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53330681 No.53330681 [Reply] [Original]

>living by paycheck

>> No.53330691

You don't understand the American lifestyle.

>> No.53330699

they are niggers not by skin but by behavior

>> No.53330719

morons who think having money means they gotta buy a Lexus and live in an overpriced loft in your city's Gentrification District

>> No.53330722

Elucidate me

>> No.53330737


Aka weakminded consumers with excessive lifestyle inflation due to cultural programming.

>> No.53330741


>> No.53330778

Because they thought that by earning $250k it would be a good idea to have a million dollar house, 3 BMWs, a boat, and 3 kids.

>> No.53330935
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>> No.53330949

the majority of those $250k/year salaries exist in very high cost of living areas that are overrun with niggers. their income is sucked up by high housing costs (to avoid niggers) and private schooling (to also avoid niggers on section ape voucher scholarships.)

>> No.53330954

what is paycheck to paycheck meaning? i just bought a 280k home(65k down payment) and make about 90k takehome a year. 35 years old with no kid but now i been more mindful about spending. building up savings again tho

>> No.53331006


Look I hate most millennial culture as much as the next guy, and you are absolutely fucking retarded if you live paycheck to paycheck at $250k, but a couple things to note that might explain some degree of this:

1. Outside of health, expenses are generally higher earlier in life. You have young kids, or you haven't yet accumulated enough wealth to buy a car or a house outright. You have high monthly expenses. Boomers are at an age where they don't have high monthly expenses unless they live super extravagantly.

2. Millennials have a retarded attraction to the big city lifestyle. Many of them think the height of existence is to have an apartment in Brooklyn.

3. Shit really is way more expensive now than it was when Boomers were our age. Yes, wages have gone up in absolute numbers, but inflation and cost of living has outpaced them. Boomers didn't have to pay $50k/yr for college while making $7.50/hr working part time. Groceries and cars were more affordable. Housing was more affordable. Schools weren't so godawful yet that you had no choice but to shell out for private school.

>> No.53331084

I, for one, don't mind this madness.
If they start screeching how unlivable paycheck to paycheck is 250k salary then it's all fine
I'm spending 4k per annum, don't know what these faggots are crying about, but if it creates upward pressure for salaries then so be it

>> No.53331231


love conquers all, it will make your enemies into your footstool.

>> No.53331268

it basically means you don't add to your savings. you make as much money as you spend (or less) and so you're literally living off your most recent paycheck

>> No.53331327

This lmao, also most of these millennial onions faggots have gorillion subscriptions.

>> No.53331330

I guess they live in la or something

>> No.53331353

>get a mortgage they can barely afford
>lease a vehicle that's out of their league
>tons of frivolous spending (food delivery, countless streaming subscriptions, addictions, etc.)
>child support if divorced
I can go on and on

>> No.53331356


Many haven’t figured out, hunger doesn’t equal to starvation, and starvation doesn’t equal to death.

Our flesh truly isn’t our own.

>> No.53331392

How many millennials even make six figures 5 percentile? I know it’s lower than boomers

>> No.53331406

Because mean tweets were too much to handle. Orange man bad. Record breaking inflation and recession good. You will own nothing and eat the bugs.

>> No.53331414

God will provide you with what you need and with patience, your cup will be overflowing.

>> No.53331420

Retarded consumers. If I were on 250k per year I'd be set for life.

>> No.53331433

Most people are retarded with money

>> No.53331432


Gf and I make $410k combined and are “paycheck to paycheck” after we invest $20k each month we can barely pay the bills.

>> No.53331434

Even still, I bet it's not just their rent they're spending money on.
They think like this
>oh I live in LA, that means I need to go shop at organic grocery stores, and go out to lunch and dinner every day, and go to clubs and bars on the weekends, and drive a nice car, etc
This is legit how these people think

>> No.53331464

Huh? If you're a euro you need about 20K usd per annum for rent, groceries, insurance, dentist, etc. Maybe a bit more for fuel. How the hell do Americans suffer at 100K yearly?

>> No.53331507

based. my gay boyfriend and i make $820k combined and are "paycheck to paycheck" after we invest in chainlink and pay for our out of pocket HIV prophylaxis medications.

>> No.53331557

you never really live paycheck to paycheck in modern times because everyone has a 401k and a mortgage.
it's just banks that seethe that when deposits drop too far.

>> No.53332315
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I am the sole income of my family of 4, soon to be 5. I work from home full time, own my quarter mil $ house and 3 cars outright and have no debt at all. I am 32 and make less than 100k a year. I tithe at my church. We spend somewhere around 1/3 to 1/2 of my take home each year and save or invest the rest. I take my wife out for date night every Friday and my daughter on a daddy-daughter date once a month.

If I can do it, you can too. These people living paycheck to paycheck on a quarter mil annual salary are degen consoomers, even if they live in NYC or L.A., guaranteed.

>> No.53332332
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>daddy-daughter date

>> No.53332374
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Also, this anon gets it.

>> No.53332449
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If you don't understand the value a daddy-daughter date provides, then you are too far beneath me to even waste my time to inform you.

>> No.53332452

nigga you're going to go in jail

>> No.53332471

my friend is married, him and wife both make 100k+ and he doesn't know what a Roth IRA is but he owns 3 new cars lol

>> No.53332501

Borrow money, buy assets. Debt is cheap.
Yes, you live 'pay cheque to pay cheque' but you're paying off loans that have already granted you goods.

>> No.53332520
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>poo english

>> No.53332679

>"I got a raise!"
>goes on more expensive vacations every year
>gets better apartment
>buys that car they've been thinking of
>believes they can go out more for food
>buys more expensive hobby stuff
I've seen stuff like this before. I also think it may have to do with buying the most expensive homes they can afford.
If they live in a large city, I can see this being the case because they look at it as a future investment.

>> No.53332761

I would love to see how those people spend 20k a month

>> No.53332785



>> No.53332964

Honestly I’ve done all that I can still shovel away 3k per month into investments on a 115k salary. I live in a nice neighborhood in a very large city too but it’s fairly low COL being in the Midwest.

>> No.53333006

Thats absurd. I make around 180,000 a year, buy whatever the hell I want, do whatever the hell I want, and have a shit ton of money in the bank.

>> No.53333641

I legitimately don't know how you could live paycheck to paycheck with that much money. I mean sure, I could spend that much with large purchases like cars and houses, but I wouldn't be able to do it so precisely that I end up with $0 at the end of each month.
I've heard that Americans are raised from birth to think that their monthly salary is the amount they can spend on monthly debt repayments, is this true?

>> No.53333686

>19.5k debt servicing to live like people who make 1 million a year.

It's really not rocket science.

>> No.53333721

>make $5m/year
>buy a new car every day
>literally homeless except for the fort i made out of cars
Help me.....please...............

>> No.53333727

$240k here.

I live paycheck to paycheck because I spend everything on crypto.

>> No.53333776

Expensive apartments in expensive cities
Luxury cars
Expensive lifestyles

It's not hard to spend money, especially in America

>> No.53333790

1. Millenials are not having children. For the ones that do, homeschooling is better and more popular than ever.
2. That's an example of millenial retardation, not a reasonable explanation.
3. For people in the $20-40k range that's a valid excuse to be living paycheck to paycheck. Catastrophic life events (eg: 7-8 figure medical bills) are the only reason why someone making $100k should be living paycheck to paycheck.

>> No.53333812

That's not what paycheck to paycheck means.

>> No.53333862

I would say, American style of living but it's happening in every country in the planet.

A lot of people are spending more that they can afford, don't save, get credit and into debt.

It's the jews btw

>> No.53333873
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>letting other men date your daughter

>> No.53333938

Yeah, my hobby are mostly related to computers. I bought a decent rig for gamming, Linux, virtualization, Stable Diffution, a personal website and a media server for movies, series and anime.

I change hardware every 5 years or so and my little server haven't changed it aside for more storage.

I pirate, though.

>> No.53333944

>section ape

>> No.53334121

brainwashing through media consumption and other shit made us millenials a bunch of mindless consumerists.

>> No.53334201

>$5k car payment
>$10k mortgage
It's not hard

>> No.53334219
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Some of it is just the weirdness of our economy
>crunk make shit wages
>how to stop making shit wages
>Crunk gets idea
>Crunk pays for technical certification and gets new job
>this depletes Crunk meager savings, Crunk sad
>Crunk gets new job, more money, Crunk happy
>Crunk has to pay higher taxes
>Crunk is advised to max out his Roth IRA
>Crunk now has no disposable income
>Crunk sad
>Crunk gets new job, more money, Crunk happy
>New job is in a different town, Crunk needs car
>Gas, insurance, taxes, maintenance...Bottom line remains the same
>Crunk moves to a new home to be closer to work, starts biking, Crunk smart
>HoA fees and property taxes rape his wallet, life remains unchanged
>Crunk growing angry
>Crunk wondering why all these people who sell certifications and houses and investment accounts all have funny last names

>> No.53335539

>I've heard that Americans are raised from birth to think that their monthly salary is the amount they can spend on monthly debt repayments, is this true?
I could type up a bunch of examples of the typical American mentality I've experienced but it's hardly worth it because you'd read it all and all you'd think is "that's retarded"
That said, it can be overcome. I have a few smart friends that after a few years of drilling financial ideas into their mind are low consumption high savers that are on their way to being rich.It's literally like deprogramming someone, though

>> No.53335574

Based, me and my schizophrenic second self make even more and we barely can live in a cardboard box in Detroit.

>> No.53335598

My property taxes are 12k a year on a modest house

>> No.53335603

I have a frtiend who earns 10k a month and he barely goes buy. Well, if the retard buys his wife a fucking Porsche that costs 1500k a month in lease...Just because "muh friends drive a nice car!!!" The more you earn the higher you monthly bills are...

>> No.53335621

Funko Pop's. Funny thing is i'd have done better on these than most crypto biz tried to shill


>> No.53335633

*goes by

>> No.53335716
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It's a mystery.

>> No.53335754

Well retard it means if you don't get a paycheck you won't be able to live (in this case pay for things).

>> No.53335770

Young kids cost less retard

>> No.53335803

If you make more money you just spend more. And most of the time take on debt for stuff you don't use, think you will, and then forget about (a bunch of new cars, new devices)

>> No.53335838

Young kids do not cost less. Older kids don't need diapers, wipes.. also baby clothing is more expensive

>> No.53335843

> i make 75k, 50k after taxes. someone who makes 200k get 125k after taxes. they spend at least 75k per year on retarded shit like bmws and hair gel. we both end up with the same 50k at the end of the day

>> No.53335941

People really hit that $100k number and psyche themselves up like they’re not anything but middle class.
I live off like 30-35% of my net income.
Get to a base level and every $50k you earn extra gets you an extra $1250/mo to spend on whatever you want. Want a nicer apartment? Ok. Want to buy more guns? Ok. If you do shit like this and just pump the shit out of your investments and you expenses the same as a percentage of income there’s no fucking way you will go broke.

>> No.53335955

Don't expect the NEETS on this board to get this. You can't be le epic frugal hermit and work in any respectable position. You need to keep up a ton of appearances as well if you ever want to leave 6 figure hell.

>> No.53335959

new york. the condo fees are $1,500 lol

>> No.53335971

>If I were
This is why you'll never have it.

>> No.53335980
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I'm doing that on 65k/year

>> No.53336017

Must be exhausting