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File: 763 KB, 975x975, BAYC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53376288 No.53376288 [Reply] [Original]

Wen NFT season? I converted 1/3rd of portfolio to NFTs in the past few weeks, and they have gone sideways or dumped while the overall crypto market pumps. I am beginning to regret my decision. When are NFTs going to pump?

>> No.53376338

nft's pump last, if ever.

>> No.53376350

once people like you sell for a loss

>> No.53376369

I'm never selling though. I don't need the money.

And do they pump the hardest?

>> No.53376373
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>> No.53376378

Why do you need them to pump then retard?

>> No.53376410

I never said I "need" them to pump, nigger. Obviously I would like it if they did, but I will be more than fine if my jpeg bags go to zero (they won't).

>> No.53376574
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Btc flower

>> No.53376639

But they are pumping? My trumpies and miladies doing a lil'

>> No.53376652

NFTs are dead

>> No.53376665

I too have trumpies, sir (50 of them). Yeah, those are doin a lil som som....but my Yuga shit is flatlining/dumping

>> No.53376682

Bullish counter-signal

>> No.53376748
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ICP is going to drink everyone's milkshake

>> No.53376785

Yuga stuff is just under constant fire from the media and the 'NFT bad' normie crowd. Maybe other NFT collections need to pump before Yuga starts pumping again. Also, a lot of people are priced out forever on holding a Bored Ape.

>> No.53377564

I hate normies so much it’s unreal

>> No.53377627


>> No.53377646

Nft’s like shitcoins are bullrun investments. Buying too early will get you rekted just like buying shitcoin shills during the year 2019 and first half of 2020 did. Most will die but the ones that don’t will seriously moon if we get another bullrun. I have a feeling next bullrun will be even more retarded then the last with even more stupid shit mooning while fundamental coins get ignored. Normies are complete niggers and will always ape into the shit that gets hyped. Nft’s will get hyped again and even more so when actual nft’s get usecases beyond just digital art

>> No.53377730

Yeah that makes sense. I guess I rotated into NFTs too early. Do you think they will start going up when ETH begins to stabilize and crab?

>> No.53377851
File: 487 KB, 1261x1222, nftwtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure when pump, but since you started an NFT general, I've come to shill my Numerati NFT project. Numerati, an NFT for integer ownership, is the only philosophically pure NFT in existence, and with it's fair distribution model ('free', on a first come, first served basis), and kino contract address (0x123456789....), it's primed to pump hard during next bull run (if I get off my lazy ass and start marketing efforts in earnest). Please give me your best FUD, and I'll refute it.

>> No.53377881

Sir, people who want to own an integer could just opt for an ENS doman, e.g. 1234.eth. At least that has a function.

>> No.53377930

No I think they will perform worse but will start outperforming time 100 when normie money starts flowing in again.

>> No.53378133
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> people who want to own an integer could just opt for an ENS doman
You can never "own" an ENS domain; you need to pay rent every year. Imagine buying a baseball card and having to pay money to the publisher every year or they take it from you. It's absolute non-sense and disrespectful. Maybe if numbers were $5/yr it would be better, but 3 digits are like $1000/yr, and it all goes to fund Nick Johnson's latest SJW crusade. There's nothing more cucked than renting an ENS number domain.

With Numerati numbers, you own them. They are yours. They don't have an expiration. You actually own them.

>> No.53379371
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shoulda invested in MONKEY INFINITY

>> No.53380724
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Which NFT's desu?

>> No.53380801

Trump, mutant hounds, mutant apes

>> No.53380809
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Trump Digital Trading Cards

>> No.53381159
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Rate my ENS portfolio

>> No.53381193
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does anyone know a website that can show me statistics on NFTs? especially, "what do holders of x NFT also hold the most?"

>> No.53381252

Insanely good. 1 character yellow face emojis are top tier. I have seen many sell between $10-20k. During a bullrun you could easily sell for 300k+ I’d imagine maybe even 1 million if it gets normie attention

>> No.53381333
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Yuga shot itself in the foot. Apes will never see ATH again

>> No.53381515
File: 871 KB, 930x753, Porsche-930x753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone looking to get into the official Porsche NFT mint which is in like 36 hours?

Everything about the NFT is utterly generic, but the mere fact that the entirety of poorfag crypto twitter is crying about the 0.911 ETH mint price is making me interested, hated hype is still hype. And since it's Porsche there might be a good chunk of literal boomer collectors who will mint the NFT and never even touch it, so the 7K supply will effectively be way less in circulation.
Or they won't even mint out at all lol we'll see

>> No.53381544

Mclaren and Audi NFT were money loss. Mclaren below mint day one, Audi some weeks after mint. Mclaren was 0.5 eth mint

>> No.53381551

I considered it but at the same time it’s really sort of meh
Porsche is not the triple A, hype worthy brand that I’d buy a 7k mint from
If it were Ferrari/Lambo, or Nike, or something that is truly the standard of its field maybe, it’ll probably pump but not to levels that would make me consider buying in

>> No.53381559

Porsche fans have way more autism than McLaren or Audi fans, but yeah I get your point, it is high risk.

>> No.53381581

Hyundai NFT did not sellout and they stopped the mint half way or something yet it did 2x. Of course by now dumped to abyss. Bugatti was huge success in money return.

I might buy one Porsche... Never know

>> No.53381599
File: 75 KB, 596x668, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who here /DogeClub/?

Praying that the normie doge magnet effect sends this shit to the moon whenever the market climbs out of the ditch.

>> No.53382080

All of those single emoji domains contain hidden characters and are worthless, you got scammed

>> No.53382329
File: 403 KB, 1060x1731, hodl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you referring to U+200D? Because they're part of the RGI emoji set as specified by the unicode UTS #51 standard, and officially sanctioned and supported by the ENS core dev team. Nice FUD though.

>> No.53382436

Anyone else loading up on Mutant Hounds during this fire sale?

>> No.53382711

You sound deluded. Do you have a head injury?

>> No.53383015

No one is disputing what you put forward. What i am saying, is ENS does not support single character emojis, those 'single character' emojis actually contain hidden characters and are worthless, he will never get back what he paid for those. This is the case because multiple sets of hidden characters display as a single character emoji (Making single character emoji not rare). You'll never be able to use those 'single character emoji' for transferring or web3 identity

>> No.53383036
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>> No.53383047

>Trump cards
>Radbros, remilios, anything schizo
>Metaverse land because those shitcoins pumped and the nfts will follow
>Anything Asian and cultish
Don't know which land to buy myself though. Was looking at createra but it's already done a 4x since last week.

>> No.53383666

Trumps are based. I have a bunch.
But arent those other nfts you mentioned just milady clones? Milady comes off as tryhard pseudo-schizo shit trying to rip off 4chan culture. Idk.
As for land, what do you think about otherdeeds? Already too pumped up?

>> No.53383726

Literally LMAOing at your lives

You will lose everything

>> No.53383728

Give up zoomer and learn to hold a hammer correctly instead, useless punk.

>> No.53383749

You guys are faggots.

>> No.53383895

Go back to plebbit, faggots

>> No.53384384
File: 263 KB, 1000x1245, a561ef516d97fdda0e96a1cd6d12af65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Azuki (Jan 22)
Goblins (Early Spring 22)
Moonbirds (April 22)
Renga (Late summer 22)

IMO there's something that goes from nothing to being a borderline bluechip like every 4 months.

There's been nothing since Renga IMO.

We kinda had an Art Blocks season, Pudgies and Seals ran up a bit, but nothing new - unique and interesting.

Made shitton of ETH via Renga (held over 70) and Goblins (held 21).

Only thing I look for is the color scheme. Once you see a new collection hit a well executed color scheme, ape in like a fucking retard.

PICREL; Renga color scheme (I hold 0 now)

>> No.53384703
File: 155 KB, 1621x887, Top G Exclusive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andrew Tate's official NFT's unironically which are given for free with his merchandise sales

>> No.53384803

ok then i guess theyre never pumping

you will sell though.

>> No.53385568

HEEL nfts be bussin it down biggity no cap tue Jan 24th 6p pacific time heel-mintdotcom shit gon be gone in like 30 seconds so set your alarm senpai oh and you need 50 HEEL in your wallet to mint fr fr enjoy your free money my G.

>> No.53385836

NFT's won't pump. There will be projects that do good because retards want their chance at winning the lottery, but after liquidity starts becoming more scarce and whales start pulling out, liquidity will dry up and you will be stuck holding a JPEG of a project that''s never going to do anything.

>> No.53386636

You must be some sick retard
Only some fucking NFTs with no utilities are death, the likes of Ore Active NFTs are very much booming

>> No.53386711

Based. What are your thoughts on mutant hounds? I fewl like they could become blue chip

>> No.53388470

Hopefully never, they shamed crypto enough...

>> No.53388496

they all die you idiot. look at moonbirds. look at clone x. look at doodles. they will never recover.

>> No.53388500

Shut (you)r nigger lips.

>> No.53388656

should get ready for Boboz mint , heard these are going to takeoff https://twitter.com/boboznft they look fucking based

>> No.53388748
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NFT this pic and eat the bug

>> No.53389269

Seem you don't know the project you are referring to, Ore Active NFT serve as a seamless connection between web2 and web3 by being used to manage access control for off-chain APIs.
This is an unusual utility that won't die off, think about it faggot>>53388500

>> No.53389641

Dr. CryptoPhils will moon. You’ve been warned anons.

>> No.53389648

everything you said is marketing buzzwords. none of it matters. hype lasts for a week then the project dies and everyone moves to the next one.

>> No.53390248

Seems that floor has crashed a bit.
Color scheme looks OK to me, nothing mind-blowing (read: new) like Doodles.
I would personally hold Hounds until listed % is at 5-7, which is generally a point it's 'bottoming'.
Really hard to predict a floor price, but R/R is definitely there. I dont think they will become tier 1 or even tier 2 blue chip, but I can see hounds holding a steady floor price (over 1ETH).

I hold 0 personally.

>> No.53390427

Also to people investing in 'UTILITY' and 'INFLUENCER NFTS' and 'BIG BRAND (PORSCHE ETC.) NFTS'

You're completely missing the big runs. Trump cards are pretty much the only ones that had a 'small run' possibility.

There's a PFP collection launching every now and then, minting maybe for free, or for something like 0.02ETH each that can run from 1 all the way to 5 ETH in this market.

What I look for personally:
Unique (read: new, interesting, something different)
Great color scheme, color usage, nothing too out of place
Solid website, with a community in Discord and active twitter
People not fake hyping
Mint not overly hyped or over expensive
Twitter not having 30k followers in this market, impossible without bots (bots = fp will probably go to 0)

Remember, next CryptoPunks weren't a CryptoPunks copy but Bayc.
Next Bayc wasn't a Bayc copy, but rather Azuki.
Next Azuki -> Doodles
Next Doodles? Maybe Penguins

Whatever runs, is always super different from current 'tier 1/2 runners'

t. Made shitton of money with Rune, now fulltime NFT's (I still hold SYN and LDO)

>> No.53390617


Many will laugh. But I know.

>> No.53390661

When they actually start having use cases, Ore Active NFTs is a good example.

>> No.53390846

Too low supply IMO.

I'm waiting for a free/lowprice mint with 10-20k supply.

300-5k supply things tend to pump to 0.06ish and then straight road to 0.

>> No.53391137
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Is apecoin good or a scam?

>> No.53391252

it's got some fishyness about it. i used to think it would pump hard. but some say that it has some issue with the coin dilution. meaning it will struggle to pump and reach higher highs the way other tokens do. but i don't understand math or economics so just do more research for yourself about it.

>> No.53391355

anyone buying an NFT after 2021 is an absolute retard

>> No.53391413

Scarcity + memes…plus history. 1k supplies will age like while everyone one and their grandma was minting 10ks

>> No.53391503


>> No.53391568

They literarily connect with odd-chain APIs, this is god-level shit.

>> No.53391622

Stop day dreaming and start dyor on ORE MONERO

>> No.53391856
File: 245 KB, 1253x750, Fl1zjf9aAAAJ_I4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why these never mooned.

Potential 'smaller' miladies, much like Seals are to Penguins.

>> No.53393243

You're clearly delusional for saying this benchod. There are a lot of NFTs worth bagging these days especially with the use cases they bring, a few on my watchlist are Sidus for their staking rewards and cloudbreakers which let's users personalize their in-car metaverse experience

>> No.53393316

Pudgys have literally not fell under an eth and miladys are going back up. Been waiting to get my penguins for cheap once people considered them dead. It's been TWO FUCKING YEARS