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File: 282 KB, 1327x455, manlet support group.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53398098 No.53398098 [Reply] [Original]

How do we cope?

>> No.53398124
File: 88 KB, 712x767, helpretardedchildren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'8 can I join

The tall guys still call me a manlet

>> No.53398129

I don't get the murrican fetishisation of how tall you are.

>> No.53398179

Heightism is a very real phenomenon. It's been studied. Not only women MUCH prefer taller men, but even at work they're gonna get more promotions and the best jobs. (So this is business and finance related, faggots.)

On average, you gain something like $10k in annual profit for every inch of height. It's crazy.

>> No.53398243

I don't doubt that there is a correlation between the size and desirability, but what I don't understand is why do murricans outright fetishise it.
On this side of the pond I've never seen a guy being rejected for not being tall enough. I've seen multiple tall girls wearing high heels look at me, an average-height guy, with playful smiles and "he's hot" in their eyes. And the chaddest guy I know is ~160.
Mutts are weird.

>> No.53398275

America is a hyper feminized Jewish controlled hell hole. Americans acting like it’s still the most amazing place on earth are retards. It’s not. It’s the most fucked up place on Earth and definitely will not last 200 more years without significant changes to the culture. It’s the damn victim Olympics over here and that’s not a good thing.

>> No.53398280

I live in Europe and you're delusional. Heightism is alive and well here too.

>> No.53398290
File: 158 KB, 1290x783, the amerilard condition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s the most fucked up place on Earth
Definitely the most jewed country in history.
How many of their congressmen have double citizenship (israeli/american)? 30%?

>> No.53398338

How does it show in your cunt?

>> No.53398349

>Europoors the thread
America sucks but not nearly as bad as being a foreign faggot ask me how I know
>Every seething thirdie nigger will never shut the fuck up about America even though most of us stopped posting here a year ago.

>> No.53398350

M-my cunt, anon-kun?

>> No.53398361

>thirdie nigger
Europeans are not thirdies, faggot.
Cope and suck kike dick. You seem to love it.
Remember to tip your jewish landlord after giving him 50% of your paycheck.

>> No.53398369

>I've seen multiple tall girls wearing high heels look at me, an average-height guy, with playful smiles and "he's hot" in their eyes.
lmao cope no they didnt half pint

>> No.53398430

In the land of the manless, the 5'8 man is king.

>> No.53398463

>In the land of the manless
Yeah, in India 5'8 is pretty tall.

>> No.53398465

Country retard, /int/cel lingo

>> No.53398472

No she smiled and said "He's short"
She smiled because you're a midget.

>> No.53398487

No take backsies, you said you wanted my cunt.

>> No.53398496

I certainly never said any such thing.

>> No.53398499
File: 456 KB, 1644x2541, 4chan incel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't get the murrican fetishisation of how tall you are.
I dont think its an american thing. I think its just the incel victim mentality that comes from insecure inexperienced low self esteem men online.

>> No.53398512
File: 398 KB, 903x1987, DA769A64-9D65-4E69-BFE3-0BD8C48839A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Certainly by not doing this.

>> No.53398519

>yeah women don't care about height
>the hot ones don't select tall boyfriends, it's a coincidence
>when women talk among themselves and openly mock short guys it's just a joke
>when they talk about their preferences and ALL of them say that they want a guy 4-6 inches taller than them it's not serious
>just a coincidence man
>just a joke

>> No.53398943
File: 56 KB, 468x655, Signs and Symptoms of Depression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go outside anon.

>> No.53399017
File: 759 KB, 800x1002, leg-kabedon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, sugarcube, I want to know everything about it.
In my early twenties I also interpreted girls giggling nearby as "look at this loser and laugh at him!".
Well, if you feel insecure like this I can, not as a joke, recommend you "Undercover sex signals" by Leil Lowndes.

It feels good when a girl happily jumps onto your bicycle luggage rack for a ride, or wants to outright hug you when you first meet — but to enjoy these signs you have to recognize them. Acquire this skill and be happy.

>> No.53399104

No, there are femoids there.

>Yes, sugarcube, I want to know everything about it.
W-well for starters I assure you that it is NOT moist and waiting.

>> No.53399132
File: 2.21 MB, 247x183, 1673931737359566.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn this is my group. 5'7" on a good day here
All my good friends are 6'3" and up. Back when we used to all get wasted and hang out one of my buddies would life me up like a toddler. I want to die

>> No.53399142

Captcha: 420DJ0

>> No.53399320
File: 107 KB, 533x679, e71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to wait for too long, sweetheart. My vacation has just started and I haven't decided where to go yet. What would you suggest?
Don't hang out with people you don't enjoy being around with, duh. Find a girl who you can lift instead. Or just go lifting, physical exercises are good for you.