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53347068 No.53347068 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.53347087
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>> No.53347090

Didn’t read considering he’s been wrong about everything

>> No.53347101

He predicted ETH going to Double Digit Shitcoin Town

>> No.53347137

So basically he’s waiting because he already has fuck you money, but has no insight for those scratching and clawing to make it still.

>> No.53347146
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>New Arthur Hayes article came out today
hi Arthur. stop spamming your gay blog here nobody reads it or cares

>> No.53347154

That’s not what that says.

>> No.53347157

>end of petrodollar
>buy looksrare
>random frog images strewn about

>> No.53347268

>dude just wait til the Fed tells the normies it's time to buy. following the crowd is how you make money in the markets!
wow what excellent insight, surely that's a winning strategy! thanks so much for telling us your strategy just like all winning traders do! kek do people actually take this shit seriously?

>> No.53347429
File: 355 KB, 1000x1000, HF-Jeff-Snider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started following pic rel and he's saying the opposite of hayes opinion (snider thinks fed literally can't raise now, after the PPI report) who is right?

>> No.53347477

I’ve been hearing “the fed can’t raise rates” since June 2021. How’s that worked out?

>> No.53347527

wowzers! arthur hayes!!!!!

>> No.53347818

he also predicted $10k ETH in 2022

>> No.53348177
File: 42 KB, 731x195, Screenshot 2023-01-19 122750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So after bullposting most of 2022, Arthur misses the bottom and is now sidelined hoping for a massive crash to buy back in.

Can't make this shit up he might be the worst trader alive. The bell curve meme is real, and Arthur is caught in the midwit trap of over-intellectualizing everything and missing the obvious plays.

>> No.53348257

I don't know why I like this dude, but I do.

>> No.53348259

who to trust, the nigger or the jew?

wasn't that a line from a bob dylan song?

>> No.53348318

yes it is
he'd rather wait on the sidelines because line might go up, or might go down, but he'd rather buy in higher than sustain losses

the whole article summary is line might go up or down. it's funny how absolutely no-one has any idea about anything anymore - economists, youtubers, biztards - i'm not saying i do either buy that's why i DCA and why i don't write 10,000 word articles about it.

>> No.53348357

jeff "long bonds in 2021" snider

>> No.53348568
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Just read it.
Over the last months, he's slowly turning into a gold bug.

>> No.53348619

I care.
I'll read it, anon.

>> No.53349010

Based Arthur. Nice read, i hope he is wrong and we get the poompa.

>> No.53349371

Yes, I take it seriously. He's being very conservative about "capital preservation." He knows most niggas WILL get rekt over the next 6 months walking into a room with mouse traps everywhere. Toes will be hurting due to macro, not necessarily crypto, which is volatile enough.

>> No.53349384
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>> No.53350155

nobody knows anything it's just survivor bias left or right
the only right strategy is just DCAing when the majority is bearish and saying that crypto is over
it's actually easier to navigate the bottom (or near bottom) than be able to call the top

>> No.53350406


>> No.53350432

This. He longed at 27k then got liquidated and shorted the bottom at 17k kek

>> No.53350448

he's usually based but this is cope

>> No.53350465

It’s an if-then statement. It’s amazing how poor the reading comp of this board is

>> No.53350477

i remember him shorting ftx dump from 20k to 15

>> No.53350491

how is it poor reading comprehension
he is less than sure about what is going to happen so he's waiting on the sidelines - explain to me how the fuck you get any other idea than that from the article.

he has no clue and basically admits it. the funny thing is every single call he has made over the past year or two has been wrong, so now he's resorting to "either this is going to happen, or maybe that other thing might happen, but i'm not sure so i'm not buying and i'll buy when prices are 2x from here if i'm more sure"

how can he be taken seriously at this point.

>> No.53350554
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Like most Fed apologists Snider is one of the biggest midwit of finance. There is a reason why the guy has to work for the literal bond clown.

>> No.53350570

How many figures you think his portfolio is? 8? 9?
The amount he's compounding alone is enough to think twice about going in.

>> No.53350574

He laid out his game plan as literally if x then y and your take away was ‘line go up or down’
In trading nothing is certain so all you can do is have a game plan.
No one who is a professional trader DCAs unless it’s in a defined range

>> No.53350602

imagine taking a trader who publicly lays out their "gameplan" seriously. you're somehow a bigger midwit than arthur

>> No.53350627


does that word not denote he isn't confident about what is going to happen? what are we arguing about?
the whole article is 'if these things happen, line will go up, BUT if these other things happen, line will go down'.

jerk off over his opinion all you want but i get better opinions from people on here, and ones that take 1% of the time to read.

>> No.53350631

Midwit Dunning-Kruger

he literally said he'll wait (or rather short with 1x) & justified that decision with this: If this is the bottom he won't miss much and if this isn't then he'll get more.
Simple as

>> No.53350664

>capital preservation
6 months ago he encouraged us to invest in defi shitcoins

>> No.53350675

I follow traders who post their trades all the time. Cope
Idgaf about his opinion I’m telling you what it says because you niggers can’t read good
That doesn’t say ‘line go up or down’
You guys are fucking retarded jfc

>> No.53350682

LMAO then this blogpost probably means that he's scooping like a madman.

>> No.53350689
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we should probably start using an updated photo of Arthur for these threads cuz he looks like shit now. grifting takes its toll kek

>> No.53350710
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>I follow traders who post their trades all the time. Cope

HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAAH of course you do faggot

>> No.53350756

Skiing is a degenerate activity.

>> No.53350769

His blogposts are getting really low IQ and useless.

>> No.53350781

I like arthur but i hate to say it, he's been wrong about almost everything the past few years, its hard to even read his articles anymore. He cost me some money on that eth merger too ngl

>> No.53350831


>> No.53350835
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it's because he's not trying to help YOU make money, he's trying to make more money for himself. so he builds a following then throws them to the wolves. anyone who hasn't figured out how this grift works at this point is actually retarded.

>> No.53350845

cam into the thread to post this
entirety of 2022 spend as a degen bull calling for 10k eth and the need to frontrun the fed pivot or other frontrunners will leave you behind
listens to old boomer telling him its the end of the world
doesnt go in on obvious bottom decides to wait it out like a normie

cant make this shit up, he is the worst trader in the crypto space, not to mention all those weird ass fanfics about the fed he wrote last year
that and the treasury already pivotted before the fed hence the recent runup
he is gonna be so salty later on

>> No.53350893
File: 101 KB, 1390x182, Screen Shot 2023-01-20 at 11.21.47 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

written in April 2022 kek
it's just comical how badly wrong he was and the timing

>> No.53350903

>but i'm not sure so i'm not buying and i'll buy when prices are 2x from here if i'm more sure
the joke about this statement is that you are objectively better of buying right now and jsut hodling the intermediate or at least dca in heavy here, even biz figured that out

i am inclined to believe exactly this, he did the same with eth at the bottom of last cycle talked it down at bottom while he was scoping like a madlad
also the utter shitcoins he peddled and all the good projects he ignores
i am sure he will come out in a year or two yeah when i told you to buy looks i was actually buying these other things
(not gonna name them to avoid the autotriggers to draw the shills in)

>> No.53351173
File: 180 KB, 1370x218, Screen Shot 2023-01-20 at 11.50.58 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>but i'm not sure so i'm not buying and i'll buy when prices are 2x from here if i'm more sure
>the joke about this statement is that you are objectively better of buying right now and jsut hodling the intermediate or at least dca in heavy here, even biz figured that out

yeah, and funny how on here you get berated if you say $15k was the bottom, meanwhile you have crypto genius Hayes in June that said pic related kek. he was 'confident' about it too.

>> No.53351182

This fucking stupid nigger has fucked up every call he made in the last 5 years.

>> No.53351218

those are almost always either trolls or paid jeets
calling 15k a buyable bottom isnt controversial at all

>> No.53351260
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Seems like he lost any previous market control/influence he had and now just copes by writing 50K character headcanon imagination blogposts where at least 50% of it is him doing mental gymnastics on why his previous 50K blogpost was entirely wrong.

Arthur is turning into a senile schizo boomer I'm afraid.

>> No.53351405
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>> No.53351475

>steals money via rigged exchange
>a new generation of thieves overshadows Arthur
>now everyone NEEDS to pay attention to this rich nig because he is rich (from stealing) despite never being right about anything, ever

racist fucking losers if this guy was Asian or White you wouldn’t speak his name

>> No.53351767

he's aging like milk kek

>> No.53351796

would've happened if Elon didn't kill the bullrun early with his fucking SNL skit

>> No.53351911
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>> No.53351950

ok Arthur

>> No.53353001

Our negro

>> No.53353025

like 5 years ago. This nigga lost it.

>> No.53353146

photoshop'd. we know niggers don't ski

>> No.53353848

Its called don’t fight the FED retard. people got filthy rich by not fighting the FED in the last 13. The FED said tightening, why fight them? Saying they will Pivot is like the Bears who said the FED will have to tighten for 13 years and losing consistently trying to time the top

>> No.53354003

he just guessed, no one can predict exactly what the fuck is going to happen, it's like someone saying that dextools is going to replace binance this month, it would just be taking credit for nothing

>> No.53354141

it did for less than 24 hours and it never returned.
thats 1 of 100 predictions arthur was even close to

>> No.53354168
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Damn that's sad as fuck
You've got so few people who give a shit about the walls of text your write, you feel the need to shill it on biz like its some pump and dump shitcoin
top fucking kek mr hayes

>> No.53355484

I bought eth at $120 in 2020

>> No.53355505

based on macro, but eth hit double digits because of covid
hitting the right target for the wrong thesis makes you wrong. especially when you paint your targets wide enough to start with
this is why you faggots keep getting hustled by youtube and e-celebrities. he also predicted btc to $100k in 2017, somehow you're not quoting that one

>> No.53356100

>Nobody knows anything, it's just survivor bias
>But here is my strategy for making it

>> No.53356177
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Funny thing is in my country, the stock market are now rising due to high inflation. It might be the reverse in the west where stocks in the US are plummeting due to raising rates but outside the US, inflation has become so unbearable due to exchange rates that the stock market has been rising along with inflation as well. Kek

>> No.53356287
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What's so bad in holding gold miners ETF vs the individual companies?

>> No.53356291

I won't read another word this absolute nigger writes he is wrong about literally everything.

>> No.53356586
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>so listen, this is whats gonna happen. i have been wrong every single time but it wont stop me from making more predictions and trust on my sense and judgements.

>> No.53356657

he is anything, but a FEd apologist though
his main thesis is that the FED is powerless to do anything, ever because the money markets have evolved way past its influence decades ago