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File: 124 KB, 1024x841, China_population_pyramid_2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53336774 No.53336774 [Reply] [Original]

Any thoughts on how to encourage people to have larger families and thereby help the economy? At the present state, we're in a japanese death spiral and shit's fucking depressing.

>> No.53336831
File: 107 KB, 344x296, 8396DCDB-094E-4FD2-AC7C-EA22B8A8262B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up
Population doesn’t have to always go up
It has to level out eventually

This population collapse bullshit is being put forward by CEO pedos like Musk who want the world filled with cheap labor and poor families to struggle to protect their children
We should be giving birth control for free to anyone who makes under $100k a year

AI is about to kill the employment rate and you want to make it worse?

>> No.53336838

Economic policies China has already tried:
>outlawing most forms of extracurricular education
This should make children cheaper to take care of.

>driving the housing market to the ground (Evergrande is the poster child)
This should make homes more affordable for the masses.

>reshuffling the "good" teachers in a school district
>making the schools a lotto system
This should further even out property values so Joe Schmo doesn't think he needs a 200 million yuan apartment to send Cindy and Mindy to the best elementary school.

>companies are forced to give generous maternity leave
This should encourage women to breed since it's literally paid vacation.

And don't even get me started on the demolishment of the one child policy (which was always an economic policy lbr). None of it helped. None of it did jack shit in fact. So what's a totalitarian government supposed to do at this point? China insists its currency will be tied to the gold standard so it can't just print its way out of a -3% YoY pension deficit.

>> No.53336848

Your lives in the first world are going to suffer immensely if third world countries birthrates tank, as they have been. Do you really think sweatshop laborers in Asia can be replaced with Africans?

>> No.53336891

>Do you really think sweatshop laborers in Asia can be replaced with Africans?
Yes and I’m sure the corporations feel that way too
We have too many people with our present systems. Adding more is not the solution

>> No.53336912

Alright, then I'm guessing you don't have much experience with African workers and I am all the more envious of you.

Hope some other /biz/raelis can offer their .02

>> No.53336992

Chud answer or real answer? Don't punish people for having kids. Affordable housing, Medical subsidies for pre natal care, flexible or WFH for both genders because the best development outcomes happen when both parent, not one fucking off.

>> No.53337011
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>muh low fertility alarmism
Literally just let natural selection run its course. Roasties and bugmen are being weeded out of the gene pool. Germany enacted policies to raise their fertility rate in the early 1900s, and it ended up lowering their fertility rate in the long run.


>Then the worm turned. German fertility plummeted after World War I, and even the Nazis with their "Kinder, Kuche, Kirche" rhetoric were unable to force a recovery to peak Weimar levels. Meanwhile, the French - long derided for "race decay" by the Anglo-Saxons and the Germans - started to make more babies. Ironically, this began during the Vichy period, at the trough of France's fortunes, and spread to the rest of the country after 1945; the French have been much more fertile than the Germans ever since. Whereas one 1920s League of Nations demographic projection saw the French population falling from 40 million to 29 million by 1970, it instead soared and now stands at 65 million.

>But why this turnaround?

>I would argue that this historical French dissolution paved the way for present day French virility, and conversely, past German "culture-forced" virility paved the way to present day dissolution. Or to put it in numbers, whereas Germany underwent its fertility 3 generations ago, the France had their about 5 generations ago. Their society has been selecting against those who reproduced less for a while longer, and it is starting to tell.

>> No.53337036

What you're actually asking is how to specifically get whites to start reproducing

>No amnesty to illegals
>No anchor babies
>Extremely strict immigration policy
>End no fault divorce
>End gibs programs for the poor

This is ultimately the answer. Regardless of race, as intelligence increases, birth rates decline in all first world countries. Only the third worlders breed like rabbits. No policy can incentivize it. The best protection is to do what China does and protect the native population without any remorse.

>> No.53337055

This makes a lot of sense
Free market and natural selection know what’s best

>> No.53337096

Propaganda would be enough. Instead of more than half a century of convincing girls to waste their most fertile years fucking around in school and careers, propagandize them to start families young, have four kids, and then start a low-impact (but rewarding) career once the youngest kid is out of the house (at roughly mother's age = 40).

Welfare benefits for stable families with young children can also help, at least for husbands who are early in their careers and may not be able to afford a 3bd2ba house + 2 cars + other child expenses. Mainly you can just guarantee their loans for house+car so they get low interest rates, and free healthcare for children under like 12.

>> No.53337099

Western European countries, especially the Nordics, already have all these policies, and their native populations are nowhere near replacement rate. I don't think China will be any different.

No, I'm not asking about any white nation, I'm specifically talking about China because it has an authoritarian government hell-bent on beating its demographic problem. At the present birthrate, China cannot keep the gold standard and pay out its promised pensions.

>> No.53337130

China is still suffering from decades of bad social policies. Their one child policy created a demographic crisis that they will probably be dealing with for another five generations. Their entire population needs to be reduced to under 600 million. The only solution for China, India, and Africa, is cutting their populations by at least 50-80% of what it currently is.

>> No.53337134

Living in a city seems like the biggest indicator that you simply aren't going to have a lot of kids and these, while encouraging, don't exactly address that. Am I wrong for believing that? I don't know what my theoretical policy would look like.

>> No.53337189

I don't doubt that if the situation got bad enough the Chinese government would implement something like the "one grandparent only" policy or something just to cull their pensioner population BUT there's like 20-30 years before they are forced to do something so drastic.

I think this is a good start. Women, especially, are extremely susceptible to propaganda. But the problem is that raising a family is rewarding in the long run and many people want an immediate dopamine rush.

How do you imagine the implementation of your welfare benefits? If I'm a dad with a young kid and my wife is a homemaker, will you give me a couple points off of a home loan on the condition we have 2-3 more kids?

>> No.53337229

If you're still talking about China, this would take still take another 100 years to start working. The feminization of the US started at the beginning of WW1 and you're just now seeing how much damage it caused by having generation after generation being subjected to feminist propaganda.

>> No.53337258

Land value tax to return the value of unimproved land to zero.

>> No.53337267

All you need to do to fix the birth rate is to take away all woman rights, and bring them back to the level of the 1900s. This is a sad fact, but I have to say it as it is true. Anyone who disagrees is delusional and doesn't understand the source of the low population birth rate problem.

>> No.53337340

Ideologies are just tools. Once a certain ideology has outlived its usefulness (like the 1child policy), you can be sure it will be discarded for more expedient policies. And, again, China's political system is very different from western ones. The amount of control the government has is difficult to comprehend as an American; needless to say, if any country can pull themselves out a demographic death spiral, I believe China has the best tools (totalitarianism) to try.

This was the elephant in the room in the book "Empty Planet". It's written by a bleeding heart Canadian who espouses the same Malthusian nonsense as certain anons in this thread but basically says as Nigerian women get more rights [read: education] , Nigerian birthrates are going to crater.

>> No.53337369

Why there's a huge gap at the age of 60 and 45????

>> No.53337371

You're right in that anything is possible if you're just going to beat the population into submission. China kicked out 80k niggers, which would be impossible in the US, so I have no doubt that they could fix their population crisis if they wanted to.

>> No.53337385

Low population birth rate is not a problem
All you guys here constantly complain about being slaves to the Jewish banking overlords and you want to bring other souls into this fucked up mess?
Let them incarnate on some beautiful planet without places like Epstein island.

>> No.53337422

>what laws and regulations can the government make to enforce people having kids
You cucks get upset over everything mentioned by the media.
Just let people who don’t want kids not have them.

>> No.53337435

>Just let people who don’t want kids not have them.
Is there also an option of not allowing the government to flood the country with illegal immigrants and creating federal nigger breeding programs to increase crime?

>> No.53337439

Yes, I mean in implementing the One Child Policy, China had no qualms about regularly subjecting all pre-menopause women who had had their one (1) allotted child to QUARTERLY (four times a year) pregnancy checks. I know multiple people whose aunts/cousins/neighbors got forcible abortions courtesy of the CCP in the third fucking trimester.

So with this callous disregard for their population, I'm curious how other anons envision China trying to alter their demographic destiny (in terms of economic policy).

From the things you threw out:
>No amnesty to illegals
Already not a thing
>No anchor babies
Already not a thing
>Extremely strict immigration policy
Already a thing
>End no fault divorce
Already not a thing
>End gibs programs for the poor
Already not a thing

Any other ideas?

>> No.53337442

The plan is unironically to bring in billions of Africans to try to make up for the labor shortfall KEK

>> No.53337445

You guys are legit arguing china’s totalitarian govt is based and will fix their population problem?
This thread is sponsored by the CCP

>> No.53337475

lol lmao even
I might not be redpilled about the JQ but I have no illusions about the monster that is the CCP. It's why every decent Chinese person has since fled China. But that's not the point of this thread.

This thread is a mere thought exercise. Imagine you are the CCP with its (presumed) absolute control over the country. What economic policies would you implement if your ultimate goal is to bring up the birthrates, avoid the demographic collapse pictured in the OP, and ultimately save the economy from staggering into stagflation like Japan's?

>> No.53337497

Those things are two separate issues
Making the govt force white people to have kids won’t stop nignogs from fucking your daughter
You’re a dumbfuck
>labor shortage
Let them hire the unemployed
We don’t even have full employment but you dummies want to add more kids?
Doesn’t make sense
Fuck you chink
I’m not supporting your commie policies
People should have the freedom to decide if they want kids or not
Stop trying to force your ideas on everyone else

>> No.53337511


I think the wealthy do generally believe they can replace the population growth from Africa, but you're right. Even the Chinese fucking hate working with Africans. There's hilarious documentaries from China on them trying to 'help' Africans to expand their power and influence and just constantly getting fed up. It is ironic that we're in a completely woke world but the reality is the African continent is a total fucking barbarous shit hole. Some of these proud 'African Americans' for example are so far removed they forgot what it is was. Imagine putting them in the middle of fucking Congo and seeing if they don't get their heads chopped off

>> No.53337514

Those things go hand in hand. You can't leave one population alone and let the ones that are net tax negative go completely unchecked. That is a major disincentive for the whites to have children

>> No.53337554

There are clever industrious black Africans. I've met plenty. But they all got the hell out of Africa at the first opportunity and basically scooped up all the easy scholarships in the West. Remember Rwanda? Where the black room temperature mutts slaughtered their (also black) betters? It's not just Rwanda. Africa is like eugenics on steroids in reverse.

Togo and Benin are OK, Liberia is fine too because of the US propping it up.

>> No.53337580

This is bullshit
The economy doesn’t need to always have more people to grow
Advances in productivity are more than enough to not need immigrant workers
AI is about to put most people out of work
Increasing population now is the worse thing we can do

Big businesses have you so cucked that you can’t imagine a world we’re poor people aren’t fighting for jobs.
If you want to force anyone to have kids, force billionaires to have more kids so they split the family fortune

>> No.53337599

I'm agreeing with you. Number doesn't have to go up. White birthrates are going negative because there are too many things disincentivizing them. No amount of incentives will fix that.

>> No.53337605

You unironically can't increase birth rates without rolling back women's rights and banning contraception and abortion, Communist Romania did it but not for long.

You do. We got pseudo-population increase by integration of Asia into world markets, they probably think the same can happen with Africa but they forget that African IQ is like 80.

>> No.53337610

>raising a family is rewarding in the long run and many people want an immediate dopamine rush.
That's simple: wedding, pregnancy announcement, social media posts about the pregnancy + buying a family home, baby shower, unlimited attention when baby is born and showing it off, rinse and repeat 3 more times, then showing off family pictures and childhood milestones for 18 years. The only reason this doesn't overwhelm the programming and all girls don't just have kids for attention is the propaganda that makes them feel like having children is less rewarding than working for income, and all the other working women getting catty and acting superior because they work for goldberg instead of having their own kids. It took a LOT of propaganda and two generations of spinsters working and acting snooty to get the average girl to decide it was better to waste her fertile years working and stressing rather than just having kids and letting a husband work and bring home the money.

>How do you imagine the implementation of your welfare benefits? If I'm a dad with a young kid and my wife is a homemaker, will you give me a couple points off of a home loan on the condition we have 2-3 more kids?
Nah, it doesn't need to be contingent on more kids. Basically after the first child is born the family would become eligible for guaranteed home+car loans, with low interest rates, so long as they stay married. If they get divorced, the loan converts back to normal and splits so that both parties pay half separate from each other (so for a $200k home loan, it would convert to each party having a $100k loan. In practice the house would almost always be sold because a divorced woman hates responsibility and probably wouldn't be able to afford it even if a judge awarded her the house). Each additional kid would then just increase the amount the loan could be guaranteed up to, so instead of a 10k car loan at first kid, at fourth kid you could have up to like a 50k car loan.

>> No.53337622

As a general practitioner (7 years and countin'), the solution is simple.

>Ban the commercial refrigeration of Human eggs unless it is for medical reasons.

>Allow surrogacy and actively encourage single parenthood (Esp. single dad-hood for it to be more culturally acceptable), the more the merrier.

>> No.53337625
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When a company can't find workers they cry to the government at which point, a collection of niggers gets sent to the job site and suddenly the company has billions of dollars of free funding because their ESG score went up

90% of corporations in America are zombie corporations and every statistic the government puts out is fugazi

Quite frankly, nobody in America has to make anything as long as internationally people continue to use the dollar

>> No.53337627

checked and true. We are all numbers in the excel spreadsheet of some faggot that got his job from diversity stacked Ivy leagues.
>Liberia is fine
lol, just lol.

>> No.53337644

Anons, please indulge me in this thought experiment. You're in a room with a representative of the CCP. He wants your advice in how they should go about economically incentivizing the next generation of Chinese to have more children. Pretend we're about to successfully colonize Mars and Ganymede and Nazis from Jupiter are attacking so we need more soldiers to fight, more people to colonize space, idk. Whatever the overall geopolitical situation is, the bottom line is it's in your best interests to help.

CCP will give you one billion dollars worth of gold bullion.

CCP will stick you in the Uyghur detention centers

>> No.53337646

Urbanization is well-known to be the main cause for low birthrates. But nobody wants to address it.

Probably because it requires a societal-wide perception change

>> No.53337655

the ultimate redpill: take women's rights away.

>> No.53337692
File: 45 KB, 720x511, C5EC4080-D05E-4C39-85E3-6FA6F8AAD8C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy, i’ve been brain storming this for weeks:

1.) Sexual reproduction is now a choice not a necessity anymore:

Less than a century ago, people needed to have children because children were needed to provide for the family with incomes and to care for the old. Today, age care is abdicated to social workers and we have welfare protections to bail out old broke retirees, so there is no NEED to have children anymore, rather to the contrary; they are seen as only a burden on free time, money and career choices. This is due to drastically increased capitalist exploitation from Neoliberalism, making children more expensive in the long run and undermining their social importance with cheap foreign labour.

2.) Lack of Shame Culture due to Feminist Sexual Rights caused by Neoliberalism:

Another problem is not so much promiscuity itself, but rather the lack of shame associated with reckless or inconsiderate sex due to hook-up culture by the normalisation of abortion as if aborting a fetus is a standard medical procedure for a young woman in her lifetime. I'm still in favour of the allowance of abortion for eugenic practices and perhaps for the choice of individuals under strict conditions like less than 3 months pregnancy, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't still be curbed culturally by shaming it as destructive behaviour. Fundamentally, this boils down to the deconstruction of marriage as simply just a legal category and a status symbol due to gay rights as an inevitable consequence of feminism. Marriage is no longer the life-long partnership of a loving couple to have children as decided by the nation or by God.


>> No.53337703
File: 1.21 MB, 736x1308, 4A180D93-48F6-4391-B9C8-EC876001FED8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3.) Nihilism as caused by Neoliberal destruction to the prospect of Home ownership, end of the world prophecies about climate change and the scepticism of reason in Post-Modernity:

I believe there is a deep psychoanalytical problem with young people today, as they can't envision themselves having a family (as incels) but also because they can't anticipate the possibility of raising a family when they have to pay a mortgage for a house, indebting them as wage slaves for 10, 20, maybe 30 years. They also can't do this because they think "what is the point?", if their children will die by 2050 anyway due to climate change. To top this off, a secular and deracinated culture without a national/imperial mythos that is alienated in multicultural society simply can only spend their free time on consumerism anyway; Getting drunk on the weekends at bars and clubs, nice holidays, watching porn, playing video games all day, owning a nice car etc.. all to cope with the destruction of their societies and any possibility to having a family. Society at large is simply not interested in raising children anymore as what is the point in the state of society, especially when your cultural identities and institutions are being replaced with multicultural ones and absurd ones.

4.) Absurdity and degeneracy as promoted by Wokeness from Neoliberal universities and American/Western deep state institutions, exacerbated with internet cults (4chan, reddit etc.) and cults of personalities that freaks idolize

Transgenderism and anti nativism whilst founded by intellectual Cultural Mar** such as Critical theory and ISA's (Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses), gender deconstruction theories etc., are only exacerbated by the internet, and so absurdity can only grow exponentially from social media.

There, I solved birthrate crisis in the West, vote for me.

>> No.53337720

It's a little depressing that pulling women over is still reliant on social media but I think this is the most effective way to get them on-board long term. The loan system should be pretty straightforward to implement, I'm assuming you don't care if the child is adopted or the product of IVF/donor egg/sperm?

It's pretty easy in the west for a single woman to buy some sperm from a sperm bank and get pregnant, but getting a surrogate mother (ie, a womb) is still prohibitively expensive. Do you see government subsidies in place to encourage single fathers to raise children? I'm guessing additional subsidies when these single parents (male and female) need to take 3-5 years off their careers to raise their kids? (Assuming they can't afford full-time childcare / their parents are busy taking care of other grandkids)

>> No.53337776

Poor women have more children on average than middle-class women. The idea that women need more money to raise a family is garbage. They don't want to have children because they're busy trying to improve their social status and having kids gets in the way of that.

>> No.53337789

You've identified the problems but haven't provided solutions. Can you list some policies that can be implemented to combat these problems?

Is this a case of the chicken and the egg? Which came first, urbanisation or feminism?

>> No.53337801

>Anons, please indulge me in this thought experiment. You're in a room with a representative of the CCP. He wants your advice in how they should go about economically incentivizing the next generation of Chinese to have more children.
This legit sounds like something the Chinese government would post

>> No.53337906

Considering how big and lucrative surrogacy has become over the years, you will be surprised at the number of men willing to forgo marriage, forgo having a wife and just skip to straight fatherhood.

You will also be surprised at the number of Third-world women from East Europe/Asia/Africa/South America willing to become surrogate mothers (Even doing it au naturel) for easy five figures.

And normally they don't even stop at one. Some men have well over 6 children with 6 different women of different ethnicities.

>> No.53337947

>Is this a case of the chicken and the egg? Which came first, urbanisation or feminism?

Easy. It is Urbanization that enables Feminism.
Historically, that has been the case from the Greeks to the Romans to the Egyptians to the Babylonians to the Chinese.

It is the natural outcome of higher literacy.

>> No.53338132

Here's why I picked China for this thought experiment:
>it's a totalitarian government
>with a relatively homogenous population
>which said totalitarian government wants to breed more

Out in the west, there's too much back and forth in politics for economic policies to be as immediately effective (see: JPowell and the inflation rates), even more back and forth on 4chan(nel) for which races should be breeding more (ignoring that all of them are breeding less in the West), and the government has no incentive (yet) to actively encourage population increase via childbirth since they can just import millions of immigrants.

That's all very well and good but you haven't answered my question. Assuming this is made more available to the masses (via advertisements and loosening of policies), how does your scenario account for the inevitable burdens of single parenthood? Especially of an infant? A billionaire like Elon Musk can easily afford nannies for his dozen children, what about Average Joe? Is he just supposed to take the L for 3-5 years before the kid is of school age?

>> No.53338148

You nerds are so close to getting it but your resentment of women being unattracted to you keeps you from being objective and awkwardly shoehorning blame on them.

Vegeta is unironically a good example of someone getting their head out of their ass and becoming a good partner and husband even if he's still a social retard. He and Bulma focus more on what they like about each other instead of obsessing on their differences. He breaks the toxic cycle of his father and stops projecting shit to his son.

>> No.53338328

>That's all very well and good but you haven't answered my question. Assuming this is made more available to the masses (via advertisements and loosening of policies), how does your scenario account for the inevitable burdens of single parenthood? Especially of an infant?

Lad, literally everyone dumps their kid into daycare or onto their parents.
But Single Dads do spend more time on their children, esp. if they have similar features.

>A billionaire like Elon Musk can easily afford nannies for his dozen children, what about Average Joe? Is he just supposed to take the L for 3-5 years before the kid is of school age?

Pretty much yes. It is called being the Breadwinner.

>> No.53338351

just automate the work in china so they don't have to import africans either

>> No.53338376

>in the future where surrogacy is cheap
>Joe spends 30K for a baby
>his company gives him six months paternity leave to care for the newborn
>after six months Joe drops his baby off at daycare/grandparents for eight hours a day five days a week
Is that your optimal scenario?
It doesn't seem like you're involving economic policies at all, which is fair enough. I'm guessing you don't care if it's Jane who wants to be a single mom or Jack and Joe who want a kid either?

>> No.53338409

>It doesn't seem like you're involving economic policies at all, which is fair enough. I'm guessing you don't care if it's Jane who wants to be a single mom or Jack and Joe who want a kid either?

It is the future at this point.
Skip the alimony, skip the drama of having to deal with SO, skip right to having kids and becoming a Dad.

It is pretty the same if the common Jane wants to be a Single Mom.

>> No.53338458

When people talk about automation, robots, or AI, first look at Japan. They're at the forefront of this in senior care out of necessity and guess what? They still don't have any robots capable of taking care of the elderly.

>> No.53338481

there are no incentives that will really work because as populations become more educated everyone comes to the same conclusion

kids fucking suck

>> No.53338500
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polpot the nerds simple as they need to go.

>> No.53338631

Hence why Euthanasia should be legalized for those above age 45.

>> No.53338682

Provide a home buying subsidies for those who are married and have children that covers a 20% down payment up to 100k.

Make childcare dollar for dollar tax deductible

Provide a 10,000 child bonus, tax free, at birth for those who are married.

Provide a 30,000 child bonus, tax free, for those who are married and have their third kid

>> No.53338715

There aren't any, families aren't built by economic policies. The issue is a cultural one and it's frankly irreversible at this point. By 2025 the world population will peak and from that point on it will get lower, not higher.

>> No.53338969

Russia enacted similar policies down to the N thousand rubles for having N children and guess what? No baby boom.

I would say this is a Plan B, in between Plan A (ideal plan which can encourage wife/husband pairs to procreate more, clearly what the CCP is gunning for) and Plan C (least ideal plan where the pensioners are culled by up to 90%). Secondary issue is IDK how many women/men in China want to be single dads so it could be that loosening the restrictions on single parents getting children has the same negligible effect on the birthrate as the 2/3 child policy.

>> No.53339331

>This legit sounds like something the Chinese government would post
Nice, CCP offical go tell Xi that white males will come to china if you promise them a cutie chinse wife, a job, and a house.

>> No.53339397

Unironically child labour - there is no immediate financial incentive to have children (unlike back in the day when they worked on the farm), and as a matter of fact they are a liability.

I would also ban contraception and abortion, and women in the workforce.

Goal should be to strike slightly above replacement rate.

>> No.53339530

While I agree that it's impossible to force people who don't want kids to have AND raise kids, I think there are definitely families who would like more kids but feel like they can't afford them and government policies should be geared towards helping them, along with the aforementioned easing restrictions so men and women who didn't manage to find a partner still get a chance to be parents.

Assuming only 1/3 of the population gets married AND wants kids, how many kids does each family need to have? I'm assuming that the number of single parents who elect to have children will be minimal (as a lot of married men and women in China choose not to have children). And would enough positive economic incentives from the government be enough to tip the scales to be at or ideally above replacement level?

I know if everyone gets married AND has kids that's 2.1 kids for replacement level.

I'm guessing double that if only half the population gets kids? 4.2 kids per family?

And then is it triple the initial number for 1/3 of the population? 6.6 kids? Basically every family that has kids needs to have seven of them because for every family that does have kids there will be two families without? Christ, just laying it out like that is depressing, IDK how the CCP would manage it.

>> No.53339549

get millennials a larger share of wealth, its something ridiculous like 15%

>> No.53339619

>Propaganda for a lifetime is enough to undo your entire genetic history slowly paring down to one or two people in your generation

Let me guess: you think 60 years of new-age feminism can counterbalance eons of evolutionary psychology.

>> No.53340303

>muh evolution
Let me guess, you think a few years of potty training can counterbalance eons of evolution.

>> No.53340361

first of all, west is COMPLETELY over populated. A nation 1/3 of Texas CAN NOT sustain 80 million pops. It’s going to NATURALLY get down. But noooo (((economists))) who cry about (((demographic collapse))) can’t have it, so they instead opt out to increase or counter this natural trend by filling those nations with Africans.
China instead, expelled 80k Africans in 2020
Why? Because China doesn’t listen to the (((economists))) that cry about (((demographic collapse)))
When China goes back to natural 500 million pop, they will be able to rule the world forever
Why? Because all their “competitions” are swarthy low iq retards who can’t innovate not produce.
Unironically idiocracy is going to be future of all “we need immigration cause population collapse” nations.
>Those things are two separate issues
They are not retards.
The same (((economists))) who cry about (((population collapse))) are the same excuses your governemnt use to open the flood gates and bring a billion niggers into your nation.
This is Literally the play and you are too dumb to understand that it’s all related.
Easy. Just follow this manual: https://gearsofwar.fandom.com/wiki/Birthing_Creche

>> No.53340393
File: 213 KB, 1085x770, 3f1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies and the climate change meme were a good start. Lets crank up those numbers.

>> No.53340414

Chad is brown so I am ok with him being anti Natalist

>> No.53340493

stfu you racist incel, cheap labour makes your country more competitive in the global marketplace, one way to reduce labour costs is to increase the supply of labour which is what immigration is all about

>> No.53340550

>muh cheap labor
Yes kike. Displace the native, hinder them from being able to have a fulfilling job with a live able pages, just so you can have essential products such as funko pops, Starbucks cups and various plastic shit from china. Totally how you run a country.
You trying to run a company idiot, not a nation. And no, according to UN itself, replacing migration is the sure way to combat (((demographic collapse)))

>muh global market place
Oh ye bro. Ship the jobs away, turn your nation into a swarthy consumerist low iq retards just so your (((wealthy))) can line their pockets, safe in their gates communities

>> No.53341393

Abolish the age of consent

>> No.53341422

Would have made sense in 1983 now you're just screaming into the ether that boomers flooded america with mexicans instead of having kids gl hf gg no re

>> No.53341432
File: 2.78 MB, 304x539, ice cream robot.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry Paco, you've been replaced.

>> No.53341435

>Americans say they want more kids but can't afford it
Okay maybe that makes sense
>Northern euro countries with higher average income and 92 years of paid parental leave for having kids have an even lower fertility rate anyways

>> No.53341451

China seems to think so. It's gonna be funny af to watch them whip those monkeys.

>> No.53341473

>beating the drum
They can't fix the problem because abortions in china are the same as US abortions were in the 1970s.

Low boomer birthrates and rising infertility in the 1980s were driven by bad abortion policies where getting an abortion damaged the womb/uterine lining and made it difficult for embryos to attach.

Among American Indian populations this is the primary reason birthrates have gone down over time. If you take black Americans and isolate purely for non-African, non-Caribbean populations you will find the black American native TFR is about the same as the AI tfr, which is lower than the white TFR. Niggy nigs are propped up by the migration of 1.5 million foreigners a decade and negro males breeding with fat white women creating halfbreeds, but the pure, american-descended population of niggy nogronium mooncricket tarheels is declining.

The same practices are current in china because they are cheap slanty scammers, chinese women have ruined wombs which is why no amount of money to have kids will fix it. The only way to fix it is grabbing women out of highschool and putting a gun to their head and telling them to breed now. Shit like 'leftover women' over 25 won't fix it because 10 years of being a whore ruined their womb making pregnancy difficult and miscarriage rates high.

China would probably be better off investing in robot wombs and just taking all the eggs from dead women and making frankenbabies from chink chad sperm and giving these frankenbabies to couples.

All those old people will just starve the chinks will legalize euthanasia for people over 60 and the government won't give a fuck, the chinese government has never given a fuck, the entire society is built on rugpulling masses of plebs. Thinking otherwise makes no sense.

>> No.53343097

Male fertility is declining worldwide thanks to constant pollution. No social policy can fix a centuries worth of globohomo Megacorps fucking the planet up so much that we're physically incapable of fucking to save our species.

Infertility is God's judgment on mankind for worshipping consoomerism and polluting his creation. Repent and believe the gospel.

>> No.53343558

>he thinks niggers are equally capable as chinks

>> No.53343609

I don't think that any policy is required, remove welfare programs so that the productive bloodlines can actually have enough capital to propagate and build wealth. This way you don't get MAGA types or Hood Spics/Niggers

>> No.53344691

the entire economy is a pyramid scheme

>> No.53346342

China is roughly the size of the US with significantly less fertile land. If you think the US can only support 80 million, what makes you think China can support 500 million?

>> No.53346406


Legalize polygamy for educated and worthwhile people while simultaneously capping alimony/child support

>> No.53346418

>we're in a japanese death spiral
Good. Less people, less problems.

>> No.53346458

>Legalize polygamy
its not illegal dumbass

>> No.53346791

Not to be too doomer but there is no solution. Government incentives are not enough to overcome what is a byproduct of being an industrialized nation. India, Indonesia, and Bangladesh are ALL below replacement rate with their fertility levels thats 1.8 billion people or 23% of the world population that all entered into the start of an inverted population pyramid since COVID began.

I really think the only way out is automation. But what does that look like? Robo PSWs that wipe your shit? A nursing home ran by robots?

>> No.53346972

It's just a thought experiment anon, assuming the government has near-total control of the population and they're not asking if it's possible but how to make it possible. I 100% agree with your diagnosis though about how any attempt will probably be a failure but am nonetheless curious how the CCP will tackle this problem in the coming years.

>> No.53347336

Stop paying for unproductive people out of taxed money. By pricing the young out of housing and everything else you ensure demographic collapse.

>> No.53347503
File: 108 KB, 1199x960, FISC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help working families survive on a single income.


>> No.53347650

any "solution that talks in absolute numbers like your pic should be thrown out a window because inflation changes those numbers fast, talk percentages then well get somewhere.

>> No.53347696

This is horrible. You've just created another government program subsidizing illegal immigrants and nigger breeding

>> No.53347762

Progressively increasing tax benefits, increased per child

>> No.53347868

When you "educate" people with high-time preference, of course they become more competent at sacrificing the future for the present.

>> No.53347971

>reshuffling the "good" teachers in a school district
>making the schools a lotto system
This would probably lower birth rates as your kids are forced to go to school with black and brown gang members regardless of where you live.
A testing system might help though because black and brown kids can't pass the tests.
It's crazy how the boundary between school districts can easily change house prices by $300k

>> No.53348084

Exempt from the education and revoke voting rights of women

>> No.53348650

It replaces many existing welfare programs that already do what you're afraid of. It just makes assistance easier to access for working people, who will often quit their jobs to access benefits. The current incentives are backwards and punish the middle and lower middle class.

>> No.53349184

This will only encourage the brown underclass.

Tax reduction would be better than cash payments

>> No.53349488

It is a byproduct of the structure of the economy and extremely rapid urbanization. And one child policy poured fuel to the fire.

The ideas to fight some of the symptoms are not going to make a huge difference. To have children people need adequate income and a sense of security. Housing is way too expensive and income is way too low for people to have more children. Because the social safety net is quite odd, it is very expensive to raise children.

So to solve the problem you need to bring down housing costs and increase the income of families. Housing costs are high because real estate has been perhaps the only way for families to save. If you bring down housing costs, it destroys the wealth of the older generation who really need it for retirement. So that is not going to happen.

To increase household income means destroying the export led economic model. That would entail a major rethink of the economy and would pose a direct threat to the CCP. So that is not happening.

There are no easy solutions and the actual solutions are so difficult no one is willing to even try. So the government will try a bunch of things that won't really solve the underlying issues over the next 5 years.

>> No.53349496

The only answer is liquidate the boomers and flood the market with cheap housing

New family formation needs to be cheaper

>> No.53349511

Got a link to these documentaries?

>> No.53349539

pay women to have kids an average of what they made in the last 5 years or some minimum wage. problem solved. i would much rather do my own childcare but i need to have an income for my family bc of the 2 income expectation

>> No.53349606

farm out people production to global manufacturing hubs