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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53355886 No.53355886 [Reply] [Original]

The FUDcucks entered this board under the rather childish delusion that they were going to FUD everyones LINK, and nobody was going to DOX them. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind.

>> No.53356046

What about the chart?

>> No.53356058


>> No.53356097

Yes, everyone who expects "investments" to be profitable or make sense is one super fudder from a twitter Screencast.
>im [this week's mysterious enemy:: transexual Thomas the Bulgarian from Celsius::] in ur base killin ur d00ds

>> No.53356108

are you that currynigger everyone is talking about?kek
post nose

>> No.53356110


>> No.53356130

Yes, I'm also somehow him too. In every thread, and every id, there's a currynigger thomas waiting to steal your lucky linkies.

>> No.53356149

No way dude that's actually me. I'm big bad curryman Thomas!

>> No.53356165

TOP KEK its actually true

>> No.53356168


>> No.53356190

Screenshot my totally legit confession and use it to try to get dummies to buy your pricechecker token bags. That'll show dad that you're not a retard!

>> No.53356234

there is also the polackmullato that whines about not being 100% white.
another subhuman LINK fudder that was exposed.

I can just dig in your post history and keep making funny collages exposing you and your faggot friends for the retarded Loser subhumans that you are.
how about that?

>> No.53356239
File: 93 KB, 764x612, 2E4B5CDC-4AE9-4215-8819-D2CD6AC1ACA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I’m afraid you’re a Link cuckøld

>> No.53356253
File: 564 KB, 1111x1195, 0DDEA4A9-C506-4222-AB50-F5A0BB156011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That thread was proven to be fake

Link Marines are truly low IQ streetshitters who can’t even “hack”

>> No.53356262

>currynigger still in damage control mode
LMAO nothing was proven fake. TRY HARDER CURRYNIGGER.
is that all you got?

>> No.53356299

>I can just dig in your post history
Impossible. I'm everyone who's ever fudded your bad investment. I AM LEGUME. I'm an Indian Bulgarian Celsius Hedgie with a fronthole on telegram. I'm Thomas the Masturbator. I'm the whales accumulating. I'm a /pol/cel microdick that hates blue cubes! I'm a witnet shill spreading pilpul. I'm Tom Gonsers back for revenge! I'm Goldman Sachs keeping you from entering the citadel.

I'm everyone but Sergey dumping 50million tokens per week. He's the only friend you have left.

>> No.53356303

what's wrong streetshitter, tired of being called out? lmfao

>> No.53356331

cope more currynigger. you are finished.
why are you insulting your people currynigger?

>> No.53356341

> no u
this is all this retarded has left at this point
keep posting and showing everyone how deranged you are, it's both pathetic and fascinating

>> No.53356370

yes I will continue exposing you and doxing you until I have all your information.
then its gonna get real ugly for you.

>> No.53356388
File: 507 KB, 1158x734, 47E21C79-500A-466F-B39F-5D7FC36D5592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brown spic Chainlink incels acting like tough hackers
Can this get more pathetic?

>> No.53356389

Its so fucking obvious the amaterdam clan have woken up and started their daily neet grind sharing links on discord

There is nothing you can do to gain back any credibility lmao. Talking among yourselves wont solve anything

>> No.53356409

>thats the best iphone posting currynigger could come up with to explain how its not him despite everything in the archives

>> No.53356412


Man this is what utter unhinged hysterical behaviour looks like. He’s just going too far with this and only makes him look like a fucking nutter rather than make people who exposed him look bad.

>> No.53356417

Good luck! I'm behind 7 boxxies

You'll never sell your bags! Not because Sergey tricked you into locking your tokens for 2 years, but because of ME! HAHAHA. I'M EVERY LINK FUDDER. I'M THOMAS THE MASTURBATOR.


>> No.53356430


>this is a totally normal comment and sensible discussion over a cryptographic oracle project called Chainlink. Not strange or unhinged at all

>> No.53356444

hes losing it, its slowly setting in that he got exposed.
have you seen his pathetic attempts at Damage control?

>> No.53356446

This is literally the most fun I've had on this board since the candy April fools.
>teams creme supreme

>> No.53356450

he's a good anon, that tracked the bulgarians' wallets, but i agree this doxxing is going to far. Also, thomas is a funny guy, im not sure why people are offended by him. People should be more worry about the subtle fud fags.

>> No.53356457

Checked and I'm rekt!

I'm worried I'll never get you to sell your price check token bags. I better call the telegram sisters and Bulgarian hedgies for backup.

>> No.53356465


I thought oldfag was nuts, but he looks completely like a normal just angry guy compared to these losers. Honestly.
Oldfag actually fucked off after the dox, and only occasionally posts now even off trip

>> No.53356476

I'm also him. I'm assblasters angry little brother rectalexploder.

>> No.53356503


This is pure autistc humiliation lol.
Its like he got called out and is so embarrassed he cant help but keep talking and going hysterical but doesnt realise how it actually looks.

Either way, you are clearly very deprived of attention. Probably locked in a bedroom on benefits and never go outside, while your family try not to mention you to friends or relatives.

Any attention at all, even online and from humiliation is novel for you and you have an almost addiction to all this direct personal attention you are getting and seem to not know how to handle it as its likely the first time since childhood.
Your parents likely long gave up on you and dont give you even negativity attention anymore, just help hide you from society out of shame

>> No.53356514

When the 4th industrial revolution hits, I'll be alone in the citadel. All I have to do is fud to accumulate like a Scooby-Doo badguy, and my plan can't fail because Bulgaria

>> No.53356534

Sergey didn't read; always selling. I hope he dumps more so I can buy more!

>> No.53356606
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Thomas the porn engine took down the Great Reset.

Never forget

>> No.53356607

maybe its the vaccines that makes them so retarded, especially in this case.
>Its like he got called out and is so embarrassed he cant help but keep talking and going hysterical but doesnt realise how it actually looks.
thats the classic meltdown, have seen this many times.

>> No.53356647

>classic meltdown

>> No.53357454
File: 465 KB, 554x456, 678243243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankyou based Thomas

>> No.53357579

>n-no it's not real!!!1
squirm more, we enjoy it.