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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53374872 No.53374872 [Reply] [Original]

Together we must slay the crypto demons (TL note: buy my qredo pedo gem bags).

>> No.53375069
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Equity or XCM? final deadline is approaching

>> No.53375161

Xcm would be sellable on 2025 peak if bullrun slowly helps liquidity.

>> No.53375717

I think it's the opposite, how would you sell shares, but you can sell a token any time

>> No.53375839

Sister, that's what I said..?

>> No.53375866

As for the IP change. I ate at a bar.
Before I was leaving two girls started discusing with the guy behind the bar about getting a discount for tagging them on instagram. He gave them a 10% discount. I found the whole thing kind of obnoxious to listen to. I have no idea who they are obviously, but for a 10% discount I can only assume they are nobodies. When you are a nobody if you like the food, just write that you like the food for free. Far more respectable than posting for €10.

>> No.53376253
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>you can sell a token any time

>> No.53376265

Uniswap, just crash the price, right?

>> No.53376305

What's the issue, there are barely any respectable ways to earn money, crypto generally isn't one either.

>> No.53376376

It just seemed like a kind of embarassing thing to do for so little gains. She wasn't earning money, she was just wasting slightly less on expensive restaurant food to the point where it doesn't even matter.

>> No.53376610

>anon goes outside
and how much money do you think they saved?

>> No.53376640
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>>anon goes outside
It was right next to the store and I wanted to be lazy today. Picked up snacks since it's sunday tomorrow, getting my visitors.
>and how much money do you think they saved?
Their food was €90 and they got it for €80 for a tag.
I just don't get it, but whatever.

>> No.53376659
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>getting my visitors
my first visitors

>> No.53377249

I always get snacks but never open them, I have some chips but they are just lying there and it will likely just stay untouched until next week. For me, it's REAL FOOD.

>> No.53377342
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Thanks anonnetes, seems that trading it for XCM is relatively safer than equities, even if right now it means losing some of your investment. I think I will do that.

>> No.53377375

I like sugar. Cookies are great. I also like sugary fruits though. Apples, strawberries. Yum.
An anime once said that eating sugary stuff is a girl's joy in life.
I don't eat a lot of chips, but sometimes.
We're gonna play old bideo games, we can't not have pizza and snacks. They both have bitcoin and I told them both I was going all in after new years, but I don't think either of them bought more unfortunately :(

>> No.53377428

For me, it's salt.
>An anime
Dare I ask which one?

>> No.53377463

They didn't send out an e-mail to secondhand buyers yet lol
Did Ignium actually go bankrupt or something and they don't have any documents anymore or what teh fuck

>> No.53377498
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>For me, it's salt.
I also only buy the salt one.
It's chips (or crisps for the hooligans), it's like popcorn, doesn't need to be more complicated than that.
>Dare I ask which one?
I don't remember. I was trying to think of it, but I couldn't.
About to enter the bathtub and watch the Tenshi show ep 3. It's nice having many airing shows releasing at different days.

>> No.53377555
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haha yea me too brownies fruitcakes peepee poopoo fart ass

>> No.53377559
File: 912 KB, 1024x1024, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haven even started some of the shows that came out last season

>> No.53377645

I prefer the TAKE ESTROGEN edition with no text.

>> No.53377752
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To me it seems like enjoying sweet things is something you grow out of, I used to enjoy it a lot more when I was younger.

>> No.53377890

lel that pic, what happened to comfymetro?

>> No.53377903
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What do you mean what happened

>> No.53377909

I can't find the website

>> No.53377916

anon shut it down because he's poor

>> No.53377963
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poorfag thread

>> No.53378463

>i guarantee everyone is sus about this pump and are looking in on it to make sure it's legit, checking all transactions under a cryptoscope
Can someone please check all coinmetro transactions to make sure it's legit?

>> No.53378511
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>> No.53378555
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>> No.53378567
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girlberry cake

>> No.53378779
File: 1.14 MB, 1024x1024, long hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my eth long +3.6
my btc long +3.05

>> No.53378831

Thanks, OP. I remember this wallpaper from over a decade ago.

>> No.53378848
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, nayuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny you say that, it's my current wallpaper on my desktop. I don't even care about the resolution being smaller.

>> No.53379101

it's over

>> No.53379521

realistically, how high needs bitcoin to go for me to be able to sell my fucking XCM?

>> No.53380003

btc's price doesn't matter, what matters is if coinmetro can get enough volume for the exchange to generate enough fees to auto-buy xcm, either that or they add enough utility to xcm to make it so people aren't trying to dump it buy the millions
personally I don't think they can do it
the best thing that could happen for xcm now is for cm to remove the price floor, let the price crash to single digit cents or possibly even sub cent prices and then let the fees buy and burn xcm for as cheap as possible for as long as possible so the supply isn't so insanely high and concentrated

>> No.53380179

>so the supply isn't so insanely high and concentrated
You had me until this part

>> No.53380757

>government fud didn't work
>load the swift fud
I'm gonna be so rich

>> No.53380852

it is concentrated and high supply, even if we assume that half of that xcm is held by the team/exchange/investors that's around 162 million xcm in the hands of 11.5k retail holders and some of those holders hold hundreds of thousands or millions of xcm that will take months or years for a single holder to liquidate at current volumes
you have to remember xcm is pretty much only a coinmetro coin so it will never have the mass appeal of non-exchange tokens
the market xcm is mostly limited to coinmetro which pulls in less than a million dollars of volume in most days and xcm itself gets less than a thousand dollars in daily volume, there's just not a lot of xcm changing hands

>> No.53380860

not reading, suggesting that burning is going to make supply less concentrated is retarded

>> No.53380954
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yea bro these burns are really getting that supply down

taking half a year to burn less than 70k xcm is fucking awful

>> No.53381007

HAHAHAHAHA xcm cucks surely blow your brains out. consider the following:
sell on uniswap immediately
invest in alternate crypto/investments
avoid the opportunity cost of leaving your funds stagnant in xcm
reinvest into xcm when there is a light at the end of the tunnel (at the moment the tunnel is collapsed at both ends and the only escape is a sewer pipe)

or, baghold xcm as you watch the price on uniswap fall from 15c to 10c to 5c to 1c and post here every day while crying over your illiquid bags

the choice is yours, really

>> No.53381044

ok, please reply to my point

>> No.53381090

ok, please reply to MY point >>53381007

>> No.53381139

the point was not that burns = dilution, the point was that price falling = dilution AND xcm would be burned as people capitulate

>> No.53381140

no me

>> No.53381153

That's cool and all but isn't related to supply concentration

>> No.53381206

that just means you just don't understand basic economics and you should apply for a job at coinmetro

>> No.53381211


>> No.53381224

Explain to me how xcm getting burned makes the supply less concentrated. The exact opposite is going to happen.
And that's fine, it's a unity token not the currency of the defi like with ETH and it's dogshit burn system

>> No.53381228
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>>burns = dilation

>> No.53381275

With all these advertising threads they pretty much do work for coinmetro, but instead of getting paid they are giving their money to a bald scammer for the grandeur of advertising daily on biz. Sisyphus the bagholder KEK

>> No.53381288

It's /biz/

>> No.53381307

Great correction, your thread bump just burned 0.04 more xcm KEK keep it up baggie you're almost there HAHAHAHAHAHHA

>> No.53381313

I read your post this time, big holders are not going to sell at lower prices.
High prices might cause dillution I guess.
shut up we're talking about dilation

>> No.53381332

Something xcm baggies know plenty about KEK

>> No.53381469


>> No.53381607

Kevin moved his weekly AMA schedule to 1 day per month because he kept getting grilled about the XCM order books every time. Kevin made a doozy and needs to pay, literally.

>> No.53381624

he will get the SBF treatment real soon

>> No.53381966

Bump kek baggies

>> No.53383262

Post your fundamental analysis that allowed you to draw the conclusion that XCM is 15x overvalued. Why do you think that the market cap of a functional exchange token should be worth less than it is?

>> No.53383377

coinmetro is selling parts of the company to XCM holders because they are that strapped for funds. its funding round after funding round after funding round. eventually there will be no more funding for a business that cant turn a profit, and CM will fail.

as the risk of CM failing increases, the risk of XCM going to zero increases, thus the increased risk is priced in to the XCM tokens price and approaches 1c.

>> No.53383396

coinmetro is literally selling equity in exchange for these useless, illiquid tokens. THAT is how strapped for cash this exchange is. any rational investor would see an investment into xcm as SUICIDAL if the firm is willing to sell parts of itself off for worthless funny money.

the fact they are doing this for B class shares is a statement to how clueless XCM holders are. they will literally buy shares that dont give them voting rights under the assumption A class shareholders will pass a vote to give B class shareholders a dividend. SPOILER: they wont, ever, do this. B class shareholders will receive crumbs, and are even lower down the list to be reimbursed if CM enters liquidation.

>> No.53383434

So your points are
1. A startup doing funding rounds is bad
2. Letting people trade their ERC-20 tokens for for actual equity is bad.
Point 1 shows you have zero experience with investing and point 2 shows you don't care about centralization of wealth which shows me you are clueless anout what the entire point of crypto is. I don't care what someone with no knowledge of investing or cryptocurrency thinks about investing in crypto.
And then there is this nigger who doesn't know what class B shares are.

>> No.53383452

HAHAHHA enjoy holding your bags coinmetranny

>> No.53383482 [DELETED] 
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Thanks I will.

>> No.53383497

Daily reminder that LCX is the future and XCM is for trannyfaggots and asian incels.
Speaking of which, to the asian incel manlet ITT: I FUCKED an asian grill last night with my BWC, no condom, and coomed in her tight cunt. How does that make you feel? Asian girls are literally BUILT for BIG WHITE COCK and little asian manlets just gonna have to cope with getting their bussies BLACKED. Simple as.

>> No.53383509
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yru wen too far on dis one u raycis gweilo wha da fuk yru

>> No.53383524
File: 121 KB, 1200x800, kulsc28sv4c0b0f0f.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most mentally stable LCX holder.
I have been waiting for a translation of that DS game, Loveplus for years.

>> No.53383777

hard to be mentally stable when your ego is on fire after a 200% pump in the first 3 weeks of 2023. how much has XCM pumped this year btw? i heard you were at 20c in december or so, you must be pushing 40c at least after this last market pump, right?

>> No.53383808

daily reminder that rinko is best girl and it isn't even close

>> No.53384221


>> No.53384365

bump this. havent got an answer yet

>> No.53384413
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>buy the rumour
>hodl the news
At least you have stopped pretending you don't just come into these threads and post negativity because you are angry I (an Asian male tranny) have exposed all of LCXs ridiculous announcements. Keep posting it turns me on seeing a mindbroke eastern european twink lash out in anger to defend his erc-20 token against competitors who made fun of him.

>> No.53384429

what is LCX? anyway could you update me on the price action of XCM (this is a coinmetro thread) over the past 30 days throughout this recent market pump? how much has coinmetro ticker (ticker: XCM) pumped in the last month?

>> No.53384433
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>what is LCX?
Well this wasn't a massive contradiction.

>> No.53384441
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>anyway could you update me on the price action of XCM (this is a coinmetro thread) over the past 30 days throughout this recent market pump?
My Bitcoin long on Coinmetro is up 2x. This is possible because they have liquidity unlike LCX that fakes volume (no wicks on volume, large wicks on no volume and has zero liquidity and €10000 would push the price to 600k per bitcoin. In december someone accidentally bought Bitcoin for 44k EUR, that was pretty funny.

>> No.53384445

i never mentioned LCX? you really are sounding crazy now... has this LCX also done 200% in 3 weeks like my other unrelated coin has? that is crazy ill have to check it out.

anyway, could you update me on the price action of XCM given this is a coinmetro thread?

>> No.53384453
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I can update you on Coinmetro's BTC liquidity.
As the OP of this thread I am currently mostly invested in Bitcoin spot, Bitcoin margin, and Qredo.

>> No.53384460
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Oops, that was USD.
Here's the EUR pair.

>> No.53384463

thats not crazy impressive to be fair, but im really curious about the price action of XCM given this is a coinmetro thread and XCM is the native exchange token of coinmetro.

how has coinmetro token (XCM) performed since the start of this year? im sure it has pumped quite a lot with the rest of the market

>> No.53384467

I am not personally invested in any exchanges.

>> No.53384491
File: 47 KB, 871x689, xcm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy crap, wtf is this chart??? apart from having scam wicks like a pump and dump token its gone from 20c to 15c over the last month???? its literally gone DOWN 25% at the same time BTC has rallied 30%?

WTF. can any coinmetbros explain this??

>> No.53384504
File: 42 KB, 844x685, lcx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also checked out that LCX token you were talking about.. holy moly this has done even more than 200%... i wish i got some of this instead of my other alt which rallied only 200%

thanks for the heads up, anon. ill definitely check this one out

>> No.53384506
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Holding utility tokens isn't investing in exchanges so neither is the person you are arguing with.

>> No.53384518

You hold other alts? I assumed you were all in given your main hobby seems to be posting about the price of it in a thread where holders of a competing exchange shitpost about anime. . What else do you hold?

>> No.53384530

sorry i dont give away my holdings to strangers. i just thought id look this one up and compare since my coinmetro bros mentioned it to me above. definitely gonna buy a stack i thinks!

>> No.53384534
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Yes, it was a scam all along.
Do you think we have to pay for our karma sisters..... I mean all our lies, shilling and deceit.... Kevin Murcko from Coinmetro tricked us sisters....

..what will be our karma.....

>> No.53384535
File: 104 KB, 600x794, 839cbe52e1e50be163b442068208b8046179ec2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy $2k worth of XCM in 2019 around 12-15c
>didn't sell in 2021 above price floor as too distracted
>realise i had my Blockfolio set to a low-vol pair
>learn about some price floor shit
>immediately set a sell order
>notice Great Sell Wall of Coinmetro

So are all XCM threads just people pretending everyone doesn't already have a sell order at 60c? Kek. Not even salty. Was a bullmarket roll of the dice but considering my money gone.

>> No.53384548

this is honestly the most insane comparison... jannies should pin this its just two images which sum up these coinmetro threads every time

>> No.53384555

What the fuck is that grotesque form?
This looks shopped, I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.

>> No.53384572

>sorry i dont give away my holdings to strangers.
Maybe if you posted about some of your hobbies and personal life your threads would get more posts.

>> No.53384586

Checked and hard kekked
Boomer memes are fuckin the best
>t. boomer

>> No.53384589

Have an upvote good sir. I laughed so hard my fedora fell off.

>> No.53384597
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>> No.53384654

This is honestly horrendous. Coinmetro and XCM should be added to the biz filter already. It's over

>> No.53384691

Why do you insist on using multiple IPs? It's kind of pathetic. Only you who keeps saying KEK and BAGGIES like an undead inbred.

Thank you kind stranger.

Damn zoomers, get off my lawn.

For what it's worth you can still get breakeven price on Uniswap so it's not really lost.

>> No.53384740

So just getting this straight... do the 6 spikes on the 30D coingecko chart with a total of around $2k volume indicate the token has basically only been bought on the exchange 6 times in a month?

Second question - why are there even still threads about this on biz?

Asking this hoping for honest answers.

>> No.53384769

>So just getting this straight... do the 6 spikes on the 30D coingecko chart with a total of around $2k volume indicate the token has basically only been bought on the exchange 6 times in a month?
No. Whenever the price is "low" it's showing the Uniswap price. The spikes up are when the volume is at it's lowest and it's showing the CM price. It's more of a display issue.
You seem more like >>53384654 and >>53381007 switching up your typing style a tiny bit though because literally nobody enters these threads other than anime shitposters.
I'm bored so gonna stop replying unless it's about tech anime or boomer memes.

>> No.53384802

Kek, good to see retard conspiracies aren't limited to LINK threads.
I am this anon but no others: >>53384597
Posting from diff device.

Regardless, ty for the advice. I haven't paid any attention to XCM since 2020 and have no strong opinions. Just stuck on what to do with this bag I could've offloaded at 80c but didn't because I was too caught up with my other positions.

>> No.53384817
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>tech anime
Code word for lolicon.

>> No.53384826
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I don't usually schizopost, but he's been at it for hours so...

I was worried some might pick up on me missing a comma and getting confused.
What anime is that? NOT that I want to watch it because they are sitting like that I am just curious what kind of tech anime it is.

>> No.53384852

So what do we do though? Is there a bullcase here anymore? I always thought the UX was decent. Same reason I went big on BNB in 2017 which paid off.

>> No.53384857

I mean to imply the market has caught up to that by now so what else is there

>> No.53384873
File: 26 KB, 600x450, 1670883539365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you said tech anime, I immediately thought of Battle Programmer Shirase, the tech here is regular computers, but you could've meant more futuristic concepts like robots and mecha.

>> No.53384893
File: 820 KB, 2404x1260, :).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullcase depends on 2023-2025 bullrun imo. If they manage to fix token liquidity, onboard more users, and get a large investor during mania cycle to help achieve market makers on the smaller tokens and large scale advertising for more users in the long run I think there's hope. Unsure about risk/reward though.
It's the easiest and most comfy fiat on-ramp I've ever used anyways.

Just tech, anime. I am now worried I accidentally made it sound like I was worried someone thought I forgot a comma and didn't mean tech anime. I suck at this.
>Battle Programmer Shirase
Battle Programmer Shirase, also known as BPS, is a free programmer with super hacking abilities who doesn't work for money. What he does work for is certainly something that only people like him would appreciate. But, his demeanor certainly doesn't suit the jobs he is hired for. With the evil King of America causing trouble via the internet, Shirase is nothing but busy as each new adventure brings even more interesting people into the picture.

>> No.53384903
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>I am now worried I accidentally made it sound like I was worried someone thought I forgot a comma and didn't mean tech anime.
I mean didn't forget
I think
Fuck me I'm confusing myself

>> No.53385076

There is no bullcase. They will not remove the price floor suffocating their business. Until it is removed the firm will fail

At the end of the day it is a nobody exchange offering nothing unique

>> No.53385127
File: 125 KB, 1021x1024, Senator Murckostrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will help you to decide: https://mlondon.substack.com/p/the-names-bond-coinmetro-bond

>> No.53385234

Thanks mr london
But more importantly Kevone said he would take bonds
Xcm is already illiquid, no need to add more to the dead book

>> No.53385391

Also why would you take xcm at the price of 20 cents when you can just buy on uni for 15
Bonds will never be cheaper than this

>> No.53385424

>storage is not getting cheaper like it used to
what the

>> No.53385530

Yo, holding multiple alts is the move, ain't putting all my eggs in one basket. And yeah, I got some Sylo too, a low-cap privacy and decentralized gems as one of my top holds, cuz fuck it why not. Crypto game too wild to only have one play.

>> No.53385544

Sister sex.

>> No.53385580
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