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53358681 No.53358681 [Reply] [Original]

I made upper 8 figures during the 2021 pump.
I've been living in Thailand for over a year.
I've been to every city, every beach, slept with every girl I've met from clubs, to gogo bars to escorts.
I have a perfect apartment, gym, pool.
I tried dating but it just doesnt work for me knowing I can just sleep with any new girl, honey moon phases last less than a week.
Life has become boring, I have to drink every night to stop m self going insane and over thinking life.
I don't know what to do in life, nothing makes me happy. I used to be a coder in my home country.
I tried starting a project but lose interest after an hour trying to just set it up with the latest frameworks and start thinking why am I wasting my time when I could be paying someone. But then I think that would be pointless because I only stared the project to give my self something to do.
I don't see the meaning to life anymore

>> No.53358727

Stop fucking ladybois you damn perv

>> No.53358765

hookups are dangerously slipperly slope. It fucks up your ability to pair bond. A hookup here and there is alright, but getting pussy whenever you want fucks you up.
You're best off taking a break from that life, resetting your brain, and finding a good girl who hasn't been run thru and can still pair bond with you. You're in thailand so there are good ones out there, just not living your lifestyle. Vietnam also has great women too, i lived there for 5 yrs.

>> No.53358774

>I made upper 8 figures during the 2021 pump.
sure you did :^)

>> No.53358801

go back to a white country get a virgin wife start a family don't spoil your kids don't fall for gimmicks

>> No.53358820

kill yourself pajeet

>> No.53358927 [DELETED] 

Give your money away for actual good causes. Build/create something that helps a community. You can help me out for a start, 5k is pocket change to you but would improve my life significantly.

>> No.53358955

You need things to work towards.

You cannot just have party all the time otherwise it gets boring, for there to be ups there needs to be downs.

Read the subtle art of not giving a fuck by Mark Manson.

>> No.53358978

If you made it, and don't have a purpose within. A purpose that you feel deeply connected to (like a competitive sport you "need" to pursue, an artistic activity you crave in order to express yourself, or an intellectual challenge you feel naturally attracted to) just focus on making others happy.

Start a non profit to help other beings that suffer pain that you can relate to. Abused animals? Abandoned children? People who have lost everything due to addiction? There is surely some suffering that you can relate to more than others. You only need a small amount of money to get it started, and lots of time (getting other people's money) in order to fund something that can help others even after you die.

>> No.53358979

Give your money to me at least I won’t make these pathetic faggot threads complaining about how easy my life is

>> No.53358980

>Read the subtle art of not giving a fuck by Mark Manson.


>> No.53358999

Challenge yourself.

Go to the gym.
Trade in stocks.
Do semen retention for a week, then blow it into the mouth of a 10/10 escort.
Impregnate women around them world and pay them a few hundred bucks a month to raise your kids.

>> No.53359000
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>I've been living in Thailand for over a year.

Hit the muay thai gym, poojeet. you'll gain confidence and get a good work out

>> No.53359029

He isn't jewish?

Whatever read the story of Buddha it's the same point

>> No.53359043
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>Life has become boring, I have to drink every night to stop m self going insane and over thinking life.
>I don't know what to do in life, nothing makes me happy. I used to be a coder in my home country.
>I tried starting a project but lose interest after an hour trying to just set it up with the latest frameworks and start thinking why am I wasting my time when I could be paying someone. But then I think that would be pointless because I only stared the project to give my self something to do.
>I don't see the meaning to life anymore
Holy shit, are you me? I semi-made it too and life fucking sucks now. I literally got a new job because I was so bored and now this job sucks fucking dick and I make more on dividends than the job even pays

>> No.53359065

>I made 8 figures
>I fuck anyone I want
>boohoo I’m still sad anyway
0/10 bait

>> No.53359119
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You were always a boring uninteresting little shit. Sorry money wasn't going to change that!

Meanwhile someone like me would live to 10,000 and still find something to do just by being curious about reality. I'd be a VC and fund crypto projects with the sole purpose of churning my 8 figs into 9 figs and then I'd really start trying to build the following, most of which through shell companies and anonymously. I'd try and discover the world's mysteries, I'd help birth new and interesting/controversial tech, not to mention trying to uncover conspiracies and prove them (9/11). I'd become a film maker just to redpill normies in subtle ways that require deconstruction to avoid being cancelled. I'd speak with Graham Hancock and fund his latest crazy ideas, I'd speak with a ton of crackpot scientists and scientists that have been blackballed and fund their research.

So many books to read, soo many interesting people in this world to have long deep private convos with and here you are banging 6/10's with zero asses in Thailand. You aren't even training in the top muay thai schools and bonding with fighters who have to fight for pennies to feed their families and sponsoring them and their fight schools. I would literally become Batman if I had your money. I'd know everything there is to know but I'd still train to beat the living shit out of anyone and I'd still fuck supermodels in my lambo. You truly are a loser mate. I suggest going to peru and doing ayahuasca or taking other heavy psychedelics so you can release whatever trauma is stunting your male potential. Being a male is useless if you have no interests. The biggest thing that separates women from men is that men go deep in interests and end up changing the world. 99.99% of women are shallow creatures through and through. You are literally a shallow man. AKA a waste of a man. Pathetic.

>> No.53359135
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> 1 pbid

>> No.53359136

have a child things change. You degenerate larping pussy

>> No.53359421

how about you go out and make some worthwhile lasting relationships instead of fucking thai club hoes?

>> No.53359548

I’d say just kill yourself. You are beyond giving advice to, you are just a NPC nigger and will always be a NPC nigger

>> No.53361566

Part 1

Haven't been high in 8 figure territory, but I was briefly over $10mil in paper value two times in 2018 and 2021 (from crypto of course). I'm still a multimillionaire though, $2mil in actual cash, $2mil in crypto crap, maybe $2mil in silver/gold miners in ROTH IRAs.

I'm pretty much the opposite of you, boring married guy in his 30s with kids, living in a place I can't stand that I've been in all my life. 2018 I honestly wish I had just cashed out everything, given my wife half, and moved to somewhere like Puerto Rico or Thailand to hang out with crypto people. Hell, if I had gotten just one tip on some of the stupid shit that did well later, like Dogecoin or Shiba Inu, I'd probably be sitting on tens if not hundreds of millions by now.

Instead, I played house. At the time, I was in an online group that probably had hundreds of millions in crypto. Many of these people were like me, married with kids, and actually several had had more interesting and credible professional careers than me, with STEM PhDs, techbro jobs, etc. I had hoped that, given the amounts they were dealing with and where it actually made tax sense for a lot of the USA based people (me being one of them), that they would create some sort of investment or venture fund. Instead, between probably 50 people, they did absolutely nothing.

I didn't sell much at the top, and got suckered into XRP at the bottom after a lot of shit had crashed, thinking, well, they have all these former regulators on staff and are playing ball with the power structure, surely it can at least go back to $3 in the next bull run. My thinking was that I would at least be over $10mil again if XRP did that, but of course it didn't and I had to watch everything crap go to the moon instead.

>> No.53361585

Part 2

I could go on and on with life and crypto details no one cares about. I've posted sort of my "life story" on Reddit in the past, but got nothing but useless comments about how shit I am and to get a therapist, etc. Fact is, aside from having a couple million, I fucked my life up from the start. Had the opportunity to go to some amazing undergrad schools, but got spooked watching a dude go $100k+ in debt for the Ivy League and then go to a third tier toilet law school, so I instead went to a crappy rural state school for "free". It only cost me ever having connections with anyone worthwhile, any semblance of a professional career, and a shitty dating pool.

And at this point, unless I somehow magically make tens of millions, I'm just stuck. Even in third tier cities, just a 3k-4k sqft house in a decent area is $1mil+. I don't have any income that banks can count, so I would just have to pay cash. And then aside from maybe getting exposure to better school districts and better people for my kids to marry eventually, what is in it for me? I have zero friends, even online friends. Hell, I'm still in that crypto group I mentioned and the best they can muster is a handful of the most basic ass comments every day. They don't even talk about crypto or making money anymore at this point. And I know at least a couple of them are in the same boat as me, married with kids and not working, and they say NOTHING INTERESTING EVER.

>> No.53361596

Part 3

And I'm just in a shit place in generally, literally and mentally and everything. I can be civil with other parents, but I have zero interest in being "friends" with them cause they are all losers going nowhere. And hell, I've tried so much in the past going out of my way to be friendly with people I don't even really like, and it never resulted in anything, not even a person to periodically message on Facebook. As one example, hell when I was early into crypto and actually passionate about it, I periodically hung out with two STEM PhDs. Talked them a couple times about crypto, Humble Bundle even had a big crypto book bundle, sent them each copies of all the books for free. They never did anything with the info. And then of course it kept rising, yet they never once asked me about it and I didn't mention it cause what value is there in them knowing I'm a multimillionaire? And not like either of these fuckers would ever once talk to me online about anything. Hell, one of them was having trouble looking for jobs, and I went out of my way to find some for him. He literally hasn't looked at my Facebook messages to him in FIVE YEARS. And I see him periodically. I always joke about the Facebook messages. You'd think he would check so I can shut up about it. But no.

Just a long ramble that no one gives a shit about on my part. Can't tell anyone IRL since they are all broke. Can't find anyone online. Too poor for FatFIRE on Reddit. Hell, randomly got invited to a FatFIRE slack and there were people on there talking about their $100-$200mil net worths and all this shit and I'm slumming it in a $350k house that I even had to get a cosigner for, but at least the interest rate is sub 3%.

>> No.53361617

Same anon.

The mission is goals and achieve long term goals and find hobbies you enjoy. I’m in the same exact boat, but did Indonesia, Philippines and Japan.

Exited crypto, still have a company, 2mil liquid, MRR at 25k - and I don’t find anything satisfying or fulfilling anymore.

I even miss old friend groups, that’s one thing I really lack that I discovered if I just travel and fuck women that is hard to build up. At this point I’m in my 30s and setup for retirement easily, I can’t even spent more than 2k a month if I try.

>> No.53361632

I would leave Thailand for starters. Get a place in your homeland with people culturally like you. If you are keen on developing a bond with someone, I'm sure a language and culture barrier prevents that.

Also, if you do have upper 8 figs, then my empathy for you is limited.

>> No.53361666

Part 4

Honestly, enjoy your life and your whores. I don't think having kids is the answer. If it were me, I'd try to network and find a rich woman and household to be a part of. Or at the very least, create some sort of harem environment if you can't do that. At this point, there is no hope for me. If I divorce and do everything right splitting assets, I may have $1mil-$2mil. Meaningless in the USA, but hell, at least I could go bone some whores overseas and still find no one online to talk to.

I'll check back later. If OP or anyone else wants to talk, I have no idea how to connect since links keep showing up as spam. I saw this post on a Telegram group that pulls 4Chan Posts. There is a chat group BizShillChat that maybe you could join and then talk about who you are and I can reach out with a DM on there. Dunno. Just talking into the void.

(Damn these captchas are a pain. Never used 4Chan before to post anything.)

>> No.53361754

yeah sure bud. le 10 gorrillionaire living in highrise Thailand without anything photographed to substantiate

>> No.53361809

tldr (most of it)
you live and die by your le choices ahah

>> No.53361959

JFC you really are a loser aren't you. Even with a net worth in the ~$6M range you are still bowing down to status and titles and comparing yourself to other spoiled privileged loser rich fucks? LMAO. Absolute beta cuck you are. You cry and complain that no one says anything interesting and you are cut off from the "really cool people and friends...." yet you are a boring fuck yourself. You have all the time in the world and yet you've mastered nothing. Who the fuck still talks about college in their 30's when they are literally a millionaire? What a dork. You simply got lucky and were always a privileged little shit to begin with and yet you are somehow mesmerized that your boring life isn't fulfilling? You know so little about reality. Literally are an NPC. I am shocked you are here and not on reddit but then you admit you are a reddit faggot so my thoughts were confirmed. To think upper middle class consists of your type and the type makes my ambition weiner shrink a little but then I remember that when I make it I'll just build my own kingdom and won't interact with your faggot types. Good lord. Talk about white bread.

You are using your kids and shitty marriage as an excuse. You literally have all the time in the world, foh. Likely low T. Maybe go see a therapist bud!

>> No.53362042

there is no meaning to life ... just enjoy it while u can . i hope i can get where you are one day

>> No.53362061

damn do i buy LDO now ??

>> No.53362178

Wanna join me to an one month muay thai camp in Koh Phangan in March? I have done ayahuasca too like the other anon recommended. Money is not about fucking girls and living the life, but with money you should buy time to follow your dreams or interests. You need to find out why you are here and what your destiny is. First we need to reset your dopamine levels

>> No.53362263

>bro if o had 20 bucks i would change the world
>i bet these asians aren't even obese

Lol nigger worship

>> No.53362502
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Ahh yes because bug worship is so much better anon. Low T defeatist boring fucking cuck that you are. Imagine being wealthy and still being low T. Fucking simps and cucks should be beheaded in mass. Once I'm wealthy I'll just bitch slap you betas around.

>> No.53362562

10/10. Finally a man of reason has entered this thread. You should open up a business teaching all these low T beta fucks who have lucked into crypto wealth how to find fulfillment in life.

I thank the good lord I was born poor but high IQ. Couldn't imagine being a rich cuck like some of these fools.

>> No.53362639

OP utterly destroyed

>> No.53362687

Maybe you could find some purpose in life by being entrepreneurial?? Living vicariously through those with purpose and drive whom are still grinding it out in the rat race? gtkrwn88 at proton mail if you want to chat fren.

>> No.53362727


>> No.53363221

Go help some people and good, set a worllifegoal not an egogoal

>> No.53363319

>I would literally become Batman if I had your money.
OP, can you give this guy all your money before you kys?

>> No.53363414

You could do all that now but you won't because you're a cuck faggot loser who larps like he would be something if "someone else" wasn't holding him back. OP went out and made it meanwhile you're here shitposting paragraph long larps about your fantasies if you were rich. Go back to tiktok.

>> No.53363431

Your life is empty because you haven't started a family of your own

>> No.53363687

>pursues life of hedonistic degeneracy in a land of brown screeching monkeys who only care about his money
>wahh why am i depressed

Kill yourself

>> No.53363989
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I appreciate you sharing your struggles. I will share a few things with you that may be of some value. Firstly, mastery of self is mastery of life! Do not let such a phase mistake you with similar mantras provided by self-help gurus and so-called experts. You must seek to understand this phrase as it has stood since ancient times. Based on the experiences you've shared, Life, the great teacher, has provided you with ample lessons. As long as you have the will to learn, it is never too late to understand these lessons. It is only then that we have the proper support to find ones purpose! Your finances aside, you have a family. You must now, more than ever, lead by example.

Furthermore, I would welcome the chance to converse with you more if you so desire. I can be emailed at '5142125391 @ proton. me'

>> No.53364250

I read through your whole posts, but this phrase perked my ear because it seems to be the quintessence of the problem of those who "made it". I've concluded that chasing after "interesting things" is a conceptually flawed strategy that'll never work, at least not for long.

>> No.53364263

Kek, you're a boring NPC who accidentally made it.

>> No.53364297

The phrase "NOTHING INTERESTING EVER", I should say.

>> No.53364404
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Nigger, "making it" is just the first step. It's a necessary requirement to have a decent life, but alone it's not enough.

Now that you're financially free, you need to develop yourself. Find who you are, what you want, what fascinates you, what disgusts you. Pursue what excites you (fund a company, write a book, direct a movie). Fight what disgusts you (liberals, fascists, jews, whatever).

You're one of the privileged few who can actually live, and you're here, whining on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.53364462

monogamy and religion anon

They are not only coping mechanisms (they work as that too of course) but they are legitimately the way to truth and love. From where you are right now you probably don't believe that. But what do you have left to lose?

>> No.53364492

coping mechanisms are mutually exclusive with true happiness

>> No.53364609

anon I hope you know this anon is absolutely going to try and scam you kek

>> No.53364658

that's why I said they are more. For some people they are coping mechanisms, but those people never move beyond it. I've seen so many 'communities' in protestant congregations where everyone is just desperate, those people believe less in God than the average proclaimed atheist, they only believe in their own despair

But there is something real there anon, for those who are genuine. Start with the truth and work from there, real honest truth and you will get there

>> No.53365027
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I have no need to do such a thing. However, your remark is understood in such a place. Given your other posts, you should understand why brothers should aid one another. Even amongst the ever-present darkness of these boards, there is still light.

>> No.53365204

become orthodox and homestead

>> No.53365590
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>crappy rural state school for free

I did the same thing, my parents are quintessential conservative Boomers and wanted me to save money. They can not fathom anything else to make money besides shift work and hampered my potential so much I try not to resent them for it. But the people to network with were nonexistent because they had nothing to offer and the only thing they talked about was beer and girls. Within a month I saw what I was dealing with and played online poker and only showed up to tests at school. The only reason I have a degree was to play online poker and then years later I maxed out my loans to invest in crypto.

> I fucked up my life from the start

No, society did that. There is a reason social mobility is a meme and moving two rungs up the ladder is obscene. If you do well people like you, but if you do to well they are spiteful and envious. The teachers are useful idiots and the elites know what they are doing by using the education system to keep the masses in their place even though 99% of the masses are trash anyway. Basically Gamergate, Bill Gates and common Core spell it out if you are an admiral in the ocean of piss that is 4chan. What I am trying to say is that you were fucked from the start. Nearly all of us are. I was fucked when my parents refused to skip me ahead in school because of my "social" skills, their TV and sugar addictions, their constant need to yell at each other over inconsequential details while I try to read or prepare for math contests, their insistence on me performing manual labor on any free time instead of netrepenuring, etc.

The only way to not be fucked from the start is to basically be born wealthy. If you are not born wealthy then your parents will have to teach you how to succeed, but if they know how to succeed then they would probably be wealthy, so in other words if you are not born wealthy, you better hope your parents dont have addictions and toxic mindsets or you are fucked.

>> No.53365642

nice daydream bro

>> No.53365660


I kinda went through something similar and started doing stand up comedy. It's been 2 years now.

Try a dream that's so impossible you have to commit everything to it.

>> No.53365940

Everything happens for a reason. These guys won the lottery to experience this misery probably to find there true self.

I don’t know if opening a business is gonna help our brothers. If you want to change you need to go indeed to the jungle in Peru and experience your own demons and traumas to let it go and forgive your self. OP needs to forgive himself and move on

>> No.53366154

You need to pay a guru to help fix your character flaws obviously. @agoddream on telegram if you are interested

>> No.53366389

>being rich
>using all that money fucking ugly thai insect women

What is with people not knowing how to be degenerates properly? Should have gone to costa rica or somewhere else in latin america and fucked some actually sexy brown girls.
Or if you have yellow fever at least go to the philipines or vietnam and fuck some cuties with chinese blood instead of kind of fucked up looking brown thais.

why would you go to thailand unless you had only barely made it and needed to save money? If you actually have 10 million then go to somewhere where the women actually look good.

>> No.53366409

>I don't know what to do in life,
start a family you retard. that's what humans literally evolved to do. that's what makes people satisfied and gives them purpose.

>> No.53366655


>crappy rural state school for free

TL;DR in advance

Yeah, and any time I ever try to mention my situation online, exactly what you are talking about is completely missed out, even if I make it clear this wasn't an instance of, oh no, I couldn't go to Harvard, but went to NYU instead. I got into some top state flagships as well as some good private schools, along with one Ivy League, and instead went to a sub 1000 rank glorified community college in the fucking woods.

Why? Because my parents wouldn't pitch in anything for my college education all of a sudden, even though they were making pretty good money and had decent assets, both of which killed me on financial aid. I had also been slightly entrepreneurial, along with doing little local contests and shit my whole life, and had around $40k saved at the end of high school. Don't know why I was honest on financial aid applications, but I remember the Ivy League (which probably wanted to get rid of me, since I applied early Early Action/Decision but didn't have the funds to pay) pretty much gave me a package that was we take your $40k over 4 years, you have to work for free for us both school terms plus the summer, or owe us $5k a term (so $60k in free labor from me for 4 years). I had a prepaid college thing my grandma had bought which was another $30k they wanted in full. And then I think my parents were expected to pitch in $20k a year, which they completely balked at.

>> No.53366685


>crappy rural state school for free

And then I had the experience of being in a summer program for the "good students" where one dude was there as an assistant and he was graduating from Harvard (my Ivy League wasn't Harvard, they rejected me when I applied during regular admissions). $100k+ in debt, and coming back to my crappy state's third tier toilet for law school. Scared the shit out of me. Especially since in my mind from reading books like "Millionaire Next Door" and "Your Money or Your Life," if I could just lock up the $40k I had then and never touch it, at the 10% per year people talked about at the time, I'd have $5 million at retirement age from doing nothing else (so in 50 years, when I couldn't even fucking enjoy it).

My crappy state flagship only offered me a 75% scholarship (with a fucking 1550+ SAT score). My dogshit undergrad offered me a full ride, plus since they were actually trying to recruit "good" students, an over-award where I would be making $10k a year in excess scholarship money direct to my pocket. So there I was thinking, hey, I can leave undergrad not $100k in debt, but $100k in the green, then have a better chance at law school (or at least a better one than that Harvard guy I mentioned was going to). And I listened to the stupid college president and admissions head who really seemed to want me, saying how much better it will be to have a recommendation letter from a college president himself (who also had two Ivy League degrees) and being able to graduate with 3 undergrad degrees in 4 years (I had a ton of AP and CLEP credits), blah blah blah.

>> No.53366708


>crappy rural state school for free

The extra pay only lasted for about a year and a half until magically the college president and the admissions guy "retired," because of course they were doing something they weren't supposed to with the state scholarship program to generate the extra money to offer students. Great Recession hit and I watched my $40k more than halve. So on and blah blah.

Again, long ass story no one cares about. I don't even know why I bother typing cause literally no one gives a shit. I'm pretty much one of the only fuckers to fuck himself over so badly in a retarded attempt to SAVE MONEY LOL.

>> No.53366721

Test yourself for AIDS immediately

>> No.53366738


proof 13 year olds exist on 4chan. it's like a kid telling you what he'd do if you gave him $100. and to be clear op is a fag, but this is a hilarious response

>> No.53366756

>with the latest frameworks
that's why, you have no clue anon, sorry but it's real
try to learn proper programming and try doing things better and not in a messy way, that might motivate you

>> No.53366759

come to christ.

>> No.53366771

Oh yeah 100% a scam

>> No.53366785

Buddha is unironically a demon.

>> No.53366804

I'm in a similar position, I'm in Cambodia.
Whenever I feel shit I remember what wage cucking and life back in bong land was like, it was hell, and so I'm grateful for what I have.

The cost of living is very cheap here and there's no globohomo.
I spend my time learning languages, so I can be free, and live where I want.

>> No.53366818


ive fucked bolivian, chinese, japanese, thai, brazilian, spanish, american, etc. girls as i live in a very international city with a lot of tourists. there's nothing wrong with thai women. in fact, many of them are very hot. i agree, there's a lot of uggos, but it ain't any worse than fat americans. men are so weird with women. you pretend you want 'the prettiest/best/most valuable' woman but you never take into account how they make you feel, how submissive or helpful they are to you, or how fat your nut is when you're with them. look inside, not outside at this stuff. there's beautiful women all over the globe. in my mind, i actually find american women pretty not valuable. our society has completely ruined their mindsets and half the time they treat men like adversaries. a lot of other cultures still maintain a certain amount of patriarchal respect which american women dont have. just 2c. don't waste money and time on dumb useless women because you perceive them as a 'higher status'

>> No.53366823
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and this

>> No.53366826

Anon give some of your money if you kill yourself.
If you are still in Thailand you should train in muay Thai,bjj MMA if you are in a biggest city or do some scuba diving and take the PADI license, avoid useless night life, an

>> No.53366916

Based. This is the way.

>> No.53366946

>slept with every girl I've met


>> No.53366967

Good. This is the hell you were told you would go to when you were a child, enjoy it.

>> No.53366970

I don’t why ur salty still. You said ur yourself that you didn’t have a choice due to lack of resources/support. We just have to do the best we can with what we got. I guess that it’s easier for me since I grew up in a fucking trailer, how parents with more resources/should know better do this type of shit is beyond me. Regardless we essentially had no choice at least you grew up more comfy than this anon.

>> No.53366986

Also don’t expect sympathy from anyone for not getting gibs, quit being a nigger

>> No.53366994
File: 17 KB, 400x278, give that man a slice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would literally become Batman if I had your money. I'd know everything there is to know but I'd still train to beat the living shit out of anyone and I'd still fuck supermodels in my lambo.

>> No.53367176

Can't tell if troll, but I'll bite. Anon, find something you love and are passionate about. Life must have purpose.

>> No.53367216
File: 142 KB, 1659x672, 4a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Great Recession changed a lot of things, I started college in 2005 and was able to convince the president of the community college to fund a full ride quiz bowl scholarship, but I suck at persuasion so it shows how wealthy colleges were at the time. If the Unlawful Internet Gambling Act did not pass then the great Recession would have killed online poker anyway. I was salty about it for a while, but if you only focus on either the positive or negative that is all you will see.

>No one cares

yeah you are right and it sucks, no one is allowed to complain especially if they are male. Even worse showing any vulnerability gets you ripped apart by sociopathic sharks of society. It is like how you are expected to treat your employers like family except they can get rid of you anytime so it is more like you are the man that married a single mother.

congrats on reproducing, I might use an egg donor because I can not get a woman of quality. I hope you are able to educate your children to avoid the pitfalls that trapped you. My parents educated me well, just no one told me that they were showing me what not to do, lol. I guess it is why I am not tempted by TV, sugar, alcohol, or emotional incontinence.

>> No.53367262

Yeaeh this he could pick up anyhobby he wants.

>> No.53367272

There was a Greek monk who died recently. He'd been left at the monastery as a newborn and he never left. He never laid eyes on a woman his entire life. He lived to be pretty old, too. I forget his name.

>> No.53368760
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>> No.53369756
File: 47 KB, 339x500, sunandsteel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mastered money now master your body. Hire the best personal trainer and chef money can buy and a have two year journey to get straight up jacked. Once your body is peak condition I think they make the rest of your life clear. Heal the body, heal the mind.

>> No.53369894

fucking christfags on 4chan i swear dude

>> No.53369978

There isnt a man in here who isnt jealous of what you have, you son of a bitch.

Either make the best of it or give it to me, cause I cant watch you waste it.

Btw gj beating the system.

>> No.53371586


I have never seen a more pathetic excuse for a human

>> No.53371825

This, it's all LARP anyway but imagine being such a normalfag that with 8 figures you have no cause or drive to chase after.

>> No.53372505

The whole make it thing becomes murkey with creeping age and deteriorating health. I clawed my way up to roughly $4m with a niche business and six fig crypto earnings.

Along the way I worked 60-80 hour weeks, stressed a lot, got fat, and developed full blown type 2 diabetes. Now I'm pushing forty, restrictive diet, fatigued 80% of time with controlled blood sugar, and soul crushing erectile dysfunction that makes sex almost pointless.

I don't know what making it even means anymore with sensual pleasures fading away and a constant struggle against my burned out pancreas.