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53329181 No.53329181 [Reply] [Original]

Gen z will be a generation of retinoids. Millennials were barely able to buy houses under more favorable conditions(lower home prices and no competition from banks) than what Gen Z will face. Gen Z isn’t going to get the benefit of record-low interest rates either.

>> No.53329195

At least I will still have the constitution to wipe my ass with

>> No.53329216

i'll just live with my parents until i die and inherit their house
i will never wage
i will always NEET
fuck kikes niggers and trannies

>> No.53329220

It's ogre

>> No.53329222
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Gen Z is unironically the most cucked generation ever, the cherry on top of the cake is that they will focus on trivial issues like SJW woke shit while they get stripped from everything they have and end up eating the bugs while living in a dystopian society with carbon credit scores, mass surveilance and CBDCs.

t. 1994er

>> No.53329252

Good. Nothing but a bunch of slack jawed, limp wristed poofters. They get what they fucking deserve, NOTHING!

>> No.53329273

The millennial’s children in first world countries will be the most fucked over.

>> No.53329284


The interesting question is: what will happen to home owners? Same thing as with farmers? Will the juice expropriate them, by forcing ridiculous taxes, like they are doing with the farmers?

>> No.53329340
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>by forcing ridiculous taxes
Um yes?

This is already happening here in Italy. The EU just made a new "law" in which homes need to meet a specific green requirement. If your house isn't Class A/B/C/D you can't rent it or sell it.

This means that 35% of houses in Italy need to be restructured or they simply can't be sold. It is estimated to cost roughly 50k per appartment

>> No.53329354

the entirety of gen z's existence will be worshipping Big Millennial Cock

>> No.53329449

Older Millennials were the last to afford houses. They will save them for their children instead of sell them to pay for some stupid cruise.

>> No.53329732

>can't afford """upgrades"""
>govt or bank seize your house instead
It's quite literally over.

>> No.53330372

There will be no first world by then

>> No.53330447

Remember, you are NEVER fucked if you live in a high-income country (USA or western Europe). Worst case scenario just move to a poor country where real estate is cheap!

>> No.53330450

Well I'm not fucking selling anyway

>> No.53332106

l'assoluto stato
vanno uccisi questi cazzo di parassiti vergognosi