESEARCH DIVERSITY memes and not one "look we made this thing that everyone uses" even though they have billions in their fucking treasury
Fuck daos

>> No.53409392

too much prostitution
sell signal
lets keep with the original

>> No.53409448

>not one "look we made this thing that everyone uses"

not their fault you're a dyslexic retard
>Mantle testnet already live
>Game7 already launched
>EduDAO already working with universities
this is not to mention all the other programs in development right now

>> No.53409481
File: 555 KB, 1390x1100, Screen Shot 2023-01-23 at 5.25.58 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're supposed to actually *PRESS* on the cells
the absolute state of bizfags

>> No.53409498

she looks so fucking high

>> No.53409517

Pool is doing way better than BIT over the last two weeks. You all keep ignoring me and I’m trying to save your lives.

>> No.53409560

no one knows what the fuck that is, plus BIT focuses on consistent growth not giga pumps that disappear 1 week later

>> No.53409566

Yeah I did, never head of any of their shit
another L2, great
blablabla globohom art, no game in sight
Can't really criticize this, good partnership, but I would rather invest myself
Useless. Ivy league devteams are littlery a redflag

>> No.53409589

literally hundreds of shitcoins have 2xed or more from January 1st you dumb fuck. your bag of feces isn't special.

>> No.53409606

How do you focus on consistent growth. Price isn’t up to them.

>> No.53409752

>never head of any of their shit
keep it that way
>another L2, great
its the first modular L2 on the market lol
>blablabla globohom art, no game in sight
they're not launching actual games you dumb fuck. they're funding the GameFi space to make it more active. read more next time
>Useless. Ivy league devteams are littlery a redflag
this might lead to many other universities inducing blockchain courses to their curriculum. it would unironically boost adoption on a scale we've never seen before

>> No.53409766

yet non of them have a consistent chart
they're all just pumps and dumps depending on what day it is
the BIT chart is nothing like that

>> No.53409801

>Price isn’t up to them.
except that it is. they're a DAO and get to vote on every small minute decision
they ended up voting on a 50 day buy-back program where the DAO adds around $2 million worth of their own native token to the treasury on a daily basis

>> No.53409857

Pool is also a DAO…. They don’t choose the price. That’s dumb as rocks.

>> No.53409871

And also, if the only reason their price is increasing is because they’re throwing their funds into a treasury, then they’re manipulating the price to rope in suckers like you.

>> No.53409897

>they dont choose the price
you're taking my words at face value.
ofc no one can choose the price they want or else everyone would have been a billionaire by now

the main difference is that BIT's growth is based on a smart decision made the community/
Pool's price increase had to do with nothing of similarity

>> No.53409919

>rope in suckers like you.
he's not being roped into shit
buy back programs have historically proven to be very effective especially in the long term because it creates scarcity especially now that the community also voted on a new burning mechanism and its already working

>> No.53409921

You said you didn’t know what the fuck it is. So had would you know what their increase in value is from?

I’ll tell you, it’s from being the 3rd most used Dapp in crypto. Having a lower market cap than its total value locked in the protocol. And having an actual, unique use case with a DAO made up of normal people.

>> No.53409930

Reminder that this treasury is 100% bullshit. Don't buy this scam

>> No.53409970

Pretty much 600 million when you ignore the token they can’t dump for the amount their valuing it at. Shit coin.

>> No.53410035

gud shill
you earned your coins
now get the fuck out

>> No.53410047

holy fuck the level of retardation you have
it literally takes two keys to go check Etherscan and validate that this entire treasury is 100% legit as is

>> No.53410066
File: 19 KB, 452x480, kys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for a person so invested in DAOs, you sure know jackshit about them
65% native tokens is nothing when you're talking about major DAOs
BitDAO actually has the most diversified treasury in the market

>> No.53410074

bitcoin is a retarded ponzi scheme ran by the cia to harvest the greatest collective computing power humanity has ever known.

>> No.53410112

Bitdao is ponzu scheme

>> No.53410163

i love how this pool faggot went from being all technical and shit to "ponzi" after being proven wrong

mega buy signal for BIT. fuck it im buying a mini bag right now

>> No.53410166

Did they give me the vaccine?g

>> No.53410210

Does token do anything besides governance?

>> No.53410228

It was “ponzu”

>> No.53410239

It looks pretty in the treasury to sway people into investing in it.

>> No.53410263

I didn't buy because BTC wasn't worth more than 10k. Still isn't.