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File: 18 KB, 600x600, 600px-Chainlink_Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53348168 No.53348168 [Reply] [Original]

>To minimize friction in collecting fees, payments can be made in LINK, or in certain cases, in other assets, including native tokens.
>CCIP will have a phased launch process extending into 2023, including a series of ongoing quality assurance procedures such as penetration testing, soak testing, and multiple internal and external audits.
So, basically, payments can be made in other non-LINK tokens (i.e. token not needed). And no full CCIP release this year (think v0.1 this year, v0.2 the next...etc). How are we feeling, marines?

>> No.53348181

Not interested. Link already peaked.

>> No.53348220

I'm literally about to sell I'm just trying to figure out what for. I am not holding this shit and missing another bull.

>> No.53348222
File: 170 KB, 999x991, E6318170-48E1-4EA7-BFAE-7486F6DD872C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link bagholders = cückolds of crypto

No wonder they’re so angry and salty all the time

>> No.53348227
File: 265 KB, 1796x730, Screen Shot 2023-01-20 at 7.31.33 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my dear boy, my dear sweet boy, your fear of making it is just your fear of becoming a man. but it is time for you to abandon that fear.

> 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

> 13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.


>> No.53348239
File: 30 KB, 656x679, b0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Payments in other assets can then be converted into LINK, resulting in a total increase in LINK consumption.
>We appreciate your patience and understanding and look forward to releasing CCIP in 2023

>> No.53348250
File: 410 KB, 220x206, troll-face-troll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao JUST.... Say it with me linkies
Words have energy you know, wouldnt it be a shame if the "meme magic" ended up backfiring...

>> No.53348251

oh…that’s why you’re shitcoin is trading at $6 after six years

>> No.53348304

>can be converted
everything can be converted to ElonsDirtySockInu and yet it's not happening. they are writing these things very carefully: never promise anything but make it sound like token price increase is just around the corner, all while they are dumping their tokens they paid $0 for. drumming up hype and then selling, that's their business model

>> No.53348316

>you're shitcoin
no i'm not

>> No.53348323

Yeah but don’t tell that to Chainshitters or they’ll unsuccessfully attempt to doxx you hahahahhahahahha

>> No.53349001
File: 321 KB, 828x1445, 9DD99D80-B306-4265-BA6D-79409DE669C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53349180
File: 91 KB, 488x436, 8_image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay more breadcrumbs and 2017 larp screencaps! Just what we need!

>> No.53349193
File: 51 KB, 531x553, 1245F989-CE72-4477-AF28-3100F1DBF43F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow nice wall of text Link will surely moon…in 2 more weeks ;)

>> No.53349386

we went from "LINK is useful because it's the only token used for payment!" to "actually, you can use other tokens b-but that's still bullish for LINK guys I swear!" lol.

>> No.53349602
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1642270921302s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53349767

This was just posted?

>> No.53349777
File: 564 KB, 718x596, 367823443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53349785

digits check out.

>> No.53349950

checked and really high quality meme there, coomanon
i get the feeling that it's the big one - people will sell all their tokens any day now

>> No.53350021

>no CCIP release this year
>staking v0.1
A lot of time and money spent to not get shit done.

>> No.53350476

We need a capitulation event. Like when eth went to $80 after 2017 bullrun.

>> No.53350503

The whole period from August 2020 to the present has been one prolonged capitulation event. Nothing but pain inflicted on me by fucking Bulgarians. A nuke can't wipe those cockroaches out soon enough, I pray for the slow death of those subhumans who ruined my life.

>> No.53350539
File: 789 KB, 1170x1155, 535A1B4C-F4D5-46FE-8A4C-9E92B8E600D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up weak cuck

Bulgarians will literally rape your sister while you seethe on 4channel

>> No.53351341

>at a higher rate then LINK payments
so only small fries and people to stupid to code buying there own link our gonna miss out on the discount of using link.

>> No.53351353
File: 2.71 MB, 6328x3500, 1674164991249617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fudders spent time and effort making shitty memes just to get btfo by their own posts

>> No.53351365

>you’re shitcoin

>> No.53351378

Are you having a stroke?

>> No.53351409

You are completely wrong.
Staking is a fool's trap that creates even more inflation. Staking rewards is money created out of thin air.
The share collected by fees is minimal in the redistribution.

The token link is only used to pay the oracle fees. That's all.
Whatever the value of the token, the result will be the same.

It's had it's wave of speculation. Whether it is $50 or $0.1 does not change the use of the network in any way.

Link is largely overvalued, the strong use of its oracles does not justify its price. Even less the 50$ top which was an aberration.

And like any chain, Link's business needs money and the only way to make it, is through partnerships and token sales.

People who still invest in link have understood nothing. And don't understand economics at all.
Link is like an ultra diluted corporate stock.
Ultimately, it is road to 0$ even with heavy use.

Link was a good choice in 2019 for the novelty aspect, and because the token had not yet reached a bottom price.

>> No.53351472

Just saw this fresh meme...now I'm embarrassed to be holding Chainlink tokens. Maybe it's time...to sell...

>> No.53351491

Still never taking the vaccine

>> No.53351529

>*defeats the purpose of anon imageboards*
yeah goodluck trying to make fun of anonymous users redditard

>> No.53351535

How's this related to anything itt? Or are you that desperate to change the subject? What a pathetic piece of shit.

>> No.53351563
File: 3.16 MB, 7128x4086, 1674177006666860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goodluck trying to make fun of anonymous users
no need, you guys made it easy

>> No.53351631

Considering how absolutely hysterical the fudders have gotten, I’d say he’s doing a great job

>> No.53351714

Funny that spamming the same shit with the same images day in day out for months came back to bite them in the ass this badly.
No ones going to even bother reading their shit now
"Oh hes screeching incoherently about chainshitters this linkcucks that and posting the same so yjaks for 12 hours straight? Probably just that same mutt with the mangled penis"

>> No.53351721

>To minimize friction in collecting fees, payments can be made in LINK, or in certain cases, in other assets, including native tokens. Payments in other assets can then be converted into LINK.
Emphasis on "can be" and not "will be" (converted into LINK tokens).

>> No.53351735

>"Im a pollock mutt :("

>> No.53351747

this was always the plan, a multichain oracle token makes cross-chain collateralization possible. imagine trying to run something like ccip but you're dependent on collateral tied to the operation of only one chain, it would never be trustworthy. now users can pay link directly or they can pay their native token+gas - converting into chainlink - to access oracle services

>> No.53351845

Wait, so one image, two different file names, yet somehow come from the same iPhone? I don't get it, how can you prove they're not from two different iPhones?

>> No.53351915


The other assets will also have a higher payment rate compared to just paying in Link. So if I'm reading that correct it would be 1 Link to 1565.372 EatAnusInu? If they even accept random shit coins. It will probably only be tokens in the BUILD program or the basic BTC, ETH, USDC/T/Dai, etc.

>> No.53352141

Its the same dude who's been spamming incoherent pajeet pastas to own the fudders for the past year. I think hes the guy whos always grasping for a new narrative about why it keeps dumping. Same guy who tried to meme the short squeeze a few months back.
Now hes spamming the thomas bullshit
Theres only like 100 dudes that go on /biz/ and the majority of them are neet schizos who just argue and samefag in the threads all day every day

>> No.53352194

Or will

>> No.53352202

holy shit it's actually over

>> No.53352265
File: 474 KB, 1254x726, 1633534077851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The goal of Chainlink labs was never to increase the token price. The goal is and always was total domination. Chainlink will dominate everything while never reaching ATH.

>> No.53352277

>yet somehow come from the same iPhone?
the fudder is an iphone poster and only he posts these images that have the exact same hash, its like a fingerprint.
in the /pol/ threads he posts other images under that ID, these images lead back to other threads and so he leaves his fingerprints everywhere for me to discover.
generally speaking you can reconstruct someones post history and see what else they are up to even on other boards, thanks to archives you can go back many years.
newfags dont know this so they get doxxed quick as they vomit pieces of information in every thread thinking they are fully anon.

>> No.53352315

>"SWIFT will use Chainlink's CCIP for this [feature launching in Feb/March]"

>> No.53352335


If you read the article it says if they use other tokens they get charged a higher rate, and those tokens are used to buy LINK to pay for the service.

Its basically an incentive for projects who want to pay with their own minted tokens which are free to them to do so but likely at twice the rate

>> No.53352380

The same file name doesnt prove its the same poster dumbass. A lot of people google image search for memes that they dont have on hand and google images pulls from the 4chan archives so if you download those images it will have 4chan ids.
Anyways your spamming is no better then the fudders every link thread now devolves into schizo spam between fudders and anti fudders

>> No.53352387

>How are we feeling, marines?
I'm staking so I feel good, pools closed.

>> No.53352398

>newfag still doesnt know what a hash is

>> No.53352418

>while this economic model is still being developed
2 more weeks

>> No.53352514
File: 82 KB, 242x242, DCD79801-6545-44F2-A9F5-1062D5F60EBB-16879-000009E171DB7256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On Thursday, just a few hours after police stormed the Nexo offices, an email to Nexo’s management, allegedly written by one of the firm’s co-founders Georgi Shulev surfaced and BestBrokers got a hold of a copy of it. The email, originally written in 2020 in reply to a Zeus Capital email, explains why Shulev, the son of former Bulgarian vice-Prime Minister Lydia Shuleva, exited the crypto firm.

Nexo and its owners have engaged in illegal activities for years, Shulev claims in his email, explaining in detail some of the company’s alleged malpractices.

>I consider it appropriate and necessary to inform you about the way the company is operating today. Unlawful activities are carried out on a day-to-day basis, both in Bulgaria and in numerous other jurisdictions, and the assets of the company’s clients are being misused without their knowledge.

In July 2020, Nexo announced a partnership with blockchain technology platform Chainlink for the integration of its proprietary token, LINK, on the Nexo platform. A week later, “asset management” firm Zeus Capital published and sent out slandering reports about Chainlink, claiming it was a Ponzi scheme. In an email, it advised investors to exit their long positions in LINK. According to Shulev, Nexo itself was behind Zeus Capital and the “analysis”, while its agenda was to benefit from the short positions on LINK.



>> No.53352537

checked and based
this one simple image generated enough chaincuck baggie seethe to get a sensible chuckle

>> No.53352574
File: 1.56 MB, 1399x1622, 1673934998124021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember, picrelated is the team you picked kek

>> No.53352626


>mommy mommmy you cant say the truth about our cult or we’ll do le epic internet research about you

>> No.53352631

>muh team sport
t. low iq linknigger

>> No.53352643

itt chainlink labs employees screaming fudd

>> No.53352679

>if you pick the wrong team, i w-will doxx u

>> No.53352680

>how are we feeling about this poorly thought out fud, my fellow goy- i mean link marines
you'll never get my link

>> No.53352702


Checked and based

>> No.53352705

Just look at the chart. We are at the delusional bagholder phase on the shitcoin chart

>> No.53352749

what I'm trying to say is, there is a discount for paying for chainlink services with link. so only idiots that can't program a simple "swap tokens to link before paying the oracle" smart contract well pay with anything besides link. it might make it easier for new or dapps with small teams to start using chainlink services, but any dapp that spends any real amount in fees well spend the time to code a swap contract to pay in link for the discount.

>> No.53352774

But that makes no sense, the hash is of the image. Two different sources (i.e. two different people) can post the same exact image and it will have the exact same hash. Doesn't matter if the file name is different, since the file name isn't included when hashing the image.