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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53347143 No.53347143 [Reply] [Original]

Zoomers may be priced out of dating.


>> No.53347208

The sad thing is simps will pay for this shit, I don’t understand why anybody would use online dating. Shit is so demoralizing

>> No.53347231

Literally who?

>> No.53347265 [DELETED] 

Twitter thread. You know what to do.

>> No.53347274

BRB taking out a loan to finance my tinder subscription.

>> No.53347276

>$500 a month for dating
you could go to vegas and get some pussy cheaper than that

>> No.53347316

how the fuck have they managed to suppress literally all competition so that this is viable? is it really that hard to release a tinder clone and not sell it to match group or whoever the fuck owns literally all of these things?

>> No.53347317

It's the same thing with OF. The dopamine hit feels so good when you get a date you have fun on, or the OF girl says your name when you cum, that you forget how much time and money (and stress, heartache, etc) you spend on it. It's addiction, simple as. These people, buyers and sellers, should unironically be placed against walls and shot at the earliest convenience.

>> No.53347320

ok why is this relevant at all? its about dating subscription prices not business nor finance. simps will pay to strike out and females wont be charged to be on the site at all.

move this thread to >>>/adv/ or >>>/r9k/ where it belongs

>> No.53347354

Only losers user tinder winners get pussy no matter what.

>> No.53347407

Nigger literally the only way ugly balding manlets have any chance at finding a hot girlfriend is to get rich and Tinder is genius for realizing this and capitalizing on it. How things currently are on online dating apps, rich ugly manlet bald bros have no way to convey their wealth other than either pics or straight up saying they're wealthy - both of which could be LARPs. Charging 500 bucks a month effectively eliminates those LARPs and makes it to where some normal ugly rich guy doesn't have to say he's rich - he literally just buys the subscription

>wahh he'll get cucked
Nigger YOU will get cucked and you're not even rich.

>wahh women only care about his money
Money = security. That's what you faggots don't get. Having wealth demonstrates your ability as a MAN to grab life by the balls and doing whatever it takes to ensure a pleasurable life - and women find that extremely attractive.

>> No.53347445

>tfw never downloaded a dating app
>tfw never donated to anyone not even twitch streamers
>tfw i dont even know how onlyfans looks like when logged in
>tfw blessed with asexuality

>> No.53347555

>it's addiction, simple as
>buyers should be shot
Huh it sounded like you were understanding there for a moment but then you said they should be killed instead of just learning to stop depending on technology/porn to feel good

>> No.53347606

But anon, didn't you hear? We live in a patriarchy

>> No.53347642

>implying poor wagecucks won't pay the $500 anyway
Imagine being this fucking clueless, you're such a fucking mouthbreathing retard

>> No.53347662

Checked, this threads attract the worst kinds of incel /pol/chuds.

>> No.53347815

I am implying 99.99% of poorfags will not consistently pay $500 a month for this type of access and I guarantee their profile will have something along the lines of a "member for x amount of months" to filter the poorfags who pay $500 for one month.

I know this may be hard for you to believe but just because you are some weird ass nerd who would pay $500/month to LARP does not mean a bunch of other people also would.

>> No.53348076

There will absolutely be retards that make $20k a year as gas station employees buying this shit, who can afford it because they live with their parents or something. Never underestimate how retarded zoomers are with money.

>just because you are some weird ass nerd who would pay $500/month to LARP does not mean a bunch of other people also would

It’s not LARPing if it confers a genuine advantage.

>> No.53348139

This. A homeless guy panhandling on the corner for money can scrape together $500 dollars to fuck a skank on tinder. They should have made it $10,000 a year so that the stupid broke wagie losers don't have a chance to mate. Let nature cull the poorfags and raise the rate

>> No.53348143


Problem is if you’re paying the $500 a mo to LARP then as soon as the girl actually meets up with you she’ll realize you aren’t rich. If you can displays wealth in other ways then it could actually be helpful to rich guys

>> No.53348194

Yea but what guy with actual money is going to go around telling skanks that hes rich or worth millions? Thats a fast way to getting cleaned out. If I had that kind of money and was looking for a woman in todays society, I would want Tinder to have some kind of form or verification that the female signs so she cant try some shit like try to take some semen from a used condom and try to get child support or something. Gold diggers are cancer

>> No.53348197
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Ah, its the usual suspects

>> No.53348344

Just give up on women by this point. There's no such thing as unconditional love. They just want you for what you can provide. Once you can't provide whatever you're providing anymore, they will move on to the next guy. It doesn't even matter if you're a chad or rich or whatever. There's always someone better looking someone richer. And even if you're the richest chaddest man alive the idea they're only with you because of your riches and looks should make you feel bad by itself. There's no win. Why would you pursue something you already know is 99% is going to fail in a matter of time. Times have changed the damage is done. Just sit back laugh and enjoy the show.

>> No.53348372

You're saying "Zoomers may be priced out of dating." and laughing. But you're the biggest loser paying $500 a month for a chance of getting with a ran through roastie lmao.

Just focus on yourself. If you're really horny just jerk off.

>> No.53348389

You can use the TCO of a Tinder account as a pretty good leading proxy for civil unrest, though it's unclear by how much.

>> No.53348574

$20k a year = $330/week after taxes. There is ZERO % chance any noticeable amount of losers is going to dump $500/month on Tinder. You act like my post falls apart if one of two poorfag retards dumps 50% of their monthly net income on tinder. I guarantee their presence makes up less than 1% of the people who pay this sort of money.

Also, this would grant them a match, possibly a date. Nothing more. Nothing less. If some LARPing poorfag meets up with a girl and hops into a fuckin Carolla, she's going to dip.

Both of you are smack dab in the middle of the IQ bell curve. Just smart enough to come up with retarded scenarios that don't male a lick of sense when any sort of critical thinking is applied. Just watch. You'll probably make up something about how this "$20k a year" person will now rent a Porsche or shift your goalposts and now say he makes $40k a year

>> No.53348621

first of all, you actually can't, but that doesn't even matter because obviously this would be some hyper-premium membership and not the cost every tinder user is going to have to pay lol

>> No.53348696

>obviously this would be some hyper-premium membership and not the cost every tinder user is going to have to pay lol
Yes, I agree. Yeah, I was wrong, what I should've said was "the user-weighted average TCO". My reasoning being that it, if not linearly, the money people are willing to spend (PPP-adjusted) maps monotonically onto the degree of overall social tension due to sexlessness.

>> No.53348710

Not even richfags will pay $500 a month...

>> No.53348745

yeah i see what you're getting at, if you averaged that across all popular dating apps it would actually map onto (male) social discontent quite well

>> No.53348771
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I think it has an interesting business side roastie.

Bullish for the parent company Match

>> No.53348795

>get matches
>Talk to matches
>Get unmatched

Is this the power of personality?

>> No.53348804

Literally acts as a advertise expense for you.

Rich fags would use it but super rich fags are already shitting on thots in dubai.

>> No.53348870
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Nah, they're basically all carbon copies of each other and they all have the same users anyways. The money is too good for the grifters to stay independent. The people you see on Tinder, Bumble and Hinge, are the same people you see on MeetMe, POF and Boo anyways.

I've heard it's insanely worse now though. I had Tinder from ages 21 - 23. I personally didn't have problems attracting women, but a lot of it really is scrapping the bottom of the barrel. Even the good looking women are nuts. Always in debt, have kids, weird history that doesn't add up, shitty personalities, drug users, most of them are leftists, etc. And that was 5 - 7 years ago. I've heard it's 100x worse now, for both men and women.

>> No.53348947
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>read a crypto thread
>everyone is a genius and a millionaire!
>read the stock market general thread
>everyone is an adrenaline-junkie daytrader and a millionaire!
>read a premium subscription service thread targeting the upper-middle class
>suddenly everyone on /biz/ is poor and this is crazy expensive what the fuck reeeeeeee

>> No.53348952

this is dumb af

platinium is at 50$ per month and most of men stick to gold

500$ kek you guys are deluded

>> No.53348966

boomers going to get all the zoomer girls

>> No.53348996

It used to be better. I fucked 50+ girls during the 2010's all from tinder, bumble, hinge, okcupid, and plenty of fish. It used to be so easy. Now it kind of sucks, I haven't had any success in a while.

>> No.53349019

you could pay for a real matchmaking service at that price point

>> No.53349031


I even got my first long term gf from Tinder in 2015

>> No.53349643

its like the incels arent wrong about women, but desu its all just panning for gold. 98% of women are fat, ugly, petmoms, too much makeup, crazy eyes etc. but there are still
gems to be found it just takes work and time. ive seen multiple ugly sperg retards get big titty nerd gfs.

>> No.53349685

theres already tinder for rich people

>> No.53349696
File: 321 KB, 990x555, Capture d’écran 2023-01-18 à 16.31.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not working for you

>> No.53350318
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I've never used Dating apps or Tinder
what am i missing?

>> No.53350324


>> No.53350337

tu es penible

>> No.53350340

Of course anon

>> No.53350351

I feel so bad for kids growing up in this always-connected culture where everyone has a smartphone ready to pull out of their pocket and start recording everyone. Always online, always using these social media apps, etc.. You'll never find a quality relationship that way

I used to have girls in my friend group / neighborhood who would flirt with me then as I was walking away they would shout things like "You're fucking sexy!"

hard to imagine that shit happening with the way things are now, most girls would probably feel to embarrassed that someone might be recording them or something idk

>> No.53350473

Let me guess- the females get in for free though. Just like a club or a bar.

>> No.53350512

>The dopamine hit feels so good when you get a date you have fun on, or the OF girl says your name when you cum, that you forget how much time and money (and stress, heartache, etc) you spend on it. It's addiction, simple as.
This is true, but it's true for literally all romantic/sexual relationships with women. Exact same dynamic with your gf/wife.

>> No.53350529

c'est un homme

>> No.53350553

I remember goimg to a club in costa rica like that. The girls were all hookers though

>> No.53350559

Gas the jewish system

>> No.53350591
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>> No.53350598

One big problem with this idea is that buying a $500 Tinder subscription doesn't even guarantee that you'll get matches, let alone dates. I paid for a premium account for a month once to try and boost my exposure and see who was liking me and in the whole month I only got likes from fat ugly girls while matching with exactly zero hot women. Throwing more money at Tinder won't change that.

Unless a $500 subscription gets you a complimentary night with a prostitute each month you'd have to be fucking retarded to buy it.

>> No.53350712
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>> No.53350931
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I think it's based on this painting, but I can't get past the endless hilarity of these reimaginings.

>> No.53351033

How do you not get tired of fucking random roasties? You write with them, meet up, fuck for 2-3 months, probably fight, fuck last time, block number and it’s all over again. Literally forget her in 2 months and she wouldn’t give 2 fucks about you, she is premiscous and will find and fuck a new guy again

How does one not get tired about this, and faces a double edged shotgun if you face this reality as your reality? Whores leaving your life, you pretend you figured it out, but In the end you are alone again
It’s the same as you use a human as a porn Jack off sock you nut into
What kind of bleak existence is that

>> No.53351277

>you're supposed to pay 500 dollars a month in order to be able to submit your carefully arranged dating resume to the pile of literally thousands of other resumes across several dating apps and then hope to be selected for 'interview' by some totally average chick demanding the attractiveness equivalent of a PhD and $300k+ per annum with 10 years industry leading experience for an entry level intern position.

>> No.53351283

Is that a new 9:00 MID WRIGGLER?

>> No.53351414
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>> No.53351474
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>> No.53351509

Nowadays women don’t need to put in any effort to get male attention because of the infinite validation they get from social media, what’s worse is it also hyper inflated their egos and they think they are worthy of only the top 5% of men despite most women being between a 4-6/10

>> No.53351568

>how do u not get tired of fucking loose women brooo
does jerking off ever get old? getting laid on dating apps is not that hard.

>> No.53351642
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>Having wealth demonstrates your ability as a MAN to grab life by the balls and doing whatever it takes to ensure a pleasurable life

>> No.53351680

What retard would pay for tinder? Paying money to a dating app won't magically make women find you attractive

>> No.53351733

I know a chick who has a bunch of dudes in her phone with names like
>Mike (free booze)
>Jim (free weed)
>Mathias (free movie tickets)
She basically uses Tinder as a way to scout free stuff in exchange for the occasional handjob. A guy dumped her because he saw she listed him in her phone as "Rob (free car rides)"

>> No.53351749

richfags can pay 50k+ a year for exclusive matchmaking services

>> No.53351760
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>entire generation priced out of homes and dating
what happens when they grow up?

>> No.53351771

>I haven't had any success in a while.
you're 13 years older

>> No.53352199

>He's not LARPing as a new character with a unique personality to display the entire spectrum of human emotion in every single thread

>> No.53352216

Because actual women make up less than 10% of the userbase. Tinder is nothing but bots and poojeet men. Bumble is just trannies and single mothers. PoF and other dating sites are just 40 year old delusional women staring into the abyss.

>> No.53352235

Youre part of the problem
Anyway should i download dating apps, im thinking about doing it for 5 years but never did

>> No.53352241

Is it proper etiquette to use condom, when I tried masturbating with a condom out of curiosity I couldn't feel anything. I'm a virgin btw

>> No.53352746

I'm lower upper class and I wouldn't throw money around on crap like this.

>> No.53352839

Sounds like a dicklet

>> No.53352876

>Dating apps when they released: If you didn't meet in person, you could still match like crazy and troll women without repercussion
>Apps go public/corporatized

>> No.53352892

Most women put in 10x the effort men do to their social media even if it's just low effort shots of their fat ass out with friends.

Most men have social media accounts that are exactly as barren and devoid of personality as their actual social lives, which is why they can't get dates.

No woman wants, or should want a friendless shut in loser who only larps as being social for a few pictures on his dating profile, but is actual school shooter tier schizo in reality.

The fat retards you see getting with women are probably social people and have a network and friends and stuff they do and enjoy. The difference between you and them is they actually have a life, even if they are dumb and fat, it's more than you have.

You don't deserve a mate if you refuse to engage in whatever the contemporary form of courtship is. It's that simple.

>> No.53352907

If a woman wants you to wear a condom it means she doesn't actually like you. If she refuses to accept your sperm in her cunt it means she isn't attracted to you and doesn't respect you.

Reducing intimacy to rubbing against a latex barrier is an abomination.

>> No.53352955
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Lmao I haven't seen these ones yet

>> No.53353162

So because we have a low follower count we should be happy to get by living off your scraps, the women you don't want? No shot. Mediocre social media presence, being a bit of a recluse, or being a bit of sperg shouldn't prohibit someone from having a realistic chance and finding love and starting a family.

I mean if it's over for us then it's over you too. Demographics can't just shrink indefinitely with no consequences.

>> No.53353182

i would buy this if it actually worked at getting me a gf. But Idk how theyd do that. I already have platinum and women wont get to know me, so I dont see how paying more would get me that. what features would it give?

>> No.53353746

I was having sex with a slut within 24 hours of installing tinder. Zero effort

>> No.53353767

I’d rather spend $40 on a gift card so I can subscribe for a month of CasualSexOnly com’s VIP service which I use to fuck women over the age of 40s and GILFs
Oh wait, I already do that :)

>> No.53354564

>Shit is so demoralizing

lmao spotted the ugly dude

tinder and bumble literally made it possible for me to fuck over a 100 chicks. Yes, 100+ easily you read that right.

What does it cost me?

Well sometimes when im drunk and bored I pay for those boosts so I get even more matches. But I have gotten plenty of matches without paying a dime to tinder too. I usually pick girls up and go on a walk close to my house and then just say shit like "Oh we could also do this at mine its 5 minutes away bbla bla" and then I fuck them.

Occasionally when you have a difficult girl you pay for coffee. And of course you pay for gas expenses.

So if I do the math: Coffee + gas + occasional boost is still fucking nothing compared to whatr it would have cost you to fuck 100 prostitutes. And prostitutes are disgusting.

So cope more retard

unless you are ugly or a actual mongoloid tinder and bumble is the best app you can have on your phone if you want to fuck as many girls as possible

>It's the same thing with OF.

The fact that you are even on OF should mean you should kys

>Only losers user tinder

Funny, most sexless losers I know don't wanna go on tinder. They still have their brain where it was 10 years ago and think its scary and dirty eventhough now a days 60%+ of all new relationships start through online dating


I wouldnt pay 500 a month for tinder, or even pay at all. Its just that im impatient and dont wanna wait 24hours between swiping. So paying 10 or 20 bucks every now and then so its much easier getting laid is literally nothing compared to regular dating

Anyway you are all faggots

t. tinder/bumble/happn chad

>> No.53354645

truest thing on 4chan right now

>> No.53354651

This is all women. She's just more honest (with herself) about it.

>> No.53354750

The subscription fee is only for men though right? Otherwise this would just kill Tinder. Sort of how night clubs let hot women in for free.

>> No.53354773

This is bullish because we all know zoomers will pay

>> No.53354859

imagine paying for the modern day version of those pathetic newspaper personal ads from the 90s. Maybe pay for boosts because the entire purpose of these apps is to hide your profile after an initial burst. Women don't notice it because every guy swipes right and rejects them later.

ngmi with these fucking stupid apps. Opinion adjusted for living in a small town.

>> No.53354872

Based role-player

>> No.53354948
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should I get cosmetic surgery to attract f*males?

>> No.53354991

the schadenfreude of watching zoomies suffer is amazing

>> No.53355000

Yes, bbc implants with enhanced melanin

>> No.53355001

i met my wife 8 years ago on plenty of fish. but that was 8 years ago. i don’t know what the landscape is like these days. god speed single anons

>> No.53356434
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I'm already invisible to women.

>> No.53356461

I really like this image
Stare at it while listening to Cookin Soul - Consensualrap, so chill

>> No.53356554
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Last I read on the subject there's barely any real women on Tinder anymore. Simps are either paying to fight over the remaining scraps, or paying to get ghosted by fake, employee-made, profiles.

Either way I win, cause I hate women and the simps who enable them.

>> No.53356792

How's the child support going?

>> No.53356820

This one is great lmfao

>> No.53357069
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>> No.53357101

This thread shows that there's no hope for most men in the current meta. Like that dude above, I can install tinder post two pics and get as many matches from an endless cavalcade of 19yos as I want. I have a higher bodycount than like 10 generations of my ancestors going back combined. I don't know what to tell you bros, sucks to lose the facial genetics lottery I guess lmao.

>> No.53357197


Very smart actually, a strong display of fuck you money. A way to wear your money on your profile without actually saying it.

Actually a genius sales strat

>> No.53357308

If you want to get technical about it, sex with a condom isn't actually sex. When you wear a condom your penis never actually touches the vagina, so if a man has only ever had sex with a condom on he's actually still a virgin. I'm a rabbi who basically never loses debates and BTFOd a few people on this topic.

>> No.53357318

How you set up your profile? I've gotten matches but never paid for it. Managed to fuck up my replies and they disappeared from the app

You use pro photos? Was thinking of using a photo of me dressed as a stiff, taking business photos soon. Not sure if the girls I'm looking for are into successful looking types, not applying for a job you know but maybe it's good to look employable?

>> No.53358324

Type some more shit you boring schizophrenic retard

>> No.53358340

>Redditors when they have fucked 2 fat women in open poly relationships

>> No.53358516
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>be under 6 ft
>get no matches
>that will be $500

>> No.53358555
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>> No.53358563


Yes it's very telling that they won't release user stats anymore. I'm guessing they have a ton of bots and fake profiles to show "engagement" when there's no real users.

>> No.53358598


>> No.53358703

I'm 28, did I miss the boat on this? Can I still get women under 25 or will I just get leftovers?

>> No.53358732

How else are you supposed to find a mate in this day and age? I found my current gf on Bumble.

>> No.53358759
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Sure you did

>> No.53358826
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And I didn't spend a dime on the app. Bumble actually paid me in a lawsuit settlement a year after I deleted the app LMAO

>> No.53358878


What did you buy with it?

>> No.53358917


>mansour v bumble

good morning sirs

>> No.53358975

What a strange question. Is it usual for you to spend any amount of money you get unexpectedly?

>> No.53359028

wtf did you even go to court over?

>> No.53359078

No. It's a class action lawsuit. All I had to do was fill out my information on some website. I technically didn't qualify since I'm not a resident of California and I never bought whatever it is they were ripping people off with but I got some money anyway.

>> No.53359086


>> No.53359103

Get help
It’s going to be 45 year old men and 30 year old women

>> No.53359127

for 500 dollars I expect to be able to pick them out of a catalog

>> No.53359168

Millionaires are rich because they save and earn. They have brains also and know when things are expensive even if they can afford it. If 1 egg is priced at $10 each we can all afford it but know it’s expensive
It’s very likely 90% of biz posters are atleast 7 figs

>> No.53359231

So I assume the men are fingered through payment but would the women be filter through some other means?
>have to be 8-10
>have to be <30
>have to be under X weight
Just not sure how this model would be any different from using regular tinder and putting pics of you skiing, on a sail boat, doing some other rich shit and writing whatever you want in the profile to show you’re a rich fag and have access to the exact same women anyway.
Like if someone is already successful on tinder because they’re rich what will be different about this other one?

>> No.53359243
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>90% of biz posters are 7 figs

>> No.53359441

ive built a tinder clone but with some different stuff, and im entering the market now.
what features do you guys fucking want? im just looking to make it - wats tinder missing that you would pay for it?
its also for making friends and business connections, but so far most users i get are desperate niggers with ugly pictures looking for women.

>> No.53359449

Yep, that's why I'm here.

>> No.53359502

>There's no such thing as unconditional love
did you think there ever was?

>> No.53359518


I think online dating is on its way out.

>> No.53359530


People are raised on fairy tale bullshit but marriage is largely cold and transactional. You can tell you're talking to a child or an idiot when they spout off about "love."

If women love you unconditionally there wouldn't be a trillion dollar divorce industry.

>> No.53359562

zoomers don't have the balls to fuck prostitutes, they've been conditioned to sending money to online whores for reading their names in chat out loud

>> No.53359598

Unconditional love is unironically a pretty entitled idea. For example, would you love a woman unconditionally? If she was whiny, entitled, ugly, dumb? No, you love women on the 'condition' that they are hot, nice, sweet, smart, whatever.
And women have even higher conditions for men because by nature we're supposed to provide for them. Sure, some women are stupid and have no impulse control and get knocked up- that's not unconditional love.
Love definitely exists but it's hard to love someone with no love-able attributes. And women are way more harsh about this than we are

>> No.53359602

Yeah, it was innovative but now there's no way to continue innovating without weird and stupid gimmicks.

>> No.53359612

I say it's 'entitled' because you hear guys saying this a lot who feel they must be loved unconditionally just for 'who they are' whatever that means, as if women don't just pick whoever they find most attractive

>> No.53359627

I don't think it's on its way out, because it's the best way for women to date, and they set the terms. It's the place where they get to sit back and pick whoever they want. If we went back to irl dating they'd have to deal with 3 guys a week talking to them and trying to get their attention. They will never leave apps

>> No.53359641


Well and also they only expect to be loved unconditionally but put massive conditions on everyone else. It's a silly and entitled mindset to think that you have to bring nothing to the table but you expect everyone else to.

>> No.53359671

I think this mindset comes from movies and being told you're special a lot. Midwit take maybe, but movies for teenage boys are full of lame geeks getting the most beautiful girl at the end. I honestly think that has some effect, well, that plus young ppl being coddled these days

>> No.53359685

If you make Tinder with all the paid features for free, and without gimped functionality then you have a chance, if you can reach a wider audience.

Current dating apps suck because their goal is only to turn a profit. Turning a profit is fine, but luring people in with the premise that you care about them finding relationships is scummy, but that's Match Group for you.

Like sell it as what it is and be honest that the app doesn't fulfill its intended function without a subscription/micropayments. The function of the apps is ultimately to show profiles to more people vs. actually matching people with suitable matches. Everything else is up to someone liking your photos. Not your personality, not your presence -- your photos.

>> No.53359703

Lots of people on those apps are a fucking mess, idk.

>> No.53359719

>Love definitely exists
it does, but as you point out, people who think unconditional love does exist do not themselves love anything unconditionally.

>> No.53359771

nice blog, faggot
this, there's a reason you don't see other whites often, its an algorithm
don't waste your time its totally kiked. their purpose now is to make money and create degens

>> No.53359782

Well psychologically, most (a lot of?) people have this child in them that feels it's special and deserves the world. To put it in other words, they're entitled. I think that's natural, and why so many people not so secretly feel they just deserve a hot nice sweet girlfriend- because they just deserve to be loved unconditionally, and cannot mentally form the idea that maybe they're just not that special

>> No.53359904

Holy fuck lurk moar

>> No.53359942

speaking psychologically I wish people would more and more come to the realization that what they feel as love is a part of themselves, and take back the projection.

>> No.53359953

What are examples of Tinder's gimped functionality?
If it's that it's hard for guys to find matches, I can try to control the ratio by advertising to women a lot more than men.
I'm already highlighting the bios as much as the photos so it's not purely photo based.
I also might add user avatars in the future because most people's photos are shit, and charge for putting hats on your avatar and shit.

>> No.53359964

No they won't. You're seriously believing they will be able to keep up with such a hefty monthly fee for long and you're full of shit for it.

>> No.53360066

After you sign up, you're shown to a lot of users initially and it dies off within a day or two. After that they start prompting you to buy boosts.

If you swipe right on a "popular user" which exists but is an oxymoron on any dating app, they tell you to buy a superlike instead. The only way to get around that is matching with a few people like that they it will stop with the prompts.

Other things include disappearing matches/chats. And just general condescension. Like telling someone they missed a match if they swiped left on someone they're not interested in. I guess the point of that is to sell Tinder gold. But all these ways of selling in the app are tacked on and really don't make any sense.

They're telling you that paying for features will increase your desirability but it won't. I think any dating app needs to treat its users like children. Bumble does this but it obviously sucks ass.

And then after getting matches, having conversations and going on dates is another hurdle. I've even met women who've said that Tinder is not a good way to meet people, or they meet a bunch of guys that they're incompatible with.

>> No.53360091

What a travesty of a generation Gen X created.

>> No.53360168

ok, at least i wont do anything as bad as all that greedy pay to win shit
its fucked up how those apps work, theyre just maximizing short term profits but hopefully people stop using them when something better comes along.
i guess thats why match group buys all the competition, they basically want to fuck up dating for the average guy even more than it already is.

>> No.53360184


>> No.53360237

Yeah, for sure. They've gamified dating for profit but dating doesn't need to be any more gamified than it is, its difficult for everybody.

I think the industry is ready for disruption but I'm not sure how. More gamification is not the way, maybe a better Plenty of Fish could be a good idea vs. all these swipe clones.

I just saw a dating app for single parents called Stir by the way. But it seems to be a steaming pile of shit too. I was on there to see the absolute state of single mothers.

>> No.53360242


That's because they build the apps with "engagement" as the aim rather than matching people. They want you to keep using the app and buying boosts they could give a fuck if you actually meet someone.

So it's all bots and spammed ads.

>> No.53360258


>I was on there to see the absolute state of single mothers.

Oh yeah. The pure delusions of a woman that has nothing to offer except a blown out pussy, a mountain of debt, and a half nigger baby saying that she's not going to settle is like a schadenfreude buffet.

>> No.53360262

>a dating app for single parents
I wonder if they let you filter out coal burners...

>> No.53360272

this thread is almost 24 hours old lol

>> No.53360274

If they don’t put an icon on your profile for paying the $500 then nobody will do it regardless of the features they’re offering. Obviously the point is to show women that you are paying $500 for tinder, meaning you’re rich. They should probably even include a number beside it showing how many months you’ve been a $500 subscriber so the girl knows you didn’t just pay for one month hoping to match with as many girls as possible and then immediately cancel. They’re basically trying to compete with the sugar dating sites with this feature, although as a publicly traded company they could never come out and say this. They’re trying to walk a fine line where they say they’re just offering premium services to high paying users but in practice sugar babies and sugar daddies use this feature to find each other.

>> No.53360279

Just be handsome and then you won't have these problems. It's that easy!

>> No.53360283

you can usually tell by her pics if she burns

>> No.53360298

>Oh yeah. The pure delusions of a woman that has nothing to offer except a blown out pussy, a mountain of debt, and a half nigger baby saying that she's not going to settle is like a schadenfreude buffet.
She was hot when she was 18 before she fell for the BBC meme. It's like a boomer with a house that was 2 million dollaridoos last year and now no one is buying anymore so it's more like 1.5 million, but boomie 'knows what he's got' so he won't sell for less. And his daughter is a disgusting coalburner with a little black mutt for a grandkid LOL.

>> No.53360321

>Nah, they're basically all carbon copies of each other and they all have the same users anyways

this is my point, they're all the same app owned by the same parent company, i don't understand how no one can break into the market.

as for it being worse can confirm. 33 year old boomer who has taken care of himself, look young for my age, moderately good looking, have a number of qualities that make me appealing otherwise. the general experience (not in a city) is a match every few days or so but as far as matches i'd even consider messaging its like once a month i'll see a woman that isn't a total fuck up. i cant remember when i started using these apps but it was significantly better even when i was a colossal loser by womens standards. women have no excuse tho lol if they're having trouble finding a man that will stick around that is exclusively because they are trash/have poor judgement and keep getting pumped and dumped because of said poor judgement.

>>suddenly everyone on /biz/ is poor and this is crazy expensive what the fuck reeeeeeee
presumably troll but in case you're not explain how 500usd subscription makes sense when you can just get an escort for that price. its retarded all around. the only argument is you can signal wealth which imo is a huge fucking trap. you will 100% attract the wrong kind of women. if you are giving women any money at all before you are sleeping with them you goofed bigly.

>> No.53360327

I use it strictly to reject anyone who displays interest in me, whether hot ugly or in between. I respond to no one

>> No.53360442

based department called for (You)

>> No.53360477

post screenshots of the desparation

>> No.53360897

Fuck Tinder. Hinge is the best out of all of them

>> No.53361007

This is part of the reason that there are so many openly gay people these days. If it was say 100 years ago, they probably would've stayed closeted and married and had a family because society was so good back then so it seemed worth it. Nowadays, you'd have to be absolutely fucking insane to do that unless you were really rich.

>> No.53361091
File: 33 KB, 565x452, 1616994558896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If a woman wants you to wear a condom it means she doesn't actually like you

>> No.53361142

all the complainers should try latam, eastern europe or SEA
many women won't even ask you for a penny, they aren't overly fat, they will want to clean your home despite you insisting not
it's just a day and night difference to western women
in the west half of the problem are how the men behave, they chase the women too much which grows their ego a lot
if people are as rich as they claim here, you can easily live in SEA country luxury condo for low price in a high col area that is usually better than ones in the west
i just remote work here and occasionally go back home but not much anymore

>> No.53361158

>I'm a rabbi who basically never loses debates and BTFOd a few people on this topic.
nah, you're a virgin incel and turbo autist

>> No.53361200

I did online dating when match was new but even then I scoffed at going from free to 20 dollars a month. I met higher quality people through the online gaming I was doing. 500 a month seems moronic. That's a car payment to talk to bots?

>> No.53361430

women never need pay; so long as they are comfortable with the platform, the men are forced to go there.

These companies are satanic

>> No.53361949

>500 dollars a month for a shitty app that can be replicated easily
>a shitty dating app that has 70% male user base

>> No.53361985

You think this has value? Lol.. pathetic

>> No.53362371

>you have nothing to worry about, I'm not interested

based take desu

>> No.53362386

You would be paying for a badge on your profile that says you pay $500 a month, to attract women with your wealth. It’s similar to the idea of an app making men list their height. It so women can more easily filter for alpha males. There will be women who turn on the “only see $500/month subscriber profiles” button and look for sugar daddies or future divorce rape victims.

>> No.53362602

They are worthy of the top 5% , just to pump and dump them, then the rest can have sloppy seconds lmao

>> No.53362683

I've seen multiple guys I went to school with come out as gay over the years after struggling to date straight, based on the stories they told me or what I've witnessed. It's legit like they just said fuck it and decided to throw the switch.

>> No.53363094

This is old, there's an indian app and website shaadi.com that charges over $150 and Dil Mil is prety extortionate too, I tried them both and it's fucking trash, the women are still gatekeeping the top %

It doesn't work realistically but as the first poster said simps will pay for it, best thing to do is pretend to be a chad on those apps, amke out you're a millionaire

>> No.53363368


>> No.53363613

I don't pay for tinder and still get dates out of it.

>> No.53363909
File: 296 KB, 600x600, e06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're a child if you want a lifestyle even remotely comparable to what your parents had

>> No.53364176 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 468x573, fuckthem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

find better pics, that's it. It can be demoralizing but it can also be stupidly easy for some. I was an anti-social autist who barely could get laid, now im still that only i get laid regularly because of rinder

>> No.53364294

One time I created a Tinder account and I didn't get any marches so then I created a new account using an obviously fake photo of a handsome man and I got a ton of matches and lots of messages so I stopped using Tinder because I realized I was ugly and women are retarded

>> No.53364300

don't talk too much then.
tinder is all about getting a match and getting a date. Girls might not go on many dates but they will talk with hundreds of guys. Which one you want to be?