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53386673 No.53386673 [Reply] [Original]

Turned 27 today and I want to have a kid by 29 so he doesn't turn out an adhd brained autist like me and everyone else in my generation
The issue is I'm pretty broke with only an associates degree, $50k in crypto, and a $22/hour delivery driver job

I'm renting a 3 br half of a duplex from my aunt (so I can basically stay there indefinitely) for $1000/month; not in a good school district but I might homeschool or private school

Seeing as the "it takes a 350,000 billion dollars to raise a kid to 18!!" is likely jewish antinatal propaganda, how much does a nonretard at finance actually need to make a raise a kid, with a couple more coming down the line?
Any parentfags have experience?

>> No.53386686

never settle

>> No.53386701
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depends on what you want for their quality of life, but it's certainly more than $22/hour. don't listen to /pol/ retards who are raising their HECKIN BASTE UND RETPILLT ARYAN CHILLINS™ in the style of an 85 IQ career forklift operator or some other trailer park niggermonkey nonsense.

>> No.53387396

Are you a woman?
Pretty sure only woman's age matters for kids likelihood of tism
Also if so, show tits and bagene

>> No.53387434

so you have no real degree, are retarded and decided that you want to private school your kids?

>> No.53387677

I don't understand why you would have a kid before securing yourself financially but you do you

>> No.53387690

Yes but my gf is 26

I know a private catholic school near me that is not cheap but not expensive and still decently based

>> No.53387692

Niggers do it all the time

>> No.53387728

I have a one month old so it's too soon to say but I think the most important thing is good health insurance. Kids go to the doctor a lot. Other than that I haven't spent any money, family bought us a lot of stuff to get started I even have diapers for the next month at least, but not everyone has family support like that.

>> No.53387771

That's the boomer way of thinking, and partly why the white race is dying out
My grandfather had more kids on a lower living standard and their lives were great

You have to really think for how long you want to be alive to see your grandchildren grow up at this point

If everyone waits til like 33 to have their first kid, and that kid does the same, you'll be dead or largely incapacitated when only that kid is 20, not to mention any siblings

>> No.53387788

Based anon, good on you

>> No.53387824


This but maybe check your family's history. Ppl die young in my family so not going to meme it up until 45 and die when my kid is 15.

>> No.53387858

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.53387882


>> No.53387895

Same but 30 and never even seen a vagina irl.

>> No.53387907

I kissed a girl and I liked it

>> No.53387911

$120,000 per kid give or take

>> No.53387965

Im 22 and don’t know how to talk to girls

>> No.53387970

Kid is easy, but the wife is hard. I have a 3 year old son, and it's going to depend a lot on your wife.

I give my wife about $2000 per month to spend on herself and our kid, together. Besides that I pay all our bills, car gas, any car and house repairs, $1000 per month for my kid's private school, and take us all out to eat every few weeks. Then there's Christmas and holidays and any leftover money I spend on myself or invest. I would say realistically I actually spend about 60k per year on my family, but if we're talking strictly about the kid, it's like $1000 a month + $1000 for school.

>> No.53387984

Before anyone says anything, my wife does not work but I make ~200k average at my job and I work from home, so my budget isn't that unreasonable, I think.

>> No.53387995

There's a 50/50 chance that your kid will be a girl, and yes, she will be a whore. Why bother? If you have no money, she will go to a public school with surrounded by niggers and pounded by the time she's 13 and that's no hyperbole.

>> No.53388014

Also I had my son when I was 24 and unemployed, but still managed to get where I am today 3 years later in spite of that. I'm going to disagree with those who say you NEED to be financially stable before having a kid.

>> No.53388015

Just have kids and work your ass off. Don’t worry about the money right now.

>> No.53388036

Hit me right in the chest. I’ve seen this happen so many times it’s astonishing

>> No.53388069

I’m 35 and won’t have a kid until at least 37. People live well into their 80’s now. If you have a kid in your 20’s your kid will be in their 60’s when you are in your 80’s Kek. Better to have kids later when you have more money. You don’t want your kid trying to take care of you when they are an old ass boomer