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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53401014 No.53401014 [Reply] [Original]

>NEET in your 20's so you can do nothing in your 30's

>> No.53401035

>NEETs unironically think they're chads when they're nothing but loser scum that contribute nothing to society

>> No.53401048

Much society? why should i care about degenerates? lol i earn money to be neet not to support your boomer economy where you enjoy life while i slave away mine.

>> No.53401069

>wageslaving in mcdonalds is contributing to society

>> No.53401074

NEET in your 20's so you can get rich with RSR in 2021.
Oh wait it has already happened, you saw it you missed it bitch it's too late
Good luck next time faggets

>> No.53401076

It's a man's job to contribute to something greater than himself
grow up

>> No.53401081

iam from germany and i really dont want to contribute anything to THIS society.
the only reason i work is to get enough shekels so i can live for the rest of my life in a third world country without working

modern western societys HATE white men.

>> No.53401087

b-b-but we wageslave so McDicks doesn't have to invest in robots to do our jobs
we contribute by making corporations richer!

>> No.53401098

Dropping out of society isn't a valid way to protest it, you're just lazy.

>> No.53401111
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>> No.53401119

>work for a few years
>get fed up and put it all in crypto
>realize i have a mil in crypto
>quit job
>NEET for 7 years living off crypto
>somehow end up with more crypto than when i started

thanks for keeping society running wagies

>> No.53401124

I already made enough money to retire in the third world comfortably
God, I can't believe I'm talking to scum who missed the 2021 bull run how does it feel to be THIS late to the party
Even PNK and LINK holders got rich 2 years ago

>> No.53401139
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Go to college for nine years so scientology and the CIA can flush a decade of your life down the toilet.

>> No.53401141

I neeted for like 5 years
>Thought I would get more done with all the free time but have nothing to show for it
>Burnt through my savings
>Developed a bunch of bad habits (Alcoholism, cynical attitude, don't really keep up on hygiene)
>A general malaise and boredom to everything I do
>Don't even enjoy video games or being on internet anymore
I'll be 30 next year, but I really don't see neeting as the path forward for me, right now I'm trying to see how much I can turn things around this year.

>> No.53401147

which ones are you looking at anon?

>> No.53401154

"Idle hands are the devil's plaything" is basically what I'm trying to say.

>> No.53401176

thinking about
czech republic

>> No.53401179

hate society all you want. They build your roads and produce your food.
So unless you live on a farm without any technology, everything you say is just an excuse to be lazy and ungrateful.

>> No.53401188

i'm not a NEET and i have a decently paying job. the vast majority of jobs are a net drain on society and the world would be better off without them: telemarketers, chinkshit manufacturers, clerks for jewish megacorporations that steal from its customers and subvert society at large, public servants that harass the public to protect jewish business interests, etc.

the only argument for work is to get ahead financially. if you're not smart or fortunate enough to secure a "high paying" job then there is literally no point in working -- not for yourself, and sure as hell not for the benefit of society.

>> No.53401191
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>contribute to society bro
>psssh just go to bars to get laid bro
>cmon bro if you aren't traveling what are you doing
Where the fuck do these absolute fucking normalfags come from that flood /biz/ at random? All your ideas are bad, you're broke and on /biz/ because you hope to either shill your GME bags or find "the next 100x" so you can escape your normalfag drudgery. Even still you try to trick people into wanting the worst out of life.

>> No.53401196

I dont think I'm chad please just let me play VNs in peace.

>> No.53401197

I was so salty I missed the 2018 bullrun as a nocoiner
But then I caught the 2021 bullrun and creamed my pants
I can only imagine how salty nocoiners are after missing both

>> No.53401201

go watch another jordan peterson video before your next shift starts wagie. you contribute nothing except taxes towards more immigration lmao

>> No.53401213

>They build your roads and produce your food.

the thing is that germany is getting flooded with migrants who will never ever contribute anything than crime and moneydrain. why should i work my butt off for this?

>> No.53401214


>> No.53401229

You're just a wageslave deep down.
Now get to work wagie, mr gold needs new houses.

>> No.53401248

>muh roads
>muh food
Society spends next to nothing on those. Giving healthcare and money to migrants/old/poor people who are a net budget loss is not a sustainable philosophy.

>> No.53401256

I mean right now I'm trying to start my own business, I never said anything about getting a job.

>> No.53401260

I NEETed for like 5 years
Then I got semi-rich in crypto
Now I can NEET 50 more years in the third world
You seem upset wagie go back to cagie and stop thinking just WORK ahahahaha

>> No.53401278

Good for you, but you sound like an insufferable faggot.

>> No.53401280

You don't sound like a happy neet.

>> No.53401284


I see you are a man of class, eh?

>> No.53401313

I literally have been off biz for 2 years I come here and see all these wageslave threads all around
Then I realized how much it must suck to have missed out on 2021 or worse holding the crash like an idiot

>> No.53401330

Now you just sound even more insecure.

>> No.53401342

Kys boomer slave

>> No.53401345

he probably is insecure, but he probably is not LARPing, and you are probably a newfag

>> No.53401353

you saw it
you missed it
bitch it's too late ahahahahhah
now I see how smug 2018 lads felt, feels like I'm from a different era

>> No.53401391

All you had to do is hold LINK unironically.
Or PNK or RSR. That's just the top of my head.
All of them did a 30x from 2019 to 2021
It's like I'm talking to a bunch of children who don't even know the fartless beans memes.

>> No.53401409

I'm a comfy neet, didn't miss. Keep stroking your ecock though, kinda funny.

>> No.53401429

well... I was dead broke and found biz in late 2020, I didnt make it to say the least.. Easily could have mind you. Had other shit going on.. but it was THAT easy, every single coin shilled here around that time was legitimately early and all holders "made" money.

>> No.53401433

>he doesn't know the fat ladies FUD
>he doesn't know the fartless beans FUD
>he doesn't know the secret conspiracy FUD
>he doesn't know the endless PNK Pajeet memes
fucking pathetic newfaggot

>> No.53401451

Keep going.

>> No.53401462

I hope you had fun in the PNK threads even if you didn't make it. I was constantly making fun of them and their Indian dev team and the fucking court memes but then it pulled a 30x out of nowhere haha
But so did RSR so we were cool with each other.

>> No.53401479

Somebody needs to take this faggot to Kleros court.

>> No.53401491

funny part is PNK and RSR are on the lower end of biz gains too fren, and yes, i underestimated the power of the pajeet village money.

>> No.53401498

this guy fucks I bet his indian ass is sitting on a pile of money

>> No.53401530

ok I was here in 2016 when retards were shilling Bean coin or whatever the fuck it was called with that stupid bean mascot
also Trumpcoin, fucking newfag
that was before the 2018 run a completely different place

>> No.53401922

I know 2 Neets in their 40s. They were lost when their parents died, depressed, and still need to work a little to pay for things but are decades behind their peers. One is so overweight that he doesn't want kids because he doesn't think he'll be alive to see them graduate high school. The other has never been in a relationship due to years of psyching himself out from even trying. I would not trade places with either.

The core issue with Neeting young rather then later is you never get past your fears of moving past your comfort zone. No risks, no experiencing new things, no having memories of overcoming adversity to help pull you out of depression and believe in yourself. Just existing and worry that whoever or whatever is supporting your lifestyle can come to an end at any moment and you have no backup plan.

>> No.53402000
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>worker ant cope

>> No.53402073

i have bean there as well

>> No.53402092

I sure hope you didn't miss both bull runs lel

>> No.53402166

You can literally power through a wagie to manager in 3 to 5 years in your 30’s compared to eating shit for 10 years in 20’s just to maybe get a shift lead job.

>> No.53402187

nah, see

>> No.53402246

>Striking isn't a valid way to protest mistreatment
Yes it is.

>> No.53402340

Good job breh. Wagecucks get the rope.

>> No.53402582
File: 69 KB, 842x737, 1630895174671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>contribute society
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA FUCK society, society deserves shit

>> No.53403244

nigger why are you talking about PNK and RSR when so much other shit 1000x and that barely did anything, you would have made so much more on dogcoins