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File: 271 KB, 1350x897, Ratio-Flyover-to-Destination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53372623 No.53372623 [Reply] [Original]

Are flyover states like Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma the best places to get houses since they're in the locations that are the cheapest?

>> No.53372684

No. Now stay out.

>> No.53372696

There's a reason they're the cheapest.

>> No.53372726

Why is that

>> No.53372733

No we're full. Tell your friends it's horrible here and don't come over.

>> No.53372797

seems to be full

>> No.53372918

What are you hiding?

>> No.53373018

If god doesn't kill you coastie faggots with the wildfires or tornadoes or the extreme seasons, someone here will torch your house just because you couldn't resist putting a giant faggot rainbow flag on your house.
Now say "I hate the antichrist" and "I hate satan." I know you won't. Probably can't.
We're not full, but stay the fuck out.

>> No.53373082

Brimstone and damnation. Stay out. It really sucks here, Make sure you tell all the other urbanite pod dwellers. There's no faggot pride parades or shitty overpriced coffee shit. You'll hate it.

>> No.53373109
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Chuds Really live somewhere like this and don't understand why people say they have no culture. Land is cheap because life there isn't worth living. Simp as

>> No.53373244

there's almost no point in responding to ignoramus basement dweller threads about real estate
all of those three states are different, and all of the metro areas in those states are different
they offer different employment opportunities and home prices vary just as wildly as anywhere else
just as I will never be a woman, you will never own the roof under which you never have sex

>> No.53373253
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We need to double the number of existing states.

>> No.53373265
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>> No.53373267

>all of those three states are different
Absolutely not besides Oklahoma reservations. All just bland no culture flatness and chain restaurants

>> No.53373367
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>muh culture muh culture
typically people who make sweeping generalizations aren't particularly cultured fyi

>> No.53373391


>> No.53373413

are you really going to move 1500 miles away from everyone and everything you've ever known, just to buy a $73k plywood box on 1 acres of land in the middle of some frozen flatlands dump? you would rather do all of that than compete to make more money, so as to afford a house in your current region?

>> No.53373419


>> No.53373424
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>> No.53374073

Lots of niggers and spics unironically not worth it.

>> No.53374410

Nothing. We're all toothless rednecks who shoot guns constantly. Stay far away for your safety.

>> No.53374425

They are the cheapest because unless you can work from home, you will have to commute for at least 1 hour to the nearest city to work, and there's probably only like 1 restaurant and 1 grocery store within 30 minutes of your house. And, enjoy tornados!

>> No.53374660

Shouldn't you /n/iggers be seething about strouds or something?
Dumb nimbys

>> No.53374714

>Chuds have all the goods and services you need in rural areas and don't have to live in cramped, crime ridden smogvilles just to get your favorite fast food
Idk anon sounds pretty based to me.

>> No.53374788

Because there is no hustling bustling BIG city!

Why would you want to live in a town of 30k surrounded by national parks? Are you crazy!

>> No.53374839

No, I'm 31 and still can't afford a house.
But if you're from Colorado go ahead and sell your overpriced house for a less overpriced house in Nebraska and prevent native Nebraskans from ever owning anything.

>> No.53374959
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Does anyone actually live in a rural area? Imagine everyone posting is some stemdork/techie that has no friends or acquaintances and thinks that they're going to have a walden epiphany when they move to some opiate addled town in arkansas

>> No.53374973

i grew up in the rural outskirts of a town of 2k people in northeastern pennsylvania. privacy, fresh air, and lack of niggers and jews is great, but rural living has many downsides. i'm buying a home within the next 1-2 years. i've given some thought to going rural again, but i really doubt it. suburbs/exurbs are much more realistic.

>> No.53376315
File: 948 KB, 944x532, tornado alley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the plains are too dry, no lakes, no forests, no real economy outside of trucking, and home insurance is too high due to the tornado threat

>> No.53376349
File: 263 KB, 1196x868, home prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you tried looking at half the country where you can buy a house on a mcdonalds salary or are you looking at the same 10% that everyone else is?

>> No.53376393

i grew up in a light blue area. the jobs pay shit which is why real estate is "cheap." real estate is generally priced such that the average house is 3-4 years of the average household income for the area. exceptions are extremely undesirable places (nigger crime driving prices down, or places with literally no jobs) or extremely desirable places (big cities, especially on the coasts.)

>> No.53376466
File: 893 KB, 1024x791, Income-1024x791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3-4x income

lol, thank you for renting

>> No.53376519

good morning, nigger retard.

>> No.53376524
File: 444 KB, 1800x1200, DFEFAFD9-C940-4A1E-B371-2E468277A3A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No. Now stay out.

>> No.53376550
File: 218 KB, 1112x631, real estate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for renting

>> No.53376588
File: 479 KB, 750x973, 78429D41-95C5-411C-8662-0FD22A85B054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Living in flyover country is so depressing that many rural retards turn to deadly drugs as their escape. Many such cases, sad!

>> No.53376598

chart is irrelevant to the matter at hand and does nothing to refute your niggerbrained analysis. i work remotely and have enough cash to buy your plywood shitbox outright. i choose not to do so because living in rural areas is largely shit, speaking from firsthand experience. >>53374973

>> No.53376614
File: 185 KB, 1023x936, home equity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for renting

>> No.53376622

i worked at a factory that was sold to a large global manufacturer with dozens of factories in its portfolio. several months into the acquisition the new leaders told us that our factory had the worst drug abuse problem (as per failed random drug tests, FMLA leave for drug addiction, etc.) of any of their factories across the USA and the world. kek.

>> No.53376647

It’s true. No culture, no jobs, no opportunity just cornfields, booze and meth. No wonder so many flyovers either turn to the military or rope themselves. But hey, I guess someone has to tend the bean fields.

>> No.53376679
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damn she looks hot

>> No.53376712

50 years ago it was a viable existence, if you were a family man looking for peace and quiet. but yeah, these days it's a death sentence (via drug and alcohol abuse) for young men. /pol/ loves to rag on the meme that is dating in big cities, but dating is even worse in small towns. all of the smart and pretty women GTFO immediately by attending college in the big cities. the remaining women are BPD cuntry girls and fat single mother trailer trash.

>> No.53376940
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You are going to have to tell us more about your situation and where you wanted to locate (rural/urban) otherwise it is a shit flinging contest between Qtards and soibois

>> No.53378026

I live in Kansas City Missouri but actually lived in Wichita for a time. KC is expensive now, but Wichita and those other cities on the great plains are super cheap. I had a luxury downtown apartment in Wichita with garage parking, w/d, dishwasher, balcony, etc and I paid 750 a month. This was for one of the nicest apartments right on the main strip downtown.

Buying a house is also really cheap there. The problem is that if you aren't having kids and raising a family, it's just really boring. The whole culture is like 10-20 years behind the rest of the country. This is good for restaurant prices and the like, but a lot of times it's just cringe. You'll be on a back patio at a bar smoking a cig and you'll see like 25-30 year old people dressed like emo/alt teenagers from the mid-2000s and they'll spark up a blunt or joint and then start ranting about how unfair marijuana laws are and how it needs to be legalized and how weed is a cure for everything. They think they're so rebellious, arguably revolutionary actors, by smoking pot.

Basically anyone there who isn't conservative has the mentality of a 2004 or 2005 liberal. If you're single, dating is also really hard. Most young people move out of these places and go to the state university and then they move to a bigger city to work after college. Lots of Wichita people end up moving to KC or Denver or Chicago. I'm sure the same is true for people in Omaha, Sioux Falls, and OKC as well. OKC actually isn't bad compared to Wichita, it's pretty nice, but it's still just boring.

There's basically nothing to do in these places besides go to bars and restaurants or the movies for entertainment. If you enjoy live music, you better be prepared to drive 200-300 miles to see your favorite band. If you like pro sports, same thing.

The great plains states are not a bad place to live, but they also just aren't that great. Best thing about that area is the affordability.

>> No.53378113

Lacks diversity. No one wants to live in a place without diversity

>> No.53378204

Reddit-spacing KC bro

>> No.53378777
File: 1.68 MB, 1185x2048, Screenshot_20230121-131630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>compete to make more money, so as to afford a house in your current region?
30 acres would run $600k minimum in my "current region" and would still be far too far to commute, could buy 30 acres cash in flyoverville

>> No.53378902

As a european that looks comfy as fuck, even trailerparks are better than the appartments 99% of europeans live in. I would rather live there then in my small rentcuck appartment

>> No.53379047

Most people live in poverty in the small towns. The median HOUSEHOLD income of my hometown in Indiana is 35k a year. If you have a comfy WFH job and make six figures then yeah it’s pretty decent, but most people make 10 dollars an hour in these places at best.

>> No.53379107

Are you the guy on here who lives down the road from Arrowhead?

>> No.53379195

Can confirm indiana sucks.

>> No.53379773


>> No.53379793

There’s still swarms of indian marauders. They just also own casinos to prey upon the weak and gullible.

>> No.53380006

it's not like dating in KC is any better
at least people are thin in Denver

>> No.53380037

kansas is where breaking bad actually happens irl except the cops are the ones cooking the meth

>> No.53380068

Nothing. Stay out.

>> No.53380076

Nope that's me lol I was shocked another KC dweller posts here.

>> No.53380412

I lived in the Midwest for some time. Topeka KS. Worst part for me was the weather. It's so extreme... You have like 1 month of decent weather and then snow, then right after that like 2 days of spring and 3 months of hellish heat. I guess you can get used to it, but I think it's one of the reasons that there's not much to do except for eating and watching TV.

>> No.53380496

Holy based, fuck coastie scum and southerners (aka spics)

>> No.53380531

>Buying a house is also really cheap there. The problem is that if you aren't having kids and raising a family, it's just really boring.
I wish it was like that everywhere.

>> No.53380534

It would be based if the people weren't fucking retards huffing paint and smoking meth all day. Trailers parks are cancer because everyone in them is a societal reject.

>> No.53380690

>*faint smell of burnt plastic and cat piss*
>*sounds of ar15 mag dumps and chinese dirt bike engines revving*

>> No.53380779
File: 404 KB, 1078x1080, Screenshot_20200707-152751_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SC has great beaches, friendly people, cheap homes and lots of farmland. Also one of the OG 13 colonies so some good history, and also the first to succeed from the Union!

Lots of black people but southern blacks are usually pretty cool and friendly too!

>> No.53381681
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>> No.53382028

No. You never get used to it.

>> No.53382604
File: 422 KB, 750x504, Me and the boys getting ready to say hi to Los Angeles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charleston was really nice, and I went there for my honeymoon. Saw a really cool memorial tablet in the old Huguenot Church from a family thanking their great great grand father for planting his family in America. Its funny how the entire town is absolutely unapologetic about kicking off the Civil War, and still have all their memorial statues up, and then you go to see Fort Sumter and the US National Park Service is clearly seething about it and has to try shoehorn in a story time segment about the one time a slavery stole a ship and escaped to the Union blockade.

Parking was horrific though.

>> No.53382634

Prices (in a free market, but that's another topic) are governed by a concept called supply and demand. If the demand for something is small, prices for said item are likely to be small. That's a very brief summary, for more information check out an 8th grade economics class.

>> No.53382665

There was niggerloving shit (and muh natives) at valley forge, it’s fucking everywhere.
It’ll be enjoyable to restore all of these places and statues and so on once all the niggers, kikes, and other parasites have been cleaned up beforehand. Kikes have been flexing with cash and demeaning all these places as a part of humiliating the whites whose ancestors built this land.
Fuck all of them, can’t wait to watch the cities burn.