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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 529 KB, 807x637, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53366222 No.53366222 [Reply] [Original]

this is what it's all about

>> No.53366240

take my upvote king stranger

>> No.53366247

unironically yes. Nothing better than a hard days work with a reward of goyslop, amirite?

>> No.53366256

his dick in in the pizza isn't it also what game is that?

>> No.53366257

>Baldur's gate
>with a controller
Fucking fagit

>> No.53366258

>i wageslaved for my masters the entire day, i deserve goyslop and death from cardiac arrest at age 65

>> No.53366271


>> No.53366272

Living the American Dream

>> No.53366282

kek. the "i deserve this" just makes him a fag.

>> No.53366293

damn even the choice of game and console is goyslop

>> No.53366305
File: 1.92 MB, 2000x2000, 1673714635312677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its winter. WTF?

>> No.53366310

i really dont see anything wrong with this. You miserable faggots. Sometimes i read posts like this and all i can picture is my hard fist smashing against ops soft white belly. I want my knuckles to leave a white imprint around that pinkened flabby skin. Fuck you op, you bitch

>> No.53366312

fuck im hungry... maybe if i visit my parents once every few days i could not seems as a hungry hobo =(

>> No.53366317

>Giving into vices is "what it's all about"

>> No.53366318

it's a PC retard

>> No.53366322

Works all day for 40 bucks and spends 20 in a single meal

>> No.53366323

dumb american

>> No.53366331

You are quick to that anger because you're an emotional man baby

>> No.53366334

>30$ meal
>600$ console
>70$ game
nigger thats 0.5 eth, aka 5k eoy.

>> No.53366337

yeah, totally normal to eat a 4000 calorie pizza for dinner.

>> No.53366350

He 100% makes at least $20/hour it's the US not romania

>> No.53366365

free will doesn't exist

>> No.53366387
File: 217 KB, 1200x1200, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was working all day in the hot sun, I'd want to come home to a wife and family. Sad picture honestly, makes me want pizza though

>> No.53366403

You are exactly like the guy from leddit, that's why you got triggered. You have a poor man's mentality and you will wage slave for ever. Keep ordering food that kills you and almost costs what you earned in a day. Biz sure is full of third worlders.

>> No.53366426

>I deserve this
Nigga You Deserve Death.

>> No.53366442

And video (((games))).

>Here goyim, take control of that trans nigger and go on an adventure!

>> No.53366840
File: 358 KB, 1500x1483, 91ipcPpOaZL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to budget it. I bought a pizza too, but it's an eleven dollar Digiorno Croissant Pepperoni pizza with a total caloric index of 1900 calories. This eliminates my remaining cheat calories of (1000) for the week. And it will carry over (900) more cheat calories to be deducted from next week's cheat calories, of which there are (6000) total.
I don't know man. I think there's a time period where it's ok to hustle and grind and just fucking make shit work for awhile if you can. I know we're supposed to get that done by age 30, or age 40, but shit there's movies made in the 1960s, stories of guys who were in their 40s just going through hard times making ends meet, making shit work. I'm talking specifically about Hard Times with Charles Bronson.

I don't know man. Make your own story until you finally find that wife and kids. That's what I'm doing. Or trying to. Even if it's only a cool story in my own head. I'm making it. I'm making this misery cool. There's no fucking way I amn't.

Come on you guys

>> No.53366851


>> No.53366895

Pizza with dog food on it and motor oil for drink?

>> No.53366923

Disgusting pig eat at a fucking table and wash your fucking hands literal fucking subhuman trash kys

>> No.53366961

I'm going to get some pizza too right now brb

>> No.53367225
File: 949 KB, 955x960, crumlt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

words cant describe how grateful I am that I am not that person

>> No.53367273

isnt cardiac arrest at 65 pretty much the best we can hope for? living past 65 won't be fun lol. dementia and arthritis is all that awaits

>> No.53367284
File: 254 KB, 750x875, 1673081793384584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free will doesn't exist
I met someone like you about 10 years ago. He divorced his alcoholic controlling manipulative emotional mess of a girlfriend so he could play League of Legends full time.

Then he spent the next year texting me about how to get the rent deposit back from her. (I moved in to their big apartment with all their roommates shortly before he left.) Also she was fat too. She tried to fuck me but I refused. I left that apartment after the first year and some other poor fucker moved in. Never move in with trannies, gays and alcoholic women.

You're just like him. You're a weak fucker. You need a reason and an excuse not to live. Sorry if this is too blunt, but also go fuck yourself, you fucking cowardly faggot fuckin' coward.

>> No.53367288

quality of life varies at those years, it comes down to genes and how well you take care of yourself.

>> No.53367320


>> No.53367350
File: 480 KB, 550x532, comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yea... as long as you don't make this a daily thing, there aint nothing wrong with embracing goyism.

>> No.53367362

>this level of projection

>> No.53367400

trips of self loathing normiedom

>normie copes with pizza and vidya after waging in the sun all day
>me up $50,000 today on brypto and 3 days into my 5 day water fast

normies simply cant compete

>> No.53367464

I ate a ribeye steak today because it's friday and I deserve it.

>> No.53367478

holy based

>> No.53367636

the cringe part is posting it on reddit with that faggy caption. nothing wrong with some za and some vidya after work

>> No.53367637
File: 284 KB, 1511x2015, 281563512_5103204379775289_8145555589864878016_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why i can never leave anime boards, every other website you see obedience being praised and rewarded

>> No.53367702
File: 257 KB, 729x407, Screenshot 2023-01-15 20.43.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.53367757


>> No.53368015

But free will is probably a lie - if for example you have an IQ of 85 how free are you exactly? I think self awareness and free will are a package deal. Can't have one without the other.

>> No.53368046

fugin faggot its dark alliance 2
nothing to do with Baldur gates' gameplay

>> No.53368098
File: 49 KB, 922x788, AE8C9399-4883-4A1F-86F5-105B5D088846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark alliance is around 25 years old though.

>> No.53368237
File: 3.16 MB, 4032x3024, 20230120_211009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just sitting here distilling some water after a hard day's work.

>> No.53368257
File: 328 KB, 716x702, 1622481535319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American website

Did your government give you permission to go outside? how many boosters have you gotten today?

>> No.53368281

oh boy! a shitty boring video game and a pile of goyslop, my masters treat me so well!!

>> No.53368363

That's right...Let the anger consume you. there ain't a fuckin thing you can do about it, boss. hey chief? fuck you.

>> No.53368379

Not the worst thing in the world dude

>> No.53368417
File: 126 KB, 345x337, 1673395886178541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bend the knee. my liege

>> No.53368425

David Crosby, the biggest drug addict who ever lived, just died at 81 and was playing concerts until last year. Modern medical tech is pretty good if you got the money and you can live well into your 80s.

>> No.53368453
File: 21 KB, 620x310, 1665787654174478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QRD bro? I have an electric distiller but it gets so dirty from the water every time and I want more volume.

>> No.53368492

Good for you. After you empty that bottle you can piss in it so you won't have to get up you lazy fucking American. Mexicans working atleast 3 to 4 jobs in a day with no rest. I've never heared any Mexican complain or beeing tired.

>> No.53368510

Just like you've never heard any other animal complain about being tired

>> No.53368517

You can be viable in your 70s

>> No.53368529

soda is liquid slavery

>> No.53368540

The sleepy Mexican is a stereotype for a reason, Javier

>> No.53368564

Unironically Yes. The wagie deserves his indignation by virtue of his acceptance of the humiliation.

>> No.53368643

>this is what it's all about
I don't know but that is an interesting desk thing there he has for his screens.

Edit: Thanks for the gold stranger!

>> No.53368893

You just know he kept checking his reddit thread over and over instead of playing the game for more than 10 minutes at a time.

>> No.53369222

Just like my 4chan updoots.

>> No.53369349


>> No.53369408

so it's when goyslop still had flavor?

>> No.53370147

A vegan oat milk latte for faggot (You) is up!

>> No.53370191

Why is the crust on that pizza so fucking huge?

>> No.53370212

Imagine letting all the heat out of the pizza box.

>> No.53370328

Ironically enough you faggots have more in common with this goyslop enthusiast than you do with anyone who lives a 'normal' life.

>> No.53370364

Should I make it I will do nothing but sit around ordering fud off grubhub and watching movies and playing videogames forever.
Fuck jews, fuck waging and fuck jannies.

>> No.53370388

>wage all day for mr.goldberg
>return your wages to mr.goldberg by purchasing goyslop
Yes, keeping the stupid consumer slavery system going to what it is all about

>> No.53370455

why do you always post this image?

>> No.53370466

also please post it more often she (man) is cute!

>> No.53370490

Based anon. Good attitude to have. Life's meaning is what you give to it.

>> No.53370505

>come home to a clean house, loving wife and children
>come home to a messy goybox and goyslop

how did this happen

>> No.53370526

>worked all day
>time to consoom goyslop
>time to waste time consooming vidya and tv
>time to never improve my life
>go back to same job on monday

repeat for 50 years. what a loser that guy is.

you had a hard day? congrats. people have those all the time and still work on improving themselves. you don't need to fucking rest after a single day of work. rest when you're 65. people are too soft nowadays.

>> No.53370528

nice leg

>> No.53370757

>people have hard days all the time and still work on improving themselves
Yeah bro, after I work 12 hours I'm gonna go home and take a cold shower before I go suck off Mr. Sheckelstein again instead of taking a break. Don't get me wrong, he probably should cook some good himself instead of the goyslop, but please enlighten us on what sophisticated hobbies you enjoy doing after a long day

>> No.53370789

AI is going to make crazy QoL and life expectancy improvements in the next 50 years. If you're not minmaxxing your health right now you're a retard.

>> No.53370798

Any health minmaxing tips?

>> No.53370816

Moderate exercise
Intermittent fasting
No sugar
No meme protein-only diets.
Regular checkups
Social life
Good sleep

>> No.53370889
File: 75 KB, 1028x999, wage frog 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw he's right
>wake up and feed pet
>go home
>jerk off to vile horrible things
>eat high sodium, high carb slop
>wash down with corn syrup
>go on 4chan until 2:00-4:00 A.M.
Are cooming and 4channing really all that different?

>> No.53371022
File: 589 KB, 828x824, 1667623854112106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53371097

Post your biceps or shut the fuck up

>> No.53371114

pizza is goyslop now, how can u be this retarded?

>> No.53371126

why not both? /trash/ is a great board

>> No.53371135

>just eat beans and save every penny you have to put it in crypto bro

enjoy feeding chinks' luxury obsession I guess.

>> No.53371536


>> No.53371770

Literally doesn't matter at all. You make decisions based on who you are in all cases. Nihilists are retarded faggots.

>> No.53371785

>he knows
also thank you for using my pepe creation anon.

>> No.53371806

Go back where you came from OP. You are worse than twitter screenshot posters.
How is this related to biz and why is this on /biz/? If I wanted to see reddit posts and discuss it, I would go to reddtid.

>> No.53371876

because it's le funny

>> No.53372270

>But free will is probably a lie - if for example you have an IQ of 85 how free are you exactly? I think self awareness and free will are a package deal. Can't have one without the other.

85 IQ people are actually the most free will people of them all because they live life like it has no consequences. They just do things they want to do.