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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 25 KB, 581x661, avax 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53325144 No.53325144 [Reply] [Original]


Sorry for the twitter thread, I'll be posting caps for most of it here for you to read, but here's the source to the sources. I suggest you read it yourself.

Avax fabricated the whole damn announcement of it being partnered with Amazon. They even wrote the supposed blog post from AWS (yes, they're that retarded) that backed up their claim of a partnership.

You may now proceed to laugh at AVAX baggies.

>> No.53325151
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>> No.53325156
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>> No.53325165
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>> No.53325183
File: 169 KB, 582x862, avax 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just going to stop spamming for now. I feel like this is enough to get the gist but you should read the rest at link.

They're not the only ones either, ALGO is a fucking scam token as well that's attempting to engineer pumps out of its retail.

I hate these CEO's so much.

>> No.53325188

TL;DR: ESL retard seethes on twitter; AWS employees confirm its a partnership on a Twitter Spaces

>> No.53325194

Everyone with a brain knows that avax is a dead shitcoin shilled by roaches and chuds.
>inb4 matic shills, icp shill etc.
I don't hold shitcoins like this and I would never shill this shit.

>> No.53325205

fuck off roach.

there’s a reason the SEC is investigating Ava Labs and the Multiverse program as a fuckin fraud

>> No.53325211

[citation needed]

>> No.53325232

>sec investigation
Every fucking coin has an investigation going on. It truly is over

>> No.53325238
File: 186 KB, 596x616, scamvax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very based, I hate them all but the antics between the baggies is hilarious!

Embarrassing, read the source. AWS confirmation was faked you retard. Want some more "FUD"? Here! I got you bro!


>> No.53325240

here come the street shitters to defend their bags



>> No.53325256

you can listen to AWS employees call it a 'deep partnership' etc. dozens of times here you seething ESL retard


>> No.53325264
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>> No.53325271

>lacks comprehension
Ah, I see the mutts are starting to wake up. Good morning

>> No.53325275

imagine unironically believing running nodes in aws is bullish

>> No.53325296

>street shitter is upset

I get it roach, it’s hard to defend your coin when you know the SEC got started on another investigation into Avax and Ava Labs on December 1st

>> No.53325326

hahaha, Avax is a pure scam.

>> No.53325351
File: 195 KB, 390x309, so cute!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming from the ESL who actually has atrocious grammar? That's rich, you insufferable subhuman.

Your video proves nothing, because they literally PAID for their supposed "partnership". Yes, amazon web3 team leads are legally allowed to call it a "deep partnership". That's not a regulated marketing term you insipid fuck! Neither is AVAX announcing this as a partnership. It's all legal! Even if it's completely exaggerating and fabricating the level of the so called "partnership".

I'll say it again:
Amazon is not involved with AVAX beyond what they paid for, AVAX paid for this whole thing. ALL OF IT!

>> No.53325385

Lol the seethe is hilarious. Imagine being so jealous about the fact that Amazon actually formed a real partnership with another blockchain you'd make up lies about it. Why marry your coins? Just sell and go buy Avax instead like winners do lol

>> No.53325403

ICP chuds, we are redeemed

>> No.53325422

You say they are lies but you never prove they are. Meanwhile we proved you were liars and your only response was "no u"

AVAX roaches themselves are going to zero, day of the bug spray is approaching

>> No.53325440
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>> No.53325459
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Sirer, please do not redeem!

>> No.53325461
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>> No.53325489

I don't own any AVAX but the fud itt is very reminiscent of Link fud, and Avalanche have a close relationship with Link.
Trying to fud Brad Feinstein, a senior go-to-market development manager at AWS is akin to the fud attempts made on Jonathan Ehrenfeld Solé of Swift at Smartcon.
The fudder makes it a bit easy by all the screeching he does. He's almost certainly one of the Link fud hardore, taking time out from his usual Link fudding.
The AWS partnership is great news for Avalanche, and dickheads like OP are just the noise we've grown used to in this space over the years.

>> No.53325507
File: 160 KB, 1080x1283, 1658221943160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVAX is LITERALLY living rent-free in inferior shitskin bagholders heads. They're so assblasted about Avalanche that they unironically create multiple fud threads daily. Literally the biggest signal that Avalanche will shoot up to top 5 soon.

>> No.53325525

Lol we dont need to prove anything. Amazon actually said it themselves; Howard Wright of AWS says;
"Howard Wright, of AWS: “When you multiply Activate times Avalanche times Subnet, you have something that’s a seminal moment. I think blockchain [technology] will become a commonplace and used in our marketplace by developers.”

But I'm sure some random ESL guy with a.dot twitter handle, or Dominic Williams' butt buddy (I read this same thing last week with Dom getting his pants in a twist over it because again his shitcoin got shown up) knows better than the guy actually AT Amazon...

Buy or dont and stay poor. I geniunely hope you believe your own fud though and dont buy.

>> No.53325539

>Lol we dont need to prove anything
lol lmao
>Amazon actually said it themselves
amazon says yay aws good all blockchain should use us we think its amazing ples use us
wow amazing !!!

>> No.53325563

>AWS partnership and spokesman for company gushing about the relationship is bearish
Do you ever have any success when you go on these kamikaze fud adventures?

>> No.53325582

>gushing about his own company being used by MANY blockchains
yes, of course he does

>> No.53325610

thats a nice dodge, post a recording or fuck off

>> No.53325630


>> No.53325634

wow who is Howard wright an Amazon lead tech guy?
no he’s a former basketball player
guy doesn’t know shit lmao

>> No.53325654

No one even mentioned LinkChain, would you kindly grow the fuck up and stop thinking everything is about your specific currency and that there is some convoluted effort from anons here trying to fud you out of your bags? You're genuinely mentally ill if so. Keep buying your token no one cares but your schizo logic is retarded and if you're so far gone you cant see that I'm sorry to say then it's clear the intelligent link holders are long gone if you are what's left.

Two more weeks man, any day now, it's happening, "Soon", genuine FUD like this is proof you guys are going to be super rich! Yep! We are all just brown skinned indians and maybe some jews mixed in... oops did I say "we"? Haha oops I totally let slip that it's a group effort of many people trying to bring down AVAX before it pumps to a top token! AH!!! If only I could buy this token instead of FUDing it all day!!!! Get real schizo.

You do need to prove it. I've shown you enough proof you're wrong. You've provided nothing but cope to the conversation.

Wow! Why would they do that I wonder?
And you also ignored that he's a literal basketball player, which I addressed in an earlier post made by an ICP drone on twitter that actually had legitimate points.

>> No.53325663

No buddy I dont need to prove it because I already bought. You dont have to so get rekt.

>> No.53325688


>> No.53325689


>> No.53325726

>No one even mentioned LinkChain
I mentioned Chainlink
>stop thinking everything is about your specific currency
kek spot the retard
>You're genuinely mentally ill
ooh a bit of gaslighting, nice - that'll defo work!

This angry mong has nothing to contribute

>> No.53325768

Most pathetic thread on /biz/ at the moment, outperformed the dozens of pajeet bot threads, congrats

>> No.53325780
File: 404 KB, 840x854, 1665764036776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Avax makes one-sided announcement that they're working with AWS
>Avax pumps 50%

>Associated Press, Swift, Deutsche Telekom, ... all tweet themselves that they're working with Chainlink
>Bitcoin dumps

>> No.53325825

Yes, retard, you sure brought up LinkChain. Why again? No reason? Okay, enjoy your investment because no one cares. This thread is about a CEO literally creating fake pumps by duping their retail investors to dump on them. Fuck off if you have nothing logical to add. No, "this is just like when people said bad things about MY token!" is not valid conversation. You're mentally ill I'll say it again or even just highly illogical.

Cuckhold bagholder.

Yeah, you bought a scam. I'm not the one getting rekt because I don't buy any of these shitcoins, but if I can rub it in your faces I can at least get some laughs out of it.

Looking at LinkChain you guys have a lot of nice swing trading opportunities it almost seems predictable. If I was a holder I'd take advantage of that to either grow your stack or make some side money and diversify. But yes, the markets recently have been fake as fuck and totally irrational.

>> No.53325962
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People will continue to buy these scam tokens and lose money in the long run, lets see where they end up in the next 5 years time. A quality project doesn't need to shill fake partnerships, they instead produce a quality product which is actually useful and will have mainstream adoption.

>> No.53326101

straight out of the ICO playbook circa 2017: 1: big vendor has a partnership program (Microsoft, Oracle, AWS etc)
2. it costs 500$ to sign up or whatever
3. sign up
4. announce partnership
5. profit

>> No.53326134

Are you from that porn addict group that also FUDs chainlink?

>> No.53326238

He really is. Look at the way he types. He lacks communication skills and has zero eloquence so he hides behind this wall of anger. It probably works well for him at home, where he can shout at his mother or someone.
Of course, we all know that he's the very same guy who's usually in the Chainlink threads. Look at how he responded; it was as though i'd splashed vinegar into an open cut.
I bet he has food all down his front and need to change his underwear.

>> No.53326287
File: 6 KB, 250x207, 515D8688-A0C3-4B84-A03E-562498B6F6D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But why is he fudding Avalanche now?
Is it because they are partnered with Chainlink?
What goes on in the little peanut sized brain of a porn addicted chainlink fudder?

>> No.53326299

Amazon didn't go to avax. Avax went to Amazon. The money flows from avax to Amazon not Amazon to avax. Simple to see Amazon doesn't need avax

>> No.53326308

Porn addicted fudder switched IPs to reply to his own thread.
They are trying really hard to attack the Avalanche/Amazon Partnership.

>> No.53326324

ICP bag holder or unironic ICP paid shill. ICP keeps losing so they spend their money on jeets posting here rather than make a product people want. Ive learned to ignore these type of threads, its evident to anyone that speaks english what this partnership means, only a jeet would listen to the AWS team say this is the only partnership blockchain they have and think AVAX paid for it

>> No.53326347

Are the ICP shills the Porn addicted Fudders?
Maybe thats how they are connected, wasnt ICP trying to attack chainlink too?
I see a pattern here

>> No.53326349

I like how you start your debate off with me losing. That way you automatically won no matter what you post. I'll try your method. You are a faggot jew. Therfore I win by default

>> No.53326383

If that guy likes Seals, then sure that's totally me. Now go back to your Chainlink threads because I could care less about what you invest in. This has nothing to do with your coin.

Call out scams when you see them and maybe you'll save at least one fool from parting with his money.
Bagholders be damned.

Pretty fucking much. That's the surest sign it's a garbage announcement. The bagholders are getting milked on these fake pumps and their money sent to Amazon was totally worth it for that.

Nice cope, but reality is you guys are not going to ATH this cycle, better luck next time. (there won't be one because this token is done after current cycle)

I don't like ICP and I lump your two tokens together as the same shit.

>> No.53326440

>Porn addict mentally ill homos double down on their lies and FUD

Care to explain how you got your mental illness?

>> No.53326450

Also interesting to note, OP is probably posting screenshots of his own twitter.
We should investigate that account and see what we can find out.

>> No.53326465

sorry namefag, no amount of gaslighting and gay hysterics disproves anything laid out in the Twitter Spaces video. I'm sorry that you missed out on the generational bottom. Better luck next time.

>> No.53326470

I couldnt care less about LINK or really even AVAX, I just hate ICP because their entire identity is based on attacking other blockchains to cover up their failures and shortcomings

>> No.53326490


of course it lied. all these crypto people lie about this sort of thing.

Amazon doesnt need some shitty coin,

>> No.53326489

iExec RLC had a very similar thing with AWS. Only difference being that the iExec community manager immediately came out and shot down any budding hype and stated it was really not a big deal.

RLC baggies seethed.

>> No.53326516

>its evident to anyone that speaks english what this partnership means, only a jeet would listen to the AWS team say this is the only partnership blockchain they have and think AVAX paid for it

what use does amazon have for this shit?

how is it going to save them money which is their priority right now?

>> No.53326539

According to Amazon they have a host of companies using AWS for various reasons, and with the subnets on Avalanche they can offer those companies blockchain support seemlessly through their platform if they ever want to get into blockchain tech. In other words, the company already uses AWS for things, wants to get into web3, goes to their AWS homepage, and can add a subnet to their offerings with a few clicks

>> No.53326558

>LINK or really even AVAX
Why not?
They are good legit projects that actually deliver.

Still havent figured out what “Blockchain as a Service“ is?
How do you get through life being this slow?

>> No.53326639
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Thanks for the bump, it's good to keep this scam exposed at the top of /biz/ so people know to avoid this scam garbage.

Care to explain the mental illness that makes you throw your money into scams time after time? Or are you just a poorfag who wants to believe he will get out before the other suckers? You're just a piece of shit either way I guess!

Feel free to investigate both of the twitters I posted! They aren't me and I couldn't care less what you find on them.

I already told you baggie so let me repost what I typed, AGAIN:

>"Your video proves nothing, because they literally PAID for their supposed "partnership". Yes, amazon web3 team leads are legally allowed to call it a "deep partnership". That's not a regulated marketing term you insipid fuck! Neither is AVAX announcing this as a partnership. It's all legal! Even if it's completely exaggerating and fabricating the level of the so called "partnership"."

A video of WEB3 division leaders who are talking up one of their customers isn't indicative that this wasn't a paid for "partnership" if you weren't a desperate baggie or a non retard you'd know it's actually indicative of the opposite. That this is nothing more than a WEB3 team under AWS that is talking up their service and talking up the customers already subscribed.
There is NO partnership the likes that AVAX is hoping to dupe you with. It's a paid for "partnership" and you are a fucking idiot.

You can't disprove this because it's a fundamental truth. I've seen it with a token called $VIEWS as well that I sold and dipped hard on after it pumped because it's a common fucking scam announcement.
As >>53326489 stated it's very common.

Hilarious you actually believe that's special.
That can be done for ANY of the blockchains using AWS. LOL! Imagine forgetting that simple fact! All they have to do is simply tell you some marketing jingo and you fall for it hook line and sinker.

>> No.53326679

>that makes you throw your money into scams time after time?
Avalanche is not a Scam, everyone knows this.
The better question is why are mentally ill porn addicts like you fudding it now?

>> No.53326888
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Thanks to this thread everyone now knows it is.

You should come up with better arguments that don't make you look so obsessed with some coomer who is trolling LinkChain holders and getting the schizos riled up.

>> No.53326991

Its called Chainlink, how come you dont even know what you are fudding?
First day at the job?
Can you denounce the Talmud?
Just write that yahweh is not your god and that israel has no right to exist.
Can you do that?

>> No.53327088
File: 1.14 MB, 4796x2426, Amazon & Ava Labs Bring Scalable Blockchain Solutions to Enterprises and Governments - YouTube 🔊 2023-01-18 16-27-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile AVAX doing conferences with AWS team

Also doing conference with the Alibaba Cloud team

Also AWS shilling Avalanche on Linkedin to 7 million people

>> No.53327101

Are you ready for this crazy answer? It's because I don't care about ChainLink. At all. It has nothing to do with your scamcoin, does it? I'm here because I wanted to spread the news that Avalanche is fabricating fake pumps using fake "partnerships" and that the token is literally garbage scamware. I don't care about Chainlink. I don't care about retard coomers who are trolling the people who hold it. You absolute schizos started bringing it up in this thread showcasing how insecure you are with your own bags, not me!

Nothing worse than a low IQ jew hater that makes us actual countersemites look bad. Go back to new/pol/ where you belong, retard.

>> No.53327111

"Bring scalable Blockchain solutions to Enterprises and Governments"

which means AWS GovCloud too

>> No.53327148

>Spin up an AWS server
>upload index.html

>> No.53327169
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I almost bagged into that shit, glad I dodged a major bullet there.

>> No.53327174
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>> No.53327189

We already went over that in this thread, read and keep up. AWS is saying the same shit they could say about any blockchain on their service. They paid for the AWS WEB3 team to talk it up, and AWS WEB3 team did just that. Talk up their service and talk up how Avalanche can provide blockchain as a service from here on out. WOooOOOOoooo fancy! Except it's literally nothing, the money goes to AWS, NOT AVAX. (except the part where it creates a pump that they profit off of because you're all too stupid to see it)

Oh as for Alibaba cloud services it's exactly the same fucking garbage. They paid money towards them.

Here's where it gets business oriented and you have to come to the sad realization you've been had. Try to keep up brainlet, if Avalanche is paying these companies for their services and no one (why would they?) is using Avalanche blockchain services/nodes... what was the fucking point of this all?

There is none, this is all paid advertising essentially and there is no partnership.

Get absolutely fucked and get a brain.

>> No.53327200
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>AWS employees confirm its a partnership on a Twitter Spaces

>> No.53327204
File: 285 KB, 1080x1310, Tweets with replies by John Wu 🔺 (@John1wu) Twitter 2023-01-18 16-37-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Wait till you see what's next" - John Wu, President Ava Labs

Imagine letting these retards fud your bags and one in a lifetime opportunity

My theory is that AWS is working with Avalanche on a Government solution

>> No.53327235


“We aspire to be strategic long-term partners; it’s a differentiating and motivating factor for us,” said Howard Wright, VP and global head of startups at AWS. “

So the complement of the Subnets and our Activate we think is the perfect time, perfect opportunity and we humbly think we’ll look back years in time and see this as a significant time for blockchain expansion.”

>> No.53327239

oh boy an avax thread.
it's ICP ghetto trash posting schizo shit again.
isn't this like the 82x time?

>> No.53327267
File: 148 KB, 614x700, avax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Google is partnering with AVAX because AVAX searches on Google.
It's a cloud service you muppet.

>> No.53327270

Interesting so you are actually jewish.

>> No.53327276


"That’s including Netflix, Uber & Airbnb, they've redefined verticals & we have the audacity to think others like them are out there, including Ava”
"When you multiply Activate x $AVAX x Subnet you have something that’s a seminal moment"

Howard Wright - VP and global head of startups at AWS

>> No.53327305
File: 69 KB, 646x351, linked_in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep coping faggot, meanwhile AWS is promoting AVAX to their 8 million LinkedIn followers

>> No.53327313

Thats a lot of words to say you are butthurt lmao

>> No.53327359

It's literally like having a storefront on eBay.. But you go ahead and fill your bags kek.


>> No.53327363

Whic other blockchains are they doing this with? Name 1, just 1 blockchain they are doing this with, be it a town hall type event, a post on their twitter or linkedin, or quite literally any acknowledgement.

>> No.53327365

Its a shill, probably jewish too since he refused any of my requests. (Only a jew/paid shill would refuse).

>> No.53327372

All this AVAX FUD makes me want to buy more. AVAX should be #3 behind ETH. It is the best ETH alternative, with the best ecosystem by far, the most usage and TVL behind ETH. If you could only hold 3 coins it would be BTC, ETH, and LINK. And then when you add your forth it would be AVAX.

>> No.53327391
File: 81 KB, 640x552, Screenshot 2023-01-18 at 05.00.22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This screen is actually from an AVAX employee

I can only imagine what's next

>> No.53327427

>Sneed [ ]

>> No.53327430

oh, I don't know, let's see....
Just ETH and Hedera.


>> No.53327459

I asked for tweets, acknowledgement, etc. from Amazon or AWS. Not a link

>> No.53327469

The link is to AMAZON you retard

>> No.53327502

literally just sold my avax bags. good luck faggots im out

>> No.53327509

I'm surprised to see the ICP bagholders so active in the AVAX threads given that they need about a 600x pump to break even lol

>> No.53327557

I can link amazon to anything in a URL, Im specifically asking for a tweet or post FROM AMAZON VERIFIED SOCIALS about another blockchain. Goddamn jeet mongoloid

>> No.53327617

Lmao. Avaxtards absolutely BTFO. Looks like Rose is still the only crypto with real partnerships. Their partners actually acknowledged the partnership.

>> No.53327649

He's literally a fucking celeb hired VP! LOL
A basketball player! Who knows nothing of blockchain technology. They PAID for this. He's a spokesman who is there to get deals with his celeb status which is why they hired him. Use your common sense. That's just fucking marketing speak.

Fuck ICP, sorry if you hold bags, but that's how I feel.

Absolutely drooling.

Marketing speak. From a basketball player, again. If you think he's coming up with this jingo himself I have a shitcoin called AV- Oh you already bought it LOL!

It's literally the same thing as their fucking tweet that's been debunked. Literally nothing haha.

As another anon stated, ETH and Hedera, also iExec. AVAX realized their baggies were dumb enough to fall for a fake marketing gamble on hyping this up as a partnership however. that speaks volumes about the quality of AVAX holders. I tried to help you bros but if you genuinely are this dumb I guess nothing will help.

I don't owe you anything newfag. You only hate jews because we provided the redpills and much to our regret people like you make us look like useless subhumans who can't even regurgitate what you've learned properly.

Keep buying retard. Fill up until you're dumping your 401k in. Enjoy!

They're just enjoying seeing you guys get shit on I guess? They've got their own problems but if they want to consider your "L" a "W" for them so be it.
You sound scared. Of a token that's basically dead. I guess you must know you're next, huh?

One more fucking time I'll say it since I caught this before I send this post.
It doesn't matter if AWS was paid to do marketing speak on Avalanches behest. It means nothing. It's marketing speak. This is nothing new, if you read the twitter threads you'd actually understand they're deliberately exaggerating this "partnership".

>> No.53327658
File: 403 KB, 1188x908, amazon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go faggot, now please neck yourself :)

>> No.53327671


>> No.53327680


OHNONONONO BUT OUR AWS TWEET!!! IT MEANS WE'VE MADE IT BROS!!!! HAHAHA These dumbasses don't get how often this has been done in the past.

And THAT is how you know they're fucking newcyclefags.

>> No.53327686

There are some good ICP devs that acknowledge AVAX good aspects, but damn, the bagholderinos, Dominic and his orbiters are truly delusional and unreasonably aggressive to other projects. I don't understand why, maybe they think attacking everyone else will bring capital to their "alien" tech lol
But I do envy how their forum is miles ahead of the AVAX forum

>> No.53327691

its pretty obvious you arent from around here but keep making a fool out of yourself

>> No.53327693

What about this?
This is way more than chainlink got from Google when that fake partnership was announced

>> No.53327707

It works I suppose, you did as I asked. Thank you, I just purchased 5 more AVAX, ETH would go on to pump astronomically a few weeks after this tweet

>> No.53327713


>> No.53327732

>just purchased 5 more AVAX
enjoy you 1.0001x gains

>> No.53327742

Thank you, its comparable to your villages networth Im sure.

>> No.53327772
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>> No.53327788

>don't get how often this has been done
he had to pull up a tweet from 5 years ago you stupid nigger. it's pretty rare for AWS to mention any crypto, much less endorse it like they did AVAX.

>> No.53328030

I love seeing people seethe over AVAX's success lmfao

>> No.53328218
File: 67 KB, 379x488, kramer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AWS literally partners with Hedera and ETH almost 5 years ago
>okay but this one time only
>I'm going to buy more just to prove you all wrong! I'M GOING TO BUY ANOTHER $60 WORTH!!
Seriously, does your parents know what you're spending your allowance on?

>> No.53328239

Why does a thread reposting that shitty pedoDOT avalanche FUD have 108 replies jfc

>> No.53328400
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>> No.53329028
File: 135 KB, 410x340, 1672143911142865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The WAS lead says it specifically at 2:13 of this TechCrunch led Twitter Spaces between Avalanche and AWS executives. A multi-year "partnership" is mentioned over times in the first few minutes.

OP is a Pedodot bagholder thats jealous his tranny overlord doesnt get any real partnerships

>> No.53329041


>> No.53329143
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>> No.53329150
File: 356 KB, 744x997, avax213235aws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

average iq in this post is around 10. What the fuck are you talking about "one sided" ? are you confused with polygon or cardano?

here is amazon aws tweet:


>> No.53329175

never mind you had never avax bags, fuck off :)

>> No.53329467

You retard, AWS Tweeted, Announced, and held a spaces where AWS execs discussed the partnership

>> No.53329511

That thread has already been completely debunked.

>> No.53329527

He sold before the dump, bet you're feeling pretty jealous right about now. He can pick up more for free if he wanted to.
Guess you should have sold. ;)

>> No.53329533
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>Avax fabricated the whole damn announcement of it being partnered with Amazon. They even wrote the supposed blog post from AWS (yes, they're that retarded) that backed up their claim of a partnership.
If you weren't a Latin American nigger you would know how to read dumbass. There are other two members of the AWS team that wrote that article. They even did a Twitter space lol

>> No.53329556

For some reason ICP shillers love to fud everything and anything out there. About the thread, it's clear paid FUD seeing that he's a DOT maxi or something. AWS posted about the partnership and there were interviews and twitter spaces talking about it and how it's different from other partnerships. OP should really touch some grass.

>> No.53329559
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Keep the low budget fud coming you shitskin indian morons, keep feeding my cooin yees!!!
4chan faggots are doing everything they can to get some bumps, lmao

>> No.53329595

okay, since you watched/read/tweeted and have the tshirt.
Explain to me how this is different than the ETH partnership with AWS that they did 5 YEARS AGO.

>> No.53329667

To make this shit show the shortest, heads from the Avalanche community and amazon already confirmed the partnership, it wasn't fabricated as this shitskin fag says, slowly but surely it's becoming evident that this is some elaborate paid fud against AVAX, just like it has happened in the past, every single time it has been bullish bitches like this literally spawn from the sewers to talk about shit they don't even understand

>> No.53329672


>> No.53329703

This is AWS’ first FOUNDATIONAL partnership with a blockchain.

>> No.53329751

>Still havent figured out what “Blockchain as a Service“ is?
>How do you get through life being this slow?

blockchain as a service?

blockchain is useless for any practical purpose.

>> No.53329904

Amerisharts who disparage ESL people are retarded. "Lol you have atrocious grammar". Nigger, you sharts speak 0.8 languages and constantly misuse their/they're, its/it's, your/you're, etc. Constantly. And you dare to shit on someone who speaks at least 2 languages?

Fucking 54% subhuman pieces of shit... the most kiked and sharted "people" on the planet.

>> No.53329941

I would love to see which resources he used to write that thread. He clearly took all those shitty lies out of his ass.

>> No.53329954
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roach infested scamcoin

>> No.53329990

OP and most fags on this board lack reading comprehension.
The blog article written on the AWS page literally says that it was reviewed by both Amazon and AVAX individuals, and both agree that it's indeed a partnership.

>> No.53330051

you have committed harakiri, anon what have you done??

>> No.53330052
File: 41 KB, 1005x676, Polkaretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to be the same dumbass Pajeet who created that twitter thread. Why are you taking screenshot of every tweet and posting it here?

Since you're such a Twitter smarty, why don't you look up the AWS account and see for yourself that the company itself made the announcement of the partnership?

What's the matter, is your boss at Polkadot putting pressure on you? Is that it?

>> No.53330133
File: 326 KB, 1188x908, eth_aws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to believe you're this much of a retard. You're pretending to be retarded, right? RIGHT??

>> No.53330274

I'd like to see a few years from now, the retards who took heed of this paid fud when Avalanche and AWS start showing results from their alliance to see what your pockets will look like.

>> No.53330341

The blog was actually co authored by 2 AVAX/avalabs members and 2 AWS members. (https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/startups/building-application-specific-blockchains-with-aws-on-avalanche/).). Scroll to the bottom and confirm for yourselves who the 4 co-authors are.

They aren’t paying AWS, this is a start up partnership. (Refer to co-authored blog & joint twitter space links)

Emin’s reply to the Pastore twitter thread was in essence just calling him a troll. OP is what could politely be called ‘dense’ for thinking the reply was “basically confirming” it was fake. Are you kidding me? faith in humanity’s common sense… fading

AWS tweeted about the partnership and agree with what is said in the blog. Otherwise,.. you know,… they wouldn’t have approved the tweet and sent it out from their official account. (https://twitter.com/awscloud/status/1614307242899111936?s=46&t=eQ2dbNvlFnrg17ipTez4sQ))

A joint twitter space with AWS and Avalabs was held shortly after the announcement to discuss the partnership (https://youtu.be/z9B1TZnV-uo))

>> No.53330374
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anon woke up today and decided to spit facts

>> No.53330377
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>> No.53330452

I like Algo and follow the ecosystem somewhat, do you have a source? As far as I know, all partnerships they announced were real, they just did little for the token price yet (e.g. FIFA).

>> No.53330563

I agree.
Retards just talk shit and don't see the potential of things like this.

>> No.53330611
File: 87 KB, 838x673, AB2C767C-EB7D-42D3-AD8F-7A0BB49AD92F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt AVAX cucks call partnerships “useless” and kept shitting on Polygon partnerships for months?

why are they all of sudden so bullish on developing partnerships of their own?
at least Polygon partnerships are real and are announced by the actual company the chain is partnering with lol

>> No.53330618

the main difference is that polygon pays for their partnerships

>> No.53330637

i love how you AVAX cucks spin the narrative
one moment:
>Polygon pays for big companies
the next moment:
>Big companies/VCs are pumping Polygon.
make up your fucking mind

>> No.53330656

It is funny to see how ICP faggots feel attracted to attack Avalanche when they have a shitcoin that only circulates 25%.

>> No.53330657

What a fucking idiot promoting your shitty Twitter account here, KEK.

>> No.53330662
File: 241 KB, 1600x1483, partnerships.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me real proof that polygon paid for any of the companies in picrel

>> No.53330695

they wont find any proof
its initially a rumor started by some Solana cuck on twitter and AFAGs got on the wave too
Keep in mind he sites no real source or receipts. Just a rumor he put out

>> No.53330772
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>> No.53330811


Ava labs joining AWS activate never happened then? go fuck urself anon

>> No.53330820

This makes sense, actually. He's trying so hard it's sad already

>> No.53330856


>> No.53330868

It appears I have created quite the seething. :)
Have a good day as you argue amongst each other of who has the worst bags. Lol

>> No.53330896

This is the fud for a coin that had a double mint problem? Nobody cares, people will forget that in a nanosecond and shill this shit anyway. My bags stay full.

>> No.53330927

I thought being associated with AWS was a negative in crypto?

>> No.53330941

So there won't be a link for misrepresented Algo partnerships? You forgot to provide one

>> No.53330947

It is because it's completely decentralized. I just wanted to see if anyone even talked about it.

All it takes is having AWS go down or censoring you and well... utterly disrupted.

>> No.53330996

>19 posts by this id

Suck my dick, not selling. Cope, seethe and dilate

>> No.53331009

Your funeral.

>> No.53331028
File: 569 KB, 538x788, Screenshot 2022-12-29 at 16-36-56 zheG2dmafZTKsjJ5_KEdHlttljGF6vh1pMZZzKieGFc.jpg (WEBP Image 842 × 1234 pixels) — Scaled (63%).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same vibes kek

Many such cases in crypto. Sad!

>> No.53331075

Fuck all grifters to death.

>> No.53331083
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>> No.53331101

Shitcoin shills lied about partnership with mega USA corporation name.
How new are you?

>> No.53331114

Never fails.

>> No.53331148

Shitcoin shills lied about partnership with mega USA corporation name.
How new are you really?

>> No.53331171
File: 95 KB, 601x821, AVAXAWS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, for the 20th time in this fucking thread, there you go.

Also >>53330618

>> No.53331179

Not surprised. I watched a couple hours of Turkroach-in-chief on Youtube recently and my alarm bells were ringing. Just his cockiness and arrogance and disdain for every other crypto project combined with low information about what he and Avax are actually doing wasn't a good feel. And for that reason, I'm out.

>> No.53331213

Promotions on LinkedIn? AHAHAHAHA shitcoin bagholders are so fucking retarded.

>> No.53331228

Post the Algo link, please. If you can't, just say so

>> No.53331229

60% of Avalanche nodes are on private servers because its trivially easy to do, and it isn't frightening to de because there is no slashing. If your machine goes down, you can easily spin up a new machine with the same Node-ID

I agree centralization is bad though, so why do three companies (Who host on AWS) have enough staked ETH to do anything uncontested?

>> No.53331780

AVAX paid $0 for this, unlike Polygon which has spent its funds on irrelevant partnerships like Starbucks. Nobody taking a coffee in there gives a damn fuck about it.

>> No.53331796

Lol, are these especulations in the room with us???

Fuckn faggot make a good research at least, the main team of Amazon made the announcements by themselves.

Go to look for some attention in other place

>> No.53331854

literally an ass blasted turkroach

>> No.53331859

Can you provide source for this SEC investigation? I'm not a turk roach, I just want more weapons for my arsenal to kill avax niggers.

>> No.53331983
File: 57 KB, 1066x1392, kys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the main difference is that polygon pays for their partnerships
the main difference is that Polygon partnerships are mutually acknowledged by both the chain and the companies

>> No.53332027 [DELETED] 

>no mention of the word partnership whatsoever
what they’re saying technically is that Avalanche is using AWS, something that literally every other chain can do (Polygon has a much of nodes there)

>> No.53332282
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>> No.53332291
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>> No.53332297
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>> No.53332470
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The ole, take existing memes and edit them scam. I was bullish on Avalanche until I saw this, now you've convinced me to sell because they edit memes.

>> No.53332529

Then go ahead and sell, lol.

>> No.53332847

Wow so much information, I wish it was real information and not just smear, it's really funny how the ICP people put so much effort into smear campaigns and FUD instead of improving their technology, maybe if they did they would be closer to achieving great things, but it seems it's just not your thing

>> No.53333044

Wow, today they have made a lot of effort with the FUD these days, my question now is... Why so much effort? It's not like things have changed for ICP. They attacked Chainlink first, now Avalanche, who's next? Things shouldn't go well on ICP (well, they've never gone well HAHA), but come on, if you're going to do FUD, try a little harder, I mean... a thread (which is no longer available on twitter) full of information? false only? Come on man, that's pathetic

>> No.53333125

>deep partnership'
Lmao this means absolutely nothing

>> No.53333826

Polygoon hasnt done anything for the space even with "partnerships" its intrinsic value is too low to keep trying defending or looking forward to them.

>> No.53333855

Theres neither proof avax paid for any of its partnerships, what a weak way to try catch attention lol

>> No.53334282

That thread is the poorest FUD attempt against a coin. Better go and use another argument than this lmao

>> No.53334560

>bought at 12
>sold at 17

Thanks for playing

>> No.53334647

kek seething pajeet

>> No.53334780

win is a win

>> No.53335849

everything pumped 50% this week. what is this retards point?

>> No.53337163
