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53370361 No.53370361 [Reply] [Original]

I raised the rent $1500 today and I swear my tenant closed his fist in rage. Should I kick him and his family out tomorrow before they try anything funny like the oil in sink meme?

>> No.53370376

>oil in sink meme?

kek you wish. its cement now.

>> No.53370391

how did her mortgage go up? isnt it fixed rate?

>> No.53370398

It was like that when I moved in!

Also tell him he can't park his car in the driveway. It must be garaged. Watch him rage

>> No.53370407

Variable mortgage meme, rate goes up, rate goes down

>> No.53370409

Not everyone has a fixed rate. Fucking retarded investors getting adjustable rates when rates were at all time low

>> No.53370420

Then make him pay for resurfacing the garage floor after he moves out

>> No.53371171

This is troubling news, friend. You must immediately invoke the ancient rite of the land lord and have your way with this mans woman, as he observes. That will be the attitude adjustment he needs.

>> No.53371483
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>my mortage increased by £100
>can only legally increase current rent by £57 this year

My tenant is a good lad but I was hoping he would move out so I can change my rent price.

>> No.53371498

>my mortage increased
Variable rate fags must suffer.

>> No.53371671
File: 17 KB, 618x157, good landlords.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tik tok rent-seekers

>> No.53372596

Only low test faggot fixed their mortgages

>> No.53372625

Fixed rates even 2+ years ago were rarely being offered over any significant time frame. In 2021 i looked to buy but could only find 2 year fixed so opted to rent instead. Probably cost me ultimately but still.

>> No.53372643

I doubled my tenants rent in December. It all flows directly to the oil company for "heat and hot water included".

It is what it is.

>> No.53372651

Landchads.. How could the rentoids have us on the back foot?

>> No.53372679
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>> No.53372699

what even is variable rate? what kind of idiot would fall for that?

>> No.53372748

I guess the rest of the anglosphere doesn't do 30 yr fixed. I thought it was weird too. Poor bastards.

>> No.53373363

You sublet your property? If you have a mortgage on a rental property that is a sub-lease. You should own a rental property outright, otherwise you are just an unpaid employee of the bank.

>> No.53373466
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>petite bourgeoisie finding joy in abusing the proletariat
i'll be sure to laugh when one of them snaps and murders you in cold blood.

>> No.53373485

$1500? A month?

>> No.53373500
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>Don't rent to niggers

>> No.53373549

I love how that term has become synonymous with blue-haired english degree people who work part time in a coffee shop, if they work at all.

Plumbers, hammer swingers, and truck drivers are chuds and deplorables. Marx would burn his own book if he saw it all.

>> No.53373553

Taking out a mortgage to be a landlord should be illegal. Trying to profit off of something that is a necessity for 99% of people is immoral. I split 1360/month with my girlfriend to live in a decent standalone house, but my landlord has owned it outright for years. Dude gets over 16k/year for essentially nothing, he could cut the rent in half and still be making 100% profit.

>> No.53373554

>muh heckin H-HOW COME.... aint no one want to WORK NO MORE?????
stop looking at everything through the lens of a niggerbrained culture war.

>> No.53373579

Hope you're not over leveraged seeing that your tenant can just call your bank and they can recall your mortgage loan.

>> No.53373643


Who do I share this board with? Are you all children in a HS economics class that are treating this shit like a hobby for your clique at the lunch table? Property taxes and insurance you retarded double black gorillas

>> No.53373664

The fuck are you talking about, stupid?

You're using (misusing) terminology from a failed 19th century political economy school to plant a culture war flag right in the middle of the thread

Proletariat implies productive labor. Those guys are buying second boats for their third lake house. You use the term in reference to transgender dog walker and lesbian grocery badgers being fed up that their slacker minimal effort lifestyle hasn't richly rewarded them with a 3 bedroom apartment in Manhattan like TV told them it would.

>> No.53373666

Just so you know mate you're a cunt. If your tenant is a poor wagie who has to rent but is a perfect tenant why make him suffer more? Remember you're getting equity with your mortgage would honestly get a pub full of deano's to kick your bollocks in you melt.

t. anglo who hates modern anglos

>> No.53373681

>Proletariat implies productive labor. Those guys are buying second boats for their third lake house.
i don't even know where to start with this. read a book, nigger.

>> No.53373709

yes, although smarter RE investors slowly boil the frog with 5-7% annual increases instead of bumping the rentoid to market in one shot. Creates too much animosity and can be a problem if rents fall the next year and your tenant moves out somewhere cheaper, leaving you with 0 cash flow. slow and steady wins the race

any investor with 2 brain cells to rub together should've fixed for as long a term as possible when rates were sub-3%.

tell him he's gotta leave because you or a family member are moving in, and then once he's gone just re-list it for higher rent lol.

>> No.53373719

imagine not levering your equity returns on a rental property lmao

>> No.53373733

"Landlords" killed were feudal landowners.

>> No.53373749

>read a book
Get a job.

>> No.53373754

>I love capitalism I love money!
>except when you do things I don't like waaaaaaa
Shut the fuck up and take it up the ass or go live somewhere that isn't capitalist

>> No.53373772

i work in corporate accounting and make $140k a year from home.

>> No.53373775

that’s not a mortgage raising then that’s your insurance and taxes moron. learn what the fuck a mortgage is.

>> No.53373777

I also am a chef at Wendy's.

>> No.53373788


>> No.53373805

Variable isn’t necessarily bad if you buy the top of rates and it starts going down over time

>> No.53373808

amusing that you find my unremarkable salary and occupation to be extraordinary to the point of disbelief. tells quite a bit about your personal accomplishments and the company you keep. open your eyes, nigger.

>> No.53373818

you also work 90 hour weeks during quarter-end filing lmao

>> No.53373834

i've never worked more than 60 hours a week at any point in my career, even when i was a big 4 niggerslave. at my current role i max out at 50 hours a week, although across the year i average closer to 30 hours a week.

>> No.53373842

You sound really smart. Smart enough to know you're not going to change my mind or the minds of anyone lurking. SMART enough to know that any exchange past a few (you)s become pointless high-effort masturbation that seeks ever diminishing dopamine hits.

Nobody even cares itt that you and I have been waving our dicks at each other for an hour. We're ignored and alone. Just me and you.

Post feet.

>> No.53373859

Fuck my life I only make $95k in corporate accounting. 10 years experience and a CPA.

>> No.53373882

start applying for new jobs. you could easily find a manager job paying $110-120k base + a nice big bonus.

>> No.53373912

Can you evict that swiftly in burgerland?

Even if your tenant doesn't pay you a dime it'd take roughly 6 months to a year to evict here in Turkey. You got to appeal to court to do that.

>> No.53373934

Largely depends on the state. In California it’s basically impossible to evict someone. Here in Texas it’s not instantaneous but they’ll send the sheriff eventually within a few weeks

>> No.53373953

None of us can afford houses so we wouldn’t know how your jewish scams work, sorry grandpa. Fuck off

>> No.53373957

All of that is included in the mortgage payment. Nigger

>> No.53374141

>property and insurance
Imagine sperging out just to be completely wrong because you literally can't read at a 3rd grade level.
If your landlord is a 20 year old tiktok roastoid you're gonna have a bad time
>what is a variable rate
Based off the words 'variable' and 'rate' take a wild guess what it is.
Timing the top isn't that easy. I'm willing to bet a lot of these variable rate havers got them because they thought the fed was going to pivot and now they're stuck.
To borrow from Martin Shkreli, buying a house is a bet and it's a bet you're typically taking on a lot of leverage for.
People who get burned in real estate are usually people who
>didn't do their due diligence
>FOMO'd in
>got greedy
>bought way more than they needed
Also, fuck real estate investors. Thanks for buying up all the supply of SFHs you faggot niggers. I hope you lose it all.

>> No.53374233

redpill me on why ameriburgers fear oil in sink? is your plumbing messed up by default? i dump my cooking oil in the sink all the time in my own homes as a yuropoor. one of these houses was built in the reconstruction era post world war 2 when everything was cheap stuff too

>> No.53374284

oi bruv five hunderydoo shillingspence per annum what an egregious sum old boy. nip down to the chemist for some kneepads

>> No.53374379
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Yep. Absolutely retarded middle school faggot retards. Insurance and taxes ARE part of your mortgage. Get the FUCK off this board or lurk moar before you post anything else you dumb roodypoos. Don't even know what an escrow is with your mortgage company. Rentoid scum is disgusting to me honestly, so smug about being a loser in life haha. There used to be intelligent people here man.

>> No.53374396

>PITI vs mortgage
taxes and insurance aren't your mortgage, retard.

>> No.53374416

nonono they weren't landlords
the peasants just worked the land and paid their rent in grain, its totally different

>> No.53374443

When you sign up for a mortgage you have the option to either pay your home owner's insurance and property tax yourself, or delegate that task to the company that own's your mortgage. I would be 9/10 people do this for convenience. Because of this, when your insurance changes, or your property taxes change, the monthly payment of your mortgage changes as well to compensate for the extra money needed. Sometimes they change in the other direction and you get some money back!

Now get back to finishing your homework young man.

>> No.53374471

i'm happy that you've demonstrated an understanding of the concept of "escrow." that doesn't change the fact that a mortgage is a line of credit, while taxes and insurance are separate charges.

>> No.53374511

The whole point of these dumbasses chirping in this thread was they immediately correlated this bitch's increase in mortgage payments to some variable rate increase in her mortgage when, in actuality, there is a very real possibility that she is just associating that increase to her 'mortgage payment' going up as opposed to separating the two for the social media post. Again, most people who bundle it all into one payment when setting up there mortgage will just simply say 'my mortgage payments went up this year' instead of saying 'my mortgage payment went up this year because my property taxes increased by 2k'

Seriously there is a large majority of users on this board who are college aged or younger that have only seen fucking margin call and the big short and still think we all have variable rate mortgages.

>> No.53374547

To add to >>53374443

There are pretty steep requirements to even be allowed the option to pay your own taxes and insurance for most major lenders. You retarded clown, you think the bank is just going to let local authorities seize a home they shelled out a half million for because you're a section 8 brained ape that might decide to not pay those taxes? Do you even know what the fuck a mortgage is? Have you ever even digested something as simple as a car loan before engaging in discourse of this very simple concept?

>> No.53374587

And this and checked as well. These are the same anons thinking they are going to slooooorp cheepies with 100k on fartcumcoin because so many of people's mortgages are variable "just like the movies" despite that hardly even being true back then. You are thinking of canadien scum, who are so unhumanly they are not aloowed to have fixed rates in that "country"

>> No.53374627
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>Poor bastards

>> No.53374813

My base case for why real estate prices will tumble has always been that people will lose their job and be forced to sell into a market where buyer support has cratered due to prospective buyers also losing their jobs.
People keep moving home or staying there longer.
The fact people are so committed to this idea of real estate being a magic asset class that only goes up forever just shows how retarded the average homecel actually is

>> No.53375147

If you don't want to pay rent just buy a house, it's that simple
Why are renties so dumb?

>> No.53375154

Jesus Christ how autistic are you people? When people say “muh mortgage”, especially some normie on TikTok, they are referring to their mortgage payment, yes including tax and HOI. God damn it’s like you can’t understand normal conversation and are laser focused on dissecting each fucking word like an armchair lawyer.

>> No.53375177

>I want my profits but relay the risk to the rentcuck


>> No.53375287

You shouldn't be allowed to rent out the banks house

>> No.53375691

Seething landlord spotted kek

>> No.53375778

True, but commercial real estate interest rates are only fixed for 7-10 years, loans have to refinanced at the end of the term. We are seeing prices correct much faster than single family residential.

>> No.53375801

proletariats is anyone who is employed and works for a wage. No matter how poor, rich or blue haired or whatever. It just means that they are part of the working class (people who are employed and earn a wage from an employer)

>> No.53377251

imagine being a (((landlord))), biggest useless boomer swine there is