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File: 81 KB, 720x607, 2D221F48-F182-4701-AA03-C2524F2CAFB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53345735 No.53345735 [Reply] [Original]

Should I just save myself the inevitable suffering and end it all now

>> No.53345770

The same way an ugly and disabled man makes it.

>> No.53345789

Surely an ugly woman can still have nice tits. And surely you would post them if you were actually a femcel. None of this adds up at all dude.

>> No.53345793

Send me pictures of red fire ants devouring your feet, and I'll order you door dash you slut

>> No.53345796

Learn how to cook
Learn how to clean
Learn how to raise children
Learn how to respect your man
Congrats you are now a woman that men want.

>> No.53345809

Make sure you keep chasing men far out of your league and then die alone in 40 years

>> No.53345811

Just be honest. You are a man who will never be a woman.

>> No.53345814

It’s a bit hard when disabled

>> No.53345819

Eat my ass bucko.

>> No.53345827

sounds like someone's fetish to me, open an onlyfans and try your luck

>> No.53345835

Uhhh just take the best pics you can and go on tinder or bumble and you will still get some interested guys within a week guaranteed

>> No.53345849

Tits or GTFO

>> No.53345850

Sadly I don’t. They’re ugly AF IMO

>> No.53345851

what do you mean by “disabled?”
i ask because i’ve worked with and taught a ton of hypochondriac grills who said they suffer from everything. I’d never hire their type now that i’m a business owner as i know how much of a burden they’d be to others and bring down overall productivity

>> No.53345859

probably transgendered

>> No.53345861

They don’t?

>> No.53345905

>stop dying your hair
>don't get tattoos
>get laser removal of tattoos if you have any
>get rid of all piercings
>stop wearing make-up
>stop being fat
>wear sun dresses
>learn to cook
>only sleep with the man you have an emotional connection with
Simple as. I don't know why you even ask though. You won't do any of these things.

>> No.53345908

POTS and dysautonomia triggered by Covid vaccine. And yes thanks, I’ve already accepted that I can’t get a job, my heart rate shoots up to 150 upon standing and blood drains to my extremities turning them bright red. So I’m flat on my back.

>> No.53345912

>making excuses why I can't cook or clean
yep you are definitely a woman

>> No.53345927

I literally have sexual dysfunction from the dysautonomia. Sex isn’t a factor here I can’t have it. Zero sex drive too.

>> No.53345969

I haven’t dyed my hair. Have no tattoos. Only earlobe piercings. Don’t wear makeup. Weigh 53 kg. Don’t wear sun dresses I can barely drag myself to the bathroom. Can cook but can’t fuvking stand. Can’t have sex.

I should just end it, right?

>> No.53345974

Ugly retarded girls used to settle down with ugly retarded barely employable guys, have 7 ugly retarded kids, and live happily ever after...

Good luck with being "too good" for some half wit slob that would treat you like a ghastly princess because TV told you that you're entitled to a 10/10 or just can live with your parents forever in a my little pony bedroom.

>> No.53346006

Ah... you got actual medical shit going on. Disregard my presumptuous dick headery.

Good luck girl. Sorry.

>> No.53346008

>got the clot shot
But why

>> No.53346013

Who said I was after a 10/10 lol, I have a boyfriend and have no idea why he still hangs around. I feel bad for him and I’ve told him he can leave but he wants to stay.

>> No.53346031

oh you took the vaccine?

yeah definitely kys then, im surprised you are even cognizant enough to conceptualize suicide in the first place

>> No.53346055

Really sorry to hear that. Best wishes on getting better.
It might sound silly, but you can apparently buy this thing:
It lets you use a laptop when lying down, so if standing up is the only problem, that could be a solution if you can do something from home.

>> No.53346059

I really had no choice. Was that or not be allowed to work for certain places. Disabled me anyway. And I know covid will be worse

>> No.53346070

Find a male burn victim who also lost his penis, or some guy born as half a torso. Sex wont be an issue

>> No.53346103

I’m gonna assume you tried getting compensated for the damages by the government?

>> No.53346115

>half a torso
Can that actually happen?

>> No.53346142

>covid will be worse
You have been poisoned. People have died from the shot.
>could be worse

>> No.53346158

I fucking wish. Will never happen

>> No.53346162

so you're dying from that? in that case yeah you should kys, at least i would do it if i have some neurodegenerative disease that slowly destroys my senses. but if they can fix it then just get your shit together. you should also blow off your bf for all that shit he went through, no sex drive needed for that.

>> No.53346180

The sad thing is it’s a life sentence not a death sentence. So no. I’d have to kill myself, it won’t do it for me.

>> No.53346191

If you wanted actual advice you should have not mentioned you are a female

>> No.53346201

No there’s no cure either. Well none that I can afford since I can’t work.

>> No.53346208

sorry to hear about your afflictions anon. Do you have any education or skills; a portfolio?
i know it’s a meme, but perhaps lrn2code and learn how to use excel to a high level and apply for a remote government job. surely people in your situation can still find work. godspeed.

>> No.53346222

thanks for the tip kind stranger

>> No.53346249

My boyfriend can code, don’t know how to make money with it though since it’ll be a couple years before he finishes his degree

>> No.53346361

>Will never happen.
With that attitude, yeah. SOMEBODY somewhere is getting money from your government. Why isn't it you?

>> No.53346392
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so you just take it like that?

They literally poisoned you on purpose, side effects were a feature not a bug

>> No.53346419

Yep. Welcome to the real world sweetheart.

>> No.53346475
File: 58 KB, 1100x1007, 1635816746723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s a bit hard when disabled
You're going to have to lower your standards to other people that are disabled
There's no way in fuck I would procreate with someone that is disabled to the point they can't even do the job of a woman properly

>> No.53346486

you can't say it won't make the world a better place. I gotta back the so-called elites on this one

>> No.53346515

>All these newfags.
I keep to the oldways bitch. Tits or gtfow ywnbaw

>> No.53346531
File: 161 KB, 1024x1024, 1630421782213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give me attention
imo you're a self-inflicted psycho like many other women. no one owes you anything. you have value to get what you want. if you dont have value you have to earn it.
the truth is being a loser is a mind state and a choice. one you've obviously already made

>> No.53346555

Become a vtuber obviously.

>> No.53346579

I guess 3rd worlders just have the wrong stare of mind then

>> No.53346584

>have colledge degree, in shape, attractive
>fat, has a boyfriend, in debt, no degree, ugly
>thinks she can get with me for some reason
Women gotta work on themselves, but then she'd probably think she can get chad with his bugatti instead.

>> No.53346616

post bobs first with timestamp then post vagine

>> No.53346640

actually they typically have much healthier state of minds than first worlders that constantly look for things to gripe about. hilarious that you would even bring it up

>> No.53346653

Thanks for the contribution bot

>> No.53346655

You don't

>> No.53346656

Pad Thai waifu?

>> No.53346673

True. But I tried everything and refused to be a victim till biology took over.

>> No.53346714
File: 123 KB, 1278x1598, mister beast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing about my post was a botpost I was just thinking that literal trashbag women think they can get normal guys it's kind of mindblowing.

>> No.53346720

That's an excuse. Are legitimately disabled or are you a gargantuan blob and that's why you are disabled? And if you are disabled what type of disability is it?

>> No.53346739

I have already shared

>> No.53346795

Even the families of people who have died from it aren’t getting compensation so why would I

>> No.53346913

>covid will be worse
I have covid right now and feel fine. Only shitty thing is that everything tastes like mold.

>> No.53346928

Post them, let the men decide. We don't care what you think. Tummy pics too.

>> No.53346954


>> No.53346959

>flu with 99% survival rate
>hurr durr better permanently cripple my body with this experimental gene therapy
>i had no choice guize

>> No.53347026

Don't end it gorl, but get your medical issues in check. If you can't even function properly for yourself then how can you expect to function for/with a partner? Is you disease curable or atleast treatable? Even if you have zero sex drive, if you just your man plow you then he'll be happy. Men are simple creatures, we wsnt food, sex, and companionship. If you can't treat it then ending it still isn't the right choice, my buddy's sister (who I would creampie constantly until pregnant, huge milk tanks, nice ass, cute face) is dating a dude with a disease where his muscles are slowly dying off. He's been in a wheelchair for a while. If he can get a piece like that, then you can too, but focus on yourself before trying to get someone else.

>> No.53347035
File: 130 KB, 756x756, 518A914C-6099-47EC-89AD-E62F9530B9BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you have a boyfriend, which is more intimacy than male incels get, which means you are not a femcel and just larping.

Truecels have never experience a relarionship, if you have a boyfriend sounds like you are just a shitty person and complaining.

I wont say kys because Im trying to stop saying that, so just begone please.

>> No.53347044

start a OF with your disgusting feets & disguting face you'll make money it's a bit of a niche. when your create your channel be sure to post it here

>> No.53347410

Either you are larping (which is my guess) or you do not see your bf, who is taking care of your ass because he loves you, as a viable long term partner.

>> No.53347639

I do. I was more using femcel in the context of my appearance and not seriously

>> No.53347731

marry a man

>> No.53348133

then you didnt refuse to be a victim, did you
i vote kys

>> No.53348246

God is real and Jesus died for all, though not many hear the call of true grace, I pray it comes to you.

>> No.53348555

how do i find one of these cuties? she would be the perfect gf

>> No.53348625

/pol/tard doesn't know that your listed things will be no problem in the real world. plenty of takers would still queue up if they only know about her existence

>> No.53349316

I’ll just tell my cardiovascular and autonomic nervous system to behave then

>> No.53349865

just don't get fat and you're set. it is characteristic of women today that they can't even manage that.

>> No.53350066
File: 61 KB, 640x832, 1670145675809232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how disabled you are but know this:

Good looking alpha men WITH money, would definitely fuck with you if you worked out your booty and had a 10/10 butt. Face for a women does not really matter as much as a lot of people say. There are a FUCKTON of ugly women walking around not knowing they are ugly because guys still give them attention. Your body is the number 1 thing to fix if you want to attract a worthy male. As long as you aren't in a wheelchair you should be squatting heavy weight and slimming down your waist. No true alpha gives a fuck about tits. Sorry titbros.

>> No.53350093

Figure out a way to make money, get fit, get surgery. Just being 5/10 should be enough to attract simp cucks.

>> No.53350106

I like to suck on big tits like a baby, but you are right. Ass is more valueable.

>> No.53350162
File: 175 KB, 1536x1702, 1667278199179786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can’t have sex.

Why exactly is this the case? Because you can't stand? Good news, sex rarely involves standing. In fact 99% of sex involves the guy doing all the work while you lay there. If you actually want a guy, you absolutely have to give him as much sex as he wants. Getting good at giving him long blowjobs with no hands would make him put a ring on you as well. It's literally that easy. Jesus fucking christ. Ugly men have had to go into the forest and slay literal dragons with wooden swords just to get laid. You literally just have to not be fat and give good enough sex. Stop feeling like a victim and man the fuck up woman!

>> No.53350178
File: 1.54 MB, 1000x563, wewrewr.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> fake femcel crying for attention in forum...
lol thanks for wasting my time you fkn loser.

>> No.53350407

>the vaccine gave me shit, inbred white genetics
>can’t perform the primary function as a woman
Yeah no sex is an automatic deal killer for any healthy male. Id target an old man suffering from ED, they just want company and don’t care about sex for the same reasons you don’t

>> No.53350482

Marry the ass, buy the tits bros

>> No.53350612

As somebody who's had good looking women and bad looking women with a nice body/ass, let me tell you that fucking a butterface gets old quick...

>> No.53350694

post tits

>> No.53352192

Unironically just get /fit/ and you’ll automatically be at least 6/10. Men don’t desire wealth as much

>> No.53352232
File: 27 KB, 720x266, 64556904-D7D9-4DDC-9650-3AF92613342C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I see. In that case water fast, it basically cured my exes Rheumatoid Arthritis. 2 week fast and she was back in business
Worth a shot, you have very little to lose anon

>> No.53352478
