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53396159 No.53396159 [Reply] [Original]

im neet with $143 in my bank, what coin should i buy to make it in 2023?

>> No.53396164


>> No.53396195

kenshi can make you a quick 2x in a couple days

>> No.53396253

be serious, this is my last life at home. my step dad is kicking me out

how do i buy it fren

>> No.53396584

I hate this.

>> No.53396621

You will have to gamble on an insane moonshot with such little capital. Just get SNS-1. You can get close to one token with $143 and we would only need a 7500x for you to get a million which would be a 15 billion mcap which is very achievable if ICP becomes the next Eth

>> No.53396669

Go work fucking McDonald's for a month and you already 10x your portfolio

>> No.53396767

Yeah i can pay a poor guy on fiverr to make them sound retarded too

>> No.53396793
File: 93 KB, 678x515, 1674459841145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. seething Discord mod

>> No.53396852

fringe before the next pump

>> No.53397984

I guarantee his parents hope he gets hit by a bus and dies

>> No.53398706

There is nothing that you can buy that can lead you to making it. Anything that could would be no different than spending all your money on lottery tickets, or "all in on black". If you only have $143 your time is better spent investing in yourself so you can make and invest more money. Even working a part-time student job would allow you to invest much more than that every week.

>> No.53398733

It would be all well and good until he says
>Normalize this lifestyle
Instead of
>Dont be like me
>This year im going to get a job and turn things around

he is a spiritual nigger

>> No.53398755


>> No.53398765

why the fuck people are like this.. not being neet i understand that. but these tiktok videos? wtf these little dances it looks so fucking weird

>> No.53399015

>There is nothing that you can buy that can lead you to making it.
Fuck you nigger if I never sold SHIB from when I first bought it a month after launch I would STILL have a few million from a 200$ investment.

>> No.53399040

All in on Caesar Inu. Only around 5k market cap and I expect it to moon somewhere to a market cap of 1-2 million.


>> No.53399096

the stimulation must flow

>> No.53399159

Yes yes, everything is obvious in hindsight. Everyone would be a billionaire if they just always sold perfectly at the top and bought perfectly at the bottom.

>> No.53399246

Absolutely disgusting webm...

>> No.53399944

This isn’t the 1980’s where McDonald’s was easy to get hired at.

>> No.53400312
File: 15 KB, 320x180, martinsmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use it to buy some online course to get qualified to do some shitty job. Investing with that little amount of money is pointless you need to get your income up first

>> No.53400332

lmao you can get hired the same day at any fast food place or grocery store

>> No.53400356

It's not a dance, he's practicing jacking off dicks, for his future career

>> No.53400680

This faggot needs to:
> Go to a barber
> Shave
> Wear some clothes that fit
>Stop wasting time on internet ("hurr durr but you- I only do it occasionally
>Get a fucking job

>> No.53400979

Monkey see, monkey do. You will never understand how these NPCs function.

>> No.53401162

Privacy coins have great potentials, as regulation rocks, normies will like to secure their funds from unnecessary taxation

>> No.53401868

If you sincerely think getting hired at the most entry level job is possible you never had a chance. It's not a meme that you need income to invest to make it, have fun fomoing in to bingus tokens

>> No.53401982
File: 25 KB, 480x640, images (58).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy some RIDE bobo
the metaverse hype is coming back up again and it could go bunkers

>> No.53402022

His parents failed by making him this ugly

>> No.53402056

WTF are you going to invest if you have 100 dollars to your name nigga you are wasting your time

>> No.53402401

AXS APE MANA all looking good recently
Made so much from axie when the p2e trend was all over the place, wouldn't mind a repeat kek

>> No.53402427

ive never used tard tok myself, but ive read that you have to be doing something or the video gets deleted. this is why it's nothing but dancing roasties and dancing basedboys.

>> No.53402462

buy https://opensea.io/collection/flappybirds
>Verification not required.

>> No.53402503

that... the normalize this lifestyle made me sick. everything he listed off was a massive fail and than he goes normalize being a failure? wtf is he smoking cuz its clearly a bad batch. dude looks retarded clearly doesnt groom and shower and wastes his life as a failure and wants to normalize this so more people are dragged down into his crab in a bucket place. disgusting and that loser should be tossed on the streets til he drops his fantasy world living his parents enable like shit parents

>> No.53402521

wait so you cant just sit and talk on the video? you have to be doing faggot ass movement? wow this is nothing like the chinese version of tik tok at all. need this confirmed

>> No.53402568

Germanic chad

>> No.53402637

you got the chance with ride, shit is underated asf with only 30mill in mcap, you'd go crazy over it's product and utility

>> No.53402832

tardtok had me

>> No.53402851

Why would I buy a shitcoin with 5k mcap that's heading for rug pull?

>> No.53402882

Everything except living with parents is shit and living with parents should be temporary until rents decline and RE goes down.

>> No.53402886

new game launch from the bayc is the reason ape pumped, not sure about others but yeah another meta season could be upon us

>> No.53402923


>> No.53402970

Reminder that this is the person behind every “wagie hate thread”

>> No.53403059

Put it all on the 49ers to win the superb owl

>> No.53403106

If you can’t get hired at McDonald’s you seriously have a lot of work to do. You don’t need even need a resume you just need an appearance that doesn’t signal you look at cartoon child pornography and enough social skills to talk 5 minutes in a job interview. It’s a job that can literally be done by 14 years olds, the elderky, and niggers. So keep in mind who your competition is.

>> No.53403185

this is the hardest redpill to swallow. and it plays at almost every level, as <1% of the world is sentient
the base layer of normalfags fell for shit like onecoin and bitconnect
second layer, solana/ftx/celsius/3ac/luna
third layer, cardano/xrp/chainlink/avalanche/aptos/gmx
it's retards, retards all around copying the moves of other retards, and even the marginally less retarded invest not because they understand what it is they invest in, but because they're making bets on what the more retarded will buy

>> No.53403190

Buy a shovel and start to div graves up.
Lots of people are buried with jewels. Some even have really expensive shoes that can be refurbished and are worth good money.

>> No.53404248

You can also sell the skulls. Someone anon posted an epic thread about doing that awhile ago.

>> No.53404381
File: 19 KB, 500x500, 235C00A0-020A-42E9-9D4B-AA567A9D51FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a NEET for an entire decade, then my excuses and schemes finally didn’t convince my mom anymore. Applied for a government job, government paid me for getting a CS degree, now I got a comfy public sector where I spent most of my days working from read (aka 4chan, YouTube and porn).

>> No.53404411
File: 481 KB, 500x340, 3C7X.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just strap him into the job cannon and launch him to jobland

>> No.53404493

You joke but that's a real thing in Australia. Youbcan get a young bloke, send them out to work on some remote farm in the northern territory, nearest airport is several hundred kilometres away sonif you don't work you die. Not a bad idea desu.

>> No.53404913

So this is what a mod looks like

>> No.53407124

That's true anon, Privacy protocol that's built using smart contracts and powered by zk proofs should be the top priority where security of funds and assets are mentioned.

>> No.53407474
File: 85 KB, 768x1024, SEXY DOG AI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GPT Inu.

>> No.53407653

Kek, this is peak #sidehustle culture

>> No.53407667

he is so sad his facial bones have set into a resting sadface

>> No.53407742

Yes they have so many prime candidates to choose from that's why they pay $15 minimum even in Alabama

>> No.53407743
File: 3.13 MB, 1225x1493, 1666629935250543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious answer. Create your own shitcoins, that's how I unironically made half a million in 2018 with zero capital.

>inb4 i don't know how to
learn it
>inb4 i failed
try again
>inb4 i'm too lazy
then get used to being poor

>> No.53407780

How many guys are like that now? Sad

>> No.53407805
File: 48 KB, 596x380, 1637705026405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, i don't always shill my coins since its the most likely scenario of a rugpull, but im extremely happy and stone rn so ill mention my big competitor and some insider info. 10% of chinese whales will invest on a niche altcoin with a high probability of 100x in 2024/2025. It has low liquidity atm. Hoping to accumulate 1% of the supply today/tomorrow. It's HAMI (Hamachi finance) basically its a reward token on multiplaform that launched three days ago or so and the rewards actually work, the devs are answering, the launch already killed a zero and the page is not some jeet shit so it's same. Do as you will

>> No.53407813


>> No.53407827

You need to come back to reality anon. Would've, Could've, Should've.

>> No.53407840

>Inu in the name
If it's not shib you're about to get rugpulled.