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53347847 No.53347847 [Reply] [Original]

Is it too late to be a coder at 35 with literally zero experience or knowledge about coding?

>> No.53347936

No but you're gonna be at a deficit to nerds like me who are only a couple years younger than you but have been coding since a teen. Not impossible though anon, the flip side is that I have picked up bad habits and am slower to adapt to newer technologies

>> No.53347949

not for webdev

>> No.53347988

Do I need to go to boot camp or something? Or can I learn from YouTube?

>> No.53348001

No, but what do you really want to get out of it? And can you compete for whatever job you'd be looking for?

>> No.53348002

It's too late to be a coder at all.

>> No.53348047

A boot camp has the advantage of networking with people who may be able to get you interviews right away, not guaranteed though. Good ones are usually really expensive.

Youtube is obviously free but requires total submission to the dedication and work required to get you up to speed. Ontop of that, you'll *need* projects on your github (you have one right?) to demonstrate that you've been working on stuff and that you're competent enough to hire.

Basically you'll need to figure out a way to not have your resume get immediately filtered out. You can do that through networking (bootcamp), lots of side projects and contributions, or both.

>> No.53348055

You could but there are so many free resources to teach yourself programming it's not necessary. Learning to Google is the #1 skill of any developer anyway so take a look at what sort of software you want to create, look at which programming languages are most commonly used and then start searching for tutorials and educational resources for that language

>> No.53348056

I just want to not do my current job which is working at the family business and do something not so labor or mentally draining.
Should I kms?

>> No.53348073

Thanks. Sounds tough, may kms if I'm being honest. I really really hate my life

>> No.53348090

Lol, coding can be very mentally draining
What's so bad about working at the family business? I'm sure it has its advantages

>> No.53348115

I just want to make money on my own without relying on our business. Would give me the confidence to move out. Really leaning towards kms

>> No.53348211

Don't kill yourself man. You're making money from the work you do, that's something to be proud of, not ashamed of. It doesn't matter that it's a family business, family is a good thing and money is money.
By all means, learn new skills and keep an eye open for better jobs and opportunities if they arise. Also look for affordable places to live and psychologically prepare yourself if need be. Have some faith in yourself and use your current situation's benefits to take steps forwards

>> No.53348320

Demoralization posting silver spoon family business retard. Do it, stop attention whoring.

>> No.53348416

Thanks for the kind words
U don't know what it's like do you? Running a business you are responsible for every thing. You open yourself up to litigious customers who want to take advantage of loose laws. I literally do so much and for not much reward.

>> No.53348494

maybe worth it to get business coaching and learn how to deal with all your bullshit properly from people who know how to scale, either way if you kill yourself do it in a less boring way like going into the thick woods naked

>> No.53348855

Is it possible to code on tablet/phone/touchpad in 2023?

>> No.53348873

Probably, maybe you should become a rapper.

>> No.53348946

Why not a business degree and then comp sci master?

>> No.53348976

Is the forg ok?

>> No.53349179

Go into product design op, I know a girl who was a barber, took 6 month ui design classes and just recently got a job at big and known it company. If you’re good designer, your salary is on par with coders.
t. cdo

>> No.53349214

Interesting. What if you aren't good at art?

>> No.53349268

I personally know someone that did this over the age of 35 but he made his career change way back in the 2000's with only a general associates degree and no bootcamp. Just a Java book, desire to learn, and was lucky enough to convince a company to take a chance on him.

I also know a few other 25-30 yo who did this too without going to college. One did go through a bootcamp and the other was hired basically through nepotism.

If you want my advice then build 2-3 small fullstack projects. Slap them on your resume. Then start preparing for interview questions. Cold message devs within companies hiring for jr roles on LinkedIn asking them if they could pass your resume to the hiring team for the jr role. You would get a foot in for an interview and the employee might get a referral bonus. I would target smaller shops rather than big corps.

During interviews be honest and humble and try to express a desire to learn. It also doesn't hurt to research the company beforehand.

>> No.53349308

Also, not sure how common meetups are nowadays but they're a great way to network. Usually the company hosting the meetup will be hiring so it's a good chance for you to socialize with the hiring manager. I would definitely go to as many dev meetups as you can in your area.

>> No.53349326

Because I'm not very smart and I'm almost 40.
Thanks il look into it
That sounds very scary

>> No.53349448

that's right, we will not be making new software or maintaining existing software from now on

>> No.53349611

Go away, we are full. I hate the fact that everyone and their dog wants to be a software developer post-2020 because the pandemic has shined a light on how shitty their previous jobs are in terms of pay and work-life balance.

I hate that zoomers are making bullshit videos on TikTok about them earning $100k+ salary at the age of 23 working from home and doing fuck all. I hate that they are posting these "day in the life of a <non-tech role> in a tech company" videos and all they show is them attending meetings and drinking coffee and eating overpriced lunch.

I hate that these fucking "influencers" and bootcamps are selling you a dream and peddling their shit courses and make you think that everyone can be a software developer and get those benefits.

I hate that some people are complaining that the tech industry right now is apocalyptic and that they can't find any jobs after sending 500 applications and that it's hell because they're also competing against thousands of tech layoffs. Maybe it's because you did the exact same thing as millions of other people and the candidate pool for entry/junior positions are heavily saturated because of it.

To answer your question, no it's not late to become a software developer, but you need to train yourself enough that you can pass assessments and interviews. If you have the determination to do it, self-teach. There are plenty of free resources online and documentations for languages and frameworks that you can follow. One thing I would recommend is to apply that understanding and create some personal projects and put it on Github. You can use your portfolio as aid in the interview to explain your technical skills, and it would help retain your knowledge.

But honestly like I said, you are competing in a saturated pool right now. A lot of videos online show software development is easy like "hurr durr I wrote a function, anyone can do it", but there's a lot more involved in that career. It's not for everyone.

>> No.53349635

I mean, yeah it's saturated but honestly the majority of candidates are worthless. They're not all 10x rockstars. Also, if you're easily able to socialize and communicate you already have a leg up over most of these candidates too.

>> No.53349668

Yeah take years to learn something that AI will be slashing demand of in 5 years
Brilliant plan here OP

>> No.53349677

I never understood suicide. You can literally do everything important for free. Traveling, reading, fucking, eating, everything for free.

>> No.53349698

Like I said, it's not for everyone. People think you can just become a software developer and that's why you have a diluted pool of worthless fucks. It also doesn't help that there are companies and initiatives out there specifically designed to teach minorities and women to code, so they can brag about being a "women in tech" and make the industry diverse and inclusive.

>> No.53349739

Give it a go, but the road isn't easy as what people make it out to be.

>> No.53349745

coming from a QA

>> No.53349746

Not with adderall, no job and doing it 10 hours a day with little breaks.

>> No.53349763

think about going QA route first, it still pays nice and is easier to get into
You can always go for DEV after that

>> No.53349803

In 5 (five) years GPT will be taking over codemonkey jobs, only selected will stay

>> No.53349811

>ui design classes
Where at?

>> No.53349819

Possible but expect to grind at least 6 months full time or if you are working then maybe up to a year+. At age 35 this kind of stress can be even deadly, your heart will take a huge beating and your braian will fry. Start with arrays and strings (simple iteration and if-else loops), then add linked lists, bst's, etc. Then do a Fibonacci and DP. Finally learn a framework for some GitHub projects and maybe a second language for direct job search, like java. Imho JS is best for first language, because it makes it easy to understand other c like languages, which is like 80% of them. Python is for newfags and makes you look weak

>> No.53349829

What do you guys think about the college major "Information Systems" like information management systems?

>> No.53349847

What's qa?

>> No.53349917

It's doable, there's one old guy in his late 50s - early 60s at our place who went on an angular bootcamp after being a project manager at an aerospace firm for years and got a job doing mostly front end. I got a job as a developer 4 years ago after having not been one since 2003, and things had changed so much I might as well have started from scratch.

>> No.53349954

Front-end is just hell, idk how can people deal given that artistic sensibility is somewhat required and it just doesn't come with logical thinking as a package for normalfags. Might as well learn real programming if I'm about to study react routing. Fuck that noise

>> No.53350331

fuck javascript

>> No.53350345

10x rockstars are starting their own shit not becoming worthless SOFTWARE ENGINEER I's at your shitty company
bootstrapping your idea is easier than ever

>> No.53350440

What do you like about the idea of coding

>> No.53350458

If I learned something from crypto, it's that when everyone on tik tok, facebook, twitter, etc. is talking about something, it's over

>> No.53350469

its not to late to larp as one

>> No.53350594


>> No.53350603

I worked as a coder for three years and never did any coding or needed to know anything about coding.

>> No.53350633

>Front-end is just hell
I fucking hate it too, luckily (in comparison) I spend most of my time with C# and SQL doing back end stuff. We should go back to ASCII BBS interfaces.

>> No.53351204

There's literally nothing I can think of that's more cringe than some non-programmer trying to get into programming. It's like they are so far off the mark I don't even know where to begin with them. The average programmer, and even the below average, just exist and the things that you consider "normal" just happen to them. No high schooler ever had to get into programming, he just existed, thought it would be cool and fun to learn to code, and was attracted to a programming language and they gravitated towards each other. There's no thought put into any of this, these things just happened through the natural flow of life, no "getting into" necessary. That's what happens when you're not a non-programming freak, you don't ever find yourself one night lying in bed alone wondering why you don't have an interest in programming. You don't devise a plan to stop touching your cock for six months in order to look learn a programming language. You just exist, you go with the societal flow, and you end up with an interest in programming and knowledge of multiple programming languages in high school and college, then a 6 figure work from home software engineering job. If you missed out on this flow, it's probably because you're a non-programmer.

>> No.53351214

might as will try it out if you are leaning towards suicide as the other option. you should probably try and seek legitimate besides 4chan, any one close to you that you could talk to?

>> No.53351223

actually though, its saturated, only go in it if you actually like sitting a computer quietly for hours

>> No.53351228

not a good time for shitty demoralization pasta

>> No.53351245

He’s right though. The internet has convinced dozens of retards that they should just become a programmer because muh 100k WFH job that everyone totally gets! They don’t realize how difficult it actually is to be a good coder, and how it’s not for everyone. This just fills the markets with jeets and boomer boot campers. Luckily CS is skill based so the genuinely talented can always find a position somewhere.

>> No.53351290

These two anons get it.

>> No.53351300

yes. its too late. and no this isn't a troll post. I'm a lead dev and we get (no joke) hundreds upon hundreds of applications each job posting and we usually only hire <30y.o's with degrees OR at least some experience. This is a common theme across the industry. it's certainly age-ist I know, but that's just the way it is.

Especially with the rise of AI tools our company will personally only hire people who already have 3y experience but perhaps you'll find luck!

>> No.53351303

fair enough,but still bad taste and probably ill intent

>> No.53351314

I have worked with coders with 20 years of experience who can't code for shit. You could spend six months learning the basics of python in the evenings and be better than 80% of the devs out there.

>> No.53351347

based pasta, very funny

>> No.53351397

I just watched a basics to coding video on YouTube and I would actually literally rather eat glass than do this shit.

>> No.53351445

People like to demoralise by bringing up how saturated entry level tech is because they saw le 100 applicants for a junior SWE role on LinkedIn. The reality is that half of those are jeets and retards with no qualifications or experience that get thrown out instantly. The rest are recent CS grads or bootcamp trannies who are mediocre at best. This board needs to fuck off fudding tech like it doesn't continue to be the fastest growing industry on Earth. The simpletons complaining they've applied for 4 jobs and didn't get a response need to pack it in aswell.

>> No.53351489

Don't kys anons. God is real. Start going to church and take it seriously. It always gets better.

>> No.53351573

What's the alternative. Ruining your body in a trade, being a wagie or working some nonsense corporate job where you have to interact with normgroids all day every day? These are all infinitely worse than writing some code anon.

>> No.53351581

do a flip

>> No.53351688

Its the realization that I'm not smart enough to code. There's a reason why manual labor exists and it's for people like me :(

>> No.53351811

Wish I could reply to each of you. Thanks for you're engagement in my thread

>> No.53351899

>oh no this life is too hard i have guaranteed housing and income but im just so bored schucks maybe ill kill myself
what you need is live homeless on the street of a strange city for 6 months. that will set your priorities straight for you

>> No.53352005

Maybe only for FAGMAN or big corps looking to churn employees, and I know ageism exists in this industry, but not for 30+. There might be some companies that would prefer to hire a 25 yo vs a 50 yo. But there are still a lot of companies out there that will hire the 50 yo over the 25 yo. Most of my friends who are devs work with a lot of 40-50 yo devs.

>> No.53352968


>> No.53353596


This is great pasta and kinda true. Or at least it makes me feel better that this happened to me

OP, google what a MERN stack is and make two (2) apps with it. Each app needs to connect to 2 external APIs and present information from them. Host it on AWS and put it on your resume. Then welcome to the show

>> No.53353698

just get a cdl oilfield job

>> No.53353860

Its like asking if its too late to learn another language. Of course not, but you need to work twice as hard as someone under the age of 25 to do it

>> No.53354131
File: 608 KB, 356x200, batou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

khan academy and >>>/g/ can set you straight. lurk moar.

>> No.53354139

realistically, probably

>> No.53354197

>mass replying
ok no you should definitely kill yourself

>> No.53354290

Just start a YouTube channel and post nothing but "crash courses" on every new language, library / framework building the simplest app (todo list, weather app ect.) and just tell everyone you used to work at a big tech company.

>> No.53355154

To be able to do it for free someone, either your community or if you live in capitalism central republic aka USA then your family helped bankroll you, at least just a little bit. Nobody gets anywhere without mummy and daddy’s help.

>> No.53355186

Manual labour isn’t bad. The guys aren’t chads either some are weak and scrawny looking but are strong from years of physical toil. Most are actually better to work with than autistic coders - little known fact.

>> No.53355230

wish I stuck with computer science at university instead of switching to finance. I got a comfy wfh job but would be earning more as a code monkey. I dunno, I guess all jobs suck but I feel like I want to BUILD something, not write useless reports for a bank.

>> No.53355292

Was going to hate this post.
But you’re right. I get a similar thing in my field. Sadly the younguns have been sold fibs and they don’t see the full scope of the roles.

>> No.53355322

this froggo doesn't look healthy

>> No.53355361

100%. unironically old dogs cant learn new tricks.

>> No.53355437

Just comes down to how bad you want anything in life, if you go about things passively, they mostly never happen. If you put in effort into something and work hard, it'll probably work out. It just comes down to investing your time at that age. Are you willing to take the risk of investing more time when it might not work out? If you are, then go for it, but not everyone is cut out to program.

>> No.53355639

Invest in a privacy based crypto

>> No.53355689
File: 155 KB, 1024x914, 1538521894749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most wholesome post i've ever seen on this board.

>> No.53356570

yes its too late. i have a bs and ms with years of work exp as a qa engineer and i still havent got one software dev interview. u compete with 3rd worlders at 2 usd per hour and all they have been doing since 11 is coding. go into the medical field, this field is a scam

>> No.53356966
File: 929 KB, 1906x853, GoogleFrog Screenshot at 2023-01-20 07-28-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People already answered your question pretty well, so I'm just going to compliment your "falcon".

>> No.53357084

I want to change careers from dev to freelance illustrator, I have no wife or kids to feed and live with my parents, is this viable or am I setting myself up for disaster? I went into software dev purely for the money and WFH benefits but it is soulcrushing and I'm pretty sure I'm not suited for it.

>> No.53357291

How about going into network admin stuff at the ripe age of almost 40, with a background in nothing related? I have some near clearances though.

>> No.53358415

is C a good starting point for someone who wants to learn how to code and >>possibly<< get a job in a couple of years? or should I go for something more mainstream like Python, C#, JS, etc... From what I gathered its the concepts that matter not the language ya? so if i start with C what i learn is transversal?

>> No.53358459

What's the best platform for building a booru-style image database for all of my anime images?

>> No.53358538

not at all, just specialize in something

biggest life-hack you can do is to get a secret or top secret clearance, then work for the government

you need to have a clean record though

>> No.53358602

Not too late anon. Don't listen to newfags telling you chatGPT will replace developers. It won't. Check out Polygon Academy and start learning Solidity asap.

>> No.53359595

>some are weak and scrawny looking but are strong from years of physical toil.

Getting a job at the paper mill saved my life

>> No.53359858

The baseddevs don't want you to know this but you don't need JavaScript for anything. Not even web dev. 99% of tasks you would want to accomplish can be done with GETting JSless pages and POSTing forms. Also I unironically use C++ for web dev.

>> No.53360035

i asked him, he said he died

>> No.53360815

Just don't use JavaScript. Killing the anti-Christ that simple.

>> No.53361041

kek, interesting idea

>> No.53361093
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doable if you're smart and disciplined

t. did it

>> No.53361267
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I'm hiring you, right now!

...only to fire you tomorrow morning, out of a cannon, into a wall

>> No.53361281


next question