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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53404770 No.53404770 [Reply] [Original]

We're in a bubble, aren't we?

The entire global economy is gonna crash worse than the '07-'08 financial crisis isn't it?

We're all fucked, right?

>> No.53404787

Daily reminder that finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage and capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. Ever escalating recessions, poverty, debt, wealth inequality, monopolies, disease, pollution, exploitation, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental, necessary and intended principles of it, NOT glitches. Greed, selfishness, lying, cheating, stealing, competition, conflict, slavery and war are behaviors highly encouraged and incentivized under capitalism. It is LITERALLY cancer and i dont mean it metaphorically, i mean it literally, it shares the exact same functions and principles as a cancer cell.

The freer the market the more enslaved everything and everyone else is and the more blood sacrifices need to be performed to "the Line god". An economy needs to be as regulated and planned as possible to serve the living beings needs and desires and be able to be adjusted according to our needs at any given moment/period. finance and stock markets are incompatible with life and are in direct competition

Only financier parasites like you are worried about the collapse of the status quo

>> No.53404790

yeah, you should short right now

>> No.53404804
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I bought a few deep otm calls on crypto miners so if not I'm happy, if it is no big deal

>> No.53404827

If youve been alive longer than 30 years and you cant feel it in the air, you should be very carerful investing. The rest of us can just tell.

>> No.53404828

>Only financier parasites like you are worried about the collapse of the status quo
Wrong, I'm a communist subhuman piece of human garbage like you and I'm also worried, collapses are inherently unstable by their very nature

>> No.53404835

It's already happening. We've been in a recession for the past year atleast if it wasn't for the dems changing the definition but most people know that already. We're heading into a depression.

My advice is to find a heavily oversold stock like GME and ride the short interest express, in this market it's all you can really do to make it.

>> No.53404842

Ok hitler. Time to decommission your cloning.

>> No.53404868
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>implying socialism is the better alternative
It's the fucking Chinese government that is arguably the biggest contributer to this bubble we're in right now you stupid tankie faggot.

>> No.53404908

No it's just inflationary pump recession into new norms so we can have higher stocks in 5 year or so new highs ect

>> No.53404939
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Aren't we on a rebound?


>> No.53404990

I can't wait for all of the people call for a crash to realise that the system is the only think keeping them safe from hordes of angry negros

>> No.53404999

>If youve been alive longer than 30 years
There are more vegan black trannies active on /biz/ than there are people over 30 like us.
I read the posts back in November and December about how "oh, no, this is like depression phase and it's max pain because BTC went down and I have to hold it for another year before the bull run starts, waaah."
They're going to be so much wiser when this is all said and done.
Except the trannies. They won't be around.

>> No.53405001

Nope not at all. The fed has more or less orchestrated a soft landing with casualties concentrated in the tech sector. Most likely outcome is asset prices and the economy stagnating for a few years while rates remain elevated.

>> No.53405060

this could happen and heres what i'm doing
>hoard as much USD as possible,
>wait for whatever bad thing happens
>buy whatever is super cheap now because of bad thing
I also currently have alot of cash outside the bank incase they attempt a bail-in, I also still have regular crypto and stock investments incase nothing happens

>> No.53405106
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>The fed has more or less orchestrated a soft landing with casualties concentrated in the tech sector.
I don't know what's more stupid: you thinking that only tech is gonna crash, or you thinking the Fed or any government institution for that matter knows what the fuck they're doing and isn't run by corrupt and incompetent shitheads.

>> No.53405128
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Go jerk off to some HasanAbi twitch streams, tankie faggot.

>> No.53405159

Well, 42% of them won't be around. We'll still have the other half.

>> No.53406280

You're so smart with your cynical pessimism!

>> No.53406491
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>something like 20% of the entire money supply printed in one year
>increasing burden for gibs put on shrinking middle class which is legally attacked in every way possible
>post-industrial economy of niggertech and service industry
>zoomer children of scientists and doctors working low-working class jobs
>many <30 are demoralized to the point of never expecting to have kids or a house
>political class is so comfortable and corrupt they put a senile 80 year old as a figurehead
everyone knows it's coming, it's a question of timing

>> No.53406600
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I'm just smart enough not to trust that the government will handle a crisis properly.

>> No.53406638

Why is there a watermelon floating in a swimming pool?

>> No.53406700

>keeping them safe from hordes of angry negros
The system can't even do THAT anymore. It's already over.

>> No.53407850

USA just completely abolished the debt ceiling, USD is now a literal shitcoin with unlimited supply, they can print as much as they want now. If you think we're in a bubble right now you haven't seen anything yet.

>> No.53408262
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>> No.53409022

Only because joos got allowed to participate

>> No.53409114
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>goverment printed out a $210 billion debt

>> No.53409121


>> No.53409174

that's a garloid egg you idiot

>> No.53409219

it's actually exactly the opposite
the system keeps them safe

>> No.53409293
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Actually the government overprinting money and causing inflation to cover for their own fuckups and mismanagement of government spending is by very definition anti-capitalist. Capitalism is in favor of free market economies self regulated by the people with little to no government intervention. The bubble we're in was caused by the government interfering with the free market rather than the free market itself. In conclusion, the government needs to fuck off and we're better off as an Anarcho-Capitalist society.

>> No.53409855
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Goddamn it we are so fucked.

>> No.53410192
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>My advice is to find a heavily oversold stock like GME

>> No.53410200
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>We're in a bubble, aren't we?

>> No.53410313

I for one believe everything will turn out just fine. Why? I just believe it.