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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 382 KB, 1062x1587, 1674405527530285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53388391 No.53388391 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ will defend this

>> No.53388403

What's wrong with this? He's making money, good for him.

>> No.53388408

he's not a worthless, tidepod eating zoomie and that makes OP seethe

>> No.53388417

wtf is that thing in front of the camera

>> No.53388416

Maybe the franchise is family owned and he is the son. Either way he will learn a lot

>> No.53388435

Sam Bankman-Fried

>> No.53388452

ah I see now thanks

>> No.53388472

>Child can get a job but I can't.
It's over for me. I'm embracing NEETdom now.

>> No.53388483

Living up to the name of Gen Alpha. Zoomers could learn something from this.

>> No.53388602
File: 255 KB, 1600x900, 6B7524D5-11B7-427D-A4A5-348B354B62F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it’s family biz, t.sheetmetal worker who started at 14.

>> No.53388606

This is fairly common in braindead fast food jobs, especially Culver's. Problem? Maybe those 24 year old Redditors should get jobs.

>> No.53388612

So after both parents having to work just to coast by (((they’re))) targetting children workers next?

>> No.53388632
File: 75 KB, 897x733, ejke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoomers are the next boomers

>> No.53388634

This is not new. Go outside.

>> No.53388664
File: 11 KB, 600x800, 1673097800362840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noo he should be at home writing his essay for tranny class or getting groomed on discord!

>> No.53388686

Unironically better than school. You need to build exposure to work from a young age to normalize it or else you'll turn into a lazy neet like me

>> No.53388689

>you can violate child labor laws as long it's your own children
ok kike

>> No.53388738
File: 1.65 MB, 3534x2853, 1671417965709730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i write essay on tranny at 12 and i m now US secretary for nuclear energy.

>> No.53388755

Holy shit your parents must hate you. You've probably never moved out of the basement to make your own food, never helped clean the house or mow the lawn, you smell, have never had a job, and won't fuck off because it would be "child labor."

>> No.53388758

>his family didn’t help him achieve multi generational wealth


>> No.53388773

This is what I wanted as a kid honestly. There were so many games I wanted to buy

>> No.53388786

The rich entitled kids just get "allowance"

>> No.53388795

I started my own business selling burned music CDs to kids at school. I bought my PC with allowance money. I didn't slave for some globohomo fast food chain. cope and seethe

>> No.53388802

>job is so easy a 12 year old can do it
>I DESERVE $50/hr
Pick one

>> No.53388811

i assume thats the secretary of blacked behind him by two?
also why are they so outrageously fabulous compared to their next table that has women sitting at it..?

>> No.53388832

>allowance money
welcome to the gulag boomers. sorry your cunt little anon snitched on you about paying him.
shame he had to try and prove a point in a mongolian bread forum

>> No.53388851

What is Take Your Child to Work Day. Touch grass you filthy basement dwellers.

>> No.53388854

>paying your child allowance for doing chores and tasks around the family house is le bad, you must contribute to the bottom line of some fast food joint when you're 12!
like I said, check the labor laws kike

>> No.53388880

What the fuck else are children supposed to be doing except work around the house, school, and making a little money for themselves on the side? You sound lazy.

>> No.53388904

He's wearing a uniform with a nametag.
Post nose

>> No.53388933

Ahh nostalgia for early internet and having groomer orbiters.

>> No.53388949

Assuming he’s working just 4 hours a night, he’s 7 years old, making 12 dollars an hour (not unreasonable given their average salary), he will have 120k by the time he turns 18. not a bad deal desu

>> No.53388954

Kid is at least 10. Has to have a brain to push buttons.

>> No.53388973

Also you forgot taxes. Parents are claiming him as a dependent so he won't get standard deduction.

>> No.53389014
File: 33 KB, 645x770, FD19DD5B-7BCF-4700-B56D-0DD179611201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grown ass black adults faces when even 7 year old white children are capable of working

>> No.53389019

>and that's a good thing!

>> No.53389046

Ok. These jobs should be done by children so they can see how shit they are, and learn that this is the only job you can get as a felon

>> No.53389061

Kek. Still wouldn't keep the urban youth from joining a gang and ending up in prison selling drugs to get by.

>> No.53389064

So your a fucking criminal and come here calling everyone a kike, state of this faggot

>> No.53389067

children would probably get my order right unlike adult NIGGERS

>> No.53389088

Perhaps not, but it'll give them an idea of what's at stake so they don't get caught. That's more than they get now

>> No.53389097

He might as well learn it.

>> No.53389137
File: 161 KB, 401x306, 46748929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The anons here don't need to prove shit. I want you to prove that it's wrong in the first place (protip: you can't)
>b-but muh morals
Argumentum ad spook

>> No.53389176

>Oh no people are making more money than I want them to

>> No.53389188

He’s at least 14 per child labor laws. This is just how zoomers are built

>> No.53389198

Could be true based on the physiognomy. Kid is doomed before it even began.

>> No.53389208
File: 20 KB, 512x468, 1664667365992018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents paid me peanut compared to their regular workers because "lol its the family business you need to help". And im talking about full 8 hours shifts all summers.

>> No.53389213

It's like they never ate at a Chinese restaurant before.

>> No.53389244

when did I say I pirated the music? It was easy to copy songs from physical CDs back then that were purchased at some point. It was popular to make CDs with custom playlists since mp3 players and shuffling features did not exist yet.

>> No.53389251

You're still selling copies of music which is illegal.

>> No.53389265

>zoomers want 20 an hour or more for a job a child can do


>> No.53389266

while you lived in their house
ate their food
used their laundy
free rides to school and back

be grateful

>> No.53389299

Go back to plebbit you bootlicking faggot

>> No.53389312
File: 276 KB, 960x640, fam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working for a corporation is evil, also your made in chyna gadgets and clothes are made by kids, you're part of the problem
the only place where is ok for children to "work" is when they live outside the city, like in a family where they have a cow, goats, chickens, grow fruits and veggies. Dad, mom and the kids all do their part like milking and stuff

>> No.53389314

Wahhh you had to stand at a counter at your mommy’s pickle store and play game boy in between customers. So difficult your life is so hard you should kill your self

>> No.53389315

They’re really fun as a teenager though. Enough money to play with while living with the parents. Meet people you normally wouldn’t and go to parties. Eat free food. Maybe drink booze and shmoke a little. Touch a boob or two. Restaurant work as a teenager was awesome, but it’s for teens and people in their early 20’s. It’s a phase to grow out of.

>> No.53389332

>Defending a criminal

His not going to have sex with you

>> No.53389339

He's making more money than you faggot
He's actually maxing out life rn
No bills, no food cost
He could ask his mum to open a youth fidelity account and be rich by 30 EVEN DOING SLOW BOOMER INVESTMENTS
OP is a seething tranny

>> No.53389355

>kid copying music during the 90s is a hardened criminal
ok rabbi

>> No.53389385

What a jewish way of thinking holy shit.
They chose to have a kid and raise it. I didnt choose to live. That choice implies responsabilities such as food, shelter and education without expecting a pay back. At least in my country. And im grateful, that is why I fucking did it almost for free.
>stand at a counter
They run a logistics company. I learned to drive a truck at 12 because I needed to move them inside our garages. That wasnt even legal

>> No.53389387

Parents are completely responsible for how their kids turn out. If you automatically treat your kid like shit, like they're some sort of annoying resource drain, instead of your own flesh and blood that you should take care of and lift up... Yeah, big mystery if they end up hating your guts.

If you send your kid to zog school without even considering homeschooling for 1 second then you are beyond retarded and should not have kids to begin with.

>> No.53389408

It’s you who are jewing people not me Sam.

>> No.53389418

Wahhh you had to drive a truck wahh so sad my heart goes out to your suffering

>> No.53389428

what were you doing at 12yo anon?
what are you doing now as an adult?

>> No.53389442
File: 51 KB, 700x327, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ will defend this
what, taking "content" from Reddit and posting it on 4chan?
no, I don't think /biz/ will defend that.

>> No.53389458

Wtf, how did he escape prison?

>> No.53389489

>I didn’t choose to live
Yeah well you’re choosing to live like a whiny faggot right now. Choose something else.

>> No.53389527

I can say one thing, I’m not an adult saying edgelord teenager shit like “wahhh I didn’t choose to live!!” because my rich parents tried to prevent me from being some fucking pill head slug with 0 work ethic but it looks like your parents failed in that regard

>> No.53389573
File: 86 KB, 750x732, 56C2A5A7-F2EC-46E1-AF47-E3B7B3B85A32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didnt choose to live.

Crawwwwwwlinnngggg in my skiiiiiin, these wouuunds they will not heal

>> No.53389608
File: 671 KB, 724x2643, SmartSelect_20230122_133609_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This person could be 15 or 60

>> No.53389624

That was my guess desu. Culver’s are usually family owned locations

>> No.53389653

Honestly, there's nothing wrong with children working low effort jobs like this. They get a bit of money, learn a bit about what it feels like to work so most of your reward is taken as taxes to billionare jew pedophiles, and have a little independence. The human consciousness has just been traumatized by stories of horrible child slavery in the 19th century. This is better than playing video games.

>> No.53389655

that's Bob Dylan

>> No.53389666

and we had actual children running ftx and alameda

>> No.53389685

its just a 16 year old thats 4'9" turbo manlet, nothing to see here. bet he has some kick ass amazon fantasies

>> No.53389697

all of the people that complain about child labor don’t give a shit that kids basically are forced to do paperwork for free by the state. Nobody actually gives a shit about muh child labor in the west, it’s all a virtue signal as evidenced by the fact that they don’t give a shit when their child is told to write a 15 page essay on Elie Wiesel’s Night for 0 pay

>> No.53389713

Oh yeah, those 30 and 29 year old children with bachelor degrees from MIT

>> No.53389722

this and I highly doubt they are working more than 4 hours a couple times a week

>> No.53389727
File: 30 KB, 656x679, b0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, child support is a privilege not a right. Just like being not aborted.

>> No.53389729

low effort? You ever work at one of these fast food jobs?

Anyway the irony that all of you jobless faggots who have worked for fuck all your entire lives think this sort of thing is good and fulfilling are retarded.

Seeing a literal child work for some faggot fast food corporate slop store as their foundational adult experience is a degradation of human life.

>> No.53389747

>Seeing a literal child work for some faggot fast food corporate slop store as their foundational adult experience is a degradation of human life.
That was kind of my point, faggot. Teach them early about what the world they have to live in is like.

>> No.53389752

you're a poster child for free and on deman abortions
brb donating another 100k to planned parenthood, tax deductable of course, to keep inbred sacks of cell like you in the trash where you belong

>> No.53389778

> faggot fast food corporate slop store as their foundational adult experience is a degradation of human life.

Get a grip you overly melodramatic faggot.

>> No.53389804

You don’t understand, counting change is a degradation of human life. I cut myself everyday because I had to count change when I was 7 years old.

>> No.53389806

I'm not mentally ill so I cant follow this particular logic. You can teach your kids to be derps if you want.

schizo gibberish babble; very sad

>> No.53389820
File: 276 KB, 2560x1440, LOL (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll be over to gape your trailer park trash mommy's asshole again tonight, you can listen to her moans, again

>> No.53389840

your parents are jews

>> No.53389853

bunch of dumb jewish niggers

>> No.53389880

so what
i worked in my dad's shoe shop and my mom's family bakery since i was like 3y old and selling stuff when they were busy
i started counting money before OP stopped pissing his bed

>> No.53389882

Oooo so edgy. You’re a real tough guy when you aren’t crying because dad told you to wash the dishes

>> No.53390623

am i the only one that thinks this looks cool?

>> No.53390753

they paid everything i needed (and nothing more) until i finished university
and because of all their sacrifices i'm making 400k a year now

>> No.53390967

Post body, fatass

>> No.53390981
File: 1.61 MB, 576x1024, 10yo wagie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Culvers. I will now buy your goyslop.

>> No.53391000

wtf is a culvers?

>> No.53391101

Sounds like a good way to get good with math, and this is probably his family's restaurant. I don't see an issue as long as he's away from the kitchen.

>> No.53391199

the low-effort fast food wagie lifestyle is a dream for many /biz/ lurkers. one that many of us cannot achieve because of the opportunity cost of a somewhat livable wage in a more complex or demanding cage
kid is probably drowning in pussy at the age of 12 with nothing to lose
point proven

>> No.53391211

I've had their Red Raspberry and it's great. Where I live we have Mexicans working there so it's always slow. This kid looks like the manager's son, probably faster than the taco niggers that I get.

>> No.53391219

True. My life 100x when I went from neet to a restaurant wagie good thing I’m a somewhat attractive autist so women would crush on me after long exposure

>> No.53391228

Less than adult wage

>> No.53391253
File: 36 KB, 626x350, 1609187982645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and then if you go after them and get rejected, so what? nobody cares at work. if you really sperg out bad, you or her could just go to a different fast food cage on the drop of a dime because "company loyalty" or "years of experience" is a literal meme in fast food

>> No.53391263

Who gives a fuck? Seething retard grasping at straws this hard lmfao

>> No.53391281

Like you said restaurant waging is fun too bad it’s not liveable

>> No.53391282

He makes most of his money under the table, in the back room.

>> No.53391293

OP's fiance

>> No.53391301

goyslop chain in Wisconsin

>> No.53391311

It's easy if you're a guy because the chicks are LSE and will hand over their paychecks for protection. You can have a few in each restaurant. Will also let you stay in their apartments/trailers. Just gotta mix it up a bit. 2 or 3 different restaurants, too.

>> No.53391340

Kek you seemed well versed in the art you still wage at restaurants? I just started last year and it’s crazy how much my life has changed

>> No.53391369
File: 134 KB, 592x612, Screenshot_2023-01-22-22-38-24-41_cbf47468f7ecfbd8ebcc46bf9cc626da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonovabich gotta pull himslef up by his bootstraps! Now somebody teach that lil bastard to hunt pigeons with a slingshot so he can save up that thousand dolla emergency fund

>> No.53391417

if you inherit the business this is fine
ok boomer

>> No.53391420
File: 472 KB, 2550x1435, 1646727195442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ will defend this
Subhuman amerimutt slaves would but actual civilized people wouldn't.

>> No.53391421

The best part is the chicks. The work is all the same, pretty easy. Get a good weed connection and you'll get invites back to her place. That's all they really care about. That's how you hook them in. Then you start using their money for shit. Daddy issues, and stuff like that.

>> No.53391487
File: 125 KB, 1179x492, Jobs-2013-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine anything worse than child slavery.

>> No.53391534

that's a nice way to make your kids not take care of you when you're old. the whole point of having kids is to have someone to take care of you when you can't wipe your own ass.

>> No.53391698

>when you can't wipe your own ass.
That's what their third wives/husbands are for.

>> No.53391769

Pedophile spiral emojis? Uhhh

>> No.53392153

You must be a hobo.

>> No.53392184

>civilized people
>posts fantasy women drawn by asian incels.

>> No.53392196
File: 32 KB, 722x406, obesity-america-vs-world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah you know it's not happening. He'd just gun you down like any miserable fat mutt.

>> No.53392208
File: 265 KB, 1448x2048, 1673125327212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And? Fuck off and kill yourself, mutt.

>> No.53392475

my son will be grateful if not I will kick his ass to the curb and he can learn the hardway

>> No.53392512

This is the WORST
>Single mom with kid on TikTok or YouTube autoplay for 8 hours and yelling house life with a parade of new strange men

>> No.53392594

i didnt get a job uintil i was liek 20 lmao

>> No.53392670

this isnt real, otherwise id be working at mcdonalds suck my giant fat cock you fucking lizards time up bitch

>> No.53392758

>helping your family is jewish

>> No.53392910

It unironically is and that's why we run the world

>> No.53393029

Or a 30 year jewish woman

>> No.53393644

This will surely end well.

>> No.53394100

Kids need money to buy candy, and candy is cheap

Just pay them in candy and you'll have them lining up the block for a job

>> No.53394130

What I was thinking lmao I thought the meme was about him from the thumbnail lmao

>> No.53394363
File: 33 KB, 594x429, stewyisout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm literally shaking!! this kid could be pursuing a liberal arts education learning gender queer dynamics or common core tard math! I am appalled that this kid is making money when he could be working for free doing projects and essays late into the night for his cunty commy teacher. this kid may never learn the wonders of big government! He may never figure out why 40% of his paycheck is taken before he even sees the money

>> No.53394421

They clearly should be at home getting brainwashed by globalhomo communist propaganda or getting groomed by fags and perverts.

>> No.53394791

I was working for my parents, they gave me a paycheck every week. They cosigned to open an account with me. When I turned 18 I withdrew my money. They took it because >>53389266

>> No.53395296

Why do these companies go through the trouble to make uniforms just to fuck the sizing up - the most important part of a uniform? The kid looks ridiculous.

>> No.53395310

ypipo will be to their 9 year old

>i think its about time you got a job

>> No.53395719

Farmers son here
I did help on the farm since i can think
With that age i would do field work as hard as i can
Im super lazy now no idea if that was the cause

>> No.53395778

If he's doing it by choice to make some money, good on him, he has better morals and ambition than all of his peers, let alone millennials.

>> No.53395781

I hope he’s getting paid at least $15/hr

>> No.53395798

Nah dude its ok, as kid you like it. Better then playing pc games
I dont know my parents, i.e. my dad refused to give me anything, which was sure bad for my development. I always argued with them over this, and wanted 3 Euro/hour, which would be like usd 5 with inflation factored in. But they demonstratively gave me 0, and only irregular gifts. Compared to my ganddad on his farm, when he lived he would always give me some performance depending money (not time but performance). That was very motivating even tho it was very little. Im sure you need to give something to your kids to not make them lazy, but obviously maybe 1/4 of the normal salary max. My lesson what i learned was work is not profitable, rather do nothing. And until today i have an antipathy against doing productive things.

>> No.53395843

>he will learn a lot
Yea, a lot of nothing. Wtf, you could learn more watching paint dry

>> No.53395894

your son will end up sucking cock on the streets with no kneepads

>> No.53396031

shhh dude don't tell them.
nothing to see here goyim, keep flying over all those middle states, you don't want to live there you wan to live on the coasts

>> No.53396294

this, the real profit is left in the wills of the parents if you are doing it the correct way.

>> No.53396338

>Playing beancounter with your child, a creature you forced into the world and was in no way actually forced on to you without your direct consent.
A child is a debt, pay it off, cuck.

>> No.53396345

>Stop crying pussy and take out the trash
>u-umm a-actually y-you’re fat!

>> No.53396516

lol a good way to get good with math? Studying math in school and grinding algebra/trig/calc problems is a way to get good at math. Running a register is barely doing arithmetic.