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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53374376 No.53374376 [Reply] [Original]

>record high inflation
>housing market about to crash
>stock market getting hit hard
>boomer Politicians enacting crypto regulation laws
>Crypto market begins to massively pump

This does not make any sense at all.

>> No.53374387

it makes perfect sense
are you okay anon

>> No.53374400

Then answer the question Rajeesh

>> No.53374403

Crypto wasn't priced into the inflation rates. That's happening now.

>> No.53374413
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>Crypto market begins to massively pump
To be fair, zoom out. We got a +20% after a -75% drop of the flaship asset of the space, BTC.
As long as the volume doesn't go to zero, it won't drop 97%. So the +20% isn't much, really. Could crash back to 16k any week now just as well.

>> No.53374420

>massively pump
It's just a bump. This has been happening multiple times all the way down from the top and it will drop even further.

>> No.53374426

people during 09 where thinking US will collapse to zer0, and it was the bottom of bear market for SPX

>> No.53374430

yeah, it's s scam pump

>> No.53374436

Why do normies think Bitcoin is gonna follow their boomer markets? Lol Bitcoin is literally the safe haven away from the mainstream BS. If you think any differently you are a normalfag.

>> No.53374439

>record high inflation
inflation is declining
>housing market about to crash
nothing close to what happened in 2008, also new laws create to prevent it
>stock market getting hit hard
happen a year ago
>boomer Politicians enacting crypto regulation laws
that do nothing
>Crypto market begins to massively pump
again it's been an entire year

>> No.53374441


Don't worry not enough new money is available to sustain this pump. bulls are delusional

>> No.53374446
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>> No.53374450

I already did and my family has probably been on this continent longer than yours

>> No.53374461

>bulls are delusional
They're not delusional but a lot of people on this board are suffering vom ADHD / gambling addiction. They don't have the ability to think long term and strategically. Every green candle makes them euphoric and ignore reality, just like gamblers in front of a slot machine. All these blinks and sounds make them ignore reality.

>> No.53374467

They can do nothing do crypto (bitcoin at least) so it's not correlated, the old system isn't needed anymore

>> No.53374476

they caused all those problems with crashing markets and now they solve them with pumping markets. it really is that simple.

>> No.53374482

You forgot the most important two factors, one of which are forthcoming.

1.) The entire system is fraudulent.
2.) Bailouts are inevitable.

>> No.53374609 [DELETED] 
File: 208 KB, 740x742, 4 Billion BTC whale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>institutional money dumping in
>everyone else FOMOing in after it

>> No.53374643

here let me help you understand

the fact that the existence of all of those things you listed has become so widespread/pervasive that even a normalshit NPC like you are parroting it on /biz/ means that the bearish narrative has reached its peak. No one cares. It's priced in. If it's a fact that even a retard like you are aware of, it's priced in.

>> No.53374645
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>>53374376 (OP)
>institutional money dumping in
>short liquidations, pump it to next level.
>everyone else then FOMOing
>more short liquidations

>> No.53374648
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>inflation is declining

>> No.53374685

> record high inflation
Meaning the dollar is implicitly going down
>housing market about to crash
in 2 more weeks?
>stock market getting hit hard
Companies generate revenue in dollars
>boomer Politicians enacting crypto regulation laws
Irrelevant and probably a nothingburger
>Crypto market begins to massively pump
Like I said, dollar is going down

>> No.53374688

Everyone is just guessing. I'm surprised you nerd haven't located the wallets behind this inorganic pump.

>> No.53374700

>inflation is declining
slowing, prices arent going back down tho
>nothing close to what happened in 2008
it will be worse
>happen a year ago
think 1929
>that do nothing
just wait to XRP gets labeled a security

>> No.53374779

6% infation
slump in home sales
stock market rallies after trading sideways for months
crypto up 8%

I hate when people exaggerate to make everything seem a HUNDRED THOUSAND times worse than it actually is.

>> No.53374801

go annualize the last 4-5 month over month prints and they come out to something like 4% or less

>> No.53374838

It's called volatility. It happens when the majority of investors can't figure out where to park their money without losing more of it. So random things will pump, dump, or just implode all together. No one has a clue anymore, same thing happened through every major economic decline in world history. Might get to a point where all assets that aren't backed by something physical in the real world become worthless for a while. The entire global order is changing, will change. By the 2030s, financial dominance will be in the east part of the globe. Right now, we're right at the beginning of this years long shift. Best to be prepared.

>> No.53374881
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its almost like kikes know how to bait goyim into giving them their money before dumping bags on them

>> No.53374898

because it was positively correlated with the stock market during the 2021 bull run and after as institutional money flowed into the space and began treating it like a tech stock? maybe you're just fucking stupid. boomer

>> No.53374937

The money has to go somewhere. It’s not going into all those other things

>> No.53374978

I'm not surprise as crypto is on a massive pump and it won't be bad if Privacy is considered.

>> No.53374990

Nu/biz/ can’t think that way

>> No.53375006

Post webm plz

>> No.53375013
File: 411 KB, 1079x1061, kike goyim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2.) Bailouts are inevitable
in your dreams goy. i already explained what the kikes have planned on /pol/ im tired of schooling and warning everyone sometimes i think its easier if you faggots just suffer massive losses but knowing how retarded you are you still wont put 2 and 2 together to figure out what the kikes are doing.

>tldr: US gov (and therefore all euro and south america govs because they copy everything we do) will bailout the companies of the upcoming financial crisis with your bank account money and cut you off from withdrawing it, and in exchange maybe give you stock shares of the bank but probably nothing at all and you will be happy.

source: i pay attention and they are so incredibly arrogant they literally laugh about it during a recorded meeting

5 minute summary

very good commentary and synopsis summary only 30 mins:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NBhbOZ39W0 [Embed]

copy of the original FDIC meeting video 3 hours long:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PtULsOtI2o&t=0s [Embed]
this is the most happening of happenings and you fuckers havent posted about it even once. ill watch this thread fail with 2 replies while you keep responding to worthless slide threads but at least i tried to get the word out.

remove your money from the bank.

>> No.53375016

Unironically zoom out

>> No.53375036

Need liquidity for the crash

>> No.53375047

No way that article is real. Not even in Rapeden

>> No.53375055

>It literally is a Bogdanoff poomp it doomp it therapy meme

The older I get the more I realize how bat shit insane the world really is

>> No.53375112

Nu/biz/ likes to present hindsight as wisdom that they've always had

>> No.53375121
File: 92 KB, 680x510, the more you notice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2.) Bailouts are inevitable.
nope nope nope

>No way that article is real. Not even in Rapeden

>> No.53375650

>multiple bailouts protecting the fraudulent system already
>"dude it won't happen ha ha just don't worry"

>> No.53375710

>inflation is declining
only in the same way that there is less flames in a building that has burned a while. Still rampant inflation even though less of it.

>> No.53375732

>>boomer Politicians enacting crypto regulation laws
>that do nothing
China bans bitcoin around 5-6 times every bullrun and every time the price drops a bit so it DOES have an effect even though there is no actual real-life effect.

>> No.53375797

so whales are wiping out shorts in order to prepare the way for a massive crash?

>> No.53375825

>cant read english
>just quotes and greentexts random shit and responds with "k"


>> No.53375927
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>> No.53376128
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Incredible. Does this mean that when Swedes become a minority in their own country, they’ll be protected in the same way?

>> No.53376467

I'm actually starting to notice a pattern here

>> No.53377431

Inflation is dollars jot being worth as much as it was-Crypto going up means its value is fixed while dollars are worth less.

>> No.53377500

its because btc isnt a decentralized as you think
market is mostly controlled by a few whales,hence all the sudden pumps/dumps

>> No.53377519

also yeah dollar has been weaker this year
exchange rate of gold also indicates that

>> No.53377523

Other assets inflate at the same time. Wow, really?

>> No.53377530

isnt as*

>> No.53377565
File: 248 KB, 638x332, C1B783E0-4416-4CE2-9B4F-1846411F19B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you only follow crypto or something? The stock market has been pumping since the new year, dude. Not the kind of pumps crypto gets, but it’s relative. All markets are going up. The economy doesn’t correlate anymore. It hasn’t for years.
>yeah but it will
Maybe. But not yet. Just follow the momentum and set a trailing stop instead of waiting for the “big one” or whatever. The world doesn’t make sense.

>> No.53377569

did it make sense that everything rallies in a global scamdemic.

after it gets to 40k, twitter, crypto YouTube and cnbc will think of the right narrative as to why this happened

>> No.53377583

this is explained correctly

>> No.53377597

As this anon said. Big money knows 2023 will suck so they are making money in the greenest pastures available, crypto. They are making it look like a 2018 style recovery and rekking shorts. Retail and lesser institutions will be left holding the bag as always and the big players will have secured their annual bonuses and spend 2023 fucking off on some beach.

>> No.53377602
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Always do the opposite of what normies think.

>> No.53377603

OP is dumb money and will FOMO in at the top

>> No.53377623

But by whom? Is it lots of whale transactions or retail poorfaggies like me? I added a bit at 16k a few months back but that's it.

>> No.53377629

Think about it.
remember at the top. when everyone said BUYBUYBUY
well now that theyre down 80% they've been DCAing in to get their entry price to a profitable level sometime this century.
if they dont the whole thing goes down.

>> No.53377634

This makes sense.

>> No.53377726
File: 24 KB, 640x529, 313418665_419550683716981_9059293302988804142_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was and am a nu-bizlet who got into crypto in 2021. During that first mega bull market (where I made no money due to inexperience and retardation) I also thought macro factors mattered. I thought technology mattered. None of them actually matter. The only thing that matters is sentiment. The most important sentiment is normie sentiment because they're always wrong and you have to do the opposite of what they do. There are occasional normie sentiment threads on where where posters claim that normies are buying back in, but this is nonsense and I think those posters don't actually know any normies. Normies FORGET crypto even exists in bear markets, they have no concept of it. They only start buying in about halfway to 3/4ths of the way up. They don't move markets because they don't have the money to, so disregard boboposters asking "who's going to buy in at this point?" Institutions, and they've played retail baggies yet again and it's time to reap the harvest.

>> No.53377798
File: 872 KB, 1125x1578, sweden literal absolute state.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know what possesses swedish people to be suicidal but their women are anti native and pro nigger in every way possible in every interview with real swedes that ive seen.

>> No.53377886

This made me lol

>> No.53377947

based, you've learned well anon

>> No.53378161

Lol yeah sure and when the SEC label every alt as a security and then the exchanges are not allowed to sell them anymore, what will you do then?

>> No.53378763

poorfag neet here please share more wisdom with me, i'll pray for your good health

>> No.53378835

also something I've been wondering - wouldn't retail baggies get priced out when it's already going up? would make way more sense for them to jump in when it's low and affordable for them with money they don't mind losing

>> No.53378867


I can't really speak for your situation and how you feel about being neet, but I was neet for years and it really is a good life. I miss it. But, you are selling off in your future for a good life in the present. I had to stop being neet and get a real job, and since I had neeted so long for so hard I ended up working retail. I've been trying for years to get a real job where I can sit at a desk and answer emails, but I can't even do that, even though I've been doing programming for years and have certifications. I can't get hired, so I'm locked into retail wagecucking, and I'm in my 30s. So if you're in your early 20s I would start making moves NOW because the older you get, the harder it is to maneuver. Don't necessarily wagecuck, but if you're a good artisan and you can make handmade goods or something like that, it's something to think about.


Nobody is ever "priced out," you don't have to buy Bitcoin in integer increments, if BTC is at $100k but retail thinks it's going to 1 million they will still make dumb moves like going all in with their savings, taking out loans etc.

>> No.53378903

I want to punch her stupid face, she's mid, 5/10 at best, and she's just trying to get free food by acting like a slut.

>> No.53378918

>inflation is declining
yes, we are in deflation right now but eeuu still with debt a lot, also china is on, so the economy is pump

>> No.53378989

then someone makes a new exchange in another country to skirt the law and fill demand.

>> No.53378996

>inflation is declining
Do Biden voters really?

>> No.53379003

>record high inflation
>housing market about to crash
>stock market getting hit hard
>layoffs in every industry
>debt limit reached
>climate change out of control
>House #1 priority is Filegate 3.0

All this, and we're (supposedly) not in a recession.

How much worse does it have to get?

>> No.53379055

honestly I kind of love it, the freedom is too addictive, though you do feel lonely sometimes and I wonder what could've been if I tried... also my parents hate my guts and are kind of done supporting me lol
sadly I trashed out on rng and was conceived in a thirdly shithole with an economy in shambles so i'll be forced to get into IT or some other slave job to not starve. as long as I get some money to care care of my health and spare some for my hobbies idc, if I get married tho i'll might try a bit harder kek

>if BTC is at $100k but retail thinks it's going to 1 million they will still make dumb moves like going all in with their savings, taking out loans etc.
yeah that makes sense, but if these retail baggies join in late it's all whales and institutions moving the majority of the market? do these people only drive the last quartile of the chart on the way up before it crashes?

>> No.53379073

nothing ever happens

>> No.53379278


Yes, that's exactly it. When the smart money needs to cash out, they use the dumb money to do it. This dynamic is well understood and has been playing out since financial markets first became a thing, and the whales and institutions create and manipulate this cycle knowingly.

>> No.53379304
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>another short seller COPE thread

>> No.53379350

so this is applicable to the stock market and other assets as well? not sure how well regulated crypto markets are but I think this classifies as fraud in boomer stock market right? (not like it matters though heh)

>> No.53379495

>energy, fuel, food prices still high
>cost of living crisis
>tech companies cutting jobs down
>Celsius, FTX and soon to be Genesis declaring bankruptcy

yet I'm sure the average person is pouring their life savings into crypto

>> No.53379537

You have to trade the clown world
It makes perfect sense,fool

>> No.53379549
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>> No.53380454

bullish sentiment honestly, BTC 1M EOY, Jasmy $1, Dogecoin $10

>> No.53380850

>she's mid, 5/10 at best
bro post your gf just so we can have a laff

>> No.53380937

>slowing, prices arent going back down tho
google truflation, it tracks better than fed CPI, and it tracks daily
>it will be worse
Ton of regulation set up since 2008, no sub prime mortgages being shuffled in, etc
>think 1929
walk us through that one, cause this is midwit
>just wait to XRP gets labeled a security
imagine investing in XRP or thinking it has any effect on anything

>> No.53381106

Yes, the entire system is fraudulent. That doesn't prevent it from being used for the purpose anon described, it actually helps.

>> No.53381256

Reach out to temp agencies. They can place you in a desk job easy

>> No.53381270

She’s perfect

>> No.53381284

And in the meantime gold and silver do nothing. That's the real outrage of it all.

>> No.53381417

Shit is so easy to avoid. Just have a maximum of $250000 with any one bank

>> No.53381445

Yes it made perfect sense as the money supply exploded. More dollars = higher prices. How do you retarda not understand?

>> No.53381457
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Bitcoin was born from the last time this happened in 2008. It is the solution to inflation, corruption and non-stop out of control money printing. Hold on to your hats boyz cuz when it really moves it gonga mune like a mother fucker

>> No.53381781

Nigga what do you think crypto is about? Its supposed to be a hedge against a broken economy both inflationary and deflationary. The only thing that will crash it is jews that make centralized banks pretending to be crypto. Also, S and p is up too. youre wrong about the stock market.

>> No.53382554


Thanks anon, it's something I haven't done (been applying for positions directly) so I'm going to give it a shot.

>> No.53382692
File: 5 KB, 259x194, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My story with chainlink begins in 2004. Someone told me something on a phone dating Chatline. I feel God will show me a sign when it's time to share my story.

>> No.53382798
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>Trusting your money in Jewish run institutions

>> No.53382829

It's because of the recent $SBNY and $SI problems. Expect bitcoin and eth to pump like a race horse until it's time for the whales to exit all positions.

>> No.53383255

Because retarded piece of shit monkeys like you think you're absolute geniuses observing the most obvious, retarded shit so the market surprises you by doing the complete opposite. Kys you scumbag.

>> No.53383399

I cum violently at the thought of cumming

>> No.53383550

Inflation being widespread isn't the same thing as inflation being so bad that actually wipes out a big enough portion of the population to make a difference. This didn't happen in a vacuum, it happened after the most insane two years of monetary policy the entire world has ever seen, which was conjured up to literally prevent the global economy from collapsing during a pandemic. My unpopular opinion is that a lot of, if not a majority of, the "inflation" we're seeing is simply businesses taking advantage of consumers expecting higher prices because of inflation. In 2020 and 2021 "supply chain issues" was a valid excuse but now that's a ridiculous reason for prices to remain high.

>> No.53383554

inflation makes things more expensive

>> No.53383569

I like this except for the trailing stop - Big Money can see where the stops are and flash dump to stop people out all the time

>> No.53383575

so why are you here? Seems weird to come to /biz/ and talk about muh gambling. We aren't even in a bull run so you can't use hype as the excuse. This place literally gets 10 pph at night

>> No.53383616


>> No.53383718
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>> No.53383920

>he thinks the crypto market isn't artificial and so manipulated that it makes the stock market look like kids play

>> No.53383950

>Bail-ins are inevitable.

>> No.53383969

It's time Privacy projects are considered for seamless transactions without revealing any information about the transferred assets & amounts or identities involved from prying eyes.

>> No.53384083

shes an ugly pig slut

>> No.53384124

Who cares? as long as my folio is up, I am happy and you are happy. I cant wait for my lowcaps ORE and ALBT to do the seasonal 100x so I can buy a house and marry a pretty wife.

>> No.53384142
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Yes it doesn't make sense but with crypto the adoption is getting better its being accepted as payments across the globe and LuganoPlanB is the 1st big step.

>> No.53384208

Rather AI will take care of crypto from here on.

>> No.53384216

Stonks have been pumping since September and shit like the Dow is 8% away from ATH.

>> No.53384257

The market is having a temporary pump but best to hold on to what we have. Don't sell just hold is my thought.
I am holding tight with my EGLD, UTK, METIS and QRDO bag with high hopes

>> No.53384423

Stop stressing fren just dyor on Railgun and know peace.

>> No.53384841

It's just a new narrative. AI and Privacy protocols is important in the crypto space at this time. Got a few privacy projects on my watchlist.

>> No.53384923

I'll add VRA, ROSE and ORE to the list.

>> No.53384967

You day dreaming. All these not new the new narrative of web3, AI, metaverse, security and asset management.

>> No.53384986
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Humans are fucking ugly holy shit

>> No.53385121
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>> No.53385473

it was oversold. this is what they call a correction. accept it