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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53348082 No.53348082 [Reply] [Original]

We might be fucked bros…

>> No.53348358

>biden ukraine covid yellen

>> No.53348380

I miss Trump so much Ameribros…

>> No.53348398

Debt doesn't mean anything lol. USA has been in debt for ages already. Zero consequences.

>> No.53348418
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>> No.53348421

USD is definitely fucked. Think DXY might sink below 100.
If that happens, you guys can forget about any Fed interest rate cuts and they may raise even more aggressively.

>> No.53348446
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You had your chance and you blew it bigly.

>> No.53348448
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I don’t understand you niggers who are worried about this ceiling shit.

You fuckers really think the these boomers wont increase it and print more.

As long as there are retards willing to trust the gobment and use their shitcoin they will keep increasing their ceilings and print more.

>> No.53348495

>they may raise even more aggressively
Just pay 10% interest on a $31T debt, bro

>> No.53348507

>prints more money to pay it
Nothing personal chud.

>> No.53348598

Well, that's the recipe for hyperinflation.

>> No.53348769

what does this mean for bee tee see? are we seeing 100k this year?

>> No.53348808

He's the one who ran up the debt, retard.

>> No.53348831

Why are Americucks not tired of these payments to Ukraine? They could use it better on their own people.

>> No.53348843
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Why don't you guys just mint the trillion dollar coins.

>> No.53348869

They're waiting for permission from the bankers. Bankers control the money supply, not government officials.

>> No.53348874

That was congress. Unless you’re implying they wouldn’t have impeached him for real and made the Republicans lose the midterms if he attempted to block stimulus checks and extra unemployment money when 10% of people get laid off in like two months back in 2022. The only reason he lost is because he stabbed his White voter base in the back by pandering to Blacks and Latinxs. Also he created the “vaccine”.

>> No.53348896

most people aren't this low IQ. ukraine spending realistically has been around like $100/citizen, for a just cause normal people massively support, which also massively hampers one of the main geopolitical rivals. you essentially have to be a schizophrenic retard to see it any other way, you're just surrounded by them here and on /pol/ so it doesn't look as popular as it actually is

>> No.53348926

lolno... we're seeing 1k this year

>> No.53348931

was thinking about this today...what's our play then? Gold/BTC?

>> No.53348950

The Trump vaccine is tremendous. Very, very healthy. So healthy your head will spin.

>> No.53349126

damn, we missed our shot to MIGA and cut a $500 billion dollar cheque to rioters

>> No.53349201

joe biden is an dementied old nigger faggot with a crack head son and sells classfieds to china simple

>> No.53349216

ruble backed by bitcoin and gold and oil simple as

>> No.53349232

>Also he created the “vaccine”.
his vaccine creation was brilliant and history will appreciate him for his actions. And you assholes need to stop telling retarded NPC’s not to get jabbed. The killshot jab was invented to genocide the stupid people who couldn’t see thru the trap.

>> No.53349323

ruble will dump again next month
btc is going to under 10k by the end of the year

>> No.53349630

without debt nobody would be able to do anything.

>> No.53349669

this is reality. as things continue to get worse, no one will be able to deny that Trump had things back on track and more people were doing better financially than ever before in history. They unironically killed the golden goose and refuse to take him back? Self destructive behavior at a level never seen before.

>> No.53349681
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No refunds

>> No.53349801

This headline sounds like an AI just took the most used words in headlines and tried to make a news article out of it

>> No.53349810

you mean kikes would not make any money

>> No.53349838


America has been in debt since slavery was abolished.

>> No.53349918

It's like seeing the fall of Rome in real time.

>> No.53350008

I touch grass often and the only people that want the United States involved in the Ukraine Russia war are liberal big city faggots
Most (actual) Americans don't want to touch that conflict and if you told them they've contributed $100 to Ukrainian independence they'd want a refund

>> No.53350232

As long as they stay number 1 army in the world, nothing will happen.

It's still a world of dominant vs dominated, never changed.

>> No.53351137

Jesus ,fuckin zoomies using latinx

>> No.53351488

>orange cunt in charge with both the house and senate behind him
>did fuck all

damn what a legacy

>> No.53351534

Trump my nigga he free my nigga kodak black

>> No.53351610

Fuck you you zoomer piece of shit for using latinx unironically

>> No.53351704

>1k this year
I will truthfully and ironically buy 100k if this happens.
Btc 384k in 2023 fyi

>> No.53351720

>panders to latinos
>builds a wall
yeah ok zoomer

>> No.53351726

This, even though its lost 99% of its value in less than 100 years, its the only currency in history that hasnt failed, and that is because our military rules, for now.

>> No.53352395

What are we talking about here? Trump was demanding $2000 checks after congress passed $600 ones & he unilaterally illegally extended the enhanced unemployment benefits after congress failed to pass a bill and they lapsed

>> No.53352455

did biden activating all the "mass" shooters do anything for democrat party faggots?
Some were real, most of it was unbelievably bad acting jobs.
None could be verified worth a shit.
Fake as sandyhookers "incident " and Charlottesville fatass cunt having a fat attack but blaming it on Patriots there to demonstrate against antifas.

>> No.53352500

so funny that the whole trump admin you have fewer mass shootings, no new wars, everything was going pretty good until Covid

then the fake monkey flu virus disrupts the whole world, forces Trump out and we get whatever the fucking clusterfuck is happening now with Ukraine/Russia teetering on the edge of nuclear war, high inflation, mass shootings, a recession, uncertain times and possibly a looming depression or further US involvement in a serious conflict with a nuclear world power

really makes you think

>> No.53352510
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>"just t-two more weeks bros. imagine being an NPC and taking medical advice from doctors instead of alex jones!!!"
Have you ever considered the fact that they could literally just poison the population through food or water and don't need a vaccine? Or is your brain so fucking permanently damaged from COVID that you're too retarded to understand basic common sense? Imagine being this fuckin stupid lmao

>> No.53352533

that money mostly stays in the US if we're being honest though. defense contractors get payed to send weapons.

>> No.53352538

at least he had a plan to keep the economy open and keep the best bull run our markets and economy has seen due to his policies. We'd be drill'n our asses of and cheap oil like we had would have prevented a majority of this inflation. High desiel like we've had because of bidens policies have fucked up prices of everything. The liberals put us in this mess and the only one proven to get us out is being shunned by dumbfucks like you.

>> No.53352548

President Trump is my nigger he freed my nigger Dr. Kodak B. Lack.

>> No.53352584

>is your brain so fucking permanently damaged from COVID

vaccine objectively doesn't stop the spread of covid though (which was the funniest outright lie pushed by mainstream media and vaccine fanatics) so what's your angle with this "insult"

>> No.53352587

You’re looking to spend 100 billion on setting up PMCs to reform infrastructure on a losing battlefield.. after losing 80b on your previous battlefield loss..

>> No.53352619
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based orange God
praise Him

>> No.53352646
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Is this good? I don’t know if this is good or not

>> No.53352659

Zero consequences, well you know, the USD failing and all countries moving away from trading with it.

>> No.53352676

He lost because 7 key democrat cities used covid and blm to ram fake mail in ballots from china down the ballot box.

>> No.53352944

that would require them to pivot dumbass

>> No.53353242
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sometimes I forget how much I hate liberals maybe I'm going senile

>> No.53353317

No they’ll literally just print a single $5T coin. The mint can print whatever it’s told

They’ve seriously talked about it before

>> No.53353323

Republicucks will make a stink and them they'll raise the ceiling, as always.

>> No.53353343

Imagine believing this in 2023. You know you’re an extreme minority at this point right? Not even the vax shills are defending it anymore

>> No.53353351

What wall?

>> No.53353357

>2023 still buying covid boosters

Worst fake President ever. Imagine voting for this loser because Trump was mean.

>> No.53353358

He abandoned us and boomers are still waiting for him to come back for them

>> No.53353368

Mitch wasn't and still isnt on his side.

>> No.53353373

Daily reminder that both parties work for the same entities and are in agreement with almost everything. One side just has to put on opposition theater to keep the lie going so the peasants keep fighting with each other

>> No.53353474

Why would they be drilling their ass off when hundreds of oil companies went bankrupt in 2020? Why would they drill like crazy going into a global recession? How could trump possibly keep it going when in that it was still going it was going based on 5 trillion dollars of stimulus spending and 5-10 trillion fed monetary stimulus? He was going to continue that? Is this board actually economically illiterate lol? Sad

>> No.53354097

nah we're ok. biden will just mint the 50 trillion dollar platinum coin

>> No.53354135
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My favorite part of 2022 was watching these tech giants collectively eating shit for their decisions. Elections have consequences, the sad thing is these laid off tech bros will vote blue in the next cycle for their own demise

>> No.53354489

Trump gave Israel billions of dollars.

>> No.53354502

>WAH muh hecking zoomers!
Suck it and seethe, fag.

>> No.53354543

You don't understand how important it is to my psyche to pretend that Trump isn't a normal politician.

>> No.53354570
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same anon

>> No.53355293
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Anon-kun. He's having a rally in South Carolina sometime next week, his first for the 2024 campaign. I'd love to know what team's he's got any bets on. You know he was at last years Kentucky Derby when that 13th place replacement horse won 100x for first place bets? It's about to get fucking nuts.

>> No.53355479

Ok troon

>> No.53355725

>*US reaches debt ceiling
>”better keep giving tens of billions to Ukraine!

>> No.53355759

not anymore, Bretton Woods is done.. no Petrodollar influence anymore .. welcome new world order bye bye amerifucks

>> No.53355793


>> No.53355828

>I miss Jefferson so much Ameribros…

>> No.53356146

Amerilards be like why the heck is our inflation and economy doing so bad! *fed prints another trillion to give Ukraine and fund free gender reassignment surgery/planned parenthood

>> No.53356173
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>> No.53356424


>> No.53356502
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trump ruined america through his money printing