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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53393043 No.53393043 [Reply] [Original]

This digital dogshit oil is making me money because of the incoming AI fomo.

>> No.53393049

redundant coin, ethereum already has smart contract features. failed venture.

>> No.53393059

Where we heading once we break $2, fellow oil barons?

>> No.53393077

Once the crypto market realizes how many unique tech propositions iExec brings to the world it'll probably start heading towards 100$ by summer.

>> No.53393081

I finally hooked up my old MacBook Pro and am lending out its computing power to iexec in exchange for RLC tokens. I made 3 RLC today alone

>> No.53393083

RLC will be $1500 by EOY.

>> No.53393140

Based. I wish I got the RLC NFT
It is written

>> No.53393353

Lmao you baggies the DOTB was over a year ago when we spiked in a day to $20. If you didn't sell then or you bought since then, you're fucked

>> No.53393517

Shut up retard

>> No.53393531

I don't think so

>> No.53393708

Stop fudding workers start soon

>> No.53393952

Stating facts is fudding now okay

>> No.53394008

RLC X KENSHI coming soon

>> No.53394044

Shut the fuck up retard

>> No.53394380

no u
how's the curry?

>> No.53394438

pouring out of my asshole but my 87 RLC making me rich makes it all okay

>> No.53394465

cope, RLC will still be less than $2 in 5 years

>> No.53394514

it's literally 5$ right now

>> No.53394564

$1,72 .... WOOOOW epic bro it was higher than that over 5 years ago.... talk about ROI!!

>> No.53394577

haha made u look faggot

>> No.53394589

lmao congrats enjoy my bags kid

>> No.53394755

10x from absolute bottom to now
100x from bottom to last top
Could be better. Could be a lot worse.

>> No.53395355

ill buy with happiness

>> No.53395626

jeet, the $ goes in front of the digit, so it should be $5. Quit making these threads.

>> No.53395970

no its 5 dorra not dorra 5

>> No.53397172

RLC is an oracle
a privacy coin
AI token
Computer calculation power
What am I missing ?

>> No.53397186

Compliant/approved with the French SEC.

>> No.53397319

Data renting

>> No.53397514
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I think we are going to make it.

>> No.53398109

Break through $2 already

>> No.53398163

RLC is shit coin

DIST/discreet network have best oracle and privacys coin

stay poor

>> No.53399803

can someone give me a quick rundown on what rlc actually does
people keep talking about le year of ai but how does rlc fit into that

>> No.53400729

Yes just not on a Mac lol,
>t oiler

>> No.53400743

It’s not a privacy coin. Wtf are these shills?

>> No.53400796

Yes it does. AI needs data, lots of it, to train. RLC allows: a) completely confidential data training and b) once trained, companies can rent out their trained AI trustlessly while maintaining ownership and providing the output to the renter earning RLC. This is the god coin. Imagine chatgpt or some other AI bot wanted total confidential ownership of their algorithm and used RLC to protect it, each query across the globe settling in RLC.

>> No.53400961

You can use trained datasets without leaking the content. The datasets are only decrypted inside the Trusted Execution Environment, where only authorized code can be executed. No one can see the data except the owner but everyone (who pays) can use it to generate output. The datasets can be rented to other people without giving away ownership.
You can also use sensitive data as input. The input, too, can be encrypted and only used by authorized code. Imagine companies or governments using AI with highly confidential data. You don't want it to leak under any circumstances.
Because of these reasons, you NEED something like iExec for AI.
iExec also has a decentralized marketplace, where you can monetize computing power, encrypted datasets (e.g. AI models) and apps (e.g. something like ChatGPT). Soon, everyone will be able to act as worker and provide their CPU/GPU resurces.
Decentralized oracles are another use case.

>> No.53401164

thanks for the advice, it convinced me to continue holding my sui.

>> No.53401165

Yes. Their oracles are being used by a ton of research projects RIGHT NOW and it’s a secondary project, just a limp dicked “meh, ya we’re a team of 6 phds I guess we can whip this up quick”. Throw in the fact that the team didn’t sell any RLC when it went to $20 and you should realize fairly quickly you’re a retard for not buying

>> No.53401488

How much actual use is this thing getting? The marketplace on it looks pretty dead, and has for years. Unless I'm looking at the wrong thing... perhaps somebody could steer us to a more vibrant marketplace then the pitiful one on the main site?

>> No.53401540

hmm this does sound very good. are we sure rlc will be at the forefront of it? what sort of competition is there right now for this usecase?

>> No.53401871

I only know Ocean
They do only dataset renting, not the other stuff. I don't know much about it but it's worth looking into it.

As of yet, not too much. There are multiple European Commission funded startups about to use it though.
iExec spent years building and they're about to finally release the missing core piece: public worker pools.
They also hired a COO whose task it is to make iExec successful. (The guy who made Groupon big). They have big plans and are aiming to hire 400 people.
It's still speculation on the adoption part but with the current AI trend, the price might go up anyways.

>> No.53401907

Thanks for the balanced assessment, anon. This might be a decent speculative play. Team at least "look the part."

>> No.53401908

RLC is scam coin., DIST is better token with privacys network in BSC and have zero layer oracles

>> No.53402109

Disregard Mumbai opinion

>> No.53402248

LOL ya don't say?? When I see posts like this I read it in my brain with their little accent.

>> No.53402260

Mac's are for fags anyway

>> No.53402297

Oh ya it’s painfully obvious. At this point you’d think they’d be smart enough to throw their post thru chatgpt or even fucking grammarly before they post. Whoever is paying them to shill (cough cough DIST, KENSHI) will be terribly disappointed that their money is literally advertising AGAINST their coin lol.

>> No.53402477

Redpill me on why should i buy this shit instead of REQ.

>> No.53402513

Top kek.
RLC is about to explode from the AI hype plus low market available supply

>> No.53403626

Lol I unironically hold 1 million req and 100k rlc
If I were to buy one I'd say rlc for sure. But req will have its day. Working product. Keeps adding customers

>> No.53404192

We can't analyze every single shitcoin and compare it to RLC. These two have nothing in common besides being French. dyor

>> No.53404218

there nothing that blockchain can do for AI... it is just massive meme and indicator of scam. but good luck

>> No.53404481

AI model and data renting on iExec says otherwise

>> No.53404693

Curry colored ID

>> No.53405676

show me someone using it

>> No.53405757

show me someone using any new tech before anyone knew about it
buy when its popular and find out why you're forever poor

>> No.53405772

i already have a lot of it you greedy shill lmao

>> No.53405797

87 RLC is a lot to a pajeet

>> No.53406528

DIST token offer good privacys and oracle through zero layer oracles. can RLC do this? no, it do not have oracle and privacys.

business and finance do not buy rlc scam, step up to big league and look at DIST/discreet network

>> No.53406678

This cannot be real Lol

>> No.53406724

I can use models to 30b on google colab for free.
If i want something more powerfull i can rent gpu for 2$ per hour

>> No.53406734

? zerolink is better oracle and discreet team love it ., it was announced in DIST twitter

>> No.53406821

It's a bot. The one with the reddit spacing and pajeet talking is always fudding in RLC threads.
I think he's fudding RLC and DIST is messing with the bot or something.

>> No.53406836

I don't get this. Currently, you cannot access the data used for chatGPT, but you can use it to generate output. So what is different here?

>> No.53406886

Maybe he's lying and DIST is legit idk
I havent really checked
they seem to have a PhD on board

>> No.53406901

RLC is a semi legit. But DIST is a blatant scam. Why do you think the moonie moons have stopped in RLC? Let’s keep it a secret though. :)

>> No.53406911

>muh use case
No one uses any crypto. Hype is all that matters for investing. Dog coins will outperform this again next cycle

>> No.53406975

lol you forgot to change your ID you DIST pajeet shill

>have a phd onboard
lmao lol jesus christ and you replied to yourself. you and your team needs a lot of help on “shilling”

>> No.53407073

Bump so folks can see the DIST and discreet team of shills caught responding to himself shilling his scam

>> No.53407174

The only way to use the model is through OpenAI's own servers. No one else can write applications that uses the model because that would leak it. Except through API keys that use those centralized servers of course. But you're limited to the options that OpenAI has and everything is centralized.

With iExec, AI models can be properly monetized. That means, decentralized applications written by any developer could use the models directly without any centralized server. That means way more freedom for developers. Way more options. More trust.

AI companies would have access to more computing power. It gives small AI companies exposure. It allows sensitive data as input. It allows input to smart contracts generated by AI without centralization.

Imagine AI is controlling our lives in the future. Do you want that done by centralized servers that can be manipulated and steal your data or do you want trust through blockchain and decentralization? The latter is only possible with decentralized cloud computing. But in order to monetize AI models with decentralization, you need iExec.

>> No.53407208

I'm not a shill, you fucking retard.
I told you I haven't looked into it.
Moonie moons is fudding it so that was the only thought
stupid monkey

oops reddit spacing ffs

>> No.53407248

And I replied to myself because I added more context
Is that retarded? Maybe
But it wasn't an accident

>> No.53407309

>you need iExec.
idk why ppl on biz dont understand this, they must be pajeets

>> No.53407380

Topped up my barrels last night I think for the last time. Don't think we'll be below $2 for very much longer.

>> No.53408125

How is iExec any different from Ethernity Cloud?

>> No.53408190

How about you find out and tells us?
Nobody fucking knows Ethernits
iExec has a head start though

>> No.53408222

While your at it, check out Super Protocol as well

>> No.53408585

Alright, I will. Thanks, fren.
I would've never even noticed without moonie kek

>> No.53408629

I have a feeling RLC is gonna be the new LINK of the bear market.

>> No.53409521
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>> No.53410044

Stop with the digital dog shit please. It's been 5 years. DEAD SHIT COIN.

>> No.53410072

Link holder spotted. Shouldnt you be washing Sergeys car? Cuck

>> No.53410277


>> No.53410319

kek gave u away on this one

>> No.53410468

I don't follow... what are you trying to say? Your grammar sucks balls.

>> No.53410523

yeah the moonie moons have ceased for a bit in RLC threads. Like it’s fun and games. I get it, RLC like most other coins comes here to advertise cool. But when I see a real scam like DIST/discreet I turn the bot on for those fucks and just pound them into the fucking ground.

The only reason the bot was turned on is because whatever RLC team member made like five fucking threads in a row. Just make one general and stick with the shit and not spam it like DIST and KENSHI bullshit token scams are doing now

>> No.53411229

newfag doesnt know who kek is

>> No.53411289

is this the supposed Moonie Moons? Prove yourself

>> No.53411322

“Hidden jem”

“., moonie moon moons”

“ .,”

literally if you see “.,” that’s the bit running my signature script. I might change it up now

>> No.53411336
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why would you even need that?

These dubs are out of control. Why are you lurking RLC threads anyways? Are you trying to FUD /biz/ so you can hoard it all?

>> No.53411409

just waiting for you is all.

and watching the kensi cuck clowns do their work, think best how I can script them to death next.

>> No.53411471

This anon gets it. Finally a high iq rlc post

>> No.53411495

Already is. We’re up like 100% since the market shat while most everything else is up 20% and no signs of stopping.