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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 218 KB, 512x512, icypee icp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53344135 No.53344135 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled... What went wrong?

>> No.53344972
File: 2.43 MB, 2359x1749, IMG_20230119_090355_504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still a .01 stable coin what's wrong with it?
Right now is pumping
Are you seething cause you sold?

>> No.53345006

>What went wrong?
You tell me. It's just getting started with the pee charts being in development.

>> No.53345014
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It lost steam.

>> No.53345034

Cause it's on the chain that almost no one uses

>> No.53345060


>> No.53345078

next bullrun if ICP takes off this shitcoin will moon to the stratosphere

>> No.53345088

P too IC

>> No.53345112

imagine buying this scam instead of stacking sneeds

>> No.53345309
File: 3 KB, 304x103, sns2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you explain this?Have their transferred the tokens or just straight up printed a new one?

>> No.53345340

low iq post here

>> No.53345391

ok brainlet whatever you say,I barely pay attention to this scamchain

>> No.53345664

Basically they couldn't update the old order book so they released another order book with the same trading pair. It's still the same SNS-1 tokens but on a new order book. It's seriously sad that you don't get this simple concept yet call others brainlets.

>> No.53345741
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I swear you sneed bagholders are unbearable,has all the hopium that you inhaled causing severe withdrawals or smth?

>> No.53345742
File: 145 KB, 298x549, blackson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggot jannie started banning people in the tg for not being pc

>> No.53346146

Imagine not having both.

>> No.53346728

we all saw how it ended with OT le chainlink of icp topkek. stop wasting your precious pees on scams made by some pajeets from fiverr. stack icp and stack sneeds. thats all that matters.

>> No.53346815

OT has 90% of their tokens in 5 wallets. Who would buy that?

>> No.53346949

i hate to tell you, but all the mods and jannies also are mods/jannie for preddit.
they literally hate you all and the only reason why they wont turn on you, is that this is a containment site.
every other site with the 4chan mentality has been cancelled.
and when cancelling 4chan comes up, it is quickly quieted/ignored.
because, again, this is a containment site ran by predditors.

>> No.53347056

Your comparing apples to oranges and assuming this is a scam. But as long as the dev gets pee charts up and running icypees will moon since it would bring actual utility to the chain. I'm expecting a similar run to what tinycharts did a couple years ago on algorand, which was a very similar situation to this one.

>> No.53347106


>> No.53347253

My negro we are stable .01. And this is WITHOUT utility. Soon the peeChart will come, it will be the PooChart of ICP, make ICP casino, and initiate the next bullrun. You negro wanna in?

>> No.53347270

>every other site with the 4chan mentality has been cancelled.
Good, let them be afraid of us. They did not lock us here, THEY'RE THE ONE THATS RUNNING FROM US

>> No.53347485

This thread wins the gayest shill of the day award. Congrats to everyone who wasted their time here.

>> No.53348091

this thread reeks of poo. call me when it smells like piss

>> No.53349108

Yes leave fucking leave fucking 4chaim listen faggots the mods and jannies are transvestite pedophiles, they are all noting you down and waiting to fuck you for disagreeing with the narrative you stupid niggers.

And let me tell you, this site only exists for a reason now. Nearly every other site not set up the right way gets raped because this site is a trap for you. I can tell you first hand how my trap for them has found tranny moderators who think they can play, they are doxed, case built and I will bring the law on these imbeciles next bullrun.

You are not safe here

>> No.53349358

is 5 enough sneeds to make it

>> No.53349397
File: 34 KB, 870x324, scammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever you see TG scammers like yeegz or Larry you know it's a pump and dump scam. They did the same shit with ghost

>> No.53349621
File: 169 KB, 578x578, jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your faith should not be in the wisdom of men, but the power of God. - 1 Corinthians 2:5

>> No.53349632
File: 223 KB, 512x512, MOSHED-2023-1-18-0-53-22.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misleading post, ghost was made by philipinos. Yeegz was not associated with the project

>> No.53350628

Who's dumb enough to post this

>> No.53351155
File: 91 KB, 668x528, 9A12C544-8855-448D-BFE2-7877F168824C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Icy pee

>> No.53351161

ooohhh I'm BRAPP
BRAPPPIN' on heaven's door

>> No.53351227
File: 1.32 MB, 9640x7888, Untitle56555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the yeeeegz here, spotting bongwolke's bullshit postings from the pee tg, watching him take seachan discord (he ruined that server btw) stuff out of context, yes, after providing liquidity for ghost with 1200 icp, i got out of the bottom with 1200 icp after riding it all the way down and being forced to sell, wow, what a scammer, literally the sole lp provider for the golden ghost run, entered with 1200 icp, watched it run all the way to 7500 icp, didn't cash out and rode it all the way back down while making crazed drawings where i battled the sell pressure demons, always hopeful we'd make it, yeah, i lost in the end, but it's funny to see this bullshit here where a literal glowie is tryna say dumbass shit about me when he's the one that took the screenshot and knows it's out of context
as you said bong, it's a zero sum game, you always have to dick people over to make it... you champion bringing up how you "begged me to sell" at the top and i didn't, but unlike you, i didn't want to dick people over or jeet dump on my ghost bros, yeh, i wish i could be more like you, pretending to give a shit about stuff you don't care about, larping to everyone around you till they fall for your bullshit and then ripping their fkn heart out while you clasp at every bit of gold you can, do you have any frens left, fren? fuck your face to the max you goddamn trashcan, literally in here taking stuff you know is out of context, WITH A SAD PEPE DANCE, jfc, get help
fkn glowies, bongwolke gonna need to rebrand n change his fkn name soon, never seen a more bitchtits backstabbing larping piece of human shit in my life, you only posted this bullshit to make me mad too... holy shit fuck you
take care frens

>> No.53351411


>> No.53351808
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>> No.53351853
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>take care frens
This post made me sad

>> No.53351930

yeegz you are a very talented artist you should do an nft release

>> No.53353932

It really is over

>> No.53355382


>> No.53355395

No liquidity.
Also, mine Nexa. Had $400 profit in 1 month.

>> No.53355435

you can spin this all you want and use anyones names as you want.
youve been scamming the ICP community for a year at least. First with your buddy Lucian (Internet Humans, IC Puppies) promising a game and never delivering even a medium post on updates after raising 50k ICP from the mint, then you're trying to dump on people with your shitcoins. also good luck with your "not sns" pump and dump

>> No.53355721

Who got banned? Message blackamn and maybe he’ll get you back

>> No.53355945
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>> No.53356958

Because anything but ICP tokens are a scam.

>> No.53357285

Nothing is wrong. Icp is the best tech in crypto. The internet computer will be crowned King soon enough. $1000 icp end of year.

>> No.53358235
File: 84 KB, 828x745, IMG_20230115_172707_512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WAGMI sirs

>> No.53358330

It wasn't Polygon anon. That is what went wrong. If it isn't eth or Polygon then it's not going to make it.

>> No.53358356

it's a federated shitcoin
not decentralized

basically a fraud