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53360281 No.53360281 [Reply] [Original]

>always buy two-day-old bread

>> No.53360331

I wonder when Dave's next out of touch rant will happen.

>> No.53360433

when does his show start? we should call in and ask him why he shills loaded funds that underperform index funds

>> No.53360492

Looks like it runs 2 to 5 pm ET.

>> No.53360513

what's a good list of things to ask him about?
or call in and say you went into massive debt buy purchasing only fans content or some stupid shit lol

>> No.53360523

That would work if you only used it for french toast

>> No.53360551
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he has no purpose if people aren't a hop, skip, and a jump away from the poor house...

>> No.53360623

Fucking Kek
Dave is based tho, and hates the JEWS

>> No.53360639
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>Use your soda bottle as a shower head
>Dont buy fruits at the store, forage for fruits in the forest with your wife
>Wash your dishes in the toilet to save on water

>> No.53360670

>hates the jews
he seems like the typical conservative zionist

>> No.53360690

never watched this guy, but I'm gathering he's all about saving money and budgeting. You can't get rich doing that, just be king of the wageslaves

>> No.53360695

My ass. But listen to how much he hates debt. He's Def got a Hitler shrine in one of his many basements

>> No.53360709

he's christian, but doesn't get overly religious in his shows. but based on his beliefs, i'd venture to say that he's an israel lover

>> No.53360748
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>Just use your son's bike to deliver pizzas
>Just mow your neighbor's lawn for some extra money and take the grass clippings with you to put on your rice and beans

>> No.53361061


>> No.53361396


>> No.53361474

Hitler was Christian

>> No.53361504


>> No.53361548

To be fair, he has touched grass.

>> No.53361570

why is he so anti multi generational living? does he not realize that's how asians are stacking cash by all living together under one roof and splitting expenses?

>> No.53361571

>buy a used car that needs to be repaired weekly and will always be uninspectable no matter what you do.

>> No.53361645

Because there is real value in making it in your own. It's called a Right of Passage and you cannot enter manhood living in your mommy and daddy's house. No amount of saving money can buy that experience for you.

>> No.53361878

I would much rather my two kids stay at home as long as they need to while saving up $ instead of becoming a slave to mr shekelstein.

>> No.53361919

Honestly, as someone fairly well-off I think people should focus on income and not worry about saving or expenses. This is why people stay poor.

>> No.53361928

>t. mortimer coinblatt, landlord

>> No.53361969

well, if you can't raise your income the only other option is to reduce expenses to give you more $ to put in savings or investments.

>> No.53362069

exactly. I would much rather help my kids out instead of making them a slave.

>> No.53362087

>you don't need the clock at night. take those batteries out

>> No.53362248
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Please Do this
We need to organize a Raid on this

>> No.53362267

what is some good questions to ask him?

>> No.53362349


>> No.53362414

You'd coddle them into being less of a man than yourself. Sad.

Cope, lifelong rentoid. I'm not even suggesting young men rent forever- Just long enough in their young adulthood to pick up life skills and make it on their own.

>> No.53362478
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Ask him why Whites are the only group of people who are expected to throw their kids out at 18,
That the Asians do not do this,
I (Myself.. Anon) am married to an AZN, and I can tell you, they all stay at home and work on their advanced degrees while saving up hundreds of thousands of dollars together
The Jews do this too, Why do the Jews not through their Kids out at 18 like Whites Do

>> No.53362523
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he's right. also if you aren't at least your expected net worth for your age, you don't deserve fresh bread

>> No.53362525

I made that point up here. I know asians do this. they also pool their money and buy up commercial real estate.

>> No.53362624

30-34 bros, I don't feel so good

>> No.53362642

living with your parents until you have enough cash to buy a home is the opposite of being a rentoid. do you have an adult learning disability?

>> No.53362705

Because (((tv shows))) in the 70s and 80s did it .

There's your answer

>> No.53362746

>suggest to a 20yo man that has never lived on his own to purchase a home effectively locking him in one location and requiring him to wageslave to make payments for the remainder of his 20s
Do YOU have an adult learning disability?

>> No.53362766

How do you lose 4 million in your early 60s?

>> No.53362804

>locked into one location
hey i got a transfer, so let me hire this thing called a realtor. hey the house I bought for 150k is now worth 175k and i only owe 140k on it since i've been paying on it for a little while

>> No.53362810

He talks to the most braindead losers that exist that don't understand basic math, basic self preservation, or anything else similar. He's 98 IQ giving advice to people that are 80 iq. The prince of manlets in money form.

>> No.53362868

What "skills" did I miss out on by moving out at 24 instead of 18?

>> No.53362929

>what are realtor fees
>what is loan amortization
Even if you could make $10 grand by owning a home in your 20s it's not worth the price of freedom to travel, learn, and fuck wherever and whenever you want.

>> No.53362986

That depends on how much you got out of your parents house and did things for yourself. Most stay safe and comfortable in the nest. Men need to struggle on their own to grow up.

>> No.53363020

I always lived with my dad until I bought the house we lived in from him because he got married, but from the time i was 16 i got a part time job and paid for all my shit. Rent was the only thing i didn't pay

>> No.53363100

Nothing wrong with that. Sounds like your Dad likely ensured you received and took on the right amount of responsibility as you grew up.

>> No.53363160

had no choice. i never went without, but i was never rich. lotta nights of ground beef and cut up potatoes on the stove. we called them "fucked up taters."

>> No.53363209

>price of freedom to travel
I got bills to pay and a job, the fuck do you mean. It's called vacation time. Not going to wait until I'm 40 to save money for retirement.
>to learn
Whatever the fuck that means. Like you can't learn when you're not working.
>what are realtor fees
>what is loan amortization
You sound broke
You realize there are people that don't want to move, and will travel in their free time if they want to. You know some people consider their home a utility and not an investment right?

>> No.53363299

I would rather increase my net worth than line shekelbergs pockets

>> No.53364059

I never said wait until you're 40.
If you never learned it, then it makes sense that you wouldn't understand what it means.
You sound like you don't understand why both of those are huge hurdles for a short term home ownership strategy for a young man.

>> No.53364252

Same poster anon
I’m at the spic restraint now on their WiFi.
I will make a jannie hate thread soon
The siblings of my wife and her , will end up buying a couple McDonald’s together.
They are
Hospital Biologist.

>> No.53364282

Only the goy fall for this
It is apart of the Jewish Debt Trap
You would think that Ramsey would tell his listeners to work as a family and save up 50% for a down payment on a home so you have a 600 a month payment that can be paid off

>> No.53364311

I found the Jew
Let me ask you something and I believe 50% of what you said is true.
Why do the Jews not behave like this ?

>> No.53364352

I believe it. And they all probable drive BMW/Lexus that are paid for.

>> No.53364457

When they found out that the Indian Family in my town, all bought the car wash, shell station, hardware store
And some others, they said they would start doing the same thing soon
Where is Dave Ramsey in all of this ?

>> No.53364531

I'm not sure. Stuck in the boomer ways of "when i was 18 i had a job at the grocery store cause I shook the managers hand and I could afford x y and z you just don't work hard enough you lazy millenial."

>> No.53364853

Vax boosters

>> No.53364873

thats based anon. Call your dad sometime

>> No.53365246

Because they put 'money' and worldly goods above all else. They don't value personal experience, they value following the same rules that have been laid out in their Talmud for thousands of years. Parasitical NPCs following dogma and programming, most of them.

>> No.53365561

I don't know why I find these so funny. I'm laughing like it's 2007 and I'm ploughing through advice dog compilations

>> No.53365649

The best way to raid a normie is through this

>berate his interests indirectly
>have him reflect on his core values with times
>manipulate his social status through shit posting directly

everyone has a weak spot of insecurity, you just have to be patient and willing to see the bullshit through it.

everyone is capable of taking a step back.

>> No.53365738

Shit on the table. It shows confidence. Don't cross your arms. Don't sit back, sit forward. Don't stare for too long 7-12 sec before looking away. If you are listening go for the 12. If you feel like masturbating ask to go to the bathroom. Don't say your worst trait is being a perfectionist. Make it something like you want to do everything yourself or that you spend too much time trying to fix something before asking for help. Tell them you hate niggers and kikes but mostly kikes with big noses and greedy fingers. When asked where you see yourself in 5 years you say working for the company but hopefully in a higher position. When they want to hear what you want to earn just be honest and realistic. Before the interview you should set an alarm clock and when it goes you should get up, take your dick out of your pants and flop it up and down exactly 3 times while counting each flop out-loud before sitting down and continuing where you left off. Don't bring in too much paperwork but have a sheet of paper for notes, a copy of your resume and a pen.

>> No.53365762
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Same, fren.