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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 598 KB, 761x850, run.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53353630 No.53353630 [Reply] [Original]

Lows have been already made. The time now is for the next bull run. Remember this thread and what i'm about to tell you. The global economy is going to implode very soon and no one is prepared for what's to come. Its going to be a nightmare. From now until the implosion you have to not think too far into the future and think more so between what will occur 1-2 years from now. Cash out once you obtain your wealth and obtain physical assets and a roof over your head if you do not have one. Rural is always safe. This obtaining of assets and security has to be done swiftly before your bank accounts are demolished. Not even FDIC will be able to save you. You noticed that DAVOS is shown through the mainstream media? That is because they want to let the public know what's to come. If you are able to obtain a second passport using your grandparents as ancestral proof then do so now while you can. Only those with secondary passports will be allowed to travel back to said country. That being said it gives you more leverage to get out if it has to be done. Own a bicycle and non electrical machinery. Check out how the Amish live on youtube to know what i'm talking about. Own a radio with solar charging capabilities and may god have mercy on you and your decisions.

>> No.53353663

Thank you, based schizo anon.

>> No.53353667
File: 620 KB, 1018x671, Cunt in need of correction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take meds schizo

>> No.53353671

bull run is 2024/2025

>> No.53353678

>bull run is 2024/2025
Thats exactly why it will be 2023 OR in 2026.

>> No.53353693

This isn't pol fuckface, fuck off

>> No.53353732

>death everywhere
>run for your life
>crypto bullrun in 2026

>> No.53353867

big if true

>> No.53353884

>citing a website that deleted results when it was wrong about predictions

>> No.53353890

Omg the world is going to end this time for real its over its happening

>> No.53353895

The ultimate clickbait for actual retards. Actual fake news for incel polchuds. They’re addicted to it I swear.

>> No.53354248

That would be better then a bullrun. Fuck modern society

>> No.53354387

Kys Eurocuck, Russia is going to burn the EU to the ground.

>> No.53354429

Lol ok chang. Russia is just burning its ammunition at this point

>> No.53355094
File: 91 KB, 1024x674, proxy-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do russian soldiers even get uniforms or shoes?

>> No.53355258
File: 211 KB, 1280x1920, 1673452007373169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you different from the man in the pic? You will get what you deserve. Get ready to eat bugs.

>> No.53357334

who would they sell their gas to if they did?

>> No.53357441

China, India and Brazil.

>> No.53357517
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>> No.53357599

they have their own natural resources. the only reason russia still has influence in europe is because of their gas and oil to a lesser extent. that's why glowies blew up that gas pipe. they want to finish russia off.

>> No.53357657

Both China and India don't produce enough crude. Atleast India doesn't have enough natgas. India is not very rich in natural resources and they have to import a lot of shit. India is investing into nuclear and alternative energy so that they don't have to depend on other countries for energy. As long as Russia sells oil for below spot, India will keep buying it. Basically any country that is not a puppet of the west will buy Russian oil.

>> No.53357741

that's cool and all but selling at a loss is not sustainable. i suppose everyone is trying to wear each other down and the one to come out on top will be the ones who can last the longest. one thing i agree on with you is that it's certainly not going to be europe.

>> No.53357858

That's a real shame because some of my favorite countries are Yuropoors. Germany, Denmark and Sweden. I'm an autist and I even learnt their languages and I go on /int/ and insult them and their countries and leave. I hope Europe makes it.

>> No.53358332

Das Faggot

>> No.53358383

Two more years

>> No.53358585

2 major prophets said london gets nuked by russia because they betray a secret deal made between them. germany comes out the best in ww3 (best of a fucked up lot). turkey is destroyed by a russian greek kurd/armenian/syrian/iran/leb alliance. israel is destroyed by the latter. russia meets usa at egypt and the pyranees mountains. france throws up the white flag and lets russia thru unopposed. russia is eventually stopped. germany uses worse weapons than nukes (gods rods or lazer shit?) joint tech with usa.

africa starves to death. germany sends warships to south africa to defend it.

waterborne nuke floods NY. dc gets destroyed. canada gets relief because trudeau gives up the boipuccy in montreal supermax.

>> No.53358607

siener van rensburg
alois irlmaier
st paisios

>> No.53358994

So in the words of Jim Cramer, you are telling us to buy, buy, buy, and convert the coming profits into material goods?

>> No.53359571
File: 75 KB, 795x450, ensemble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you meant to write is: the French once again side with the good guys after overthrowing their corrupt republic while judeoprotestants seethe for all eternity

>> No.53360176

2 more weeks

>> No.53360218

We Evangelion now?

>> No.53360990

Sounds interesting