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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53338640 No.53338640 [Reply] [Original]

Just saw someone say they lost their job during today's microsoft purge after 15 years with the company.

15 years

disgust is too tame a word for what i'm feeling

>> No.53338676
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anyone who makes this kinda money and then lays off a small town’s worth of workers with mortgages, medical bills, student loans, kids in college, etc is inhuman scum

>> No.53338689

15 years of service
why did you fire brad's wife

>> No.53338703

learn to plumb

>> No.53338769

That's what you get for sticking at the same company.

You move when a better opportunity rises. Full-stop. If you don't you will eventually get cucked by the company you are simping for.

I'm at my 4th company since starting my career in 2016 and I make 6 figs while the guys who stuck around at the same company make half that.

>> No.53338777

well yes, he's a pajeet

>> No.53338778

damn lol thats a lot of techfags

>> No.53338784
File: 77 KB, 495x350, trust me no one gives a shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boohoo. 11,000 fucked idiots who should've been doing something more than just sitting around riding on the coattails of their predecessors and watching as the younger kids fumble to succeed out of fear that those faggots would lose their jobs for looking bad. it's a pervasive and pathetic mentality of elitism looking down on the general public that infests every single tech company from the local used game store to server engineers in the pacific and atlantic. i hope you are as miserable as the rest of us now.
>muh 15 years
>muh tenure

>> No.53338974

Yeah, the human cost of these decisions is horrible. When you're laid off at that age on the eve of a recession, how do you start over? Many never can.
You're right that it's a mistake to ever think a corporation will reward loyalty.
On the other hand, you'll get fucked if you get laid off from your fourth company and then have to job hunt in a recession. Employers will see you as a job hopper and will leave you out in the cold.
People can't win. If you're not rooting for this bullshit and evil economy to die, you just haven't had it brought home yet.

>> No.53339004

>On the other hand, you'll get fucked if you get laid off from your fourth company and then have to job hunt in a recession.

This is why you have a year's savings in cash and a story ready to tell for when you are job hunting.

>Employers will see you as a job hopper and will leave you out in the cold.

This isnt an issue unless you have multiple sub year jobs in a row. Good rule of thumb is to stay 2 years at a job which I have for all of my jobs outside my current.

>People can't win. If you're not rooting for this bullshit and evil economy to die, you just haven't had it brought home yet.

Learn the game and you won't get fucked. If you think the commie crap you are spewing will result in you getting less fucked you are on the wrong board. The OP's friend will be able to get a job quickly the unemployment rate is still practically non-existent.

>> No.53339005
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This isn't Japan where your company is actually loyal to you
Why the fuck do people invest so much in one company?

>> No.53339015

just learn to plumb, codemonkey.

>> No.53339024

my nigger!

>> No.53339032

His pay is set by the board and it’s mostly in stock. Notice how it says ‘total compensation’.
Typically during layoffs the people who get let go are redundant, low performers, or non essential roles unless it’s cataclysmic.
The people who got laid off (probably with 70-80% salary + health) were likely HR, diversity and inclusion meme teams, and the likes.
Idk wtf you’re kvetching about. Sorry Shaniqua et al have to struggle on $2500/wk after serving a decade in a job that shouldn’t have ever existed in the first place.

>> No.53339039

You know people who work for these types of big companies get at least 3 months of severance right? It's not exactly a hard landing especially if you have that amount of experience on your resume. He'll probably get a pay raise too.

>> No.53339054

I'm not spewing commie crap. I'm spewing "have lived through two catastrophic recessions since I started my career", Mister Post 2016 Good Times Guy.
You can learn the game as much as you like. The rules are always against you.

>> No.53339078

15 years doing nothing and staring into a computer nothing they ever did will be used by one single person and no1 will care 15 years wasted LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL WORK FOR KIKE BILL GATES GET THE BOOT SIMPLE AS

>> No.53339116

So dont work? Most people don't have that luxury. Do you have another point outside companies are mean and life is unfair?

>> No.53339146

>Do you have another point outside companies are mean and life is unfair?

Here's one, your general 'advice' is unrealistic and trash. 'don't work' LMAO

>> No.53339169

codemonkeys were never worth the money they have been paid. You're just not that important.

>> No.53339183

Can you read? Thats what I was saying the poster was saying. This thread is retarded and so are you and your friends are retarded if they didnt have a rainy day fund and they are definitely retarded for slopping up corporate cock for 15 years and expecting loyalty.

>> No.53339200

An engineer working at MSFT for 15 years should have massive savings and stock grants by now

>> No.53339211

>This is why you have a year's savings in cash and a story ready to tell for when you are job hunting

If you save 10% of your income which is would be 5x the average savings rate, it will take 8-10 years to save up one year of income. So this is wonderful when you are over 30, but even then life catches up with you, if you lose your job before that, medical emergency, family needs help, get married have kids, etc.

>> No.53339224

>believing the gpt4chan bots are real people

>> No.53339417

Save more then

>> No.53339424

Imagine taking the “thing” to keep your job and still getting fired regardless, top kek

>> No.53339501

Someone with 15 years of experience at Microsoft will have absolutely no problem finding a new job. Who cares.

>> No.53339527
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Good, these people should have been out in the market creating new businesses to compete with big tech. Instead big tech offered them huge salaries just to eliminate potential competition, a monopoly on intellectual capital. Unleash these nerds and let them do something productive.

>> No.53341313

What is the industry gonna do with 28,000 C# developers?

>> No.53341365

Bye bye post Obama rainbow colored LinkedInoid human paperweights.

Everyone else, FIRE IN THE HOLE. Get back to real work.

>> No.53341396

Is this a real post? Is this some kind of 'be your own boss' motivational tate/elon musk bullshit? 'Unlease the nerds' wtf are you even on about.

Do you really think it's that easy to just spin up a business with ready made services/products to go on the market and reach the size that competes with the big tech monopolies?

>> No.53341676

>This is why you have a year's savings in cash and a story ready to tell for when you are job hunting.
"just play the game, bro"

>> No.53341739

It's not that easy but then a weak willed retard like yourself wouldn't know the first thing about taking on a challenge

>> No.53341757

big tech products have been absolute dogshit for the past decade. get a real job.

>> No.53341780

It’s happening. Rate hikes have officially reached the point where they’ve made things worse. Our entire economy depends on the cost of future money, did Powell really not understand he would cost millions jobs with this decision? Did he think the executives would take pay cuts? Lol.

>> No.53341797

Are you retarded?

>> No.53341798

Jobs never did 15 years straight at Apple
man needs a change every once in a while

>> No.53341806

The plan was the fuck wagies from the start, inflation was just the narrative

>> No.53341821

lol word,,, no its excel anon
>disgust is too tame a word for what i'm feeling

>> No.53341834

> did Powell really not understand he would cost millions jobs with this decision? Did he think the executives would take pay cuts? Lol.

he made it clear that this was his goal. the fed quells inflation by reducing demand via unemployment.

>> No.53341865

>Unleash these nerds
what can man do against such wreckless nerdisms?

>> No.53341883

oh no! I can't take on an challenge! whatever shall I dooo!

You argue like an emotional woman.

It doesn't change the fact that telling people recently fired to just
- 'open your own tech business bro'
- 'you should have had years worth of savings just in case'
- have multiple other jobs lined up and ready to roll
is some straight up looney tunes shit.

It's one thing to just not give a shit about people because they're brown or whatever. But don't actually swallow the dumb shit /biz/ pretends they say they do. Go get some real perspective.

>> No.53341902

i agree with his sentiment - if you work for someone you should expect to be fired at any time since you're dependent on them. if you're your own boss then you have more freedom and while you also have more responsibilities it's alright since you now have stability. don't take anything for granted.

>> No.53341927
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I am still on windows 7

>> No.53341948

developers are begging on street corners now because of your selfishness anon. JUST install a 'modern' (garbage) OS instead, like the rest of us.

>> No.53341958

Windows 10 and 11 are so bad OPSEC breaches hospitals here can't legally run them

>> No.53341977
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we have linux microsoft could fold and wouldn't matter
we have monero and growing decentralized markets another company that could fold and not matter.
useless cloud meme

>> No.53341979
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i miss windows 98

>> No.53342001
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>> No.53342011

Is this room secured now?

>> No.53342042
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Yeah bro capitalism bad and shit.

>> No.53342068

90% of businesses fail my guy.
Not to mention the average overhead which is anywhere between 30,0000 to 60,000 dollars.

>> No.53342092

And yet he still can't get a toilet.

>> No.53342106
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I know this is a joke but I bought a new computer out of curiousity and windows 11 is nearly unusable. The mouse randomly jerks south for no reason. The wifi card dies and refuses to wake up every time I put the laptop in sleep mode and I can't even install linux on the bitch because microsoft makes it nearly impossible and even if you do get ubuntu or mint or some noob OS on it the fucking wificard isn't programmed into the kernel so I can't even have internet cause there's no fucking Ethernet port.

It's literally my least favorite machine rn, but, I use it cause I don't want to be an obnoxious faggot in public. Probably gonna buy an old notebook soon.

>> No.53342131

Yep. Hopefully this means a lot less "feature updates" on our computers and phones, and a lot less pointless "upgrades" to Windows 11, 12, etc.

>> No.53342246

All of these laid off workers will get their revenge...

Oh wait, no they won't, the world's largest companies have become so powerful that they can not and will not ever be held accountable for any wrongs they do

>> No.53342273

dude, its a front for US government

>> No.53342526

At this point it's more like the government is a front for these corporations

>> No.53342555

Everyone has a story though.

>> No.53342582

they were paid well. I would say many will relocate to cheaper cost of living and start their own businesses or dive into blockchain increasing the talent pool in the decentralized world, but most likely the ones they laid off were useless middle management with history degrees and an MBA. GL to them

>> No.53342589


Perhaps making everyone dependent on work to live since everything is privatized is a bad system and the owners of these failing industries should be layed off or pushed off.

>> No.53342596

Isn’t it crazy how things just get worse?

>> No.53343016
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Linux does not have this problem.

>> No.53343024

no, for example, google is owned by "Alphabet" *nudge* *nudge* *wink* *wink*, which is an NSA asset

>> No.53343025


When has it not been "work to live" you retard? Did you think your hunter gatherer ancestors weren't working to live?

>> No.53343244

Imagine working for Microsoft for the last 15 years and not having enough to retire

>> No.53343255


>> No.53343304

Kek imagine working 15 years for microsoft and not be retired with all those stocks gains. That fag deserves to be laid off for incompetence

>> No.53343331
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>> No.53343356

Not my problem.

>> No.53343360
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>> No.53343450
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I miss this cozy screen

>> No.53343595

This isnt true. Theyve just realised AI can do most the work.

>> No.53343729

Why the fuck would you stay with a company longer than two years?
After 2008 literally no one should be loyal to any company, unless they're paying your pension.

>> No.53343753

This. People thought that AI/machines would replace burger flippers but why would you spend so much money to replace minimum wage workers with a machine when you can replace coders who get paid well with AI.

>> No.53343756

Today is my birthday. Why did you fire my wife?

>> No.53344046

you can't even get the question right without being familiar with the subject matter you clowns

>> No.53344134
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>> No.53344152


Lmao! Get fucked HR

>> No.53344157

>15 years of experience with microsoft
He will find a job instantly with that resume worry about yourselves commie retards.

>> No.53344273

>worry about yourselves
well thats what they're doing, Microsoft is acting acting like an elderly dementia patient and all their private data is being rifled through by foreigners looking for anything valuable

>> No.53344355

US was built by foreigners. Whats your point? Microsoft can act however they like to stay a float unlike US gov companies dont have infinite resources to employ unefficient unlimited workers. Take your Romanticism and shov it up your ass.

>> No.53344402

its like you were born yesterday or something retarded, microsoft is US government front

>> No.53344420

When does this spread to other industries? I was a DEI culling ASAP.

>> No.53344445

Make a Windows Forms app that accepts resumes and shares with tech employers

>> No.53344460

with jeets you NEETs

>> No.53344472

Well. Someones gotta supply the bugs and raw sewage for the populace to drink and eat eventually

>> No.53344481

Yeah bro and they spray chemtrails on us everyday too right ? but but Snowden said they spy on us :( all you need to know is Snowden fled to Russia to Putins loving arms. Infamous human rights lover.

>> No.53344508
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so you were born yesterday

>> No.53344566

by Q3 headlines will be all about firings

>> No.53344585

comfiest world war ever

>> No.53344640

this is why you dont hire pajeets - they betray

>> No.53344680

>Please big CEO, give up your $55m salary so that we can layoff 10700 people instead of 11000!

>> No.53344767

The screen I hope pops up when I die.

>> No.53344799
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>> No.53344832

Fucking deserved it
>wut hire local pypo? Noooo too expensiverino hire the poojet instead and two of those prodiversity whores

>> No.53344927

Hunting and gathering isn't working to live, it's just living dipshit. You've gargled so much corporate cum your whole life you cant even imagine a world without HAVING to work some bullshit to survive.

>> No.53345263

Imagine expending time and energy making s0ijack shooting targets.

>> No.53345455

So when do I start buying tech again? Now? I'm considering Intel but maybe I should just leave everything in money market until later this year.

>> No.53345561
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>> No.53345597

>thousands of employees coasting on what Microsoft built back in the 20th century
>nooo they all have to keep their jerbs

>> No.53345603

They need to make room for diversity

>> No.53345615

God I remember how exciting it was to play around on windows 95
I miss those days like you wouldn't believe

>> No.53345645

The point was how terrible your advice is

>> No.53345674

>Good rule of thumb is to stay 2 years
I do about 4

>> No.53345765

Fuck man, I’m a job hopper. Am I fucked?

>> No.53345780


>> No.53345844

We are healing frens

>> No.53345846

>looks up satya nidella thinking is sexy indian female
Its a nigga!

>> No.53345957

> disgust is too tame a word for what i'm feeling

Why? That’s the way the economy works.

>> No.53346001

Doesn't work the same when you work at microsoft. The pay there is so high you can't get as much money unless you move to another company like Apple, google, etc.

>> No.53346043

Job hopping is the only answer. I do 2-3 years per job feels pretty optimal.

>> No.53346099

Thanks boomers! Remember it was Reagan/Clinton that set this series of dominos up

>> No.53346171


>worthless HR fucks getting the axe

Suddenly it didn't all look so bad. Sales teams represent

>> No.53346175


>> No.53346276

Your job is never safe if you are working corporate. You can follow the rules and be a good goy, but as soon as their accountant says they're losing money on you, they'll fire you and have security escort you out of the building.
And the older you get, the harder you will be forced to work in hopes that your superiors will believe that you're too hard to replace.
Being self employed was the best career decision I ever made.

>> No.53346363

Nah, I do IT for a law firm and there's multiple people who would get the axe before I would. Pretty comfy, lots of tribesmen though.

>> No.53346390

better than shilling bsc casino.

>> No.53346455

the jobs are being out sourced to india and other 3rd world shitholes.

this is what happens when you force conservative white men out.

>> No.53346769

The world doesn't need more shitty apps.

>> No.53346917

Getting fired is pretty comfy though desu if you don't have a lot of financial commitments. I got severance, now on EI and putting about half the money into paying off the rest of my student loans. I get to apply to better jobs at my pace and might do some online courses to get my skills up. Any recommendations?

>> No.53346990

Next time don't get into debt.

>> No.53346991
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>> No.53347002

Alls fair in love and war.

>> No.53347019
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>Many never can.
Awe that sucks.

>> No.53347040

>medical emergency, family needs help, get married have kids, etc.
Yeah don't do any of that.

>> No.53347065

Commies get the helicopter

You don’t have a right to work for any company. If your friend wasn’t a retard, he saved a bunch of money, has a bunch of stock and will be able to find a job within the next 6 months.

>> No.53347075

What a terrible post.
Work for a better company.

>> No.53347086

>I had a literal lottery winner of a job for 15 YEARS and as soon as I get laid off im fucked
maybe save money next time faggot
hopefully there is no next time though and you die homeless

>> No.53347097

You're a trust fund aren't you?

>> No.53347111

100% this -- I make 150k and do maybe 4 hours of work a week -- I save 60% of my income and everything is paid off -- I know sooner or later it is coming.

>> No.53347127

Apples to oranges.
>t.actual tribal.

>> No.53347164

Nah, they're just gone. A lot of the big tech companies dumped a lot of head count on HR, Culture Ops, and web3. Now that everyone wants to work remote you can cut those jobs and as shown by the lack up uptake in industry for Blockchain I expect the entirety of their web3 divisions to close down now that the hype and easy money has dried up.

>> No.53347182

Praise Alvis

>> No.53347194

Nah, it’s always been work-to-live but it’s infinitely easier today. Everyone has gone soft. This world owes you nothing and you deserve nothing you don’t work for.

It’s simple really: save as much as you can, lower expenses, invest in income producing assets (either growth or dividends) and have an emergency fund. Most people are just too retarded to follow such a simple plan

>> No.53347255

>15 years at tech company
>still not retired/self-sufficient
Must be retarded

>> No.53347348

Damn dude, I've been constipated longer than you've been working.

>> No.53347396


My dad was coming out of his second divorce in early 2008 then got laid off from his mid level white collar job. It did pretty much end any hope of a meaningful retirement for him

>> No.53347669

So he didn't learn after the first time? Grim, I'm sorry for the fella.

>> No.53347689

Just goes to show, never get married to your job or the company you work for. You will get two weeks notice at the absolute most (best case scenario) before they toss your ass out onto the street. Most of the time you'll get a day or two notice and no refunds.

>> No.53347725

He only gets half that. Such is the tax.
He's a poor by the Hollywood standard.

>> No.53347732

Yeah this is always crazy to me
They didn't save anything? Didn't have any plan or emergency plan or anything?

>> No.53347760

The only way to win these big techs is to be more cut-throat than them. You will be just like them in the end.

>> No.53347787
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>I am still on windows 7
>mfw some of the computers at work still have vista

>> No.53347830

>If you save 10%
How about save 80% until you hit that goal and then you're done in two years.

>> No.53347937

Even with all those things possibly happening you should be able to save more than 10%
People are just retarded and constantly live outside their means

>> No.53348151

Same here, incel core i5 1st gen. Think the bloated globohomo browsers and lack of RAM will get me in the end

>> No.53348218

4gb of ram used to be plenty now I can't even have 3 chrome tabs open without it crashing due to inufficient memory. Upgraded to 6gb for cheap so lets see how long that holds up.

>> No.53349029

Windows became unusable, mostly because of the forced restarts, after many years away I came back to noobuntu as my daily and it's so nice have 99% functionality practically built in and not having to deal with a million workarounds for everything.
Inb4 Ubuntu is for niggers

>> No.53349450
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>meanwhile in reality
It's funny the people who voted for more government are now being funked over by regulation brought in by more government, who could have seen that coming?

>> No.53349737

Microsoft is a private company you little commie scum. Ask the workers why they got laid off, if they told you a sad story looking for sympathy then there's your answer.

>> No.53349749

the sooner you learn that loyalty is a one way street the better
companies ask you for loyalty but they don't have any for you, no matter what fairy tale they tell you

>> No.53349764

>Microsoft is a private company you little commie scum.
Microsoft, Amazon and Alphabet (google) are all fronts for US government

>> No.53349927


>> No.53350737
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Anyone who works for Microsoft is inhuman scum, they deserve it for inflicting Windows 10/11 on the world.

>> No.53351030

Stop using software then

>> No.53351057

15 years with the same company doing the same job?
Yes those people are disgusting slaves. Somebody should have fired them 13 years ago for their own sake

>> No.53351068

Yeah guy was the janitor since day 1 of that office opening too. They are assholes.

>> No.53351071


You keep getting jobs and they keep paying you higher salaries

People who don't job hop are cucks with zero balls

>> No.53351415

jeets write the code. jeets get the gold.

>> No.53351974

They hunted 1-3 times a week, most of their time was spent lounging

>> No.53352146

why did that guy from RHCP buy two copies?

>> No.53352174

what about stability my friend. I can't go around quitting everytime, i have to pay taxes.

>> No.53352432

The CEOs of Microsoft, Facebook, Google, and IBM are getting coffee. The Microsoft CEO says "excuse me", gets up, walks outside into the street, five minutes later he comes back in and takes a seat. A few minutes go by, the CEO of Google says "excuse me", gets up, walks outside into the street, comes back in and takes a seat. Another few minutes go by, they're all enjoying their drinks, and the IBM CEO gets up to go outside. Before he leaves, Mark Zuckerberg looks at him and asks "Why do you guys keep going outside?"

He turns around and responds, "Coffee gives us the shits"

>> No.53352620


>> No.53352777

>job hopper
Nobody sticks with jobs anymore for more than a year or two on average unless you happen to live in Japan.

>> No.53353080
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People before could grow their own vegetables, own their own animals, have their own hens and chickens in their own backyard and can fish in the rivers to their heart's content if they go hungry. Today, you cannot have any of that because of zoning laws and neighbors not wanting you to raise animals in your home because it will "Drive down property values". So yeah, it's different. You can still survive and live without having to work for some asshole and company.

>> No.53353094
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>company is loyal to you

>> No.53353108

socialists are the most deranged subhumans on the fucking planet
yes hunter gatherers had to work to live, EVERYONE does

yes and they all had air conditioning and uber eats

>> No.53353119

In order for capital to reallocate to more productive sectors, these people need to be laid off

>> No.53353128
File: 5 KB, 211x239, 92d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You retarded? They raised rates because there's this thing called inflation. This is what happens when your mind is on crypto all the time. You think "NUMBER GO UP", "TO TEH MOON" all the time.

>> No.53353145

>mass layoffs across sectors

We're in it, now...

>> No.53353293

Thats not why they raised rates, not the real reason anyways, because the inflation we experienced is the after affects of fucking the supply chain with shut downs and then fucking the labor pool with mandates.

The purpose of raising rates is so they can flood the economy with cheap credit once the recession gets bad because iys the only thing they can do and cutting rates from 2 to 0 wont have the sane inpact as going from 5 to 2.

>> No.53353303 [DELETED] 


Hahahahah, there aren't more productive sectors, nigger. It's all a giant bubble ponzi scheme propped up by free money that's coming down fast.

>> No.53353386


Correct. I am too

>> No.53353933

It's kind of scary that becoming a fat egotistical bitch who decides who gets hired/fired became a career, totally fucking insane.

>> No.53353958

Tech workers are insanely overpaid and frankly this needs to happen.
Doctors, civil engineers, architects, fuck even lawyers make 30-40k starting out after SEVEN years studying in some cases.
Doing a meme coding course for 3 years and instantly making 100l+ isn't sustainable. You do not produce enough of a service for the world for that wage to make sense.
Not to mention most people I know who work in tech openly boast about doing no work.
Everyone in the tech industry had this coming. Grasshopper and the ant. It's just unfortunate none of you fucking idiots or your management actually managed it properly and just paid reasonable wages etc. instead of this unsustainable madness that now has to crash...

>> No.53353998

Hey faggot - the shit runs itself. Thinking the average tech worker is actually fucking doing anything important is like mistaking a librarian for an author.

>> No.53354314
File: 56 KB, 480x360, 54351232123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>schizo posting
There were already signs of the economy overheating even before the COVID shutdowns you retard. COVID was actually deflationary as money was sitting in banks and not being used or passed around (ie money velocity). Once shutdowns were over, inflation went through the roof. Rates had to be raised for a reason.

>> No.53354347

seethe and cope
I will collect my 100k severance check, leech off of unemployment, and find another job that pays 50% more when it's over.

>> No.53354698

The librarians of tech are sysadmins and similar. Software devs are the authors. Companies are just paying them to write dumb shit. Same thing is happening in Hollywood lately.

>> No.53354882
File: 1.01 MB, 2121x1414, iStock-157562259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15 years
outdated techie more like it. 28,000 outdated techies will be replaced by young blood with experience in Open AI, AI chat, VR, AR, blockchain technologies

>> No.53355565

My sides

>> No.53355936

use vivaldi then you fucken idiot