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File: 439 KB, 879x310, Boomer_mindset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53386699 No.53386699 [Reply] [Original]

>Just send your kids to work

>> No.53386706

Spics aren't human.

>> No.53386709

I'm a 47 year old and I have to say he is actually right on most of the stuff he says.

Zoomers are disgusting beta pieces of shit who will complain about everything, they completely lack work ethic and don't actually have any idea of how this country was built (hard working alpha men)

>> No.53386712

overrun with south/central american spics. normies are totally ignorant of how bad these types of environments are with respect to illegal immigration.

>> No.53386720

A reminder that Dave paid for his kids college tuitions and got them cushy jobs in his company after they graduated. He also had his parents pay for his college tuition and helped him with their banker connections to start buying properties.

>> No.53386727

Someone post the graphs showing boomers are the laziest, least hard working generation to exist.

>> No.53386733

That really hurts.

t. Spic with a white wife

>> No.53386740

has anyone done research into him and his companies? his personal screams conman.

>> No.53386744

Can we all just say it. The west is fucked. White children are zogged beyond recognition. Growing up in faceberg, instakike and tiktokyid. They have no hope. Over sexualized constantly bombarded with degeneracy. Being cucked to believe that white is evil and females are better than men. Rise of trannyism and glorification of faggotry. Nigger culture worship and muh reparations. Only a joo could be som manipulative to destroy an entire generation by sucking the blood out of it ever so slowly while profiting from it all

>> No.53386749

Are you mestizo?

>> No.53386777

hard work for the sake of hard work is low IQ nigger behavior. also there's a lot to be said on the comparative benefit of hard work in an racially mongrelized hellscape. stress yourself out and achieve an upper middle class standard of living... which means a plywood box home and access to white schools, something which was a middle class expectation just 30 years ago.
t. 33 year old

>> No.53386778

Christianity helped create all of this

>> No.53386807

what the boomers wants is for you to do all the hard works, while he sits on his ass and gives you minimum wages whiles he goes on vacation. thats what he means by hard work, you doing all the work.

>> No.53386819

Christianity was completely subverted. The pope is subverted. Make no mistake the Son of Man will return and wipe every evil from the face of his creation. We should rest in this, not hope in some internet meme coin

>> No.53386869
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>> No.53386881

Boomers are retarded shabbos goyim but let’s stop pretending they’re even relevant anymore. Gen x and millennials are in all the important roles. Jews are to blame across all time periods but be that as it may the question is wtf are you doing about it? The situation sucks but I’m trying to make the most of it

>> No.53386913

Boomers still hold a vast majority of wealth and voting power. They are still majorly relevant

>> No.53386919

responsibly evading taxes
refusing to participate in elections or politics in general
minimizing my exposure to mainstream media and nigger cattle in general
stockpiling [REDACTED]

>> No.53386933

Yes but boomers literally inherited their wealth, good wage low housing prices and a traditionalist white society and destroyed it through drug use, the hippy culture and hedonism. I will take shit from a member of the silent generation but not the generation that destroyed western civilisation and then have the gaul to turn to their children and grandchildren and tell them how much better young people were back in their day.

>> No.53386938


>> No.53386939

Where do you even go on vacation anymore that isn’t a nigger infested or cartel run shithole. I’m looking at airbnb in Antarctica. Japan also looks nice but it’s teeming with radiation from the last zog instigated world war

>> No.53386999

Fair enough

>> No.53387026

>Where do you even go on vacation anymore that isn’t a nigger infested or cartel run shithole.

kek. nothing ruins a good time faster than seeing a nigger on vacation.

>> No.53387063

>Spic with a white wife
Are you Dave's son-in-law? Kek

>> No.53387067

>Boomer mindset
Literally is

>> No.53387166

>attempt to shift blame onto xer and Millennials. fuck off boomer.

>> No.53387176

dont go anywhere cheap, there will be niggers there for sure.

>> No.53387180

To be fair millennials are equally detestable they account for the largest percentage of interracial relationships by age group

>> No.53387186


>> No.53387203

to be fair, gen x is just as bad (if not worse) than the boomer generation.

>> No.53387214

No kidding. I spend top dollar to ensure that zero streetniggers are in the vicinity of me and my family. Plus we are heavily armed at all times and have an assortment of carry permits

>> No.53387253

xers that i know have basically given up, they just float thru life bitterly

>> No.53387294

Xers have had a front row seat to the degeneration perversion and collapse of the west. They literally were born into the golden years and saw everything degrade slowly year after year into what we have now

>> No.53387301

gen x shabbos goyim at my old job were the biggest advocates (or at least the most useful idiots) of the return to the office initiative.

>> No.53387320

As a millennial, I have to agree about him. If you listened to his shit at 20, got a good education/skill, worked hard, invested reasonable and avoided debt, 99% of the people will be able to hit 7 figure net worth within 20 years and can be well into the way for early retirement.

>> No.53387343

>b-but my gaming channel is gonna break out real soon in just two weeks
>people are gonna pay me millions to play video games on twitch like my idol pewdiepie
>I'm gonna be an influencer on instagram
t. most zoomers

>> No.53387367

Lol literally just had a conversation with a zoomer who was going to quit his job to be a "food critic on twitch". He literally thinks people will pay him to watch him drive around to restaurants and his bumfuck town and review mediocre food.

>> No.53387413

>he is actually right on most of the stuff he says
nah hes wrong and he can only be wrong, youre a sheltered cuck if you dont instinctively cringe at his advice, as the world he is basing it on doesnt exist anymore.
there is no 40 year career plan, there isnt an expectation of gradual salary increases, longevity for longevity's sake is no longer rewarded, there isnt a safe and welcoming society that will support the growth of assets you feed that salary in to, there hasnt been an upholding of laws anywhere in the west for about 10 years for property or retirement protection (and theres no reason to think those will ever return).
when considering generational scale societal changes, its not even seen as irrational for people to not view life as an ageing contest, where its just taken for granted that living for as long as possible is the end goal because if you do a +b + c then by default you have decades of comfy retirement.
everything has changed, dave ramsgoys bullshit advice hasnt.

>> No.53387428

Yes, do it.

>> No.53387489

>As a millennial, I have to agree about him. If you listened to his shit at 20
being 20 when you were 20, isnt the same as being 20 right now.
somebody learning to code 15 years ago had 10 years of picking whatever 200k+ job they wanted, plus had dozens of opportunities to get into start ups, crypto or the opportunities to buy tech stocks early as an employee.
a 20 year old learning to code now has to compete with 200million chinks and jeets willing to do all the entry level work remotely for $5 an hour.
thats not to say there isnt opportunities to make it as a 20 year old today, theres hundreds of them, its just not going to be the same route.

>> No.53387516

I agree that the opportunities are different, but some things will always ring true
>Get a good job
>Work hard
>Be frugal
Whether your an electrician, cider, or nurse, these truths will always self evident. The earlier you start, the sooner compounding will pay off.
I can't act too high and might, I'm in tech/business now but got in late for a millennial and missed almost the entire last 13 years of endless free money.

>> No.53387590
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I was kicked out of the house at 18, one week after my birthday. I couldn't convince my parents to let me stay for the rest of the year to build up enough wealth at a job to move out. They thought I was gonna freeload even though I offered to pay them (while saving). My dad was convinced this was going to "make me a better person" and "not lazy like the rest of those kids".

All I had was my shitbox car for the first 3 months living out of it going to food banks, and i had to dip into the 16k my parents saved for me for my education fund which gets fucking taxed automatically if not used for education so i only had like 9k. I couldn't go to college or anything like my parents expected, i got shoved going balls deep into the adult world with little to no advice or preparedness. I found a apartment i still live at, i'm 25 now and im working as a dept manager in retail. My parents think i'm a total failure and keep calling up on me to see if i went into college but i'm half way through my 20s and don't plan to do it. I'm just saving as much money and spending little, only for rent, gas, and basic food, no excessive spending except for internet. My commute is only 5 minutes, so in the summer i just ride my bike there, and in the winter i use my car. This helps save money

They pretend like its not their faults and have the "not my problem" attitude, what the fuck was i suppose to do? Be a doctor? My dad keeps pushing me towards "military service" for "free education" to sign up 5 years of my life of potentially dieing in WW3, i told him no several times and he just sighs in disappointment. He hints foe me to get into being a mechanic or something with trades but im not that kinda person.

I'm not socially weird, i like helping people, i thought about being a male nurse or EMT, i don't know.

I'm just dealt a shithand of cards and im working with what i have.

if you want a successful child. Give them a few years to build a financial blanket.


>> No.53387618

> increased competition from people

Don’t forget that most coders will be replaced entirely by artificial intelligence this decade. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

>> No.53387676

I'm 99 year old and I have to say that you should go out and get another job, because you've got too much time on your hands to be sitting on your fat ass all day.

>> No.53387693

Why do you even keep contact with them

>> No.53387711

I always wondered about how Gen Ex'ers cope. It must be one hell of a culture shock.

>> No.53387713

>trying to be the next reviewbrah
I bet that fag wouldn't even wear a suit for his reviews.

>> No.53387736
File: 151 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20230117-062822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok Boomer

>> No.53387754

How much do you want to bet that they are 17 years old.

>> No.53387793

>youre a sheltered cuck
If you need to resort to an ad hominem in the first sentence, then I'm not going to read the rest of your blog.

>> No.53387800


Some military paths are pretty cushy.

My parents did the same thing since my dad worked for the VA, but I joined the air force reserves as a programmer. Never did a mission that wasn't stateside, and only did weekends so I could have a normal job. Got out after 6 years, and I still have my GI bill for my kids,

Now 28 w/ 10 yoe experience in tech, and making 275k remote at a FAANG company in Texas.

>> No.53387806

>The earlier you start, the sooner compounding will pay off.
of course but youve missed what the big difference is in todays world, we are in a situation now where planning in advance to compound isnt necessarily an option, by that i mean just because you have put yourself in a position to earn a good salary today, you cant plan 15-20 years from today of that salary still being around, nor can you plan for the asset/fund you want to compound money into being around for all of that time.
we can still plan on the long term but being constantly flexible has to be central to that plan, its the only way to survive already. that means not sinking fortunes into property or land the state or some bank can fuck you over on, it means not starting a retirement fund you cant touch for 40 years that could be worthless in 20.
if you dont think things have changed and you can still just grind your way to financial independence then i wish you good luck, a lot of people with the old mindset will still make it, assuming their field/company makes it

>> No.53387826

Sup Dan. Your skinny blonde wife is hot as fuck and I want to bang her from behind with my 7.5 inch cock

>> No.53387833

You're right, we're superior.

>> No.53387838

children should be forced to work instead of being forced to go to school

>> No.53387860

He also admitted in this video that his first house in the 80's barely cost 30k. Fuck him:


>> No.53387866

We took over your country and we didn't even need to start a war. How does it feel knowing you lost to a bunch of sand niggers in Afghanistan and that you lost your homeland as well??

>> No.53387893
File: 141 KB, 701x411, 1672331117190359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it worth it again. Participating in a rigged game that you can not possibly win anymore is the worst thing you can do. Yea, lets just make the central banking slave system thats enslaving us even stronger!!

Fucking idiot, go snort a zoloft and jerk off to a kurt cobain album you ignorant fuck

Better yet, do a Kurt cobain and paint the ceiling of your cubicle with your brains

>> No.53387909

You scum can't even stand your own country, so you flee. Imagine being such an embarrassing peice of shit "people" that your only positive is your ability to breed like rats and leech off others. What is truly worse is that the only two outcomes for the Mexican race are both catastrophic. Either you all die off, ending your peoples blight on humanity but spelling your own doom, or you take over and force the world into an Era of depraved anti social lunacy that will bring human social development back to the stone age. Cartels and degenerate run your country because the only thing you animals are good at is irrational violence. God forever curse the Spanish for breeding with your natives and not simply burning you all to dust. It would have been a mercy for you and a courtesy to the rest of us.

>> No.53387925

Kek yes your Godless heathen ancestors that chopped each others heads off to make it rain were superior..go join a cartel you fucking deluded faggot

>> No.53387926
File: 147 KB, 347x304, Whatinthefuckiswrongwithherlips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53387950

Spanish people from Spain hate them too. Unless you're White and have two Spain spanish parents, then you're not Spanish. You're just some jungle rape baby kek.

>> No.53387999

At least we don't mutilate our offspring's penises and worship Jews.

>> No.53388018

I’ve seen cartels mutilate genitalia on internet vids. One cartel fed a man’s private parts to a dog in front of his family. Only Godless feral Heathens do such things.

>> No.53388021

>God forever curse the Spanish

And yet milleniums of worshipping your magical Jew sky daddy has led to the Extinction of the White race similar to the collapse of Ancient Rome once Christiaity got introduced. Funny how that works.

>> No.53388030

fuck your parents bro, this hurts to read

>> No.53388040

based. the only good beaner is a dead beaner mutilated beyond all recognition.

>> No.53388053

Again, you mutilate baby penises and worship Jews. Cartel spics killing each other is tame compared to what you are doing to your own endangered race

>> No.53388102

Nah. There is nothing more pathetic than millions of spice invading America for free shit. That screams inferior not superior. They are incapable of fixing their own problems. You just shit up other country with your worthlessness

>> No.53388187

And you know what's more pathetic? Doing nothing about it but letting it happen as your entire weak meek race dies off because of how subservient you are to Jews. You are the panda bears of human races.

>> No.53388315
File: 709 KB, 811x1200, 1143 - animated antenna ear gif glasses moving_head orange_eyes reddit soyjak stretched_mouth stubble variant markiplier_soyjak yellow_teeth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53388350
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Be that as it may, his kind is still taking over America and you Americans arent doing a single thing to actually stop it and you wont. You'll larp as your founding fathers and are better armed than most small countries...but you lack the most important thing of all: courage

>> No.53388525
File: 22 KB, 277x340, index (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're in paycheck-to-paycheck Hell read this book - it's the red pill for money. Paid off $16,500. Out of debt and never going back.

>> No.53388785
File: 2.70 MB, 640x640, 1672832165858507.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Darn tooting scooter I'm glad I'm not like these their confounded young bucks with their college education and union jobs with six figure salary no sir no
<this this right here is WHAT A REAL MAN IS LIKE no commie fag Union, no paid vacation, no overtime pay, NO BEN-E-FITS

>> No.53388884

A few year's ago I would have recommended going on /k/ /meg/ threads for more information from current and former servicemen but with recent legal changes and the mods being found out to be in bed with recuiters directly I would do what I did, go and ask veteran's directly.

>what did you have to say to get the position YOU wanted?
>did you have to fight to get benefits you were promised?
>what if any change in your branch did you see over your service and was it for the better or worse.
Best case scenario you become a non depolyer who has working knees and the government pays off your education.

>> No.53388910

do you love her children?

>> No.53388934

I'm a zoomer here I'll come piss on you when you are dying in the hospital and then I'll shit on your grave

>> No.53388992
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>Corporations want cheap labor
>Corporations buy off (both parties) of US government
>US government floods country with 3rd worlders who will work for less than whites
>immigrant workers realize can't live here on $3/hr so they send their kids to work too

>> No.53389127
File: 1.52 MB, 1718x2408, Dave Fire the Gays Ramsey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Dave is a scam artist who has built a quasi cult around his many money "rules" and idioms. Basically he is just using a sales funnel to push all his listeners into high fee mutual funds via non-fiduciary managers, to use mortgage brokers and real estate agents he gets kickbacks from. He is fleecing his audience under the guise of helping them. The funds he advices underperform and are eaten away with high mgmt fees all while he profits. He is a crook.

>> No.53389158

That's depressing

>> No.53389180

Could u elaborate on how this scam works?

>> No.53389233
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>build an audience of followers
>convince them not to trust or listen to anyone else about money matters
>advise them to save and invest
>direct and promote your own service to connect them with financial advisers, brokers and real estate agents
>meanwhile build a short list of brokers, agents, and advisors who pay you to be on that list
>customers pay to contact these people
>the services are sub-par and overpriced
>Dave gets kickbacks for sending them business

>> No.53389256

her son is taller than you

>> No.53389272

WOW its another grifter, just like jewden peterstien, ben cuckipiro etc etc

>> No.53391074
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>> No.53391472
File: 66 KB, 317x420, IMG_20230122_224727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hi Dave! Just got kicked out of my parents house and I'm living paycheck to paycheck. Any advice on hunting pigeons at the park with my slingshot?

>> No.53391831

It's always weird how people who are successful for who they were born to expect people to slave away with no savings for 30 years to own a house lesser than theirs that they didn't even have to work for.

>> No.53392519

why does that matter? 99% of hispanics are mestizo anyway, even the "white" or black ones

>> No.53392598

>reddit spacing
>i'm not that kinda person
You are as stupid as your parents. sorry bro

>> No.53393038

Some of the people that call in are hilarious, but between his magic sky daddy preaching and walk in and shake the managers hand meme attitude it's a hard listen.

>> No.53393116

I would never talk to them again. A cheap close community college would be your best option. I managed to work full time and graduate. It won't be fun, but it's possible. A CDL would also be better than where you're at now with less effort than the degree.

>> No.53393389

Your “parents” are the exact type of people I do not want to be when I have kids. Fucking retards and their “pull yourself up by your bootstrap” mentality. It does the exact opposite.

>> No.53393731

why do you even talk to them? tell them you will piss on their graves

>> No.53393794

Fuck boomers. Put them in a shitty nursing home later and tell them to bootstrap themselves into a nicer one

>> No.53394257

I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how the world works. Some people create success automatically. Some people create failure automatically. Some people "bring down property values". Some people "gentrify". It's just automatic. Here, there, that side of the border or this. Successful people in Mexico are lighter than the unsuccessful. Successful people in Brazil are lighter than the unsuccessful.

Did you hurt any of the light skinned people who have that gold touch in Mexico by moving to US and living in squalor and shit neighborhoods in the US? No, those people still have their mansions. But the "shitty country" followed you, because you are it. Without you central America is just jungle, clean nature. You cannot escape yourself, you can make the USA poorer by coming to the USA to be poor, but just you being poor there doesn't make the rich people in the USA poor. Anywhere they go is paradise. Anywhere you go is ghetto. Forever.

>> No.53394264

Beaners seething

>> No.53394282

I prefer spics to niggers

>> No.53394470

>t. Spic with a white wife

LMAO what a larp

>> No.53394662
File: 97 KB, 680x805, 800e1e506f055e1690eca3fbd0b79df37881773d1eb71cb7ddedd594b23fbd8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer spics to mutts. And also chinks to mutts. And also russians.
By mutts I mostly mean amerimutts but in actuality all anglos and their halfbreed descendants.
I'm sure the south americas would be a thriving space-age continent if it weren't for the northern armies of ZOG.

t. distinguished European gentleman

>> No.53394883

The effects of such people choosing to remain the same too is that they cause others to become like them via assimilation over time since they tend to be stubborn and have loyalty like a dog which means first come, first serve even in the face of truth. Their stubbornness keeps them persistent while those that tolerate it submit to it and with time their stubbornness takes over the better people in their environments and they gradually become like them but then again maybe that's why it's natural for people to move when they see things becoming bad.

>> No.53395015

If crypto has shown anything it’s that some kids are smart enough and mature enough to work as pre-teens

It’s the adults that keep trying to lick them and stick them in the arse that’s the problem

>> No.53395022

Honestly sounds like your own fault anon, by 18 you were a legal adult and should have taken personal responsiblity like the good D.R Peterson tells young men like you to do.
Your parents worked hard their whole lives to raise you as good Americans and instill the values of a strong work ethic and a get up and go attitude, then when you didn't pull yourself up by the bootstraps and carve out a path like they did you whinge and complained like all millenials do that you weren't given a handout. Sorry to tell you kid but the real world doesnt care how much of a special snowflake you think you are There ain't no participation trophies like maybe you got from your teacher out here in adult land population YOU.

Might not be "politically correct" to say but youngster's like you blame all your problems on your parents when if you cut out all of that uber eats and tik tok you
would probably have a house right now.

Me? I'm 66, worked hard my whole life, started off as a factory hand and WORKED MY WAY UP. By 25 I already had a house I paid for in cash and two kids. Maybebgrow the fuck up and be a real man like your mommy and daddy also wanted you to, kid.

>> No.53395115

With Jews you _________

>> No.53395125

Motherfucker looks 9 years old

>> No.53395155

Checked. Jew Peterson is a cuck, just like you.

>> No.53395245

Yes, someone else do that for you. The irony is thick on this post

>> No.53395314

spics are mutts you moron

>> No.53395407

No, niggers don't know how to work hard.

>> No.53395469

You misspelled cock kid. And why yes I do have one just ask my wife

>> No.53395504

I'll ask her next time I'm fucking her

>> No.53396953

based, fuck disgusting SPICS

>> No.53398928

Your parents are pieces of shit, absolute gutter trash high on their own farts. It sucks you had to deal with all of that.
You don't owe them anything and should let them fester in a retirement once they're too old and never look back.

>> No.53399363

it's pointless to work since we have no future. the winning move is to do bare minimum/collect gibs and spend time doing things you like.

>> No.53400956

The white race isnt extinct there is still about a billion members of it. Dramatic faggot