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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53350616 No.53350616 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53350641

probably not even their money but they'll take it if youre dumb enough to give it to them

>> No.53350654

It's called "being a decent human being". You should try it sometime.

>> No.53350672

yeah we should remember to give back to our local billionaires

>> No.53350678

No profit from it

>> No.53350681

Take this retards advice. McDonald’s really needs the money so they can continue to kill people with that poison that pass off as food. That money was probably going towards an employee bonus

>> No.53350686

These are probably just employees. Not corporate. If it's corporate fuck them.

>> No.53350703

Could they have tracked him down if he paid with card? That’s what I’d be afraid of

>> No.53350713

it was only a couple grand. you have to be a fucking retard to risk it all for nothing

>> No.53350729

>american goy take
lmao faggots
I just say 'what money?' and fucking win at life.

>> No.53350760

I'd rather die eating goyslop than that healthy shit. Who the fuck eats veggies beside vegans and muslims? Sounds like you're mad because I enjoy capitalism

>> No.53350771

I guess security cameras don't exist in your third world country

>> No.53350808

two options neither good
is either legit money and they use a plethora of modern day surveillance systems to identify you and track you down, police will help billionaires reclaim their money
or option two it wasnt legit money and now you are in deeper shit and your best bet is to very publicly return the money

>> No.53350810

Only niggers and kikes think stealing is based.

>> No.53350857

low iq

>> No.53350886


>> No.53350904

If you think he did nothing wrong and you hate Jews, you are projecting your hatred of yourself onto them… kikes.

>> No.53350911

every time I do something like this I always get a return equal or greater in the future

>> No.53350920

Look, I have nothing against the people who would take the money for themselves in this scenario. I genuinely don't give a shit about McDonald's "losing" money that they could easily make back in less than an hour
But what I hate about stories like these is how it brings out a ton of people who shit-talk the person that returns the money, calling them an idiot and whatever else. Why can't someone just do what they believe is the honest thing and return something that they know doesn't belong to them, without a bunch of random motherfuckers talking shit about them? What the fuck is so "dumb" or so "wrong" about someone doing something just for the sake of doing the right thing, even if it's at their own loss/expense?
Why the fuck can't we just let people do good things without tearing them down, just because we wouldn't do it ourselves?

>> No.53350926
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I would've used it to buy tons of LINKs

>> No.53350934

Yeah just keep the marked drug deal bills.

>> No.53350943


>> No.53350959

He recoded it and uploaded it. Such a "decent human being" with no selfish motives, you're right.

>> No.53350974

yeah this kind of negates it then. he is retard

>> No.53350985

>don't return
>get whacked

>> No.53350987

Whites are too nice and civilized in a civilization that despises them, time to adjust and actually go nigmode.

>> No.53350988
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makes me think. would you rather, have, say, $3,000 cash that some nig nog stole from the register and accidentally mixed up with your big mac

or would you get your big mac back and get 1.8 million views on tik tok. if you get famous you can leverage that fame for at least a little while even if you have no personality. i think he did the right thing financially. he can use that to get a bunch of followers, maybe do a bunch of memes about giving up progressively larger and more outrageous rewards and cutting to himself happily eating mcdonalds instead. then leverage the increase in followers to get some brand deals and have at least a decent windfall of cash for awhile. i'd rather have 1.8 million followers than a bit of cash.

>> No.53351041

Maybe he did it for clout, maybe he did it because he got paranoid and wanted to immediately document himself doing the right thing and heading back with the money to keep himself safe, in case someone tried to report it at that time as stolen money making him look like a thief
Depends on when the video was taken/streamed. If he did it after returning the money then it's a clout move and it should be called out

>> No.53351047
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Might as well start staging acts of decency to leverage into a follower count. What a wonderful world.

>> No.53351099

>Damn my phones dead
>Shit, I'm not giving this back without filming it

I can totally see that happening as well.

Glad you can believe he filmed it and uploaded it to tictoc to keep himself safe from, whatever.

>> No.53351114

mrbeast pretty much started out the same way. he's a millionaire now.

>> No.53351129
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Based, food nazis are as obnoxious as furries and as stupid as anti-vaxxors.

>> No.53351199
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>option two it wasnt legit money and now you are in deeper shit and your best bet is to very publicly return the money
Based and No Country pilled.

>> No.53351412

Chud puts his own money in a bag and "returns" it to McDonald's for likes on the internet. Truly we are reaching the end of days.

>> No.53351571

This is most likely

>> No.53351621


>> No.53351819

>"being a decent human being"
It was probably drug money

>> No.53351858

This is a bait post but there's some people mentally cucked like this for real out there lmao

>> No.53351929

Based schizo baitposter

>> No.53351939

Starting to think of it, maybe this is actually what would of went down.

The whole "cash in a mcdonalds bag" shit sounds very off. I heard of drug dealers using fast food places like Wendies or McDonalds to sell their drug product right at the window, and pocket the cash or place it somewhere. Maybe the guy at the window was dealing drugs as a side hustle, and was expecting his boss / drug-source to pull up to get his cut of the money, and fucked up and gave it to the wrong guy, and the wrong guy just gave back the drug money

wild shit has happen before

>> No.53351977

>get famous for some wagies mistake
>shill dogecoin
Give me 1 million followers i swear to god

>> No.53351985

Lol at the self proclaimed Christians / Religious people in thread calling him dumb… hypocrites and fools

>> No.53352000

i took pfizer and still think covid vaxxies are dumb as fuck. Don't take the jab

>> No.53352074
File: 468 KB, 2400x1600, why-mcdonalds-ice-cream-machines-are-always-broken-_editorial_9086607n_huge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then he should've hired a repairman to fix the ice cream machine. He would be based then

>> No.53352088

I'm a McDonald's stock holder therfore I'm entitled to my money

>> No.53352101
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>> No.53352106

Go back.

>> No.53352131 [DELETED] 

He would have been arrested for fraud if he took the money.

If you would have took the money, you're legit low IQ.

>> No.53352463
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>> No.53352668

>simping for people selling you goyslop

>> No.53352721

I hate normies so much is unreal.
I’ve made it my lifes mission to swindle you retarded niggercattle for every single cent of value you can create.

>> No.53352740

This guy nigs

>> No.53352761


haha seething faggots

Anyone not doing that is a vagina having faggot.

>> No.53352878

Yup. A retarded nig nevertheless

>> No.53353011

i wonder how many of them consider themselves christian. i would have returned it and i absolutely hate McDonalds. what’s a small sum of money compared to your eternal soul?

>> No.53353051

If he kept the money, the manager would probably have gotten fired. Ugh people. Yes he did the right thing.

>> No.53353909 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 640x360, IM SPARTACUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mcdonald's doesn't have security cameras peering into the contents of the bag of food you got, and there's no way this is legit money being handed around in a food bag.

even if some scrub gangsta manages to look through all the security footage and gets your plate number from camera footage, what? are they gonna report to the police that they accidentally gave you their drug money? even if they have a friend who's a cop or works for the DMV who can look up plates, the very act of looking at plates is logged and can be traced.

completely unrelated, where do you guys like to spend your cash in minecraft?

>> No.53353963

surprised no one's brought up the armored trucks dropping duffle bags of 6 digit+ cash on the road for some sap to pick up and give back? what about that one guy who wound up with 7 figures in his checking one morning and decided to ask the tellers what's up? all in the first few rounds of american covid shutdowns if i'm not mistaken. unless it's all just fabrication and mr beasty-esque camouflage threats, i wouldn't put it beneath any system to make a mistake.
this world operates under this weird belief that there are forces in the world that 'don't make mistakes'. then they make fun of us for saying there's aliens on this planet..

>> No.53353973

Not to mention cameras that probably have his license plate

>> No.53354011
File: 1 KB, 124x128, 1517793646773.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happened a few years ago
>went to KFC
>placed my order
>total was $11 and change
>handed the cashier a $20 bill
>she hands me my change
>go sit down
>realize she handed me correct change + my $20 bill
>didn't return it because she was a cunt when I asked a question about something on the menu

>> No.53354106

>steals from others
>thinks he’s not the nigger

Wild how many DINDUS showed up on biz

>> No.53354112

the most powerful men in the world are thieves. why should the wellbeing of sodomites and zog get between me and success?

>> No.53354174
File: 72 KB, 766x630, 1668225424404645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They gave me free McDonald's for a month
>be me
>years ago
>post office
>made a deposit in one of my debit cards, just $100.
>wagie accidentally typed $1000
>I immediately noticed on the confirmation display
>just clicked "Accept"
>Said "thank you" and "have a nice day"
That's it.
That's how normal people do, wagie learned a $900 lesson about being a wagie.
I also bought shitcoins with that.
You gave me free money? Thanks.

>> No.53354305

nigger you didnt have to start the convo off with a bait reply

>> No.53354324

mcdonalds isn't a person so it's morally justified to take it

>> No.53354435

Thou shalt not steal. Simple as.

>> No.53354556

>post office
>made a deposit in one of my debit cards

you lost me

>> No.53354957

>I hate normies so much is unreal.
>I’ve made it my lifes mission to swindle you retarded niggercattle for every single cent of value you can create.
^it's amazing how they still pretend the memes and critism aren't true or earned.

>> No.53355037

Can't count how many times I went thru a drive-in late at night shitfaced and thought I was short-changed with a coupon on my app. Retard managers had no clue what I was babbling about and just gave me extra food and/or money. Felt half bad/half good about it the next day tho lol

>> No.53355143

Nigger morality ITT

Giving blacks and Hispanics smartphones was a huge mistake

>> No.53355192

So edgy

>> No.53355203

We can all tell you’re an unemployed Hispanic 17 year old edgelord redditcel because you think stealing 1500 dollars is worth the fees and time associated with trying to fight McDonalds in court lol