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File: 295 KB, 900x1388, 1674187602096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53352951 No.53352951 [Reply] [Original]

How did chainlink get so fucked by bulgarians? How did some third world gypsies manage to crash the price and suppress it?

>> No.53352964

bulgarians > burger eating fatfuck
simple as

>> No.53352975
File: 1.56 MB, 1399x1622, 1674186358358120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek the reality is Thomas is the little polcel chud who has troubles keeping his hands off his little cock. Its fucking hilarious that the people fudding link are the polchud creatures in both mine and op's pic.

>> No.53353072
File: 691 KB, 860x895, 1674188548963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me on the top.
Seethe impotent linktard 6 years you bagheld underperforming while "subhuman" bulgarians played you and took all of your money LMAO. How did these 80 iq gypsies outsmart da crypto genius??
Link only pumped 50% during the entire bullrun while every normie coin 1000x cant imagine the pain you felt

>> No.53353423
File: 339 KB, 3618x661, LINKfudderjerksofftoniggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53353437

i get hard from 50 to 6

>> No.53353603

yea but Thomases post says otherwise. This is literal proof of a link fudding polcel chud. Like theres proof and evidence. All the shit about link shills being pol/ are just bullshit. And this is actually the worst of all polcel fudders here >>53353423.

Like you can't refute that

>> No.53353628
File: 85 KB, 522x303, 522x0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro please bro stop posting these things
The filenames and images and hashes matching exactly and being posted elsewhere on 4chan with similar writing styles is just a coincidence bro
If you dont stop im gonna become even angrier but not because its real bro

>> No.53353699

Lmao what the fuck

>> No.53353707

their reactions to it tell you all you need to know
but even before this came to light, they were still the biggest losers on the board
>your investment is shit and you're stupid
>i will literally spend over 6-12 hours a day doing posting this kind of thing on biz, even on holidays like christmas and thanksgiving
>but you're the schizo retard for holding link, and im not the schizo retard for spending my time like this

and another anon made a pretty good point
could you imagine these people trying to tell a person they know irl about how they spend their time?
thats way more embarrassing than being down on some allegedly useless shitcoin would ever be

>> No.53353857

and their gotcha to calling them out is "hahahaha i'm not a bulgarian, jeet, OR a chatGPT bot- i'm actually just some random dude who does this full time for the lulz!"
it's fucking insanity

>> No.53353865
File: 3.37 MB, 7128x4086, selfhatingpollack1resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53353868

sergey isn't a bulgarian, retard

>> No.53353992

>he thinks two posts with the same image hash means they're the same poster
kek thanks for informing us you're retarded

>> No.53354014


>> No.53354031

Massive yikes Tommyboy

>> No.53354033

The filenames are literally fucking different in the very first link (kek) he tries to draw between two separate posts.
Are you trying to suggest this Thomas purposefully changes his image filenames every time he posts? lol

>> No.53354053

whoever said that guy was thomas?
fudders themselves say that there's multiple people fudding and it's starting to become apparent that the caliber of people who waste their lives fudding link are like >>53353865 and >>53353423
you would literally be better off just telling your friends to ignore those posts and try to do your little scripts and spiels while pretending that they aren't there at this point while everyone else laughs every time they see a fud post because they already know what you're like

>> No.53354083

You Linkies have had a massive hardon (kek) for this Thomas character lately. But resorting to creating false connections between unrelated posts just stinks of desperation and cope. Took me 2 seconds to pick apart your fake evidence.

>> No.53354091

kek watch em squirm

>> No.53354103


Stop crying. You’re exposed, you mentally ill loser. Go try have sex

>> No.53354114

>b-but one the guys that fuds is called thomas so ill pretend youre talking about him
>and the filenames were different even though his point was that he found the person's posts from the first image and followed the ID to see what else he was posting in that thread
>i also don't understand image hashes
you're way too stupid to even begin to unfuck your situation, fudanon
your hobby has been ruined
fudposters are the lolcows of biz

>> No.53354123

Look at how they rage when they get exposed lol Back to your discord boys, your fake infographs that you spent hours creating are worthless lol

>> No.53354140

He literally just searched by image hash retard lol I.e. looking for a duplicate picture based on the hash. The fact that you think this means it's the same person posting just confirms you're a retard haha

>> No.53354145

you cant talk yourself out of this fudcuck

>> No.53354146

every time you make that argument
its straight back to this

>> No.53354157

See, you both know that I'm right yet you hate it so much you just have to come back seething. Just be grateful I taught you something today, so maybe next time you try to come up with an infograph it will actually contain something not so easily disproved lol

>> No.53354163



>> No.53354178
File: 938 KB, 1344x706, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-i deboonked it for real guis i did i did i did
>we had a meeting in the fud discord and this was the best we could come up with hours later
>YOU'RE seething now
anon... i

>> No.53354204

>same image hash means same person!
>w-what do you mean I'm wrong?

>> No.53354218
File: 30 KB, 480x513, youropinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53354228


Anyone else noticed these pol fud spammer losers are obsessed with bulgaria lately? Probably just one gy but atill

>> No.53354238

Yeah, your breath stinks, brush your teeth once in a while

>> No.53354276

because you guys think everyone fudding are bulgarian or some hidden society.

>> No.53354288


I have not seen one post mention bulgarians from a non fudder for weeks

>> No.53354302

come on now, there is no need to lie.